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Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Veljkom, you may remember me mensioning "life matrix"
Titans used the same matrix everywhere which made flesh creatures.
They changed the basic matrix to make stone creatures.

Faceless are definetly assimilated creatures, just look at them! If they arent, then they are from that theoretical Old God planet.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Well, I have a Draenor passport. Now thats an idea... Draenor pasport.
You should go to Draenorian embassy in Nethergard Keep.
But it will take long. They have to mail your info to Shattrath, Hellfire Citadel, Skettis, Gruul's Lair(man, I imagine Gruul doing paperwork). And it may take even longer if they will send them to Karabor, Auchindoun and Garadar.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Indeed. Satyrs have Ashenvale and Felwood passports, which wont work in Draenorian embassy.
And I dont think that naga, with their Maelstrom passports, can go anywhere. Blood elves have expired passports, because Quel'thalas was destroyed.
lol. I just imagined a fel orc souvenire lounge next to the Dark Portal.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Because of that United States of Azeroth (USA) proclaimed that nagas are terrorist. Satyrs are former communist of Sargeras (Stalin?) and his Burning Legion (known also as SSSR) which was created around War of Ancients (WW1) gone in Third War (cold war). Now new Burning Legion (china) is active again and they have world wide agents with fake passports.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
But the Scourge (Russian Terrorists) rebelled against the Burning Legion and managed to get a huge part of Northrend (Russia). They are fond against a war of the United States of Azeroth (USA) and started to use biological weapons against them, a plague.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
LOL. wow random. But still draneor in the orginal warcraft was bad ass and i loved having 200 men under my control MUHAHAHAHAHAHA MASSED RANGERS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH + footman
Level 10
May 3, 2009
that would be awesome =.= but chances are 79.523432% of him succeding. and our chances suck and velven adds 20% more because he is not that powerful, so it 99.513432% We're good.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
The Alliance wasnt that foolish to go in the deadly swamps, where the draenei were hiding.
However a few draenei have helped them a little. But if Alliance found the draenei, their united forces would easily defeat the Horde, and maybe even stop Nerzhul from opening the portals. And in my Afterstorm idea, after Nerzhul was defeated, and Horde was slowly defeating the Alliance Expedition, draenei came out of the swamps and their combined forces have pulled the Horde back, and even had destroyed a part of it.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Expedition and draenei successed in pulling the Horde away. Horde wasnt that united after the death of Nerzhul, and many of the clans returned to their homes. Many clans returned to their shamanistic traditions. The redemed orcs formed the Orcish Clans - neutral to draenei and humans, and neutral hostile to Horde. Horde lost most of it key locations including Hellfire citadel and Black Temple. However in the wilds and small villages they still continue to build new fortress, they attack Allaince and draenei and try to open the gateways to let the demons in. If they found a new leader or if there was a little boost, they would once again becaome the mots powerfull force.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Not really. Wait, orcs existed before Sauron? Oh right, they were born from the elves who were smoking while being pregnant!

Well, they are shattered, and fight even against each other, but they still have some united organizations in them.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
They are really different. Orcs of Warcraft are similar to those of Warhammer, and have many differences from orcs of LotR.
Elves in Warcraft arent that perfect. Thye were made to show that even elves can do mistakes(Tyrande, Illidan, Azshara, Blood elves :p)
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Exactly. the Orcs in warcraft were originally a shamanic and peaceful race though they loved combat they didn't hate each other. the Orcs from Lotr are just savage beast beyond compare. and whit the elves in Lotr they are overdone to mystic to holy to ascended. in warcraft they might live longer be one of the oldest races but they act like humans make mistakes like humans and actually are the cause of many many problems in Azeroth. don't forget the Highbourne where originally High elves if they didn't try to open the portal none of this would have ever happened.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Highborn 'are' high elves not 'were'. Also night elves don't make mistakes that fatal (Illidan does). And orcs from lotr have only same name and other from that there is actually no single same thing. They look, behave differently and have completely different ancestors.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
yes thats exactly what i said. and i meant to say Night elves. i meant to say Night elves were originally Night elves so you HAVE to put them in the same category. as long as there is a free mind people will make mistakes or want power even in elven cultures. in Lotr that wouldn't happen since they are to ascended and sacred.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
.. Eh, not that true.

Noldor and Sindarin. How confusing can it be?
And VeljkoM is right. Look at Feanor. He led his Noldor comrades to damnation by leaving the land of the Valar and scolding at them when his crystals, the Silmarillion, were stolen.
And Maelgin betrayed all of Gondolin, causing the kingdom to fall.
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