Murloc Rush!!!

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Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Murloc Rush
Creator: dragon_kid
Current Stage: Construction

It is a time of crisis for the Murloc and Mur'gul communities. The Razorfin and Bloodgills are causing a large war between each other, hurridly gathering natural beasts of thier sunken islands to see who diserves the shrine of thier accursed Sea Witch...

Murloc Rush is an entirely new take on Footman Frenzy maps, deviating from the usual 'mass units until you buy the farm' mode and focusing on towering and stratagy with other units, including tactics like amphibious attackers able to traverse the thin bridges easier by just swimming there, artillary units strong enough to fire shells all the way across the map, but with horrendus eyesite, 'Hero' class ship units used to defend the waters between the two bases, and several new and classic Footmen Frenzy-style Heros for you to play with and learn.

However, I need help with several aspects of the classic footie system:

Units spawning from a building at regular intervals.
Making it so player characters give gold and lumber on death (Lumber is going to be dropped from heroes for special items)
Ideas for special Heros and Units.

I'm still working on the map, so any help would be nice.
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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Murloc Rush
Creator: dragon_kid
Current Stage: Construction

Murloc Rush is an entirely new take on Footman Frenzy maps, deviating from the usual 'mass units until you buy the farm' mode and focusing on towering and stratagy with other units, including tactics like amphibious attackers able to traverse the thin bridges easier by just swimming there, artillary units strong enough to fire shells all the way across the map, but with horrendus eyesite, 'Hero' class ship units used to defend the waters between the two bases, and several new and classic Footmen Frenzy-style Heros for you to play with and learn.

However, I need help with several aspects of the classic footie system:

Units spawning from a building at regular intervals.
Making it so player characters give gold and lumber on death (Lumber is going to be dropped from heroes for special items)
Ideas for special Heros and Units.

I'm still working on the map, so any help would be nice.

I have an idea for the heroes if you want some origional heroes that would fit your map:
Murloc Dreamcaster
Ancient Murloc Cannibal
Naga (Mercenaries)
Naga Ice Sentry
LaarSkarper Beast

I hope these might help. I can see how they could fit into a map like that. If I have some spare time, I might help you with getting these skins and models attached (if you don't know how).
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Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
The Naga are probably gonna amount to mercernaries ((What a twist, considering Mur'gul Slaves are the Naga workers)) and I'm probably using a couple of Heros from my WIP ORPG map, like the Incursor and Royal Guard Commander. The Dreamcaster could be useful, as the map is lacking many murloc heros/units after Tier 2. *Goes to peruse models using 'Murloc,' 'Ship', and 'Naga' for keywords*
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Well, this is the best I could do for the moment, I'm still creating stuff...

The first is the base setup. The scout towers are used for the basic Tower shells. Guard Towers, Cannon Towers, and Laser Towers are upgraded from here, with Fiery Guard Towers, Frozen Guard Towers, Blazers, Freezers, Feedbackers, and Super Duper Laser Towers are upgraded from thier respective bases.

The second one is one of the 4 bridges a person can send land units over. As you can also see, Super Duper Laser Towers (the Arcane Vaults) are lying in wait. These may be downsized to Cannon Towers later, as the Supers can reduce a Insane AI's army to cinders in seconds...

The final piece is the current map setup. As you can see, there are 4 bridges that connect the 2 teams, with a island in the center for the Archvault-clone. Also on the agenda is twin islands between each set of bridges, where two special shops are: The Master's Den, where useful items are bought via lumber and The Master (Hero Unit with several uber spells) can be hired, and the Shrine of the Sea Goddess, where artifacts are bought with lumber and the Sea Goddes, Ashole, can be summoned to unlease her watery fury on her victims. As both of these 'super heros' are overly powerful, they cost 10 lumber and 4000 gold per hero.

Also in each base, at the center, are the mercernary shops and hero taverns. Planned for here is the Temple of Boom, where the goblins sell mercenaries and line thier pockets with cash, the Old Tavern, with my custom heroes (explained below) are available, a generic mercenary camp for more varied clients, a building for Classic Footie Heroes, and a shipyard with a few Hero ships.

