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Dark Souls

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Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
Yeah, I did kill the Taurus Demon. Still hasn't appeared. :/
I can confirm that you CAN'T enter fog gates from the other side. :>

Dragonslayer arrows can be bought from the Giant Blacksmith for ~100 a piece, or farmed from Silver Knights with bows. (They drop ~3 when dropped, they drop them at about the same rate that Painting Guardians drop Throwing Knives.)
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009

I've been invaded a lot today. Being level 118 is delicious; most invaders are much, much lower level than me, and as such the fights are mostly blocking then the invader dying instantly to a backstab (backsmash?). Even if they backstab me with their silly lightning weapons I only lose half my health. :D

edit: at 62 strength.

Demon's Greataxe +15: 596
Smough's Hammer +5: 592

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Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I think you can.

But you can do that to the greataxe too.

Also, the hammer has slower attacks (albeit a much longer range) and a worse (much slower) 2-handed R2.

edit: The hammer's one-handed R2 is like 200 degrees though.

editedit: I just learned that the demon's greataxe has chaining power attacks. How badass is that? I used a one-handed power attack on an invader, and figured that the angle was okay and that I could do it again. Instead I went all Hulk and used an uppercut-style attack that threw him into the air.

Incidentally, that combo dealt over 1200 damage >_>
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Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Yeah. Power attacks are R2. I figured I should vary my terms in case someone uses xbox.

Related, I'm now stuck on Slenderman and Buddha. I have no idea how to proceed. I'm trying to get Ornstein's armour because it looks awesome, but the dude's lightning impale thingy just instakills me. I wasted something like 15 humanity trying to kill them yesterday, and it never worked. Hell, Ornstein even destroys me with Iron Flesh on. Wat do?
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I got 'em by... wait for it... killing Ornstein first. >_>

How do fighting him with ranged weapons work? They seem horribly horribly useless, especially since Slenderman covers the entire room with one quick leap - which he can do while you're stringing your bow (especially if it's the dragonslayer). I did summon Solaire every time, hence why I lost so much humanity (I don't revive if I know I'm gonna repeatedly die, unless I need Solaire).

Ninja flip ring = hornet ring?

As for pyromancy, that wouldn't have downed him. I have 2 magic slots. :<

Not looking forward to this fight on NG+++. NG++ is terrifying already, even if that fight was the only extremely hard one.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
Ninja Flip Ring = Dark Wood Grain Ring, acquired from joining the Forest Hunter covenant and killing the guy with the big scimitar's body guard.

I though you were already able to kill Smough >.>
To kill Smough you have to be able to roll (Which I doubt you can in full Havel's)
Just roll into his attacks (Except the charge), hit once or twice, and roll out.

You can kill Orenstein when he's in fatty form with ranged weapons, as he'll usually just chuck bolts at you. You dodge the bolt and fire off a round.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
65 strength, 20 dexterity.

Demon's Greataxe +15: 600
Greataxe +15: 571

Well, that was a waste of a titanite slab.

also, I just block all of Smough's attacks. Actually, I block all attacks in general.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
Guys, I went trolling(?) in Dark Souls.

I equipped full onion armor, a catalyst, and a shield. I had the spells Chameleon, Cast Light, Aural Decay, and Strong Magic Shield, and began invading. I spammed Magic Shield so I was invulnerable, and used Chameleon, and followed people around as a pot. Didn't attack them unless they attacked me, and then I'd just parry them.

It hilarious what some people do, a third of the people I invaded killed themselves by rolling off cliffs.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
oh god the awesome. I need to try that. Need to! Too bad I'm not a darkwraith. And I don't know where to find Dusk. Or how to get onion armour... hurr.

I still can't +rep you. D:<
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
You can buy Onion armor from the merchant in Sen's Fortress. No idea what you mean by Dusk?

About the Darkwraith thing, what I did was first ''complete'' all other covenants (took me about 3 hours to help 10 people for Warriors of the Sun), and then join the Darkwraiths. If you then finish the game, you will be Darkwraith for the whole next playthrough (unless you change covenants of course). So you can invade people starting at the very first level, unlimited. :)

-Derp- said:
It hilarious what some people do, a third of the people I invaded killed themselves by rolling off cliffs.

