Drakula's Return

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Reactions: deepstrasz
- Drakula's Return - the night Drakula broke loose

A fighting map which is a passion project of mine

I created another map in the past but I abandoned it once I learned about memory leaks and I refused to keep updating a map that did not have high standarts.

This map is highly highly optimized.
As far as I can tell, zero memory leaks.
You play one of 4 heros in co op againts the AI for 15 waves.
Challanging, yet fun.
In the future I will keep expending on fixing bugs, optimizing but mainly raising the difficulty which is the number one request I get.
*(and now I get spammed from people asking to lower the difficulty, we will see)

  1. Map Info
    Like many other ideals, this map was inspired by the story of Drakula told inside Jojo's bizzard advanture, where the enemy vampire is the biggest threat to humanity. The map is about surviving fights againts Drakula and his legion for 15 waves.
  2. Features
    4 players co op survival of enemy waves, every 5 waves the game is changin into free for all, where the last man standing only him gets to fight the enemy boss one on one.
  3. Some more stuff about map
    There are 3 heroes that are given distinct roles: the ranged hero, is meant to hit without getting hit, the map provide 2 hiding areas for him to snipe the enemies. The tank is meant to use the water as his litteral cheat code, allowing him to play with zero mana cost. As long as he can be inside the water he will face very little trouble with surviving. The healer is the third role, he is like the people which are "moving the post hole" whenever their ball misses by which I mean that he can go wherever he wants, cast spells globaly and when he is near his allies he can provide them with much bigger advantage = so he moves his spawned units after them, moving in a way a cheater would hahaha.
  4. Screenshots / Video

  5. Change Log

    Drakula's Return 1Q1 = Epic leap, huge lag reducion, a major optimazation methode was available and implemented.
    Drakula's Return 1S1 = A lot of trigger changes and fixes.
    Drakula's Return 1T1 = New gameplay element: Mana management as it is much more limited. Also replaced a comlax trigger with a very simple one to reduce lag.
    Drakula's Return 1T4 = Added damage table and made vampiric potion way stronger.
    Drakula's Return 1T9 = Major buff to the heroes' transformation and fight/flight.
    Drakula's Return 1U4 = Bug fixes regarding area of effect and freezing.
    Drakula's Return 1U5 = Bug fix regarding area of effect attack with god form (swapped to bash)
    Drakula's Return 1V4 = Planty of Balance and bug fixes, moon wells no longer waste mana to heal units that are about to get healed in the near future by better heals
    Drakula's Return 1V5 = removed a trigger involving with bug that cause the game to become unplayable since the heroes remain invulnerable, improved gold gained.
    Drakula's Return 1V9 = Added Music (credits = my hero acadmia theme music for muscular)
    Drakula's Return V2.03 = Added dynamic music Boku no Hero Academia OST - 'Hero A'
  6. Credits
    1= Boku no Hero Academia S3 OST - Midoriya vs Muscular Full Soundtrack
    2= Boku no Hero Academia OST - 'Hero A'
  7. Author's notes
    The map will always keep having new versions and for that it requires a lot of testing, come help me test it on europe server.

Ok now that it got approved I noticed people are giving score =
This is important, the map is my free gift for the warcraft iii community and as I was asked by my online friends =
This map is made from the ground up to have mass appeal and be very difficult.

- If you have requests tell me here or on my online account wwdxxvccom and come my hosts which I host every single day
Not a single suggestion since the map began creation 1 month ago was skipped.
Tell everything that you want to be adjusted right here.