Current unit plans:

Tier 0
-Murloc Tiderunner

Tier 1
-Spider Crab Limbripper
-Sea Giant
-Hydra Hatchling
-Mur'gul Tidewarrior

Tier 2
-Elder Hydra
-Gargantuan Sea Turtle
-Makura Tidal Lord
-Mur'gul Shadowcaster

Tier 3
-Ancient Hydra
-Stormreaver Warlock
-Dragon Turtle
-Enraged Jungle Stalker

Temple of Boom
-Goblin Robo Spike Trap
-Goblin Drill Tank
-Goblin ATnT
-Goblin Sapper
-Goblin Zeplin (The only FREE unit availible)
-Goblin Shreader
-Goblin Blaster
-Goblin Incinterator (Flying firebat, in essence)

Mercernary Camp
-Sea Dragon
-Naval Cannon
-Mur'gul Slave
-Naga Royal Guard
-Naga Siren
-Dragonhalk Rider (I have found antitower units a nesecity. I'll figure out what he's doing here later!)
-Murloc Leper + A murloc wrapped in a festering cloud of desease. Send it on a solo mission into the enemy ranks to give Desiese Cloud to several of thier unit. Also knows how to Kaboom!, making a bigger mess as it's pluage stays after it dies.

Old Tavern
-Goblin Sabetuer + Cunning Hero, adept at the use of explosives. Can learn Crazy Gernades, Standard Gernades, Make Time Bomb, Flame Strike, Reflexes, and Goblin-Assisted Homicide
-Naga Enchantress + Mystical Hero, who can pacify creatures nearby with her enchanting dances. Uses Samba of Silence, Perky Step, Slow Dance, and Motivational Performance
-Naga Incursor + Warrior Hero, known as one of Ashara's trusted soldiers. Can enact Capture, Command Aura, Zantetsuken, and Tsunami
-Naga Royal Guard Commander + Warrior Hero, who oversees the other guards. Can cast Crashing Wave, Frost Blade, Summon Sea Elemental, and Dark Depths
-Naga Warqueen
-Murloc Dreamcaster + Mystical Hero, a master of dreams and energy. Can cast Sleep, ???, ???, and Nightmares
-Mur'gul Ocean Seer
-Murloc Shadow Assassin + Cunning Hero, heralding all the way from Ashenvale to join the fight. Has permanent Stealth, Fan of Knifes, Poison Blade, Escapee!!!, and Bad Karma... for You!

Footie Heroes

Allience Heroes
-Human and Nelf Heroes

Horde Heroes
-Orc and Undead Heroes

Nutral Heroes
-The original Nutral Heroes

Etc. Heroes
-Where the other Heores go (Ticondrious, Archimonde, Garithos, etc.)

Finally, the forth picture. This is a graphic example of the resilience of the Super Duper Laser Tower. We got Frost Wyrms, we got other SDLT, we got Flying Machines, etc. And it STILL took 5 min to chew through all 150000 HP!


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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Sounds nice. reminds me of Tides of Blood. :)
I like your layout as it is well planned and organized. Keep at it!

Also, couldn't you just upload the pictures instead of having us download them? Alll you have to do is go to advanced, click on the paperclip and upload the pictures you want.
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
The final version of the techtree and units are as follows...

