Eras Zombie Invasion U v1.13Fixed

Asia was infected by a disease which caused them to be brain hungry zombies. Europe found out and learned that the disease was spreading fast. So 9 Countries must fight against the zombies either be just a nation or as a Unified Europe. While the 3 Zombie Forces must infect the humans to keep their disease alive.
Humans: must survive and block off the zombies from Europe and stop the disease in order to be safe. At the same time learn technologies from Medieval Ages to the Future
Zombies: must kill and destory Europe in order to keep the disease alive. Also to learn more ways to infect humans.
Further Infomation

Votekick System - Lets other people decide who gets kick other then the host, but can't votekick host for connection reasons

Host Rule System - Lets the host decide what the rules of the game are.If you forget the rules during game you can type -rules to see the rules

Income System - Spefic Buildings give off Income in the resources of Currency (Used by Humans) and Energy (Used by Humans and Zombies)

Alliance System - Players can ally/unally/truce/ give full control to other players

Camera Command System - A Advanced camera system which allows the players to control the zoom/height/rotation/roll/angle of the camera

Scandinavia - Beowulf
England - Robin Hood
Russia - Peter the Great
Italy - Marus Antonius
Spain - Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar
Byzantine - Leonidus
Poland - Kazimierz Wielki
Germany - Dietrich von Bern


Version 1.00
- playable and fun
- not beta any more

Version 1.01
- fixed medic
- added a zombie hound
- added tanker
- renamed Sweden to Scandinavia
- added a new City for Scandinavia
- added after effects with nukes
- changed a few models

Version 1.02
- fixed bug in votekick
- fixed wall gate
- fixed zombie limit
- added peasant to Iceland Event

Version 1.03
- added Hotkeys
- fixed gates
- added kill zombie command quest

Version 1.04
- Added Icons
- Fixed Zombies cant infect Buildings
- Removed attack from walls
- Added 1 more Zombie Ability to each Zombie Hero
- Models Changed
- Changed Bars back to normal
- Fixed Lvl 5 and Toxic Trooper Explosion
- Added Income Command

Version 1.05
- Changed Gold to Currency
- Changed Lumber to Energy
- Changed Resource buildings for a more realistic feel
- Changed Zombies Resource from Currency(Gold) to Energy(Lumber)
- Changed Dark Green's Hero spawn ability to Infectious Attack
- Limit to Zombie Unit to 250
- Added another Robotic upgrade

Version 1.06
- Lowered the map size
- Added starting tech for humans
- Added that when a player isn't playing their allies gain control
- Added Tank Model
- Changed Icons
- Fixed Reanimate(Brown's Hero Ability)

Version 1.07
- Fixed Income
- Improved Map Coding

Version 1.08
- Removed Unneeded Variables
- Added Machine Gun Turret
- Fixed Zombie Food Cap
- Fixed trigger to let a unplaying player's unit be owned by allies
- Fixed Level 2 upgrade cost
- Changed Human Air Units Attack Range
- Fixed that sneezers cant attack trees

Version 1.09
- Fixed that Machine GUn Turret can be used
- Improved Coding
- Added Abilities for heroes
- New Icons
- New Event! Alien Invasion!

Version 1.10
- Fixed Alien Invasion
- Added Multiboard
- Changed Terrian
- Added Ranks and Rage for Units
- Changed Petersburg to Moscow and Helinski to Petersburg
- Added Host Rules
- Added more alliance commands
- Improved Code
- Added another enterance to Spain
- Fixed votekick system

Version 1.11
- Added another option to Host Rules
- Made terrian less bumpy
- Fixed Abilities
- Improved Unit Tooltips
- Removed Motar and Infantry Unit
- Changed Model of Cold Climate Trees
- Changed some icons

Version 1.13
- Rank system Fixed
- Winter tree has animations
- Fixed Icon


--HELL_YA's Teacher--

--Host Finder--

Jass NewGen Special
Warcraft3 Viewer
MDX Squisher
Wc3 Map Optimizer

Talon the Mage - Gun Projectile Missle
HappyTauren - Joan of Ark's Sword, German Heavys Model, Archer Model
WILL THE ALMIGHTY - Flame Projectile Missle, Plasma Missle, Sattileat Strike Missle, Explosions, Nuclear Bombs
Miseracord - Green's Hero
olofmoleman - Escort Model, Gore Crow Model
killst4r - Nuclear Missle Model
Kofi_Banan - Tank Models, Modern SHip Model and Light Cruiser Model, Machine Gun Turret Model
Illidan(Evil)X - Helicopter Model, Tank Models, Tank Icons
MadseN - Old Cannon Model
Alastor - Red's Hero
General Frank - Railrifleman Model, Professinal Spearman Model, Professinal Fighter Model
Elenai - Spearman Model, Swordmen Model
Kitabatake - Crossbowman Model
BlinkBoy - Musketman Model
R.A.N.G.I.T. - Blue's Hero
Valve & Zerox - Tanker Model
Mc ! - Wraith Model
abriko - Toxic Trooper and Eradicator Model
Saikann - Brown's Hero, lvl 4 Zimbie
EvilYardGnome - Brown's Hero
ana - lvl 3 Zombie
markone - Thors Guard
67chrome - Yellow's Hero
halo - Orange's Hero, lvl 5 Zombie
Dionesiist - Teal's Hero
Army-of-Pandas - Lvl 1,4,5 and tanker icons
Godslayer - Lvl 3 icons
Riley - Eradicator icon
I-hate_you - Helicopter Icon
lieutang - Wraith Icon
TurieL - Gun Troop Icon
antihero - Gun Troop Icon
bananaHUNT - Advanced Pile Icon
CRAZYRUSSIAN - Repair Icon, Command Button Icons
xXm0RpH3usXx & Squeleton-MacQueen - Winter Tree
hellgate - Fixed Rank System
(Unknown People) - lvl 2 Zombie Model, Mauler Model, Currency Icon, UFO ship
Note: This Map was not created by me but updated by me. Also this is the Final Version, unless there is huge bugs. Enjoy!
Eras, Zombie, Invasion, Eras Zombie Invasion, Survival, Anteep, HELL_YA, survival

Eras Zombie Invasion U v1.13Fixed (Map)

2010, ap0: Approved 15:12, 5th Dec 2009 ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated) Based on Kl3sk's review (first post).




2010, ap0: Approved

15:12, 5th Dec 2009
ap0calypse: Rejected (until updated)

Based on Kl3sk's review (first post).
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
First post! w00t! Enthusiasm and...wait... Another...Zombie map...on The Hive?...
*opens door, runs into street, waits for traffic*
...Why are the Gods punishing me?! Alas, without going further off-topic with my personal issue on Zombie maps, I would like to state that I am going to test, review, rate this map as soon as I get back from work tomorrow. Who knows, maybe I'll actually get a kick out of this one. ^^ *Pending*

- Edit : Still not done with work, so an eventual full review is to be expected tomorrow, or the day after that, I promise!