Drakulas Return 1V9 (Map)

Drakulas Return V2.03 (Map)

Shar Dundred
1) Do not double-post 2) Your demanding & unfriendly tone is leading you nowhere 3) deepstrasz was giving you fair & honest feedback, if you are unwilling to accept that, it is your problem and not his fault 4) This map may have effort put into it...
Funny because there's no repercussion if you retry. Anyways, it's kind of OK now, Approved. (previous comments: Drakula's Return)
I like the idea of a hero arena like this but this has alot of conflicting themes. heroes seem very basic. Is this suppose too be a dracula themed map or Japanese style map? either way the tileset doesn't seemed too fit either of the themes. If your going with a Japanese style map with the name and abilities I suggest getting some of black stans old samurai models. If your going for a vampire fighting area I'd go more grim-dark and change the name of the map.
I like the idea of a hero arena like this but this has alot of conflicting themes. heroes seem very basic. Is this suppose too be a dracula themed map or Japanese style map? either way the tileset doesn't seemed too fit either of the themes. If your going with a Japanese style map with the name and abilities I suggest getting some of black stans old samurai models. If your going for a vampire fighting area I'd go more grim-dark and change the name of the map.
What about samurais killing Drakula.... hahaha
It's just Drakula themed.


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New map name works better. Was just testing the Gun hero and his summon has a some major leaks, randomly fires missiles (I assume this was another spell triggering) and summons extra stuff that just disappears. If using triggered spells double check all trigger variables that might be conflicting with other spells. I suggest using the tile-swap function too swap too a castle aesthetic maybe Dalaran or cityscape if your sticking too the vampire aesthetic. Use a timer and/ or life based re-spawn system the current re-spawning randomly glitches out.
New map name works better. Was just testing the Gun hero and his summon has a some major leaks, randomly fires missiles (I assume this was another spell triggering) and summons extra stuff that just disappears. If using triggered spells double check all trigger variables that might be conflicting with other spells. I suggest using the tile-swap function too swap too a castle aesthetic maybe Dalaran or cityscape if your sticking too the vampire aesthetic. Use a timer and/ or life based re-spawn system the current re-spawning randomly glitches out.
The spell is summoning units for 4 seconds. This is how it functions. There are no glitches as far as I can tell. The path looks just fine.
The game is meant to be played as 4 players, maybe you were confused since the 5th wave is you againts over people and the game just skipped that?
I think I should write it now so that the entire concept of the map is relized:
I was asked by one of my friend to make a map "that is all about hard mode" so I created a co op map that is all about surviving a massive chaos, getting attacked from all sides while running arround in circles. I asked bnet players that I know, what they want and they as rpg and they said "make a system based on tank / dps / healer " so this is the entire concept , however, It is the first time I try to create a map specificaly to appease bnet players, so I took "healer" and made it into my own version of healer = global spells healer, my version of healer is the version of a guy that can do his own things and his team get automatically healed. Likewise I took "ranged dps" and turned the entire concept upside down - instead of a guy kyting arround an enemy unit while attacking and moving between attacks - my version of "ranged dps" is based arround jumping between 2 specific points on the map to obtain a lot of bonuses. The tank I was told to make him have taunt ability, which I did, but I made him very unique since he can either move arround, placing bombs in his path or hold one location = this is my version of making tank "forced to move since you cast flame strike on him" so that he swap between 2 options so that effectively he IS allways in control.
This map is very special and I dislike how you put "pending" on it when my other maps which have very little thought behind them got approved let bnet players see this map is alive so they can see it for themeselves this is time we play something new rather than the old things we always and only play
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
The status "pending" has no other meaning but that your resource has not been reviewed yet.
It is a temporary state and all maps that are uploaded here start in the pending state.
I have only told you that your description is lacking, I have not posted a proper review yet.
Once that has been done, the status of the resource will change to either Awaiting Update,
Approved, Substandard or Restricted.
The status "pending" has no other meaning but that your resource has not been reviewed yet.
It is a temporary state and all maps that are uploaded here start in the pending state.
I have only told you that your description is lacking, I have not posted a proper review yet.
Once that has been done, the status of the resource will change to either Awaiting Update,
Approved, Substandard or Restricted.
Yes ok becuase it is a map that has nothing wierd about it, its just a survival hero rpg with a very hard difficutly curve.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Too many map tags and unfitting ones. Removed superfluous ones.