Tier 0
-Murloc Tiderunner

Tier 1
-Spider Crab Limbripper
-Sea Giant
-Hydra Hatchling
-Mur'gul Tidewarrior

Tier 2
-Elder Hydra
-Gargantuan Sea Turtle
-Makura Tidal Lord
-Mur'gul Shadowcaster

Tier 3
-Ancient Hydra
-Stormreaver Warlock
-Dragon Turtle
-Enraged Jungle Stalker

Temple of Boom
-Goblin Robo Spike Trap + A simple trap that can burrow underground to deploy an automated spike stabby power..
-Goblin Drill Tank + The name says it all. Designed for attacking buildings with it's Demolish and Pillage abilities.
-Goblin ATnT + A mechanicle walker unit with a decent chaingun. Uses a Scattergun in remenisence to the Flying Machine's Flak Cannon.
-Goblin Sapper + The old demolition standby. Kabooms! units and buildings to bits.
-Goblin Zeplin + The only FREE unit availible carries 10 units anywhere required
-Goblin Shredder + Though there is a lack of trees, Shredders can shred other things with those sawblades...
-Goblin Blaster + Is it a Shredder, or is it a Blaster? If it fires at you longrange, it's a Blaster.
-Goblin Incinterator + The Incinterator is the pinacle of Goblin TecKology, used for making fires out of structures and roasting units to a tasty crisp. Uses Incinerate, Demolish, and Liquid Fire.
-Select Unit + Selects a Hero Unit to sell Items
-Goblin Land Mines + Another staple of base defence. Land mines are deployed at chokepoints to blow up any unit that crosses it.
-Goblin Radar + A simple Radar unit with True Sight, comes in a 3 pack and is deployed like a Land Mine, with less boom. Also stealthy.
-Goblin Sentry Turret + A land Turret used to fire at enemies. Also uses the Scattergun like the ATnT and packed like an item.

Mercernary Camp
-Sea Dragon + The biggest monster under the sea. Murs tend to avoid them, as they have a tendency of being eaten by these magic-immune beasts... Casts Devour and has Spell Immunity
-Naval Cannon + The 'tower buster' weapon of choice. Has maddening range, but the cannon crew is a bit near-sighted...
-Mur'gul Slave + You always need a builder and repairer in these sorta games. Can Repair and construct Tidal Bunkers, Tower Bases, Wall Segments, and Tidal Guardians.
-Naga Royal Guard + 'I am Heavy Weapons Guy. And these are my weapons!' Casts Crushing Wave, Frost Bolt, Summon Sea Elemental, and Submerge.
-Naga Siren + Support spellcaster with Parasite, Frost Armor, and Cyclone.
-Mur'gul Assassin + Mur'gul Reavers with training in cloak and dagger tactics. Use Blink, Stealth, and Envenomed Weapons.
-Murloc Leper + A murloc wrapped in a festering cloud of desease. Send it on a solo mission into the enemy ranks to give Desiese Cloud to several of thier unit. Also knows how to Kaboom!, making a bigger mess as it's pluage stays after it dies.
-Snap Dragon + Fast Naga creatures with Submerge and Slow Poison
-Coatle + Flying Naga creatures. Can cast Abolish Magic.
-Zergling + Zerg Rush is in style with these little guys. One costs 1 gold, so store up and launch in droves. Can Frenzy.
-Doom Guard + These demons love a good brawl. Casts Cripple, War Stomp, Rain of Fire, and Dispel Magic.
-Blood Orc + Fel Orcs with a taste for desruction. Can use Frenzy and Pulverise

Old Tavern
-Goblin Sabetuer + Cunning Hero, adept at the use of explosives. Can learn Crazy Gernades, Standard Gernades, Make Time Bomb, Flame Strike, Reflexes, and Goblin-Assisted Homicide
-Naga Enchantress + Mystical Hero, who can pacify creatures nearby with her enchanting dances. Uses Samba of Silence, Perky Step, Slow Dance, and Motivational Performance
-Naga Incursor + Warrior Hero, known as one of Ashara's trusted soldiers. Can enact Capture, Command Aura, Zantetsuken, and Tsunami
-Naga Royal Guard Commander + Warrior Hero, who oversees the other guards. Can cast Crashing Wave, Frost Blade, Summon Sea Elemental, and Dark Depths
-Naga Warqueen
-Murloc Dreamcaster + Mystical Hero, a master of dreams and energy. Can cast Sleep, Brillience Aura, Mana Drain, and Nightmares
-Mur'gul Ocean Seer
-Murloc Shadow Assassin + Cunning Hero, heralding all the way from Ashenvale to join the fight. Has permanent Stealth, Fan of Knifes, Poison Blade, Escapee!!!, and Bad Karma... for You!
-Balrog + The only SuperHero Available widely, this guy costs 2000 Gold, but is worth the investment. He attacks with a flaming blade and uses other fire spells: Flame Strike, Flame Breath, Pheonix, Avatar, Inferno, Volcano, and Firestorm.

