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Dota Spell Pack 1.0

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
10 Dota spell's. Not all 100% same like in dota (just need to put new special effect and that's it.
Feel free to edit this as long as you give me credits.

Dota, spell, spell pack,

Dota Spell Pack (Map)

00:47, 1st Dec 2009 TriggerHappy: Horrible Coding. If you want specifics, read the comments. Rejected.




00:47, 1st Dec 2009

Horrible Coding. If you want specifics, read the comments.

Level 1
Aug 2, 2009
I'm not sure if you have even played DOTA based on how these spells are.
1.The code is full of leaks.
2.Many of the spells that are suppose to be similar to the ones in DOTA are no where near how they are suppose to be. For example, on Reverse Polarity it's suppose to gather and stack them in front of the caster for Magnus's cleave ability, yours just surrounds the caster with the effected units.
3. No in-game screenshot.
This is awesome... Some people are trying to help and the other guy tells them they suck, and this is omfgbbqwin, and as far as I know everything named "Dota" here at Hive was a fail.

I won't even bother downloading, since it all ready plenty of site rules.

And being "new" doesn't mean you have a right to upload resources(spells), that leak, aren't even MPI, break site rules(in game screenshot, spell descriptions, credits...)
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
more spell's soon.

Please don't post any more spells until you've fixed these spells.

None of these spells are high enough quality to be approved on their own. Not single one of them. They're either (and/or) leaking locations, unit groups, special effects. Many of them are not MUI.

Read a tutorial about leaks, learn what MUI is all about. Then try to create one original spell, and post it in the triggers and scripts- subforum for feedback and comments.
Level 12
Jun 28, 2008
Thanks this pack helped alot!!

To the noobs above edit your self? ;)

Again thanks credits will be extended upon use!

I lol'd right out of my chair.

1. Who needs a DotA spellpack anyways? Are you making a map that copies those spells directly, or what?
2. Edit them ourselves? If this section was for people to "edit themselves" then why even bother coming on if all you'll find is unfinished spells?
3. Seriously who needs a DotA spellpack?
To the noobs above edit your self? ;)

what's the use of uploading this spell if the users will need to do LOTS of modifications in order for it to work? And if you would looks at the spells here there a a lot of spell which are way BETTER than this and doesn't even get approved so how will this get approved?...

anyways, reading the description there is nothing really that makes me want to download it. (he didn't even wrote what spells it includes). And looking at the posts, it looks like it has swap and reverse polarity which I guess are pretty easy to make.
Level 2
Aug 24, 2009
I think i'll see something better...You should hide Dummy Unit,make a cooldown for all spells... 2/5...
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Aww, c'mon, now matej doesn't even dare to answer anymore D:

what's the use of uploading this spell if the users will need to do LOTS of modifications in order for it to work?
Try "Redoing all spells", but then again it would be faster to open an emty map and create the spells than downloading this map and modifying it :/

that would be too rude if somehow a resource is well made actually...
If you find that, please show me =D
Seems pretty much impossible... most people who try to recreate DotA-things (the "hardcoar new-age DotA-addicts") suck at coding/mapping.

Wow this is awesome! Could u please try do the ultimate of Lord of Avernus in "Borrowed Time" in next spell map? 5/5
Haha... ha...no, seriously?

MUI - Multi-Unit Instanceable - lets multiple units, regardless of their player cast the same spell at the same time.
MPI - Multi-Player ~ - lets maximum 1 unit for each player cast the same spell at the same time.

These are very important, as an AoE knockback spell has to be MUI (just to give an example).
All other spells which are used in (O)RPG's/Arena's/AoS'/... have to be MPI (as a player can only have 1 hero in those maps)

Anyhow, since you probably don't know JASS (yet), the easiest way to create MUI spells is with hashtables (newly added in patch 1.24).
Of course, you could do it by indexing, but I think that it requires a bit more skill.
There's a great tutorial on the hive about hashtables (with as example a simple MUI knockback), perhaps you cvould check it out?

For leaks and efficient coding, there are other tutorials.
Perhaps Septimus' tutorial "The Importance in Efficiency in Coding" (or something) is a very good tutorial for you.

Well, good luck.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
How many times must this be done?

Making the DotA spells all over again will just result in all maps having the same boring spells. Additionally, there are plenty of DotA spell packs here already.

Wow this is awesome! Could u please try do the ultimate of Lord of Avernus in "Borrowed Time" in next spell map? 5/5

You know that the only part that needs triggering is the part that activates it automatically at a certain health?

The rest is simply the berserk ability with negative numbers.
Level 4
Jul 2, 2008
this is really scary lol. if you know what i mean:

I am SURE this is HOW X mark works LOL:

  • X Marks The Spot
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to |cffc3dbffX Marks The Spot|r
    • Actions
      • Set XCaster = (Casting unit)
      • Set XTarget = (Target unit of ability being cast)
      • Set XPoint = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at XPoint using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\TrueshotAura\TrueshotAura.mdl
      • Wait 5.00 seconds
      • Unit - Move XTarget instantly to XPoint
      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Wait 5 seconds
Move Xtarget instantly to Xpoint
This would be pwnage in DotA LOL

My friend, the spells posted on Hive has to be MUI MPI. Please fix, nice try.
this is really scary lol. if you know what i mean:

I am SURE this is HOW X mark works LOL:

  • X Marks The Spot
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    • Conditions
      • (Ability being cast) Equal to |cffc3dbffX Marks The Spot|r
    • Actions
      • Set XCaster = (Casting unit)
      • Set XTarget = (Target unit of ability being cast)
      • Set XPoint = (Position of (Target unit of ability being cast))
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect at XPoint using Abilities\Spells\NightElf\TrueshotAura\TrueshotAura.mdl
      • Wait 5.00 seconds
      • Unit - Move XTarget instantly to XPoint
      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
Wait 5 seconds
Move Xtarget instantly to Xpoint
This would be pwnage in DotA LOL

My friend, the spells posted on Hive has to be MUI MPI. Please fix, nice try.

and the one you posted isn't MUI..