  1. Terrain is chaotic, shops all around disorganized, three heroes that mainly have Warcraft III abilities.
  2. Stuff is shooting at you from who knows where. Suddenly you get teleported and trapped near an enemy hero and killed...
  3. Units with hero models have glow and no body decay animations.
  4. You can add hero glow to the heroes that don't have it: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling

Can't see how this is fun. It's too random. If you don't get Aerial Shackled then you get Entangled. At least the latter is a bit saner.

I will leave it for my colleagues to put their feedback as well. I am not taking any decision regarding the map's status.
1) read my comment about "the map is based arround chaos"
2) You get global sight, how cant you tell what is shooting at you? also read about chaos
3) This is how I want it to be, I want to give the impression that you are surrounded by zombies that can get to live any moment and see a huge pile of corpses
4) No need to make mini drakula glow, they arent a hero.
This map offers a unique experience, there is no hand holding like putting the shops where the player can go and buy with peace, its not like dota where you spawn into 10 shops, its not like legion td where you either fight a unit that drop corpse or you fight a hero, it is offering a unique feeling.
All I seen so far from this website is someone stating " the ability describing you summon units for 4 seconds is having units disapear after 4 seconds which is a bug "
and " The map which is based about chaos and running arround in circles from million enemies is having too much chaos, and too many enemies which drop corpses "
Come on with the weird rules for how a map SHOULD BE, this is a unique experience no hand holding whatsoever, units doesnt last for 99999 seconds, they last for 4 seconds.
What is the point of marking a map "pending" and write argurment about how this map is diffrent than other maps where the map is unique and should be seen by a lot of players?
See video, players are enjoying the chaos and everything is working
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
2) You get global sight, how cant you tell what is shooting at you? also read about chaos
Well, sure but looking around takes time that means your health going down.
4) No need to make mini drakula glow, they arent a hero.
I'm referring to the rifleman and spell breaker heroes that need glow.
This map offers a unique experience
yeah, of annoyance, sadly.
its not like dota where you spawn into 10 shops, its not like legion td where you either fight a unit that drop corpse or you fight a hero, it is offering a unique feeling.
But it's also definitely not like quality defense/survival maps or of this genre.

So any way, since I was sure this was gonna be a sensible chat, I'm waiting for my comrades to give their aye or nay on this one.
Well, sure but looking around takes time that means your health going down.

I'm referring to the rifleman and spell breaker heroes that need glow.

yeah, of annoyance, sadly.

But it's also definitely not like quality defense/survival maps or of this genre.

So any way, since I was sure this was gonna be a sensible chat, I'm waiting for my comrades to give their aye or nay on this one.
1) "Well, sure but looking around takes time that means your health going down."
Why do you expect your hero health to allways be full? The small abominations have global range nuke that is meant to make players that hide in corner of the map to have their hiding spot compermized. As I wrote 3 times this game is "based on being very difficult" so don't expect hero with full hit points for the whole game.
2) no idea what you even mean
3) I hate alcohol, I never drink it, it make my head spin and drop asleep, so I never drink it. Does it mean that the alcohol industry need to write on the bottle "this is for experiencing annnoyence" ? each his own taste, this map is offering the difficulty that I want. Will you put "pending" on all puzzle maps since you dislike puzzles? I am amazed this kind of comment is legit from a map reviewer "your map offering experience in annoyence" either trolling or I don't know.
4) Name one game that have done something new, that was like 100% other game before it? what was the dark souls before dark souls was invented? what was the first puzzle game before puzzle games were invented?
You are litteraly blocking the idea of a new map because it offers creative and unique new ideals.
"defense/survival maps or of this genre." How is that a defense type map? you don't defend anything, you kill any unit the enemy spawn untill no more units exist, you don't defense a castle, you don't defend a farm, how is that a defense?
About survival, how is that NOT a survival when you have hero that is going to die constantly and you have the mission of making him not die? this is what survival is by definition, to survive with at least one hit point.