- Final Edit : I know I was supposed to do this earlier,but work couldn't wait...
Before I review your map, there will be no particular order from which I will start, I'm going to talk about the first things that come to mind. Please understand that even if I may seem harsh, I'm only trying to reflect certain flaws this game has, and sweet Jesus does this map have'em...
Now then, the review :

- Skins : The first thing I've noticed is that you have some pretty nice skins going on here, the (heroes) Naga and Night Elf look like they came out of a Sillent Hill Reunion in Boston. You could have done better with the normal zombie though : kinda lacking for using basic W3 models so that's a "-" . The humans look ridiculous as well : the mustache on one hero's face made me laugh so hard XD XD XD...*tears*...but still, good skin, apart of personal opinion . Most human soldiers had unique skins (that I've never seen before). All-in-all the skins are decent but custom models would be most welcomed too!
*Skins Rating : 3/5

- Structures : Very few and...not too "related" to either theme. The Zombies have a night-elf structure (forgot the name) that summons other zombie warriors and for some reason, some have orc icons,so that's also a "-". There's one upgrade I've noticed on the zombies' side though : the "Flesh Pile" can be upgraded to...can you guess?!..."Big Flesh Pile"...*audience applauds*...And what on Earth is up with the walls or barricades shooting arrows?! - I can understand the towers, I'm supposed to destroy those, yes,yes : "Brraaains" ,but the freaking WALLS?!...And all humans, regardless of "nation" share the same Town-hall, Marketplace,etc. - the repetitive factor of seeing the same buildings over and over makes my eyes bleed. There are other things to point out, but let's just say a lot of work could be done redoing the whole
"Buildings and Structures" section...
*Structures Rating : 2/5 (lacking)

- Spells : Well hello! - You enter a map expecting a hero to have at least ONE skill, and that's what I got : one lvl 10 skill. Leading to the conclusion that my hero's uselessness lasts 9 levels- SWEET! Not to mention they're extremely bland, dull, nothing really amazing happens when you use them, basic spells with altered effects, not too rewarding for the long leveling up wait.
*Spells : 1/5 (needs desperate attention)

- Upgrades : Like I've said in the -structure section- of my review, "Flesh Pile" becomes "Big Flesh Pile", but as for the unit / hero upgrades : ...what...the...****?!...I played with a friend, hardly convincing him to go on the humans side and after beginning the map, I started slowly upgrading my zombies. I've noticed that with only a few damage and attack speed upgrades you can wipe-out half of "Europe" off the map with your starting zombies (of which there are 8 if I'm not mistaken). Also , why-oh-why would it be necessary to be able to upgrade anything 50 times? (just make them offer more for a larger amount of gold and add a cool-down for each, then lessen the number of times you can upgrade,sheesh!). In case anyone who hasn't played is curious, the available upgrades are : Regeneration,Attack Damage,Attack Speed,Movement Speed,Hit Points and Armor -for zombies. And another 10 or more for humans.
*Upgrades Rating : 2/5 (lacking)

- Icons : Most of them aren't custom or accurate and 50% of them are bound to show you 3 different types of units under the same icon. Troublesome.
*Icons Rating : 1/5 (Sad)

- Units : *There's no "Hero" section,hence the lack of abilities they posses can include them in this category (upgrades work for them as well, so nothing much to be said here)* -Not too much variety present, since I've seen most units look the same,or have the same role, just different hit points,etc. Balancing should be done, I don't like how 1 basic zombie can take-out 3 soldiers or troops of any kind (yes,even considering there are only 3 zombie slots are 9 human slots) - this is mainly due to the fact that every time a zombie kills a unit,another zombie spawns from the fallen unit's corpse. Personally I wonder what a "Naval Ship Yard" is doing on the human side, I haven't seen one lousy aquatic zombie trying to pollute my human-friendly waters... Hit points and damage on both sides are questionable, due to possible upgrades, so the only other thing I have to discuss on this section is this : "Gold Cost". - terribly unbalanced. Fix this
*Units Rating : 1/5

- Terrain : Last of the things I wanted to talk about, hoping I'm not forgetting anything. The map isn't composed of just one tile-set / theme,but a lot of different types of terrain, probably trying to go along with the whole "Country" theme in Europe. I've been through a lot of snow, green pastures, barrens, blight-lands but I just didn't see a pattern, most of it seem to change unexpectedly. The terrain is acceptable, nonetheless!
*Terrain 2.5/5

~Note~ - I'm terribly sorry if someone got eyesores after reading this post, but I wanted to give HELL YA a "Complete Review" for the map he uploaded, and I hope I accomplished that.
Misc : a little more to add : The custom health-bar display looks nice, but it's hard to interpret the actual remaining hit-points, and therefore does not serve its purpose (Edges are too dark). Short : the game-play is terrible...

Rating : 2/5 (Lacking)
Voting for Rejection

*I don't see why anyone would enjoy playing this map, especially in this state. With a lot of work already invested, it would take twice as much to give this map a chance on The Hive, but maybe ap0calypse might consider Approving it.
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Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
Improve the description. until then im not even guna dl it.

Okay I Improved the description :D

@ Kl3sk: lol and thx for going to review it! And if at all you should play .83 made by Anteep to see the difference... Better Terrian, some better units, better Quest, and i fixed the memory leaks that he forgot to do :D


@Kl3sk: take your time and i updated it aswell added hotkeys...gawd that took awhile...
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Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
Give a nice info into the description, becaus se far it hadn`t made me wanna play this map.
The main thing is lacking into it, is that you haven`t written, what makes this map more special, than other Erases.
Level 3
Oct 1, 2009
Can u say off-topic? rofl and no im not I have abandoned that. I pretty much used LoaC as a starting thing...My first map you know!

@krisserz: thx! for the better explaination!

hehe .. i know .

Why'd ya abandone LoaC? ): its a fun game to play! oh and uh the gate needs mana to open! and it doesn't have mana!!! can ya fix this ?
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
Kl3sk thx for reviewing it... Here are my questions and such

Skins - I do have custom models and it cost alot of kb to ADD more models/skins

Structures - For Undead Trying to add better models and icons( they were basics on the orignial EZI )
Wall Attack - ZOmbies some times dont attack the wall because of archers or something so.. When walls attack Zombies will have a higher chance of attacking the Walls. plus its only 5 dmg o_O
Humans - do u want me to make a Spanish Market? or a Italian Market? rofl

Zombie Heroes - Trying to find a spell that isnt OP and can wipe out all humans with that one ability...

Ups - your supposed to block with structures other then fight head on...

Icons - I have soem good icons in mind for 1.04 but havent had teh chance to add them...

Units - This also isnt Hero based,and ZOmbies are supposed to be stronger

Water - if u ever played a EZI or EZIU game with pros you would understand why blockign water or useing ships are important aganist lvl 3 zombies...

Gold Cost - its supposed to be expensive so u can get more piles which give u income or kill humans or attack structures...or events shoot!
Humans get gold/lumber from lumber mills/markets or from events

Terrian - there is a limit on tiles... and its not random i tried to make it so the higehr you go the colder it is... And nature isnt just a pattern and would u rather i just make it just one tile for the whole game pretty much like what the orignial EZI thats approved?

Notes - Health Bar - yeah alot of people have said that im changing it on 1.04

End - Many People LOVE this game and say its actually better then orignial EZI

PS - How could The Orignial Eras ZOmbie Invasion be accepted while this has better stuff be rejected? Its so Ironic rofl

Im not mad its just its funnah how The Orignial EZI has way worse stuff or teh same be accepted while this having much better stuff or teh same be rejected?

