I started playing games when I was 5. the games I remembered were:
SNES - that golf game, Super Mario, the Island something game, that motorcross game, castlevania, contra and others i forgot to mention
PC - WC3, Diablo 2, RA2, FF7, AoE 1&2, Max Payne, CoD, tons of JRPG that I forgot their name (they are in jap so I can't remember), and of course harvest moon
GBA emulator from PC - Pokemon (from 1st to 3rd gen) Kirby, and that one weird game i forgot the name
I'm not really sure what's the first game I played I think it's either Contra, Super Mario or Pokemon
I played them mostly because my brother plays them and I want to join him
there are plenty others there if i could only remember them =(((