Accidentally? Or to just quickly end the fight on purpose? :p

But I'm wondering when that patch will be coming, by the way. It's been out like 2 weeks in Japan already?
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I'm chaos servant +2 for the shortcut to Lost Izalith at the moment. Don't intend to swap, since I plan to level up as far as it goes.

Dusk aka Dusk of Oolacile.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Ohh, right. I looked that one up a couple of weeks ago, even though it's actually pretty easy to find by yourself.

After you kill the Hydra in that forest lake, near the four crystal golems, you must walk past the waterfall to the right (don't go up the ladder yet). Keep walking till you see a small cave with a golem in there. Destroy it, and done.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
When you kill the Hydra, the golden golem might not spawn - if it doesn't reload the game. When you kill it, Dusk will spawn and then disappear. You'll have to reload the game (again) and then her summon sign should appear near where the Hydra was.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
...and right hand 1 is 690.

<3 S scaling.

Capra demons were nerfed, apparently. They stagger when I hit them once now, so I can just smash them thrice in a row to kill them. There's more narm when you get your bloodstain; RETRIEVAL!

Also, VICTORY ACHIEVED! I'd have preferred A WINNER IS YOU! but hey.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Nope, I've only killed the little ones.

How did the patch affect your non-faggot weapons? My occult demon's great machete was made a lot better, but the demon's greataxe scaled even better. I forgot checking Artorias' greatsword. :|
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I bought 14 twinklenites and am now wearing Black Iron +5. Kinda surprised at how it's barely any better than Smough's (it looks better and provides better stamina regen though, I believe). Why would you use Giant's set?
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
It's got the highest defense, I think. Smough's is 109? I'd already upgraded the Giant armor before the patch, which I believe has 112 defense. Smough's armor still has the best fire resistance though, and Havel's armor has the best poise and curse resistance.

But what's the fully upgraded Black Iron armor defense?
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Black Iron Leggings and Gauntlets (+5) have higher physical defence than their Smough's counterpartsm especially when it comes to strike. Black Iron armour is .6 below in normal, considerably above in strike and infinitesimally below in the two remaining whose names I don't remember.

Black Iron has best fire res in the game. It's worse on the magic and lightning front than Smough's, though; Smough's has best lightning defence, Havel's has best magic defence I believe.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
I just beat the game with a couple of friends; we'd switch control when someone died.

Soul Level 1 (Pyromancer)
Weapon: Reinforced Club (Lightning +5 eventually)
Shield: Tower Shield / Knight's Shield
Armor: Onion Helmet / Nothing
Time taken to beat the game: 6 hours 12 minutes

Worth every minute of the work taken to do so.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
i just beat the game with a couple of friends; we'd switch control when someone died.

soul level 1 (pyromancer)
weapon: Reinforced club (lightning +5 eventually)
shield: Tower shield / knight's shield
armor: Onion helmet / nothing
time taken to beat the game: 6 hours 12 minutes

worth every minute of the work taken to do so.

... D:

I must beat you
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
oh god why does it look so awesome

shit i need a new processor

fuck i need a new pc

Also, I have been playing the game as a LEVEL 1 PYROMANCER, using a CAESTUS as a weapon. 5 hours in, and I've played linearly down to Ceaseless Discharge. It is... not going well. I spent like an hour on Quelaag.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
Is the cestus upgraded or no?

...I kinda want to try that, tbh.
Maybe with claws...

Hopefully the PC version will come out as DLC for those using a game system. I hope, else it'll be another $60 down the drain.

anyhoo, currently I'm trolling kiddles in the painting world, using the gravelord covenant and hiding in the very beginning area before the bonfire. (The snow path allows you to walk up different sides and hide while invaders take ~10 minutes trying to find you.)