Like I said before go play .83 or .96 and see the difference...This game is to block the zombies out with structures other then later on to attack

If you want il send you a replay of a real game of EZI

.96 has roflcopter models like Naga as a zombie...yeah... While mine is based on looking like a ZOmbie and plus The orignial ZOmbie model for teh first zombie is okay unless u want me to add a 200 kb model which will even slower teh dl speed

Here is a quote from anteep on his map thread,
it does take a while to learn how to play, but once you do you can have a good chance of influencing the game to a victory on whichever side you play.
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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
End - Many People LOVE this game and say its actually better then orignial EZI
Yay :|
The most favourite quote of everyone whos map got rejected "a lot of ppl liek mahh map D:".

Wall Attack - ZOmbies some times dont attack the wall because of archers or something so.. When walls attack Zombies will have a higher chance of attacking the Walls. plus its only 5 dmg o_O
Ever thought about a system that makes the zombies attack their nearest target (which would probably be the walls) if they have no attack-order?

Humans - do u want me to make a Spanish Market? or a Italian Market? rofl
Yes... that's actually not bad, different countries have different specialties, try to take advantage of that.

PS - How could The Orignial Eras ZOmbie Invasion be accepted while this has better stuff be rejected? Its so Ironic rofl

Im not mad its just its funnah how The Orignial EZI has way worse stuff or teh same be accepted while this having much better stuff or teh same be rejected?
It got approved over a year ago...
The avarage quality of maps was a lot lower back then (leaks were very common, a lacking terrain was pretty much standard, tooltips didn't have to be correct, ...).
I hope you know what memory leaks are and how to remove them :/

General note:
It's "the", NOT "teh", spell it correct please (you didn't do so about 50% of the times you said it).
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
ap0calypse said:
Yay :|
The most favourite quote of everyone whos map got rejected "a lot of ppl liek mahh map D:"
Ah I bet that’s fun to Also the reason why I said that was because he said the gameplay was terrible, but infact when he tested it it seems he had only 1 person with him. This Game needs alot of People for the Gameplay to be well the Gameplay! and for it to be fun

ap0calypse said:
Ever thought about a system that makes the zombies attack their nearest target (which would probably be the walls) if they have no attack-order?
Thinks...Well. Foundations are used as walls too... and they don't have a attack so Idk why walls would have attack other then it lets zombies attack xD. I didn't add the attack to walls...I guess I should remove them since zombies can just manualy click attack a few times on the structure

ap0calypse said:
Yes... that's actually not bad, different countries have different specialties, try to take advantage of that.
Ughh... I sense that will be a pain... I do kind of have a Country Thing in there Caps They can special Units they can make that other countries can’t like Britain has the British Longbow men and Byzantine has Reborn Spartan and such.

ap0calypse said:
It got approved over a year ago...
The avarage quality of maps was a lot lower back then (leaks were very common, a lacking terrain was pretty much standard, tooltips didn't have to be correct, ...).
Oh wow...I wasn’t here a year ago so I wouldn’t know... :D

ap0calypse said:
I hope you know what memory leaks are and how to remove them :/
Oh yeah I know what they are... I even said that I fixed them in the Unique to the Original EZI tab.

ap0calypse said:
General note:
It's "the", NOT "teh", spell it correct please (you didn't do so about 50% of the times you said it).
Sometimes I do that...My left hand sometimes wants to be a little fast sometimes :xxd:

And right now I’m fixing the stuff that was in the review... But I do wish there was more Modern Day trooper Icons in THW

And according to the review I don’t think he has gone through the whole map like he only went through the beginning
Kl3sk said:
haven't seen one lousy aquatic zombie trying to pollute my human-friendly waters...
When you get Level 3 Zombies you are able to swim...And usually when zombies get lvl3 they try to get water places fast to invade and get their BRAINZZ, unless he was playing by himself which the zombies aren’t AI :confused:

also by the way it looks he didn't have a Full House which is probably why he lost half of Europe o_O
Kl3sk said:
I played with a friend, hardly convincing him to go on the humans side and after beginning the map, I started slowly upgrading my zombies. I've noticed that with only a few damage and attack speed upgrades you can wipe-out half of "Europe" off the map with your starting zombies

PS: ap0calypse and Kl3sk thank you so much for helping me and I appreciate it
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Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
hellya, i understand how u feel. i do play EZI on garena and on bnet. if i wana compare this is sooo much better than the rest. u hav many custom icons. i think kl3sk reviewed it like that bc he NEVER played EZI before and this was his first time so i can understand that. well, the motive of the game is to let britain win the game as much as many EZI turns out to and why dont u modify it? that would be great. it gt rejected bc if u changed the name to eras zombie invasion UPDATED AND LEAKS REMOVED im sure it wont be.
well thats true that years ago it was approved but its still fun. well, if the nitendo gamemakers make another pokemon game that is same like pokemon red and named it 'CLASSIC EDITION' im sure many people would wana play that game. so its not the matter of graphics and bad terrains but the way players accept and understand a game.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
hellya, i understand how u feel. i do play EZI on garena and on bnet. if i wana compare this is sooo much better than the rest. u hav many custom icons. i think kl3sk reviewed it like that bc he NEVER played EZI before and this was his first time so i can understand that. well, the motive of the game is to let britain win the game as much as many EZI turns out to and why dont u modify it? that would be great. it gt rejected bc if u changed the name to eras zombie invasion UPDATED AND LEAKS REMOVED im sure it wont be.
well thats true that years ago it was approved but its still fun. well, if the nitendo gamemakers make another pokemon game that is same like pokemon red and named it 'CLASSIC EDITION' im sure many people would wana play that game. so its not the matter of graphics and bad terrains but the way players accept and understand a game.

Just so you know: a map doesn't need to be good when compared to another map.
A map needs to be good - end of story.
(so this map may be good compared to EZI, but it's not yet finished).

I also think the current name is a lot better than "Eras Zombie Invasion UPDATED AND LEAKS REMOVED", as the last one doesn't really have any feeling to it.


Yeah, the quality of maps was completely different last year :/ (too much good mappers nowadays D:).

Also, for some reason most people say that their map is only fun when you play with a lot of people.
I can understand the difficulty in making maps like this fun for 2-3 players, but look at it as a challenge :p
Add events, make the map something to be worth playing, even with only a few people.
You could also increase the speed of the game when there are less players, so it doesn't get too stretched.
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Level 3
Oct 1, 2009
cool!! i'll test this ! ahh the gate is fixed! thx

Just so you know: a map doesn't need to be good when compared to another map.
A map needs to be goog - end of story.
(so this map may be good compared to EZI, but it's not yet finished).

I also think the current name is a lot better than "Eras Zombie Invasion UPDATED AND LEAKS REMOVED", as the last one doesn't really have any feeling to it.


Yeah, the quality of maps was completely different last year :/ (too much good mappers nowadays D:).

Also, for some reason most people say that their map is only fun when you play with a lot of people.
I can understand the difficulty in making maps like this fun for 2-3 players, but look at it as a challenge :p
Add events, make the map something to be worth playing, even with only a few people.
You could also increase the speed of the game when there are less players, so it doesn't get too stretched.

lol i played EZI alot of times and well...i usually use turkey and i win most of the time instead of england.
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Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
Just so you know: a map doesn't need to be good when compared to another map.
A map needs to be good - end of story.
(so this map may be good compared to EZI, but it's not yet finished).