Footie Heroes
-Stealth Assassin
-Death Sheep

Allience Heroes
-Human and Nelf Heroes

Horde Heroes
-Orc and Undead Heroes

Nutral Heroes
-Naga Sea Witch
-Pandaren Brewmaster
-Dark Ranger
-Goblin Tinker
-Goblin Alchemist

Etc. Heroes
-Archimonde + Uses Dark Portal, Rain of Chaos, Bash, and Finger of Death
-Garithos + Uses Holy Light, Shockwave, Devotion Aura, and Avatar
-Admiral Proudmore- Uses Monsoon, Divine Shield, Endurance Aura, and Tornado
-Sylvanis the Ranger + Uses Scout, Cold Arrow, Trueshot Aura, and Starfall
-Balnazzar + Uses Finger of Pain, Rain of Chaos, Sleep, Vampiric Aura, and Earthquake
-Detheroc + Uses Carrion Swarm, Sleep, Shadow Strike, and Death and Decay
-Illiden + Uses the same skills as a Demon Hunter, but hey, the imtimidation factor! Uses Mana Burn, Imolization, Evasion, and Metamorphisis
-Mannoroth + Uses Shockwave, Thunder Clap, Reincarnation, and Earthquake
-Gul'Dan + The warlock himself has come to challenge the temple. Uses Chain Lightning, Rain of Chaos, Feral Beast (Fel Spirits), and Doom
-Ghost + The ghosts who guarded the Horn of Cenarius have wandered since thier defeat... Uses Tangling Roots, Blink, Thorns Aura, and Tranquility.
-Akama + Uses Stealth, Chain Lightning, Feral Spirit (Fel Spirits), Shadow Strike, and Reincarnation.
-Kil'jaeden + Lord of the Leigon, he has come here in rumors his failed agent has come... Uses Dark Portal, Rain of Fire, Incinerate, and Finger of Death
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
A quick update:

This shows off the first Hero to be added to Murloc Rush, the Naga Warqueen and the location of the Archvault. This Hero uses the warqueen model from jigrael and the BTNNagaWarQueen icons by luzac. Warqueens are STR-based heroes that can cast Chain Lightning, Devine Shield, Bash, and Charm, and like the other Naga, she's amphibious.

View attachment WC3ScrnShot_051208_234405_01.tga

A simple defence layout concerning a Tidal Bunker, several wall segments, a few towers, and Tidal Guardians. A player who updated all thier tower damage and fortification upgrades could spend thier time defending the base as the others focused on rushing. Tidal Bunkers heal life and mana, and the Tidal Guardians have Feedback.

((Dammit, the slave blinked!))

View attachment WC3ScrnShot_051308_001739_01.tga
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Grr. Stupid imageshack doesn't take tgas...

Oh, well, at least I can happily say that progress has been made recently. The following creations and heroes have made it, as well as some changes:

Most of the announced Naga Heroes are in, with the exeption of the Enchantress. The Goblin Sabetuer and the Master, though they have went through some changes, have joined up as well. Those thinking of using mechanicle mercs will find his Mecha Aura useful for making them rushable and saving on the repair time needed to put them back in action. New to the Hero list is the Goblin engineer, with his I Can Fix It! and supporting abilities, also useful for turtle tactics and mecha armies.

I have also been toying with a Base-emptying trigger so players don't horde units into stalemates. A 5-minute timer between auto-mass attacking sound fair? the way it would work is all units in the spawn area (Now clearly marked with grass at each base) to attack-move the opposite base.

