I can honestly and rather bluntly say that I am a BIG fan of this map.
I've played about every version there is out there, as well as being there when Pyro re-hosted a game with his optimized versions
I do have a few concerns though.
I'll try to be unbiased when typing this out, but my only defense is that I play both zombies and humans with the same frequency and notice some silly things.
1) Crows
I believe they were removed in some of the later versions. However, they are quite ridiculous. Especially when the zombie targets the munchy peasants and lumberjacks behind those pesky walls, nearly instant win there. (As well as them being to spy all over the place) Now of course, people will say that I should build more towers n00b and that random shit, which brings the second point. A massive crowd of crows dealing damage in the hundreds will kill at least one peasant or jack no matter how strong the defenses may be. And what doesn't help is that most of my infantry and gunmen, including my hero, can't even target crows. That urks me the most
2) Heroes
I was slightly disappointed when i massively dumped all those funds into pumping my heroes. The upgrades are only good for maybe the first 5 minutes of the game, and you can't really afford any of them until maybe the last 5 minutes of the game before you watch yourself obliterated. The lack of skills also doesn't help. From what I've seen, the only 'decent' heroes that are deemed a necessity by me would be: Spain, Britain, and Sweden. Spain has a nice endurance-like aura that boosts damage percentile, Britain with a trueshot skill, and Sweden with a utility spell. But other than that, what the fuck. Everything else is practically useless. They barely stand their ground as a tank, and become more and more of a hassle than an asset later in the game. The only benefit of heroes I can see are zombie heroes attacking through walls at peasents at the other side.
3) Ships
Ships are useless other than for transport. That is all
(I would like to see them play a greater role in the future however
4) Lumberjacks
I hate my jacks after i depleted their use.
5) Human Win Conditions
Now maybe the objective of the game is not for humans to win, but it would be nice if there was an objective.
EG: Each zombie has some special building or unit they start off with, and the destruction of that will result in a game over for them (Or heavily cripple them) It'll be nice to see the occasional last ditch effort by the human team to suddenly turn the table and make zombies defensive.
6) Random Events
I feel like Sweden, Britain, and those other western-most countries have it too easy, having to do nothing but to research and bunk in nicely while the East takes the blow. It would be nice if there were move 'outbreaks' on the western side
In addition, how come Byzantine doesn't get any free units
7) Lumpys, Stalkers, Maulers
They really don't play a big role from what I've noticed. Instead of upgrading those why not just get lvl 3s that swim and rush the undefended shores of other nations. I'm not sure if its just me, but those names don't really strike the same fear in me as it used to. Instead, when im playing humans, I think of them as a benefit. They take up more space in front of my walls thereby allowing fewer attackers in =\
The next time i want to hear that Zombies have just developed the ability to create fire-breathing-brood-spawning-Lumpys, I want to shit myself, mmkay?
8) I love Pyro's Scoreboard
Hopefully you won't get me wrong on what I'm saying. In no way am I insulting the map in any way. In fact, I really love the map. I'm just throwing some ideas for future consideration, and I have no expectations on any of them getting added on