I also think the current name is a lot better than "Eras Zombie Invasion UPDATED AND LEAKS REMOVED", as the last one doesn't really have any feeling to it.


Yeah, the quality of maps was completely different last year :/ (too much good mappers nowadays D:).

Also, for some reason most people say that their map is only fun when you play with a lot of people.
I can understand the difficulty in making maps like this fun for 2-3 players, but look at it as a challenge :p
Add events, make the map something to be worth playing, even with only a few people.
You could also increase the speed of the game when there are less players, so it doesn't get too stretched.

well i dont understand u. its like trying to make island defense fun for 2-3 ppl to play. obviously it wont be. if he named it eras zombie invasion then it should be judged by comparing eras zombie invasion and not the map alone. if he wana do those then might as well make a new map and a diff name.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
well i dont understand u. its like trying to make island defense fun for 2-3 ppl to play. obviously it wont be. if he named it eras zombie invasion then it should be judged by comparing eras zombie invasion and not the map alone. if he wana do those then might as well make a new map and a diff name.
That's not true.
If what you said were true, then I had to compare all Run Kitty Run-maps with the original one.
If I did that, they would all get approved, which is obviously not the case, since their quality is too low.
A map should be good on it's own, not in comparison to other maps.

You can make island defense fun for only 2-3 people, it requires some work but is certainly possible and I've seen other defense-maps that were fun with only a few people.
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
No it's different AC and plus u need the authors approval. It will be hard to make it fun with a few people since this game mostly requires teamwork on both sides and usually less people is less fun. Some games require more people such as MMO's and some don't such as diablo. So it's gonna be hard but il try my best

Also can u approve this since you know i will improve it
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
This map isn't terrible. This map isn't excellent. Before calculating the score, Ill guess that this is will get a 2.5ish rating out of me.

Unfortunately the standard of terrain seems to be very low among custom maps. This results in open space, odd terrain tiles, boring cliffs and overall pretty wretched terrain. Luckily, this map has not horrible terrain tile placement. So this avoids a 0 or 1 out of 5. Despite this, the map is generally empty. There are no doodads except trees and a couple things here and there. You know how people rave about graphics in certain video games. Well the same standard applies to custom maps! No you cant exzactly make a grunt come to life, but you can make it look pretty. And this has a lot of room for improvement. If not for the utter crud of other maps, this would be a 1/5. However simply because the majortiy of other maps do the same bland uninspired terrain, this gets a 2/5

there is nothing to intricate and complex here. But there is certainly enough to scrape by a 2/5. I encountered little/no triggering problems, and I felt connected enough with the game. This is really a 2.2 out of 5 (but I'm gonna round to the nearest integer). Their was no complex system integrated with the gameplay or anything. It was satisfactory. I think their were some camera commands. Some game text triggers when you upgraded. Repeatable income with timer. But their was no great system that pulled the game together. Their weren't any lesser but really cool little things. I will note that the host checker system was good, and probably the only redeeming part of the triggers.

I only played one game, and from hearing players it seemed balanced enough. However there is large concern over the set of rules that was implemented in the game. Their was a whole cast of “no this trooper, no level 5, no nukes”. If stuff is imbalanced, it should be fixed. If using these things drastically changes the game but still worth not changing/keeping, their should be triggers that set up the hosts options (this is also factored into the score I put for triggers), so that specific things are not physically achievable. I'm gonna give this a 2/5 as well. Their were a bunch of units to make, but none of them seemed inspiring. They were all missing the “awesome factor”.

This is the best part of the game. I think this is like 3.8 mb, and the zombie models were all unique and cool. The buildings were dissapointing though. I would of liked to see something cooler then a generic structure for each item. But none the less, 4/5. Nice work with the icons too.

Hero Abilities:
1/5. My hero had 2 abilities. This is clearly not a complete part of the game. The abilities I had weren't enough to cover the rest of the games lack. This can easily be boosted up to a 3/5 If I just had 3 more abilities (and could spend a skill point each level, it was annoying having 5 skill points and no ability to use them on).

Seemed to be lack of game modes. And the game pretty much ended once the humans were breached, which was disappointing. I had all these units, a really nice income, heavily upgraded, but I had nothing to kill it with. Just a suggestion, after 1 team is defeated or at 10% strength, why not have some sort of Alien force come as an end-game reward to fight? I spent the whole game getting this huge income, making lots of zombie hut thingys, and my allies penetrated the humans, which utterly brought their end, and my role in the game was basically wasted. In addition, I would like to see some kind of kill/death ratio tracker, (or just to show kills for starters). Maybe make a game mode of the whole world is filled with people, troops. Humans start with a nice income. And like each zombie player gets 1 infector unit, and the humans try to stop the plague before the undead grow too big and crush them. Or some kind of variation of this (I came up with that on the spot). This Is a generic zombies on 1 side, humans on the other, fight – map. 2/5

Nothing major, but everything seemed appropriate and I remember at one time I said “i like the sound for this unit”. Compared to other games, this is enough to get a 3/5.

16/35 = 45%= 2.28/5 = “Lacking” = Approved

Good news, you have plenty of room for improvement :) Haha. Just take in what I said, alter the game, and you could easily make this a 3/5. I came a little harsh on points, because after 6-7 years, the Wacraft III modding community should be spitting out some more advanced stuff. But keep it up though, and feel free to switch over to Starcraft II whenever it comes out (PS. Its been in development longer then most MMORPGS)

EDIT: This is definitely one of my more prettier posts.
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
Thx anti for the review...
Unfortunately the standard of terrain seems to be very low among custom maps. This results in open space, odd terrain tiles, boring cliffs and overall pretty wretched terrain. Luckily, this map has not horrible terrain tile placement. So this avoids a 0 or 1 out of 5. Despite this, the map is generally empty. There are no doodads except trees and a couple things here and there. You know how people rave about graphics in certain video games. Well the same standard applies to custom maps! No you cant exzactly make a grunt come to life, but you can make it look pretty. And this has a lot of room for improvement. If not for the utter crud of other maps, this would be a 1/5. However simply because the majortiy of other maps do the same bland uninspired terrain, this gets a 2/5
Well, I guess im just really bad at terrian but I'll soon try to get someone to improve it. Doodads...well this is a building game and it there is doodads peopl cant build or walk in some places or see in some places.
there is nothing to intricate and complex here. But there is certainly enough to scrape by a 2/5. I encountered little/no triggering problems, and I felt connected enough with the game. This is really a 2.2 out of 5 (but I'm gonna round to the nearest integer). Their was no complex system integrated with the gameplay or anything. It was satisfactory. I think their were some camera commands. Some game text triggers when you upgraded. Repeatable income with timer. But their was no great system that pulled the game together. Their weren't any lesser but really cool little things. I will note that the host checker system was good, and probably the only redeeming part of the triggers.
What do you mean by this?But their was no great system that pulled the game together.
I only played one game, and from hearing players it seemed balanced enough. However there is large concern over the set of rules that was implemented in the game. Their was a whole cast of “no this trooper, no level 5, no nukes”. If stuff is imbalanced, it should be fixed. If using these things drastically changes the game but still worth not changing/keeping, their should be triggers that set up the hosts options (this is also factored into the score I put for triggers), so that specific things are not physically achievable. I'm gonna give this a 2/5 as well. Their were a bunch of units to make, but none of them seemed inspiring. They were all missing the “awesome factor”.
Some people like some news and some dont they are balanced dont worry I made sure that their is ways to not make it that way. Level 5 can explode on death...Easy way get Toxic Troopers and if one dies they both die or get long range units, such as railrifle men, to kill long range.