"my comrades to give their aye or nay on this one."
Clearly you have no idea what your saying, better leave this to those who do.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
As I wrote 3 times this game is "based on being very difficult" so don't expect hero with full hit points for the whole game.
Well, sure but then you don't expect it to be good game design. Also, you can't expect most people to play your map over and over until they get that good at it to be able to properly play it.
3) I hate alcohol, I never drink it, it make my head spin and drop asleep, so I never drink it. Does it mean that the alcohol industry need to write on the bottle "this is for experiencing annnoyence" ? each his own taste, this map is offering the difficulty that I want. Will you put "pending" on all puzzle maps since you dislike puzzles? I am amazed this kind of comment is legit from a map reviewer "your map offering experience in annoyence" either trolling or I don't know.
Bad game design has nothing to do with taste. As I already wrote, I am waiting for the other reviewers to give their opinions so I would not take any biased decision. Calm down?
All uploaded maps are in Pending first. No one needs to set them to that status. Pending maps are visible to everyone. Awaiting Update and Restricted ones are not. Of course, Substandard ones are also visible to everyone.
2) no idea what you even mean
If 2) is referring to the hero glow stuff, then a click on the link I provided about hero glow will make it clear.
4) Name one game that have done something new, that was like 100% other game before it? what was the dark souls before dark souls was invented? what was the first puzzle game before puzzle games were invented?
"defense/survival maps or of this genre." How is that a defense type map? you don't defend anything, you kill any unit the enemy spawn untill no more units exist, you don't defense a castle, you don't defend a farm, how is that a defense?
It's Defense/Survival. The tags aren't separate. It's how the tag system was created. Feel free to talk about changes in Site Discussion.
Clearly you have no idea what your saying, better leave this to those who do.
At least I write English. Also, I'm writing, not saying.
About survival, how is that NOT a survival when you have hero that is going to die constantly and you have the mission of making him not die? this is what survival is by definition, to survive with at least one hit point.
Yes, that map tag fits but not RPG. Actually Arena doesn't really fit either since it refers to other types of maps, but let's leave it at that.

OK, do me a sweet favour and not spam your map thread and wait for comments from other reviewers.
I read all you wrote.
It boils down to "I don't agree with unique, new ideals - so give the map reviewing to another map reviewer"
Please help me contact with an actual map reviewer, I will host the game.

*Added picture as proof that 4 seconds spell is having the description of 4 seconds spell


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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
It boils down to "I don't agree with unique, new ideals - so give the map reviewing to another map reviewer"
There's nothing new. It's just another Defense/Survival map with bad mechanics. It's harder to see flaws in your own stuff when you're attached to it.
Please help me contact with an actual map reviewer, I will host the game.
Shar Dundred
Give more details about "bAd mEcHaniCs" so I add more screenshot to disprove all of your nonesense.

Wow I know this breaks the flow of everything in the chat so far but I just had to write this so that everyone see this:

"Bad game design has nothing to do with taste."

This is why I KNOW this guy is trolling. Reviewers are nothing but a glorified Opinion. And Opinion changes from person to person, which means review is based on taste.
This is something you learn at age 5 my friend.
"bad game" / "good game" / "bad game" / "good game" / "bad game" / "good game" ga ga gga ga

Who made this guy a map reviewer?

I wanted to give to the warcraft 3 community an amazing map for those who got tired of playing the same old LEGION TD and DOTA for 8 years in a row and no other map whatsoever that can offer a challange.
I aint gonna keep arguing with this "map reviewer" who keeps the map away from being APPROVE because he is bored.
This is the map, download it if you want, just don't expect any update from me as long as people with poor taste not choosing to approve this legit map.
PM account wwdxxxvccom I host this map every day let me know if "BaD RevIEWER" post something funny so I can read it
I'm out.

Just to be clear I will not upload any more updates untill this map gets approved. Don't send me messages overwize.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 74
May 6, 2009
1) Do not double-post
2) Your demanding & unfriendly tone is leading you nowhere
3) deepstrasz was giving you fair & honest feedback, if you are unwilling to accept that, it is
your problem and not his fault
4) This map may have effort put into it, but that does not make it good. It is what it is: Substandard.
Which is where it is going now since I do not expect you to fix the issues after your last post.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
I undeleted this map, put it in awaiting update.