Two items are now in the Temple of Boom: The goblin land mines and a sentry turret. The ATnT and the sentry turret are the same power, but the ATnT can move (Slowly, of course) and it can't. Both also have a 'Scattergun,' allowing them to hit nearby targets. SENTRYS WILL NOT ATTACK BUILDINGS!!!

The Shop of the Master is all set, though the items for both shops are not. One item I'm gonna try to create is 'Featherstep Boots,' that change the pathing of the hero from 'foot' to 'amphibious,' for odvious reasons.

The Naval cannon is done and skinned, making it the pride of the anti-tower combat. At 5000 range, these things can pound right through the HP of the highest-level towers in an entire day cycle.

A simple mod trigger: type -seeall to clear the Black Mask and the Fog of War.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Nice. One suggestion for the uploading of pics, Open a Word document (if u have one) and click Clipboard. Copy your image and open Paint program and select the part of it that IS the game screen (Nothing around it). And save it in a new Paint document. That way, it will be jpg. and the site likes jpg. Hope this helps! ^ ^

And jb with the heroes so far! Im looking forward to this. It's not often you have a simular map to Tides of Blood featuring murlocs and naga! keep it up!
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Behold! I bring you JPEGs!


The first rendition of the map. A little dated now, but we'll get to that.


An in-game shot of one of the south bridges. I still got Super-Duper Laser Towers there.


A pretty decent Base Defence comprising of Wall Segments, a Tidal Bunker, towers, and Tidal Guardians. An enemy that would reach there would be stymied for a bit.


A little bit of a show-off of the amphibious units thus far. Why the Sea Dragon's there, I don't know...


Something about the Incursor's Tsunami ability makes me giggle.


The complete Naval Cannon. Master of the war against towers.


The sentries hit UNITS, not BUILDINGS. It's sorta a way for less cheating, as they're killer thus far.


An example of the humourous unit names I've come up with. Considering the number of new heroes, expect more jokes to appear.


It's not called MURLOC rush for nothing!
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
I have an idea for this though. :p If you had an every 20-30 mins, there is a Murloc Rush event. An example of this event would be large swarms of murlocs lasting 3 mins attacking both bases. It would be a way to kill the cheaters and to balance the game some. Does that sound good? Oo
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
As mentioned earlier, I was planning a 'base empty' trigger every 10 minutes that 'attack-moves' the spawns to the center vault, but your idea has merit too.

Speaking of triggers, I need some help in that department. I'm having some recent trouble with triggers that I could use a hand with:

:fp: The Base Empty Trigger, which would send any spawn near the base to the center every 5 minutes
:fp: Upgrading Spawns, much like the Footmen Frenzy games
:fp: I think I can figure out the Rush Attack one easily enough, though some pointers so it's not too powerful would be nice

Some other things that are in the works:

:fp: Income, depending on the current spawn. Something like 50 on tier 0, then a extra 50 each extra tier, so you get 200 per on the last tier
:fp: I'm currently testing out some abilities and stuff for lvl 20 heroes on a side map, although the map design is pretty much done now. All that's left is units and triggers.
:fp: I also need to figure out how to stop the custom heroes from being allowed to be purchased until the player gets 3 Non-custom heroes.
:fp: Naga themed rally point and command console, hopefully.

Perhaps after assembling the rest of the basics, I can run a beta run on Lorderon Server. Any help is nice!
Level 9
Feb 5, 2008
i belive i know the trigger to The Base Empty Trigger, which would send any spawn near the base to the center every 5 minutes

something like

Events-a unit eneters region (XX)

Conditons-Entering unit equal to player (XX)

Actions-order unit to attack-move to (or w/e) to region (XX)
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Well, since the last post I did the first income one partway (I'm lucky I'm not testing it with more then one triggered player at the moment ;) ) and I know how to set the new rally point from a tutorial I saw on editing the constants for the game. As an added bonus, testing the rush attack on a 5 min setup now.
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Custom Hero done!

Meet the Rifleman Elite!