This is the best part of the game. I think this is like 3.8 mb, and the zombie models were all unique and cool. The buildings were dissapointing though. I would of liked to see something cooler then a generic structure for each item. But none the less, 4/5. Nice work with the icons too.
I tryied to get awesome buildigs but still getting under 4mb or around 4mb
And Im getting more Icons in 1.09 and new attack/armor types ( well custom :D)
Hero Abilities:
1/5. My hero had 2 abilities. This is clearly not a complete part of the game. The abilities I had weren't enough to cover the rest of the games lack. This can easily be boosted up to a 3/5 If I just had 3 more abilities (and could spend a skill point each level, it was annoying having 5 skill points and no ability to use them on).
Yeah, this really isnt a hero game, but I am adding skill points on 1.09
Seemed to be lack of game modes. And the game pretty much ended once the humans were breached, which was disappointing. I had all these units, a really nice income, heavily upgraded, but I had nothing to kill it with. Just a suggestion, after 1 team is defeated or at 10% strength, why not have some sort of Alien force come as an end-game reward to fight? I spent the whole game getting this huge income, making lots of zombie hut thingys, and my allies penetrated the humans, which utterly brought their end, and my role in the game was basically wasted. In addition, I would like to see some kind of kill/death ratio tracker, (or just to show kills for starters). Maybe make a game mode of the whole world is filled with people, troops. Humans start with a nice income. And like each zombie player gets 1 infector unit, and the humans try to stop the plague before the undead grow too big and crush them. Or some kind of variation of this (I came up with that on the spot). This Is a generic zombies on 1 side, humans on the other, fight – map. 2/5
Yeah not really many game modes... But awesome idea about the aliens!
Nothing major, but everything seemed appropriate and I remember at one time I said “i like the sound for this unit”. Compared to other games, this is enough to get a 3/5.
Yep I tryied to get them as close as they can get!

16/35 = 45%= 2.28/5 = “Lacking” = Approved
I'm gonna try to get that 3/5 :D

Good news, you have plenty of room for improvement :) Haha. Just take in what I said, alter the game, and you could easily make this a 3/5. I came a little harsh on points, because after 6-7 years, the Wacraft III modding community should be spitting out some more advanced stuff. But keep it up though, and feel free to switch over to Starcraft II whenever it comes out (PS. Its been in development longer then most MMORPGS)

yeah I do have alot of room for improvement :D and I cant wait for S][C
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Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
Concerning the triggers, these maps all heavily rely on them to bring it all together.


Swat Aftermath

Also, Dota (as much as i hate it), and Castle Fight.

This map almost could be made with no triggers.

With doodads, you can add a (carefully) placed field of grass, and make them have 0 collision. You in fact can make many useful doodads and have them have 0 collision (flowers, grass)

Even if its not a hero game, it should be pushed a little more in that direction. Heroes are supposed to be that really fun super unit everybody gets. For the next version have 5 abilities per hero at least, (even if some of them are duplicated, nor Auras though).

I'm confident YOU can push this map to a fun 3/5.
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
Concerning the triggers, these maps all heavily rely on them to bring it all together.

Swat Aftermath

Also, Dota (as much as i hate it), and Castle Fight.
Ugh I use the triggers I NEED for the map

This map almost could be made with no triggers.
o_O LIES there is many needed triggers!
With doodads, you can add a (carefully) placed field of grass, and make them have 0 collision. You in fact can make many useful doodads and have them have 0 collision (flowers, grass)
*facepalm* wow I had a huge brain fart...:bored:

Even if its not a hero game, it should be pushed a little more in that direction. Heroes are supposed to be that really fun super unit everybody gets. For the next version have 5 abilities per hero at least, (even if some of them are duplicated, nor Auras though).
Just finished new abilities for each hero

I'm confident YOU can push this map to a fun 3/5.

I know I can! :mwahaha:
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
Actually this game could be set up very closely without any triggers at all. Just make mines for gold, use the in game object editor for any upgrading, make the units smaller so you dont need to zoom out in the camera, I think your good.
Level 7
Feb 28, 2005
It has been a long time.

I wonder what you have done to my map.. (terrain looks better that's for sure)
I think I may take up 0.83 and start updating it now I have more knowledge from attempting EZI 2.
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
It has been a long time.

I wonder what you have done to my map.. (terrain looks better that's for sure)
I think I may take up 0.83 and start updating it now I have more knowledge from attempting EZI 2.

Anteep why not we work together to update it :smile:
And I got someone to make better terrian and I have improved the coding of the triggers and such and added new units.
And yeah it has been a long time, Alot of people are glad that its being updated
Im working on 1.09 but its currently still has bugs and I have to go on vacation so I wont be fixin it
Also dont u have to deprotect it since u lost it xD mind as well join me without the hassel of doing it ehhh?
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Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
This map isn't terrible. This map isn't excellent. Before calculating the score, Ill guess that this is will get a 2.5ish rating out of me.

either u didnt play anteep's version or u are juz purely complaining.

Unfortunately the standard of terrain seems to be very low among custom maps. This results in open space, odd terrain tiles, boring cliffs and overall pretty wretched terrain. Luckily, this map has not horrible terrain tile placement. So this avoids a 0 or 1 out of 5. Despite this, the map is generally empty. There are no doodads except trees and a couple things here and there. You know how people rave about graphics in certain video games. Well the same standard applies to custom maps! No you cant exzactly make a grunt come to life, but you can make it look pretty. And this has a lot of room for improvement. If not for the utter crud of other maps, this would be a 1/5. However simply because the majortiy of other maps do the same bland uninspired terrain, this gets a 2/5

well this version is completely modified from EZI, so it has to be something related to EZI. it couldnt have tanks cause it will ruin the gameplay.

there is nothing to intricate and complex here. But there is certainly enough to scrape by a 2/5. I encountered little/no triggering problems, and I felt connected enough with the game. This is really a 2.2 out of 5 (but I'm gonna round to the nearest integer). Their was no complex system integrated with the gameplay or anything. It was satisfactory. I think their were some camera commands. Some game text triggers when you upgraded. Repeatable income with timer. But their was no great system that pulled the game together. Their weren't any lesser but really cool little things. I will note that the host checker system was good, and probably the only redeeming part of the triggers.

well well well this isnt a great comment. this are the triggers that the game needs. what do u want? save/load code? advanced inventory?

I only played one game, and from hearing players it seemed balanced enough. However there is large concern over the set of rules that was implemented in the game. Their was a whole cast of “no this trooper, no level 5, no nukes”. If stuff is imbalanced, it should be fixed. If using these things drastically changes the game but still worth not changing/keeping, their should be triggers that set up the hosts options (this is also factored into the score I put for triggers), so that specific things are not physically achievable. I'm gonna give this a 2/5 as well. Their were a bunch of units to make, but none of them seemed inspiring. They were all missing the “awesome factor”.

