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Dark Warlock

An undead warlock model.

Uses in game textures. The textures are animated.

Give credits if you use it

Dark, Warlock, Necromancer, Undead, neon, green,

Dark Warlock (Model)

» Wolverabid « Date: 28th of February, 2008 Approval status: Approved Rating: (4) Recommended Main points: [x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III. [x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer. Notices: [-]...




» Wolverabid «

Date: 28th of February, 2008
Approval status: Approved
Rating: (4) Recommended

Main points:
[x] The model is stable and functions properly in Warcraft III.
[x] The model displays properly in Warcraft3 Viewer.

[-] This model includes no team color.
Level 8
Jan 11, 2008
Could be improved.
-Add Team Colour
-Make sure that the orbiting particles too fall down when he dies.
4/5.....for now.

P.S. for all of you who do not know - If you find an unclaimed model with animated textures, you should know that Kitabatake made it unless proved otherwise.
Level 8
Jan 11, 2008
Yes, I noticed that the particles die away during the decay anim but when the necromancer falls down, it looks somewhat strange that his orbs behave as though he is still alive and standing. Shouldn't it circle somewhat closer to the ground without passing through it? It just looks somewhat awkward.
As for the team colour, I only suggested it as a means of knowing which necromancer is yours and which is not.
Level 2
Apr 20, 2007
Nice, and can be veri useful. But arent warlocks suppose to be a little purplish? Unless its an undead warlock with goo magic or sumthin like tt. Anyway its nice. 4.5/5 for it.
Yes, I noticed that the particles die away during the decay anim but when the necromancer falls down, it looks somewhat strange that his orbs behave as though he is still alive and standing. Shouldn't it circle somewhat closer to the ground without passing through it? It just looks somewhat awkward.
Test the model in game.

As for the team colour, I only suggested it as a means of knowing which necromancer is yours and which is not.
I will consider it...

kiraly28 said:
But arent warlocks suppose to be a little purplish?
According to what?

Reap of Creep said:
Green and some green and a bit green i will give you 4/5, because you forgot the colour green.
Damn I'll try to remember it next time
Level 1
Sep 8, 2007
Well, actually I'm not missing a team color.
Why not using him as a NPC-Guard for an undead Temple?
I love this model. Great work - 5/5 !!!
Level 3
Jul 8, 2007
hah, my cousin and i started making ANOTHER freaking footmen map ( he insisted it be a footmen map) so i started dl-ing models and icons and things, and now that i go over them all about 3/4 of them all so far were made by you. nice work.
Level 3
Jun 11, 2008
Great Job

Great job this will go perfectly as Secrete Char in one of my maps
Only thing i want to say is can you make it a bit taller because i dont want to make it fat to make it taller in my :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 2
Oct 5, 2010
Yeah it's honorable Necromancer! The best what I found among other models of necromancers :)
Level 4
Apr 23, 2008
You 67Chrome and General Frank are probably the best modelers/skinners on this site but i have no clue how i would rank you guys. Keep up the good work though!