Map Idea: Lords of Darkness RPG

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Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
I'm a little new to battlenet, but I found several make your own RPG maps I found interesting. I decided to try my hand at one.

The Main Drawpoints...
:fp: A drawnout techtree for six races that can be played War 3 style: Human Allience,
Orcish Horde,
Undead Scourge,
Night Elf Sentinels,
Naga Tidewalkers,
and Broken Shadowkeepers
:fp: Custom Naga and Broken units, including Heros
:fp: Chaotic landscape, a mixture of Outland and Dungeon, with creep camps and nutral units allready in play

What I need help with...

*Setting up the unit techtrees for fairness
*Importing and finding models for the two new races and thier heros
*The trigger details for the style of map in question
*Help with spell creation and balencing

The Type of Units I need for the game...

Naga Units:
This branch of Naga did not work under Lady Vashj, though they are still talented in war. What thier motives are, who knows...

Mur'gul Slave- Basic Worker Unit. Same as FT
Mur'gul Reaver- Weak Attack Unit. Same as FT
Myrmidon- Basic Melee Unit. Same as FT
Snap Dragon- Basic Ranged Unit. Same as FT
Dragon Turtle- Large Siege unit. Same as FT
*Archer- A light ranged unit meant to strike farther targets then the Snap Dragon. Can learn Submerge.
Couatl- Light Flying Unit. Same as FT
Siren- Basic Spellcaster. Same as FT
*Hellcaster- A spellcaster weilding the fire arts of demons. Innitially knows Fireball, but may also learn Fire Breath and Flamestrike.
*Blade Dancer- The only female melee unit. Deals powerful strokes with the 4 swords she holds, and can also Submerge and Bladestorm.
Hydra- Like the Dragon Turtle, the Hydras have begun being used as attack units. Can Slow Poison and Spawn Hydra Hatchlings on death.
*Sea Dragon- A powerful airial unit like the Frost Wyrm. Sea Dragons can devour, and can also learn to become Defensive, where they become stationary, but gain a powerful Chaos attack.

Sea Witch- A Hero Unit unchanged from FT, exept for adding the Amphibious travel to it.
*Mosag Demonica- A Demon Hunter who was terribly warped during the Sundering, gaining a Naga tail, Demon wings, and keeping her Night Elf body. Demonicas now are Cunning Heros adept at using demonic magic and slaying foes. Can learn Finger of Pain, Immolisation, Evasion, and Doom.
*Royal Guard- A Different model and power then the Royal Guards from FT. Can cast Hero versions of the following: Crashing Wave, Frost Blade, Summon Sea Elemental, and a new spell, Dark Depths, that summons a Beast of the Depths that knows Cleaving Attack and Crushing Wave.
*Incursor- One of Ashara's trusted soldiers. A Intelligent Hero adept at keeping troops in moral. Can learn Captue (Ensnares a unit with a small chance of controling it,) Command Aura, Zantetsuken (Gives a chance to kill the target outright,) and Tsunami (A Stampede attack with many Sea Elementals)

I have an idea for models of the Sea Dragon, Royal Guard, and Incursor, but I don't know about the Archer, Hellcaster, Blade Dancer, and I highly doubt I could find anything to match my idea of the Demonica. Then I need to design a fair Naga Techtree

Broken Units:
The Broken are one of the tribes Akama's people came from. These warriors are balencing on the edge between heritage of shamanistic and Light magics or utter Demonic curroption.

*Laborer- Hoping for a new model, but basicly Builds, Repairs, and gathers resources.
Stalker- Light melee warriors with Stealth and a weak Evasion
*Catapult- Using the models of RoC, this Broken Catapult fires projectiles of stone and can learn Iron Ammo, giving a fragmantation attack for heavy splash damage and greater Seige Damage
Seer- The 'Battle Mage' of the Drainai. Has Brilliance Aura, Slow, and Healing Wave.
Salamander- Heavy ranged unit unchanged from FT
*Fel Rider- Like the Fel Orcs and thier demon wolf riders, the Broken now have soldiers who can ride Fel Stalkers into battle. After a upgrade, they can use Delta Attack, which is a AutoCast ability that makes the user deal triple thier normal damage every attack
*Spearman- The ranged fighters of the front ranks. Spearmen can use Stealth
*Torturer- These interrigators of the Broken can cast Pain, which damages and slows a unit, and Execute, which gives a very small chance of killing a target outright
*Naaru Keeper- Dranai Palidens who are trying to find why the Broken are so tormented, and trying to keep from losing them to the shadows. A brutish melee spellcaster with a weaker, Autocast Holy Light, Inner Fire, and Turn Undead, which does tremendous damage to Undead and Demon units
*Dark Knight- The dark spellcasters of the Broken. Can originally cast Condemn, a spell that has a minor Doom effect that can spawn Lesser Voidwalkers, Unholy Armor, and a weak Dark Portal, that summons 2 Fel Stalkers.
*Reaver- Heavy melee unit with Critical Strike
Nether Drake- Medium Ariel Unit with Cripple and Spell Resistance

