Skins - I do have custom models and it cost alot of kb to ADD more models/skins
Structures - For Undead Trying to add better models and icons( they were basics on the orignial EZI )
Wall Attack - ZOmbies some times dont attack the wall because of archers or something so.. When walls attack Zombies will have a higher chance of attacking the Walls. plus its only 5 dmg
Humans - do u want me to make a Spanish Market? or a Italian Market? rofl
Zombie Heroes - Trying to find a spell that isnt OP and can wipe out all humans with that one ability...
Ups - your supposed to block with structures other then fight head on...
Icons - I have soem good icons in mind for 1.04 but havent had teh chance to add them...
Units - This also isnt Hero based,and ZOmbies are supposed to be stronger
Water - if u ever played a EZI or EZIU game with pros you would understand why blockign water or useing ships are important aganist lvl 3 zombies...
Gold Cost - its supposed to be expensive so u can get more piles which give u income or kill humans or attack structures...or events shoot!
Humans get gold/lumber from lumber mills/markets or from events
Terrian - there is a limit on tiles... and its not random i tried to make it so the higehr you go the colder it is... And nature isnt just a pattern and would u rather i just make it just one tile for the whole game pretty much like what the orignial EZI thats approved?
Notes - Health Bar - yeah alot of people have said that im changing it on 1.04
End - Many People LOVE this game and say its actually better then orignial EZI
PS - How could The Orignial Eras ZOmbie Invasion be accepted while this has better stuff be rejected? Its so Ironic rofl
Im not mad its just its funnah how The Orignial EZI has way worse stuff or teh same be accepted while this having much better stuff or teh same be rejected?
Like I said before go play .83 or .96 and see the difference...This game is to block the zombies out with structures other then later on to attack
If you want il send you a replay of a real game of EZI
.96 has roflcopter models like Naga as a zombie...yeah... While mine is based on looking like a ZOmbie and plus The orignial ZOmbie model for teh first zombie is okay unless u want me to add a 200 kb model which will even slower teh dl speed
Here is a quote from anteep on his map thread,
it does take a while to learn how to play, but once you do you can have a good chance of influencing the game to a victory on whichever side you play.