IT IS awesome enough. he have placed many different custom units unlike anteep's.

This is the best part of the game. I think this is like 3.8 mb, and the zombie models were all unique and cool. The buildings were dissapointing though. I would of liked to see something cooler then a generic structure for each item. But none the less, 4/5. Nice work with the icons too.

well the buildings are meant to be like that. however i totally agree wif ur 4/5

Hero Abilities:
1/5. My hero had 2 abilities. This is clearly not a complete part of the game. The abilities I had weren't enough to cover the rest of the games lack. This can easily be boosted up to a 3/5 If I just had 3 more abilities (and could spend a skill point each level, it was annoying having 5 skill points and no ability to use them on).

u want an imba hero running around destroying all of the humans?

Seemed to be lack of game modes. And the game pretty much ended once the humans were breached, which was disappointing. I had all these units, a really nice income, heavily upgraded, but I had nothing to kill it with. Just a suggestion, after 1 team is defeated or at 10% strength, why not have some sort of Alien force come as an end-game reward to fight? I spent the whole game getting this huge income, making lots of zombie hut thingys, and my allies penetrated the humans, which utterly brought their end, and my role in the game was basically wasted. In addition, I would like to see some kind of kill/death ratio tracker, (or just to show kills for starters). Maybe make a game mode of the whole world is filled with people, troops. Humans start with a nice income. And like each zombie player gets 1 infector unit, and the humans try to stop the plague before the undead grow too big and crush them. Or some kind of variation of this (I came up with that on the spot). This Is a generic zombies on 1 side, humans on the other, fight – map. 2/5

i guess u have been playing with noob humans. so what will it be? alien invasion?

Nothing major, but everything seemed appropriate and I remember at one time I said “i like the sound for this unit”. Compared to other games, this is enough to get a 3/5.

why 3/5? the sounds are good.

16/35 = 45%= 2.28/5 = “Lacking” = Approved

why 2.28/5? this is a update, mind u.

Good news, you have plenty of room for improvement :) Haha. Just take in what I said, alter the game, and you could easily make this a 3/5. I came a little harsh on points, because after 6-7 years, the Wacraft III modding community should be spitting out some more advanced stuff. But keep it up though, and feel free to switch over to Starcraft II whenever it comes out (PS. Its been in development longer then most MMORPGS)

EDIT: This is definitely one of my more prettier posts.

well are u a blizzard spy? "oh every1 come starcraft II now." that is what u meant and i dont agree.

why is it 2.28/5? if u compared it wif EZI, it would score director's cut.

and well well well here is the famous anteep i wana meet for a long time. nice to meet u anteep.
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
I only made my review of the map based on the 1 game i participated in, which included Hell_Ya (on my team, the zombies side). And by the talk of the players, their were at least 3, but likely more, "veterans" of the game (on humans).

well this version is completely modified from EZI, so it has to be something related to EZI. it couldnt have tanks cause it will ruin the gameplay.

Just because it is based off of something, doesn't mean their cant be any drastic enhancements/changes to the gameplay. I have not played the other EZI, I only base this review off of what i saw.

well well well this isnt a great comment. this are the triggers that the game needs. what do u want? save/load code? advanced inventory?

All I am/was saying was that this map doesn't seem particularly advanced, aside from the host checker system, which is in fact impressive. I would of liked to see a multi-board tracking various things. I would of liked to see in game pickable options for the hosts rules. These are just 2 basic advanced things, (basic in the sense that these are common elements in good+ maps, advanced in the sense that noobs generally cannot get them).

well the buildings are meant to be like that. however i totally agree wif ur 4/5

Many warcraft players have been looking at “castles” for 5+ years. There is no reason to note utilize the vast resources of the hive workshop, and simply replace the model with some kind of pretty looking city (or something). They flat out should not be “meant to be like that”.

u want an imba hero running around destroying all of the humans?

Don't give me attitude, don't insult me. Obviously I do not want a rigged hero. All I want is a full set of abilities for each hero. Grow up.

i guess u have been playing with noob humans. so what will it be? alien invasion?

No, the game took about an hour or so for the zombies to break through the human lines. And I'm not talking about transforming the entire map into some alien crap. I just think that It would give the zombies something to do once they have broken through the humans. Because that is the core fun of the game basically. Once the humans were penetrated, they were basically stomped over. If their was some sort of secondary end-game content to play, I think it would be very cool.

why 3/5? the sounds are good.
Yeah the sounds are good, not great, not excellent. 1/5 terrible, 2/5 lacking, 3/5 good, 4/5 great, 5/5 excellent. You want to be spoon fed points? Seriously? A great map would have custom sounds in it, which are very achievable and at low KB cost. 5/5 Would be fully custom voice over. I'm not gonna be like “sounds are okay, 5/5”. That's not how a review should ever operate.

why 2.28/5? this is a update, mind u.

Well I calculated all my ratings and it averaged to a 2.28 out of 5. If you think this is particularity bad, be aware that most maps are not likely even a 2/5. Its just that warcraft 3 came out so long ago, and there is a broad range of knowledge on how to utilize the world editor (and other editors). This would probably be a 4/5+ a couple years ago. But I think its time the hive raised its standards. Its basically inflation :p

well are u a blizzard spy? "oh every1 come starcraft II now." that is what u meant and i dont agree.

why is it 2.28/5? if u compared it wif EZI, it would score director's cut.

Hell-Ya and I are actually friends. We have exchanged a couple hundred e-mails together in working on our maps. He asked me to review this map for him. I'm not going to hand out a 4/5 and call it a day. This gives him something to work on to make this map really good. Because the foundation is there, It just needs to be taken to the next level.

I do not give 1 crap about any other version of this game. My review is based off of the map that I saw, and the people I played it with, and my experience in playing the map. I don't care about its previous version/owner/anything. This map is, in fact, a 2.28/5.

No I am not some blizzard spy. If you looked at what has been released about the Starcraft II world editor, you would know that it surpasses this editor 10 fold. Multi-player campaigns, changeable UI, easy FPS settings, drastic terrain enhancements, and a flow of other things will/should make many warcraft 3 modders travel over to starcraft 2, simply because of the modding abilities.
Level 9
Dec 8, 2009
I only made my review of the map based on the 1 game i participated in, which included Hell_Ya (on my team, the zombies side). And by the talk of the players, their were at least 3, but likely more, "veterans" of the game (on humans).

how could they be veterans when i can easily pwn the zombies?

Just because it is based off of something, doesn't mean their cant be any drastic enhancements/changes to the gameplay. I have not played the other EZI, I only base this review off of what i saw.

refer to my post pls.

All I am/was saying was that this map doesn't seem particularly advanced, aside from the host checker system, which is in fact impressive. I would of liked to see a multi-board tracking various things. I would of liked to see in game pickable options for the hosts rules. These are just 2 basic advanced things, (basic in the sense that these are common elements in good+ maps, advanced in the sense that noobs generally cannot get them).

seriously, if he made it into something completely different, he might not agree.

Many warcraft players have been looking at “castles” for 5+ years. There is no reason to note utilize the vast resources of the hive workshop, and simply replace the model with some kind of pretty looking city (or something). They flat out should not be “meant to be like that”.

i did not say the castles sould not be changed. my rating for it was 4/5 but not 5/5 bc some things werent up to expectations.