Elder Sage- Unchanged from FT, Elder Sages can cast Stealth, Chain Lightning, Fel Spirits, Shadow Strike, and Reincarnation
*Executioner- Executioners are meant to destroy any enemy they meet utterly and completely. He allready knows Stealth, but can learn Bash, Critical Strike, Cleaving Attack, and Drainai Frenzy, making him berserk with more HP and more damage
*Deciple of Light- A female Drainai priestess with a hope to reclain her former bretheren. Based off the WoW concept art for female Drainai. Can cast Heal, Smite (Deals extra damage per attack, but even more against demons and the Undead,) Gift of the Naaru (an Aura that boosts HP regeneration,) and Guardian Angel (Vengence-style spell that summons a Angel that can cast Smite and Heal)
*Damned One- A worlock too far gone to be saved by the Drainai. Can summon various demons to him, including the Dark Voidwalker (A Voidwalker with Cold Arrow and Frost Nova by level 3,) a WoW-style Succubus (with Charm and Frenzy by level 3,) a Fel Shreader (with Mana Burn and Vampiric Strike by level 3,) and Inferno

This is the tough one for models, as Drainai Broken are not very very modeled creatures.

Any help and assistance would be kind :thumbs_up:
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Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
THis sounds like a request and a Fan fiction in one...

eh... I mean... what is the gameplay like?
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
The main way would be a standard ORPG, using a spawner and moving stuff around. But it would be interesting for more Naga and Drainai units, wouldn't it?

Also, I was thinking sorta furthur ahead of implimenting the Race setups for these guys later in a melee map or a scenario.

(Could a mod move this to Map Devopment now?)
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
The main way would be a standard ORPG, using a spawner and moving stuff around. But it would be interesting for more Naga and Drainai units, wouldn't it?

Also, I was thinking sorta furthur ahead of implimenting the Race setups for these guys later in a melee map or a scenario.

(Could a mod move this to Map Devopment now?)

You could PM them....
Go for the Gold
-Dranai is mad stealthy
-Naga can go in water and land...

I like that
No third race?

I suppose from there its basic... Speed, Health, range and damage...
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
That was part of the point. The Tidewalker land units are all gonna be amphibious, meaning no need for boats for those guys. Also, the Drainai units have several Stealth units (including heros) meaning they can hit soft spots in undetected areas while the nonstealthy units deal with the distracting part.

I also need help with basic ORPG stuff, the unit spawner for example, and to design my chaotic map. Would putting nutral creeps on it be a bad idea?

Why another race? With the original units from War3 and custom units and creeps, I don't think I could come up with another to add as well unless I revamp the Fel Orcs and Satyrs a bit more...
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
That was part of the point. The Tidewalker land units are all gonna be amphibious, meaning no need for boats for those guys. Also, the Drainai units have several Stealth units (including heros) meaning they can hit soft spots in undetected areas while the nonstealthy units deal with the distracting part.

I also need help with basic ORPG stuff, the unit spawner for example, and to design my chaotic map. Would putting nutral creeps on it be a bad idea?

Why another race? With the original units from War3 and custom units and creeps, I don't think I could come up with another to add as well unless I revamp the Fel Orcs and Satyrs a bit more...

Oh... If your only using War3 originals then no...

I'm a huge Fanboy of Goblin race with their suicidal Technology and all and fast resource collecting and Heroes that are kinda creepy...

THeres a bunch of different ways to make the unit spawner...
1) THeres a creep spawner built into the game (which I don't know how to use)
2) Create location
-Events-Every 5 seconds
-Conditions-There are no units already at location (to prevent mass amounts of units)
- -At most 0 heroes are within a 1500 radius (TO prevent creep camping)
-Actions-Spawn Zergling



Level 3
Jan 29, 2008
IS this an RPG or a custom melee, coz if its the latter id possibly be willing to help you out if you needed it (working on my own custom melee atm).

What do you hope the end result to be?
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
I... just realised something. I acidentally added a G when it wasn't needed. I am talking about a RP map, not a RPG map...
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