My current build is:

SL: 30

Vit 10
Att 12
End 11
Str 26
Dex 9
Res 12
Int 25
Faith 8

Large Club+15
Divine Dagger+5 (parrying for teh lulz)
Oolacile Catalyst

Big Hat
Giant Armor +5
Hard Leather Boots

Havel's Ring
Dark Wood Grain Ring

Crystal Magic Weapon
Homing Crystal Soulmass

The large club inflicts about ~860 damage when buffed, and has poison.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I tried with an unupgraded caestus, then Quelaag was like HUEHUEHUE I INSTAKILL YOU AND YOU NEED TO HIT ME SEVERAL HUNDRED TIMES TO WIN UMAD?

So I went and got it to +5.
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Good luck with four kings.



yeahno, I think I'm gonna give up on that character.

Maybe I'll make a caestus-only character allowed to level up.

On the topic of Four Kings, my "main" is stuck there. I'm in NG+++ and I can't figure out how the damage on their hits is calculated.

Their overhead swing either deals high damage (40% of my health), or outright instakills me. Same goes for their stab thing. This is, of course, assuming that I don't block (I don't have time to, because I'm screwed the moment two of them spawn).

Maybe I just suck. :D
Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
Maybe I'll make a caestus-only character allowed to level up.

Maybe a level cap of ~30-40, with a Caestus+15? I think that's reasonable.


I'm assuming you're fully tanked up and still taking that damage.

I know getting hit by the hilt of their sword inflicts very little damage, but if that's killing you then you'll have to roll through everything, which is impossible.

Bows are actually decent against the four kings if you can deal more than ~400 damage per hit (which requires ~50 dex), or get the avylen(?) crossbow with lightning bolts as it can rack up some damage. You have to roll out of their attacks if you use this method.

If you can use pyromancies with the upgraded catalyst you can inflict ~1200 damage with the fire whip per cast, considering it hits twice.

If you have to go melee get either a Chaos+5 weapon, Black Knight Greataxe, or Greatsword of Artorias; those can dish out damage quickly enough to kill the Four Kings before the next one spawns.

EDIT: I wanted to say that there's a glitch going around in PvP, if you're doing it.
Using a dragon torso, no right hand weapon, and a bow in the other hand adds the damage together when backstabbing. With a hornet ring equipped you can deal ~20,000-30,000 damage per backstab.

This isn't too terribly bad if you're doing lower level PvP, but when you have 99 vitality, full Havel's, Mother Mask, Ring of Divine Protection, and someone one-hits you it's pretty surprising. (That's ~2,600 health, btw.)
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Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
I don't have trouble actually killing them - I use my trusty Demon's Greataxe +15 and the strong magic weapon enchant to hit for like 700 every hit, 2-handed.

It's just that I sometimes get oneshotted by hits that usually don't do much, which is wat.

I actually got them down to one hit needed at one point. I had full health, then he hit me and I died. :(
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
Oh God Derp, I love you so much

I went to fight the Four Kings with this tactic in mind. Worked like a charm. I vastly overestimated their damage output by hilt - it took about 10% of my health. All I had to do was block when approaching, then not give a shit about anything and bash them to death in melee. Pop an estus when half health, no problem. Get grabbed, use estus, no problem.

Seriously, I love you.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Or better yet, why do people want to? Sucks all the fun out of games, if you ask me.
I didn't even watch those videos though, so I don't know what kind of bugs you're talking about. But any kind of glitching is just sad to me. It's a bit like those people watching movies frame by frame, just to find a couple of goofs...
Level 13
Oct 31, 2009
He jumped off a cliff in front of the door after the Lordvessel well-thingy, quit the game and reloaded, thus getting into the Kiln just after obtaining the Lordvessel.

He played everything up until then legitimately, though, and it only took him like half an hour.
Level 11
Jun 28, 2011
It was probably found by accident from someone falling off the side, raging, and quickly shutting off their game in an attempt to save their souls. Or some really bored Asian guy.

Nevertheless, the guy getting to fat boy slim in under ~30 minutes is... impressive.

The shortest speed-run without glitches was done in about ~2 hours, which is also... crazy.


Going to attempt a speed run to fat boy slim. Will post results.
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