Please don't post insults such as this from now on:
Who made this guy a map reviewer?

I wanted to give to the warcraft 3 community an amazing map for those who got tired of playing the same old LEGION TD and DOTA for 8 years in a row and no other map whatsoever that can offer a challange.
I aint gonna keep arguing with this "map reviewer" who keeps the map away from being APPROVE because he is bored.
This is the map, download it if you want, just don't expect any update from me as long as people with poor taste not choosing to approve this legit map.
PM account wwdxxxvccom I host this map every day let me know if "BaD RevIEWER" post something funny so I can read it
I'm out.

You have a point though. Despite all your bickering and disrespect, you do deserve an explanation of why the various things @deepstrasz mentioned are bad. But if you keep this up. You also deserve to be shut up. So please keep a good calm tone.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
So, hey @best_player_88 the reason why the map is not too good right now is that its terrain is confusing, not well defined though it has something going with the Way Gates and gates and ramps.
Also, enemy attacks aren't refined, sometimes you die or are caught out of the blue and expect to have a chance alone. Since there are only three heroes (would be nice to have more choices) dying in sudden attack situations isn't helping the teammates when they can't really help you if you're too far away from them and between you and them there's a pack of minions to be fought first before aiding the trapped/lone hero in distress. Dead heroes can't be revived until the match/round ends. Now that's good otherwise it'd be too easy but you have to make a sort of counter or safety measure for things like the dreadlord's hook and net. Can that trapped hero be healed from a huge distance for instance? Would a stunning the dreadlord collapse the trap? The stunning would have to be possible by the trapped hero, I guess, otherwise, if you get locked while not having too much HP, you might not get out alive from the confrontation.
I have to say the hero spells are pretty nice. Enemies are also somewhat fun but again, everything feels chaotic and disorganized. I know you wrote that you want it that way but sometimes the way we want it isn't the best.
Shops are a bit regular Warcraft III ones but the actual issue is their position, not necessarily that they are not right where you start but that it looks like they're outside the map borders.

So generally, the map has potential but if I were you, I'd make a nice terrain that doesn't feel and look awkward to play in.
Then, I'd make enemies less odd, balancing their abilities and mechanics with those of the heroes/players.

If you could at least fix some of these concerns, we could get the map approved.
Of course, it would be in everyone's best interest if the terrain would be remade but that might be asking too much.
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Thanks for reviewing the map.

Since the idea of the map is chaos and struggle most of the things you pointed out are there by design and are working as I wanted them to work - as mechanics to deploy chaos and stuggle which is the best taste of game in my opinion as I love dark souls style games.

* Being dead while isolated is accurate with my design.
* Having terrain that is confusing and hard to remember is accurate with my design. *(I directly copied resident evil 4 first stage for this layout since I want hard mode chaosting map)
* "everything feels chaotic and disorganized." THANK YOU! This means I managed to make the map work as I wanted.

- Shops are a bit regular Warcraft III ones but the actual issue is their position, not necessarily that they are not right where you start but that it looks like they're outside the map borders.
Yes. This is an error I need to fix. the shop range is too low.

"terrain would be remade" The terrain is very very important for the game to function - water give free mana to the Tank, fog gives extra bonuses to the sniper, the healing spots are in middle of boring areas that has nothing going on so instead of empty space I placed a healing fountain.

I hope you now understand why I wrote that this map offers a unique experience, there is no arena co op survival like this that doesnt hold your hand anywhere. literaly. I am happy that you enjoyed playing the map.
I gonna try and make it a little bit easier so you get it approved.
Though I gonna keep it chaosting and hard, this is something I won't budge about.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
un-inviting? in what way?
Well, the aesthetics, some of the battle mechanics. I've mentioned in the bigger post. You say it's how it should be but from my years of map testing, game playing and making some maps myself, I can tell the difference between a polished map and one that feels more like the beginnings of Warcraft III map making.
You can achieve that chaos you want but at the same time not affecting the gameplay and visuals in the process.

The universe is organized chaos. You can see it's beautiful regardless of the nebulous anxiety it can cause to viewers and the mind.

