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Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Here we discuss Draenor before its destruction.
I've gathered(and discovered myself)some information about Draenor, prior to its corruption and destruction.
Here's the info about zones:
Nagrand - Lush grassland, didnt change much since corruption(C)and destruction(D). Homeland of orcs. Starting place of draenei expansion(Oshu'gun).
Terrokar Forest - possible homeland of arakkoa, zone with two of three most important draenei locations(Shattrath City, Auchindoun). Didnt change much since (C) and (D). Location of Skettis(Arakkoa capital)
Shadowmoon Valley - When I done my own research I found out that it was once part of Terrokar Forest. Location of Temple of Karabor(Black Temple) - Sanctum of the Prophet. Personal fortress of Velen. Many draenei temples.
Zangarmarsh - Part of Draenor that didnt change after destrcution. The place where draenei exiled after the war against the orcs. Many temples and brotherhoods were there.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Hellfire Peninsula - I believe that before corruption western Hellfire Peninsula was part of Zangarmarsh, and eastern part was grassland. Then it all became red wasteland.
Blade's Edge Mountains - They were actually normal mountains before destruction, and then they became spiky. The home to ancient civilization of Apexis arakkoa(that is extinct)and ogres and their gronn masters. In some places it was overgrown with olemba trees(trees of Terrokar Forest).
Farahlon - Called Netherstorm after destruction, it was grassland, with many trees. It was territory inhabited only with draenei, and had one of the best draenei fortresses - later called Stormspire. Its strange that after the war egan, they ran to Zangarmarsh.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
I dont like that Draenor exploded.
It would better be pure. It was an awesome world.
Too bad that draenei didnt have flying and normal ships.
Orcs didnt have ships(but they were a shamanistic society, so that doesnt count)
Arakkoa dont have flying transport(strange), but they do have small boats.
Im not talking about sporelings and ogres. Maybe there were other islands, continents and races. But their gone now.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
...Those are just in-game jokes and references 0.o

Like area 52 in WoW - reference to Real-life Area 51. How 'bout opening a conversation about goblins? ^.^

Or the troll<->high elf wars?

Anyways, Draenor, right? Well, umm... I actually never knew that outland in WoW was Draenor before until I did the quests in Hellfire Peninsula in WoW

Well, all I know about Draenor is that the orcs originated from there and they were brown before the got corrupted in the first time by the demons, and they invaded Azeroth as green skinned, bloodlusting monstrosities, and later they calmed down and suddenly became kind and nice under the leadership of Thrall.

But, what corruption and destruction are you talking about?
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Well ,ignoring wow, in warcraft 2 expansion Ner'Zhul wile he was still alive opened many portals which devastated Dreanor.Dreanor wasn't always broken and maybe not even red (which contradicts the facts from wacraft 1 and 2).Also orcs being brown is the strangest thing I ever heard.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Yeah, I had the same idea.
How the heck are Frostwolves green, if they never were corrupted?

The red world is only the hellfire peninsula post-corrption.
Maybe there was red sun before Draenor was destroyed and appeared in Twisting Nether.

And I still think that half of Hellfire Peninsula was part of Zangarmarsh and the other was grassland(as implied by Blizzard).
Also, Shadowmoon Valley was only a part of the Terokkar forest.
Netherstrom was a grassland, Blades Edge was normal, and... nagrand and zangramarsh didnt change a bit.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
I don't know.In all warcrafts was said it was a red planet.Even before explosion.But maybe the theory is that after orc corruption the world was changed too?Maybe some of the changes to Dreanor happened before explosion?That would make more snce.Also when The Portal was opened Guldan said that corruption was spreading to Azeroth.Place where was portal looked like Dreanor.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OMG WTF i'm gone for a month and here you are again creating new topic... now only because there is more than 1 post in here i will let it live HOWEVER remember that next time i'l just kick you out of the group. you have made enough topic's whiteout asking me first.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
The history of Dreanai trough Warcraft RTS lore:

-Warcraft 1: Mentioned only as enemy of the orc that were killed.
By Garona
-Warcraft 2 with expansion: Mentioned by name but still claiming their death.
By Guldan
-Warcraft 3: Not mentioned at all
-Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne: Seen by blood elves and naga. All of the Draenei were changed by dark energies and barely living. No normal dranei what so ever.
By Kael'thas Sunstrider
-WoW (Burning Crusade to be exact)- Draenei are divide in three groups:
*Normal Draenei- have so far one "space ship", joined Alliance for reason that they somehow known each other and both follow Holy light. Came from Outland with help of Naaru but shot down by blood elves.
*Broken Dreanei-Most serve Illidan against their will. They are hatted by their brethren bacuse they lost connection with holy light.
*Lost ones- Dreanei that completly lost their minds and are nothing more than animals (They look like Draenei from Warcraft 3, no explanation why)
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Right. Except that Exodar is a dimensional ship, not all Broken are hated(For example Kurenai, Nobundo), and lost ones are actully more that animals, they can build various buildings, and even mechanisms such as watermills. They are just too degradeted to be a normal race, and their new religion are the animal spirits(also druids have appeared in their society).
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
There is a limit so I couldn't write all of it so I was aiming for general stuff and not single persons. From this you see how Drenei don't work well with lore. There is simply to much questions now like:
1) How did Draenei survived orc onslaught when orcs were claiming so long that they killed all enemies on dreanor.
2) How are dreaneis normal in wow when only broken existed in Frozen Throne.

And so on.
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Actually that is explained.
Of course you understand that destroying the most numerous race in Draenor is hard.
Plus draenei had some good places(Telredor for example. Even orcs didnt dare to attack it). And why were there only broken in TFT? That is quite simple. The remains of the draenei were still hiding in Zangarmarsh. And because technically in TFT was only Shadowmoon Valley/Hellfire Peninsula(both of those places were not inhabited by the draenei since the creation of the horde)that explains it.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Their numbers aren't that big considering that they ave been running from legion.
Also orcs would attack all. Why would orcs left draenei in Zangarmash alive?
It is said that orcs didn't have who to kill anymore and now suddenly whole Dreanor is full of living non orcs? That is serious contradiction. And why are Dreanei in swamp spared from change like all other Dreanei?
Level 23
Nov 17, 2008
Dudes I have a question. If there was a Warcaft mod/campaign that is in Draenor before the creation of the horde, what race would be like goblins(you know neutral merchants and warriors). Personally Im thinking about sporelings. Their neutral, peaceful and trade! The minus side is that they only live in Zangarmarsh.
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