Picture the scene: Illiden has locked himself in a city, and is threatening the entire area. Sent to deal with it:


Marksman Loki, a Rifleman Elite.

Cunning Hero, able to attack at longrange to great effect. Has Snipershot, and can learn Storm Bolt, Wounding Shot, Bash, BOOM! Headshot!, and Sattlite Shot.

Attacks land and air units.

As Loki moves out, he starts to run into Naga Resistance, so he unleases his Sattilite Strike Supreme Skill:


The Sattilite Strike fires a total of 10 waves of ten shots from a dwarven/goblin sattilite, dealing 100 damage to a unit each wave, meaning an enemy who stays in the area of effect will loose 1000 HP.

All that is left is a Seawitch, so he prepares his rifle, and...


BOOM! Headshot!

This ability deals 2000 damage after a delay for each level. At level 4, it deals 8000 damage. Almost all levels can kill most targets in one shot!


Another shot of Sattelite Shot (No pun intended)


A perfect shot of Wounding Shot in action. Wounding Shot is in essence Cold Arrow with a thunder effect.


Nothing like a Storm Bolt to the nuts to show a baddie who's boss!

This is the first of the custom heroes I have finished. Some more will follow as I finish them.
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
An avien villiger, hmm...
Well, I have the Mur'Gul Slave for the basic construction, so I don't really need another one. Thanks for tip though. May use it in another map.
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Lot more Hero info. Feedback on some new spells and stuff.

Heroes have four styles of spells: Innate, which they start with, Basics with 5 levels, Ultimates with 4 levels, and 1 Supreme, which is only learnable at level 20, but is so powerful it can make or break a game.

Blood Mage
Mastery of Fire- Fire-based attack. Drains mana with each attack unless autocast is turned off.
Basic Learnable:
Flame Strike
Siphon Mana
Pheonix Form- The Blood Mage transforms into a mighty Pheonixman, firing powerful flames at the enemy, and using all of his spells to great effect.

Holy Frenzy- The Palidan goes into a frenzy, dealing damage at a faster rate.
Basic Learnable:
Holy Light
Divine Shield
Devotion Aura

Master Polymorph- A longer-lasting form of Polymorph
Basic Learnable:
Brilliance Aura
Summon Water Elemental
Mass Teleport
Summon the Experiments!- Summons Flesh Golems

Mountain King
Dwarven Heirtege- Summon two Gryphon Riders
Basic Learnable:
Storm Bolt
Thunder Clap
One More Ale Please!- Drunken Brawler with higher variables and alcohol bubbles

Counter-Damage- For each attack, the Blademaster will deal a percent of the damage back
Basic Learnable:
Wind Walk
Mirror Image
Critical Strike
Hastega- A variation of Frenzy. This can speed a Blademaster to insane speeds!

Tauren Chieftain
Might of the Tauren- Deals damage to all units around everyone
Basic Learnable:
War Stomp
Endurance Aura
Stunning Blow- Stuns enemies at a large rate of frequency

Panderen Brewmaster
Keg Drink
Basic Learnable:
Breath of Fire
Drunken Haze
Drunken Brawler
Storm, Earth, and Fire

Now, some customs!

Rifleman Elite
Snipershot- Critical Strike. Good until Wounding Shot is gained, then for some reason, it's not working.
Basic Learnable:
Storm Bolt
Wounding Shot- A frost arrow clone that deals heavy damage with a lightning attack
BOOM! Headshot!- Deals 2000 damage per level instantly
Satilite Strike- Ten waves of 100 damage each.