For instance, the game series Soul Reaver. There's an ability where you shift from the material to the immaterial world bending and twisting everything in the material world and changing the atmosphere but the change even though visible and distorted does not affect the general vibe of the game.
Warcraft III is an old game and because it's played from a bird's view perspective, visualizing pathing is important. Learning the routes by memory isn't good in this context because it's not like you're in a maze and have to remember if you've been in some of its parts or not. Yeah, there things might look the same but you kind of can tell if you're going forward or that you'd be able to cross through some places or not.
In your map, however, it's like you've used a random terrain generator that didn't really consider pathing but just to differentiate tiles and doodads and this system didn't care about logic in what the placement of these things was.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
The terrain is too plain now.

Does Retry leave you with the level you had? Same with the wave.
The Vamp doesn't use the hook anymore? And now, there's only one.
Are you supposed to gain a level after you Retry and the wave starts again?
The ring gives 25 to all attributes and costs about 6k while the crown gives 5 to all and costs 100k?

Got a crash because of the falling rocks I presume since they usually lag the game.
The terrain is too plain now.

Does Retry leave you with the level you had? Same with the wave.
The Vamp doesn't use the hook anymore? And now, there's only one.
Are you supposed to gain a level after you Retry and the wave starts again?
The ring gives 25 to all attributes and costs about 6k while the crown gives 5 to all and costs 100k?

Got a crash because of the falling rocks I presume since they usually lag the game.
no, retry adds a level
no, it was reshaped so that at level 7 there is a special unit that chase you all over the map that has the ability instead
yes, retry gains a level
text error, actual 50+

The crash happens at wave 8, I am working on finding out what causes it (there is no leak, but reforged has inherent glitches)
Edit: about the map looking plain, I had to reshape it so that the boss with 1800 range won't be able to target you while you are fighting the army, and the decoration caused fps drops so I had to remove some of it.
OK, waiting for that fix and please make the terrain nicer. The guides I provided will help you. If not, just look at Blizzard melee maps, they are good for inspiration.
Yea I already have one I want to follow, but I want to make sure there are no crashes at level 8 and no fps drops before I go into decoration. Decoration isn't imprortant if the game cant work


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
So, I don't get it, you changed the game a bit more dramatically?

  1. The map is bigger, it's good but now it has big empty one tiled spaces. Is that intended, to fight in such zones?
  2. The last two heroes seem to be changed. Also, the tiger rider's icon is not fitting.
  3. Ghouls are small but their selection circle is bigger than that of Golems and so their health bars longer.
  4. Something is stunning me constantly from a distance.
  5. The enemy units start queuing orders and not coming after you properly if you run from them.
  6. Why is the archer hero's acquisition range longer than the attack one?
  7. From level 8th the vamp seems overpowered.
  8. From level 13th you can get permastunned. There's also some lag.
  9. Summon Scroll says it creates Carrion Beetles not Water Elementals.
  10. Wave 16+ out of 15? Anyways, since enemies grow in number, they start stuttering.
I don't know. See if you can alleviated some of these things especially the enemies moving sluggishly.

(previous comments: Drakula's Return)
So, I don't get it, you changed the game a bit more dramatically?

  1. The map is bigger, it's good but now it has big empty one tiled spaces. Is that intended, to fight in such zones?
  2. The last two heroes seem to be changed. Also, the tiger rider's icon is not fitting.
  3. Ghouls are small but their selection circle is bigger than that of Golems and so their health bars longer.
  4. Something is stunning me constantly from a distance.
  5. The enemy units start queuing orders and not coming after you properly if you run from them.
  6. Why is the archer hero's acquisition range longer than the attack one?
  7. From level 8th the vamp seems overpowered.
  8. From level 13th you can get permastunned. There's also some lag.
  9. Summon Scroll says it creates Carrion Beetles not Water Elementals.
  10. Wave 16+ out of 15? Anyways, since enemies grow in number, they start stuttering.
I don't know. See if you can alleviated some of these things especially the enemies moving sluggishly.