Don't give me attitude, don't insult me. Obviously I do not want a rigged hero. All I want is a full set of abilities for each hero. Grow up.

seems like u need this message more than i do. grow up. reality is harsh.
obviously he made it not a full set for some reasons and u couldnt just say 'i want a full set of abilities.'
grow up? well obviously u arent fit(yes i bolded it) to say such words because u didnt see things from different sides of views. u didnt played EZI and gave a straight 2.28/5.
wow, how is that an insult?

No, the game took about an hour or so for the zombies to break through the human lines. And I'm not talking about transforming the entire map into some alien crap. I just think that It would give the zombies something to do once they have broken through the humans. Because that is the core fun of the game basically. Once the humans were penetrated, they were basically stomped over. If their was some sort of secondary end-game content to play, I think it would be very cool.

either the humans failed to notice america or couldnt change.

Yeah the sounds are good, not great, not excellent. 1/5 terrible, 2/5 lacking, 3/5 good, 4/5 great, 5/5 excellent. You want to be spoon fed points? Seriously? A great map would have custom sounds in it, which are very achievable and at low KB cost. 5/5 Would be fully custom voice over. I'm not gonna be like “sounds are okay, 5/5”. That's not how a review should ever operate.

i want to be spoon fed points? wth? its not my map.
did any1 gave 5/5 for sounds? obviously not. did any1 gave 2/5 for sounds? obviously not. its bc they understand that sonds arent important in zombie games, unlike u who needs great sounds (from anything) so u can give higher ratings.
do u think DoTA is not a great map? if u reviewed DoTA then ur sound might be 0/5 bc there wasnt a single custom sound. not even one if im correct.

Well I calculated all my ratings and it averaged to a 2.28 out of 5. If you think this is particularity bad, be aware that most maps are not likely even a 2/5. Its just that warcraft 3 came out so long ago, and there is a broad range of knowledge on how to utilize the world editor (and other editors). This would probably be a 4/5+ a couple years ago. But I think its time the hive raised its standards. Its basically inflation :p

well its not for u to decide whether hive needs to increase. it will be based on other ratings by mods and we will make sure we will do better, not because "i saw that u gave me a 2.28/5 for my map".

Hell-Ya and I are actually friends. We have exchanged a couple hundred e-mails together in working on our maps. He asked me to review this map for him. I'm not going to hand out a 4/5 and call it a day. This gives him something to work on to make this map really good. Because the foundation is there, It just needs to be taken to the next level.

well maybe he offended u in some ways. call it a day. seems like u need more tuts to polish ur english. 'call it a day' is used for work and definitely not for this sentence. a correct one would be 'leave it lying'.

I do not give 1 crap about any other version of this game. My review is based off of the map that I saw, and the people I played it with, and my experience in playing the map. I don't care about its previous version/owner/anything. This map is, in fact, a 2.28/5.

either u need grammer tuts or ur alr like that. what is "I do not give 1 crap"? it should be "i do not give a single crap"
what u see isnt everything. let me guess, if u played constantly with noobs for different kinds of maps, then all those maps will get a straight 2.28/5?
pls, it is stupid to use decimals in ratings. if i gave a 2.666666667/5 for a map, it would look terrible and thts what ur rating is.

No I am not some blizzard spy. If you looked at what has been released about the Starcraft II world editor, you would know that it surpasses this editor 10 fold. Multi-player campaigns, changeable UI, easy FPS settings, drastic terrain enhancements, and a flow of other things will/should make many warcraft 3 modders travel over to starcraft 2, simply because of the modding abilities.

then why are u promoting starcraft 2 in a review? i like starcraft and im waiting for starcraft 2 so pls dont act like some blizzard salesman here.
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
JESUS CHRIST! AC stop talkin shit they are at least helping me I know your trying to help but your dis'n my friend and teacher. It's okay that they aren't comparing it to EZI. It gives me more ideas from them. So AC for the love god plz stfu.
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
how could they be veterans when i can easily pwn the zombies?

In terms of veterans, I simply meant people who have played this game multiple times.

seriously, if he made it into something completely different, he might not agree.

That is probably up for him to decide. The review was directed at him specificlly. He asked me to review it because he knew I wouldn't go easy on him. And look what has come from it, he now has a list of things he can do to improve his map. It seems all you have done is bash my review.

seems like u need this message more than i do. grow up. reality is harsh.
obviously he made it not a full set for some reasons and u couldnt just say 'i want a full set of abilities.'
grow up? well obviously u arent fit(yes i bolded it) to say such words because u didnt see things from different sides of views. u didnt played EZI and gave a straight 2.28/5.
wow, how is that an insult?

I can't really think of an instance where a hero without a full set of abilities is better then a hero with full abilities. The abilities don't need to be suped-up. They don't need to play a major role in the game. But it just makes the game feel incomplete. A hero with full abilities is more fun and “valuable” to the player then one without a full set.

i want to be spoon fed points? wth? its not my map.
did any1 gave 5/5 for sounds? obviously not. did any1 gave 2/5 for sounds? obviously not. its bc they understand that sonds arent important in zombie games, unlike u who needs great sounds (from anything) so u can give higher ratings.
do u think DoTA is not a great map? if u reviewed DoTA then ur sound might be 0/5 bc there wasnt a single custom sound. not even one if im correct.

I said spoon fed you (specifically) points because you appear to take this so personally. You have intensely argued against my original review, which I thought was constructive and useful for Hell_Ya. Most maps don't get a 5/5 for sounds. Most maps arrant 5/5 quality, or even 4/5 quality. Most maps, most good maps, should be at 3/5 to 4/5. The notion that every good map should get a 4/5 or 5/5 rating only degrades the community.

As for sounds in a zombie game, I actually disagree. The aura of zombies should be that of fear and creepyness. Part of what comes into that is the classic “zombie groan” or shriek. I gave sounds a 3/5 because for all the units I clicked on, they were the best warcraft 3 sounds that could be used for each unit. Which is no easy feat, finding the best in game sound. And this accomplishment was good. Good not great. Good is a 3/5. Great is 4/5. Excellent is 5/5. The sounds were good, and it really isn't that hard once you figure out how to do it, to replace/import custom sounds. And I'm sure there are dozens of websites with zombie mp3 files to download :p

I hate DotA personally. But it is a well done map. You don't seem to have played dota, because there are actually a lot of custom sounds in there. It would definitely be at least a 4/5.

well its not for u to decide whether hive needs to increase. it will be based on other ratings by mods and we will make sure we will do better, not because "i saw that u gave me a 2.28/5 for my map".

No its not up for me to decide, its up to the community. FYI, the map moderator who rated this map gave it a 2/5. So I was right on the money, wasn't I?

And do not critisize the decimal in 2.28. I was being precise. I also calculated it into fraction and decimal. I'm just trying to display my review as clear as possible, so that he could know exactly where I stood on it, with hopes that he could raise it to meet its full potential.

what u see isnt everything. let me guess, if u played constantly with noobs for different kinds of maps, then all those maps will get a straight 2.28/5?
pls, it is stupid to use decimals in ratings. if i gave a 2.666666667/5 for a map, it would look terrible and thts what ur rating is.

then why are u promoting starcraft 2 in a review? i like starcraft and im waiting for starcraft 2 so pls dont act like some blizzard salesman here.