Orcs of the White Hand- Summons two Urikai to fight for you
Basic Learnable:
Blade Throw- Deals damage and stuns
Morgul Blade- Damages and poisons for a long time
Pursuit of the Ring- Speeds the Ringwraith up considerably
Avatar of Sauron- Summons an Avatar of Sauron, a powerful enemy
Felbeast Mount- Summons a Felbeast to fly with. The Felbeast has cargo room for one (loading onto the ground) and the firebolt ability. Can also take off and fly

Naga Enchantress- Note all her skills are auras exept Side Slither, still, all are passive abilities
Side Slither- Dodges attacks at 35% chance
Basic Learnable:
Slow Dance- Slows down all enemies
Perky Step- Speeds up all allies
Targeting Point- Increases the attack of melee and ranged attacks
Healing Sway- Increases rate of health regeneration
Samba of Devouring- Devours the magic of enemy spellcasters

Mur'Gul Ocean Seer
Spectral Sight- Allows seeing of invisible units
Basic Learnable:
Heal- Heals a set amount of HP per use
Watery Minion- Summon Murloc allies
Water Shotgun- Stunning water blast
Tsunami- A powerful variation of Stampede
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Major Major update!

The hero list is done, including special 'superheros' with greater damage and abilities.

I do, however, need some suggestions for some helpful units and abilities.

Spawn Waves

I got Murlocs (the basics) and Tanks (Heavy Support) using a spawn system based off Footmen vs. Orc, where you buy new spawn types via upgrades. I was thinking of a Calvery and Artillary Units, but what else?

Hero Abilities for innate skills

I have most basic heroes ((And several customs)) with thier skillsets compleate. I want feedback on the remaining, though, as to what the player wants for thier weapons of mass destruction!

Heroes that need innate skills (Innates come with the unit at purchase)

Shadow Hunter
Death Knight
Keeper of the Grove
Priestess of the Moon
Demon Hunter
Dark Ranger
Naga Sea Witch
Pit Lord
Exodar Linebreaker
Rifleman Elite- Unless I can get the critical strike-based Snipershot to work >.>
Tauren Thrasher
Tauren Marine
Silent Nightmare- AKA Pyramid Head
Naga Incursor
Naga Warqueen
Royal Gaurd Commander
Goblin Sabetuer
Robot Gaurd
The Death Sheep
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
>.> well, in that originl run, they were gonna spawn slower then the others, but tht tier was gonna be stronger. As of now, they may appear in the 'heavy infantry' class at maybe lvl 3.
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
I'm truely, deeply, terribly sorry about the lack of updates recently. I lost most of my data for Murloc Rush, WarStar, and even a Drow campain I was working on the race on. At the moment, I'm focusing on getting Murloc Rush's heros done, then return to making it all fit together again.

Again, I apologise for the lack of updativeness :cry:
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Well, more like long hiatus. World hit me hard. Did some puttering the other day- mostly updating models, but I gotta redo a lot of work- lost a lot to a hardrive crash, but I think I can get the spell part mostly done in a few weeks or so if I did nothing but work on it.
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Well, here's ALL the custom heroes atm, though not all of them are finished. Currently tinkering with spells and so much.

Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Hehehe, maybe I should have explained part of that. After all, with the standard heroes as well, this is one full ride at the moment!

What we do have, from the top to the bottom:

Row 1: Balrog, Glacial Destroyer

Row 2: Robot Gaurd, Ogre Gladiator, Broken Elder Sage, Royal Gaurd Commander, Naga Tidebaron, Naga Incursor, Jedi Slayer, Hive Matriach, Sea Spirit, Silent Nightmare

Row 3: Nerubian Black Widow, Naga Warqueen, Naga Enchantress, Drider Spider Priestess, Deamonborn Nightseer, Prime Matron, One Wing Angel, Old War Death Knight, Necron Tomb Gaurd, Lycan Beast, Ringwraith, Exodar Linebreaker

Row 4: Space Orc Field Medic, Deamonborn Overseer, Alien, Dark SOLDIER, Sith Aprentice, Space Orc Elite, Space Orc Rocket Hunter, Space Orc Spec Ops, Tauren Marine, Tauren Thrasher, Master Magician, Zergicide Agent

Row 5: Goblin Engineer, Goblin Sabetuer, Mur'gul Dreameater, Mur'Gul Ocean Seer, Pikachu, the Death Sheep, Dwarf Battlepriest, Ram Rider, Rifleman Elite
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