(previous comments: Drakula's Return)
1 = Check Drakula's Return 1S1 the new terrain does have empty spaces which are intended (dbz style fighting drakula in empty space potential) there are 2 zones like this.
2 = Tyrande? thats warcraft3 icon for her? Try the new version and see if it got fixed (?)
3 = The new version made the ghouls spawn in random sized, check it now?
4 = Don't know what you mean, try new version since it doesnt have such bugs
5 = Yes that is correct, I am looking for solutions, since giving 400 units the order to attack seems bugged, I tried giving them global agrro, check the new ver
6 = so that she chase units 1800 range away
7 = Drakula has 0.25 seconds stun and push maybe that is the source for him being too strong? balance is very difficult and requires millions of tests. Last time I tested, the game was really hard and really fun (2 players) but wave 5-10 was so easy and boring. The map will never be 100% complete as I will always keep adding stuff , testing, and changing to create balance.
8 = Yea 400 units on screen cause a lag, I am working to see where I can make units less complax (removing summoning for example so they stop multiply and remove abilities that create lag)
9 =Jaja, actual wrong text, thanks.
10 = wave 16-20 is for people who enjoyed the game and want bonus levels, the game continues untill you got sick of it (inifinite levels) actual game end is 15

Try the new version with a friend , you will have a great time I think


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
1 = Check Drakula's Return 1S1 the new terrain does have empty spaces which are intended (dbz style fighting drakula in empty space potential) there are 2 zones like this.
Maybe you could make those look less repetitive.
3 = The new version made the ghouls spawn in random sized, check it now?
Noice. Didn't notice. I just saw they all had the same HP and damage.
4 = Don't know what you mean, try new version since it doesnt have such bugs
It only happened in the first few waves. Afterwards it was good. It was a sort of War Stomp, I think.
5 = Yes that is correct, I am looking for solutions, since giving 400 units the order to attack seems bugged, I tried giving them global agrro, check the new ver
You could use unit groups but the issue is a hardcoded one. To solve it, you should not have more than 50+ or so units per player. Just make more AI players since the map only has 4 human players anyway.
6 = so that she chase units 1800 range away
Sure but it's annoying because you have to use hold position all the time. If the hero also attacked from that distance, it was a different thing, you would not need to hold position since the hero would just attack instead of going when you wanted to shop or stay near a fountain. Also, in this map, you are the one being chased.
the game continues untill you got sick of it (inifinite levels) actual game end is 15
That's good. Try making the waves as diverse as possible. You could get some inspiration from this map: Masters of the Multiverse 2.3c
Maybe you could make those look less repetitive.

Noice. Didn't notice. I just saw they all had the same HP and damage.

It only happened in the first few waves. Afterwards it was good. It was a sort of War Stomp, I think.

You could use unit groups but the issue is a hardcoded one. To solve it, you should not have more than 50+ or so units per player. Just make more AI players since the map only has 4 human players anyway.

Sure but it's annoying because you have to use hold position all the time. If the hero also attacked from that distance, it was a different thing, you would not need to hold position since the hero would just attack instead of going when you wanted to shop or stay near a fountain. Also, in this map, you are the one being chased.

That's good. Try making the waves as diverse as possible. You could get some inspiration from this map: Masters of the Multiverse 2.3c
1 = Last version added 2 minibosses. This one added 2 more mini boss seqauences (getting hit by a dragon will drag you into 1vs1 fight at one of 3 locations and killing everyone other than drakula make him go super fast mode for 10 seconds. You can also try a diffrent hero
2 = They are intended to look diffrent. Not function diffrently.
3 = All war stomps are removed from the game starting the version released 3 weeks ago
4 = Ok I understand your confusion so let me further explain: before reforged normal campaigns worked properly where ordering mass units to attack the player worked, after reforged actual warcraft 3 campaign stopped funcion, sending the first 2 units and does not order anything else (units just stop in their track and wait for agrro) This can be solved by giving units 99999 aggro which I did, you just need to try out the new version as I said yesterday.
5 = Ok, I changed the aggro of heroes to 1000
6 = I might try it later, but I rather come up with ideals on my own rather than copy other maps...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I might try it later, but I rather come up with ideals on my own rather than copy other maps...
I did not imply you to copy anything. It's purely for inspiration but if you deem that nothing inspires you because you are creating everything from your own non-experiences then, you are truly wondrous.