Again, I translated it into several rating forms for his clarity. If you don't like it, I don't really care. The 2.666666667 you quoted is obnoxious. To be blunt, you are being a bit obnoxious. Your exaggerations are ignorant and rude.

I, being excited for the modding abilities of starcraft 2, just wanted to share it with my friend. Because thats what friends do. They help each other and share things with each other. I helped Hell_Ya by giving him a tough yet constructive review. I shared my excitement about SC2 at the end. You need to stop.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
ACdestiny: stop it.
Anti Bodies gave a good, constructive review and you're just bashing it because you do not agree?

I have given you numberous reasons why not to compare this map to EZI.
Let's say I create a new Run Kitty Run, still leaky triggers, still a crappy terrain, still crappy units but a lot better than the original one (which isn't really hard).
Would it receive a 4/5 because it's a lot better compared to the original one, or a 2/5 because the map sucks in general?
I would choose the latter option, as the original version obviously doesn't have a lot to say about the new versions.
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
Well Thx for all the reviews/help, the map really needed it :D

Since im not on my Computer I still cant update it but atleast I can think of ideas! here is the ideas I got from the reviews and whats on my to-do-list

- New Terrian(which a friend of mine will make for me since I well...suck at it :xxd:)
Add Multiboard -
Income:## Time:MinSec
Player NameKills/DeathsAgeIncome CurrencyIncome EnergyStatus
Player 1#/#MedievalHiddenHiddenPlaying
I only did player one and i will make it so if you want to show your income to the multiboard or not using commands such as -show income, -hide income and as you can see I will put the timer into the multiboard and will add a Game Time Timer
- Add Host Rules{Dialog}
Host Rule Options
I will let the host choose weither he/she wants rules, then air,lvl 5, toxic troopers, Nukes, Sneezers, Sats
- Add Alien Event( as suggested on Anti's Review )

:mwahaha:As you can see I learned more vB code so i can make the decription better and nicer and well more awesome! I shall do this when I do the update and by then hopefully i can get a 3/5 (Maybe even a 4/5 :xxd: prob not but i gotta hope!)
I was also thinking of a Rank System like for units as a ability like once they get atleast 1 kill they gain a ability and they are private and so on while zombies can have a Rage Level(same as the humans but ZOMBAH style)So it would be like experience for units! Yeah!Plus this would be simple to add since I have this already at work on the map that i quit working on LoaC!

Okay Im almost done with everything but since Anti ( i also agree ) wants to get a better castle model I shall wait for Mr. Bob till he has finished his Pack, , as he said in that thread. If he doesnt finish by new years I will update it.
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Level 5
May 12, 2009
Well, what to say??
Oh, yes, I know, pure awesomnes.
I play it with my friends and other people every week and can't stop playing cause the game gets updates and gets much better and I just gota try it.
And I think that the progress is amazing.
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
Indeed, the progress made from a 1.5 (my rating) map to this, is remarkable...but is it enough to get approval?... HELL_YA, if you're certain about this update, P.M. me one more time for the go. *Waiting*
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
EDIT: Look, I don't know WTF is up with the colors in this review. But I no longer have the patience to fix it. Just ignore any unworking BB Code (which i thought i had nailed down). I plan on doing another review in the future anyways (because i think they help).

This is an an updated review. My original review is here

Well nothing has been changed yet. However you have clear plans in place to fix it up a bit. Make it more flat, import custom terrain models. I'm gonna rate it a 3/5,because I know that within a week from now you will have it up to par, as we have been discussing it.

This game is much better with the multiboard, as it pulls all the technological aspects in this game together. I'm gonna give this a 3/5. You are ALMOST at that 4/5. When you host it you don't like using the rule system you have in place, so it makes me a little weary that they are fully functional and work in practice, not just theory. As an idea, you could make it a set rule that zombies cant get air before humans do or something. But you gotta get the rule system together, 100% functional, and as useful as the rule system is in those popular risk maps that are constantly bot-hosted.

Hmmm. I am on the edge between a 2/5 and a 3/5. I think I'm going to go with a [/color]2/5. With the rules you pick for the game, It was impossible for us to break through the human lines. Fully upgraded and with the best soldiers available, I couldnt puncture the human front. Soo it would seem impossible to break through. I think their needs to be a weaker version of Gore Crows, that we can use earlier. Because they are really fun. (but nerf them to a level 1). Their also needs to be more elite units that target structures and can walk on water. Because the only way I could get over sea would be with gore crows, since none of my other units could walk on water, or break through the lines (weather I had 10 or 100 of them). Their probably should be some sort of advanced attack upgrade for the zombies late game. Because my main zombies could slap at a wall for an hour, and none of them would die (despite lots of human resistance). However the repair bots absolutely raped when it comes to repairing the walls. And their wasn't a thing I could do about them, except wait for humans to build up and get air, so that I would be allowed to. On the flip side when I played humans, I didn't like how their were like 6 units (from the barracks) that all cost between 20-100 gold. Their wasn't a clear distinction between them. In the unit tool tips, I would like it if you would revamp ALL of it. Have a brief description of what the unit is, and then below (in color), describe what it should be used for, weather its melee or ranged, and anything else that's brief but useful for the player (used for anti air?).

4/5. [/color]

Hero Abilities:
This has earned another point, with some clear room to grow into an easy 3/5 (but it is at a 2/5). You added abilities, unique abilities at that. And they had icons and stuff. But their weren't a complete set. And I would still find myself having left over skill points, but I had to wait until the next level before I could spend them (I think the most I had left over was just 1).

3/5. This is an interesting game, with clear strategy. It is fun upgrading your empire and fighting off zombies. It can be a little drag for the zombies. (The terrain really needs to be flat in the zombie area).

Same as before. 3/5

[color=green20/35 = 2.86/5 = “Good” = Approved[/color]

I have no doubt that you will make even more easy progress, that will make me give you an even higher. At your rate, in a week this will be a 3.5/5

You really only have to do a bunch of littler things to pull up the rating another 5 points (out of 35). A 25/35 is a 3.57/5
So your basically right there. I think that once you pull together the options and triggers more, the game play will be bumped to a juicy 4/5
Level 7
Mar 28, 2009
slake said:
Well, what to say??
Oh, yes, I know, pure awesomnes.
I play it with my friends and other people every week and can't stop playing cause the game gets updates and gets much better and I just gota try it.
And I think that the progress is amazing.

Well I do try to update this map so it can be better for the player...

kl3sk said:
Indeed, the progress made from a 1.5 (my rating) map to this, is remarkable...but is it enough to get approval?... HELL_YA, if you're certain about this update, P.M. me one more time for the go. *Waiting*

ummm since anti did his review il fix those up and let you know( I want a 4/5 :xxd: so sry for the long wait) Also I thought u rated it 2/5 not 1.5 xD

@ Anti: ty so much and thew reviews do help! Since alot of people dont answer when I ask what should I fix/add/remove o_O and so i soon run out of what I can do...but reviews tell me what to do and where to improve so thx

Well...I fixed those things in the review and for a temporaraly fix for the new cold climate tree ( doesnt have any animation other then stand o_O )
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Level 7
Mar 28, 2009