Is this a test version?
There are units on the map before choosing any hero and look at that armour. Also, that hero has like huge regeneration. Even the Anti-Hero spell is useless.
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I did not imply you to copy anything. It's purely for inspiration but if you deem that nothing inspires you because you are creating everything from your own non-experiences then, you are truly wondrous.

Is this a test version?
There are units on the map before choosing any hero and look at that armour. Also, that hero has like huge regeneration. Even the Anti-Hero spell is useless.

For an actual real gamer I find it wondrous how you keep and keep and keep asking for hand holding.
This is not a test version, Drakula is a godlike being that you can attack just to find out that he is too strong, The Nuke damage was set to be too low to kill him as a deliberate choise by me as the developer. So in order to kill him you must find out his weakness.

Kill everyone else then he lose all of his armor

For Drakula:
Starts with 9999 armor and -9999 attack damage, still follow random player arround to spread his auras.
After all units die, use metamothesis, attack with 100% bash while pushing the players arround the map.
If the players survived, they need to bring him to 45% hp at this point he will blink away into specific area.
In the specific area both him and each player get +999 attack damage to make the final showdown more tense.
when killed, you finished wave 1.

For the players:
Start off with +75% attack speed
when going low hp get +75% movement speed instead and get -5 armor and -90% attack speed.
When the players choose to run away, they can use many healing places to get healed mana and health wise but the health is much harder to recover.
When they are left only with Uther (specificaly meant to endure everything you throw at him) the players can only buy potion of vampiric to kill him off since the potion gives enough damage (in multiplayer you can kill him without it)
Then being healed to full hp and mana, and attacked by drakula which is mostly a one sided fight since he have 100% bash ( there is an item giving you the same skill later in the game)
when dropping drakula under 45% hp , he will drop an healing item to help the players since if he can heal faster than they can get to him, the last phase will reset so this is basicaly a timed event to add stress. then the players and drakula get +999 damage and if the players attack properly they will win wave 1.

" There are units on the map before choosing any hero "
The game is hard and is aimed at real gamers who want to get into the univerce inside which Drakula is real and he have returned. Those aren't just units, they are the ghouls, the little army of scary creatures gathered by Drakula and the 2 traitors of humanity Uther and the Special Agent, Jaina which have decided to help drakula to take over humanity and get something out of him getting back his throne.

As such, they have no reason to wait for the heroes of humanity to stand up againts them, and should spread accross the map weather there is an oposing force or not.

The game has integrity and I hope you can feel it.

The map is not built as "choose hero, then click - I am ready - while the game is waiting for your choises to be made, then get to see drakula and kill him using 2 clicks , then get the congratulation message " this isn't aimed at 5 years old kids.

This map is built as " Drakula is already here! run or attack but make your choise NOW or you die! run run run attack attack attack, find out you can't win even if you know what you are doing, struggle your way through and conquare the 15 waves! now you are feeling accomplished"

Actually too easy as I was able to win on my first try
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
The map is not built as "choose hero, then click - I am ready - while the game is waiting for your choises to be made, then get to see drakula and kill him using 2 clicks , then get the congratulation message " this isn't aimed at 5 years old kids.
Funny because there's no repercussion if you retry.

Anyways, it's kind of OK now,

(previous comments: Drakula's Return)
Ok now that it got approved I noticed people are giving score =
This is important, the map is my free gift for the warcraft iii community and as I was asked by my online friends =
This map is made from the ground up to have mass appeal and be very difficult.

- If you have requests tell me here or on my online account wwdxxvccom and come my hosts which I host every single day
Not a single suggestion since the map began creation 1 month ago was skipped.
Tell everything that you want to be adjusted right here.