Custom Hand Made Programs

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Level 5
Sep 21, 2010
I started a few new programs using notepad as some users know in chat...

Before you comment on this page saying that notepad is basic or you can't make a program, well no notepad is one of the most powerful tools ever you may not think that but I found out how to make a virus so deadly that it will wipe out your pc in a split second unlike that other deadly one which slowly destroys your pc but this is so powerful the one I thought of can destroy your windows, good thing I am not making it or I may get sued.

Anyways Back to the subject, I am trying to create a anti virus type that only fixes your pc and scan your pc for undetectable batches (Undetectable batches are real) So far I got a simple scan for batches and vbs files like you can create using a warcraft III map and chuck it on during a game...

I also created a shortcut which takes you to facebook...

made a file which may be useful in the future for people who don't know how to delete files of their computer but I am trying to fix a bug so the file destroy its self if you need paste bins for them or codes ask me...

Theres also a clock which every 0.01 seconds displays the new time, (doesn't clear the cmd or may cause massive lag depends on space)

I would like some help fixing these programs and oh for my anti virus type I like it to run any virus scanner which is on your pc, I got the codes for it I just need the names and paths to make it work...
Warcraft_Tester said:
Before you comment on this page saying that notepad is basic or you can't make a program, well no notepad is one of the most powerful tools ever you may not think that but I found out how to make a virus so deadly that it will wipe out your pc in a split second unlike that other deadly one which slowly destroys your pc but this is so powerful the one I thought of can destroy your windows, good thing I am not making it or I may get sued.

Notepad is simply a word processor, and a very simple one at that. Just because you can create a .bat file doesn't mean it's powerful, that you're an awesome hacker, or that you are doing anything difficult thats going to impress anyone. You really look silly bragging about how beast you are at using notepad by the way..

Anyways, if you really to expect to get help "programming", or actually reach any significant progress in what you're coding, then I suggest giving actual programming a try. I personally use Ruby or C#.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Warcraft_Tester, the complexity of what you created though is extreemly basic...

Like I said, yes it can make source code (like any other text editor) but no it can not directly make proper programs outside of those which run via interpreter.

For example, I can make a .java class in notepad. I will however need to compile it to a .class via the command line before it can be run. Completly do-able but still totally retarded since IDEs like eclipse are far better than notepad at supporting you codeing.
Level 5
Sep 21, 2010
Doesn't anyone get it that I know that notepad is very basic I don't need like 1 million replys on about how basic notepad is and besides I don't like people saying notepad is basic and I know batch files an't that powerful but I have a simple format code that can destroy your pc I could make one but I wouldn't because I am not some jerk who wants to destroy pcs I care about others (Do you wanna know how deadly so deadly that no one can install it again unless paying it to get it fix or buying a new pc because it won't have a windows or mac anymore.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Doesn't anyone get it that I know that notepad is very basic I don't need like 1 million replys on about how basic notepad is and besides I don't like people saying notepad is basic and I know batch files an't that powerful but I have a simple format code that can destroy your pc I could make one but I wouldn't because I am not some jerk who wants to destroy pcs I care about others (Do you wanna know how deadly so deadly that no one can install it again unless paying it to get it fix or buying a new pc because it won't have a windows or mac anymore.

I'd like to see that code... Please don't let it be some cmd spam...
Level 5
Sep 21, 2010
I know this thread is old but don't you know that I have learnt more coding then ever...

"Notepad is simply a word processor, and a very simple one at that. Just because you can create a .bat file doesn't mean it's powerful, that you're an awesome hacker, or that you are doing anything difficult thats going to impress anyone. You really look silly bragging about how beast you are at using notepad by the way.."

Well no your incorrect, can you unlock the administrator account yes, can you unlock the System Volume Information yes, can you make a pretty advanced locker besides Folder locker, the weakest locker ever yes, can you make a basic os before you learn C++ yes, just because I use notepad doesn't mean I'm a noob, basically all I am saying is, I am a really smart person with codings and I do have to admit but I am not 17 years old, infact I am much younger and I have experience alot of coding in my life, if you don't care about me just because I am only the smartest human child, doesn't mean I will not succeed, now excuse me, since you guys don't care, I am going to make my own website using html language, seeya later you bunch of hiveworkshop losers...

PS: I have quit Warcraft III forever and all of you have no hearts/brains to understand how smart I am really am, so good bye losers.
Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
I love it when ego glands explode.

By the way, the only actual way I know of to destroy hardware is by forcing it to work at full power, and at the same time forcing the coolers (fans usually) to not do anything.
I am pretty sure you can't do this with MS batch files, so...yeah.
It also isn't instantaneous, and you have to trick your motherboard so it wont detect the cooling failure.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
By the way, the only actual way I know of to destroy hardware is by forcing it to work at full power, and at the same time forcing the coolers (fans usually) to not do anything.
I am pretty sure you can't do this with MS batch files, so...yeah.
It also isn't instantaneous, and you have to trick your motherboard so it wont detect the cooling failure.

This also will not work on all systems. Non gamming or performance systems which use passive cooling will be totally uneffected if designed properly.

You could break it by overclocking the components and changing the terminal voltage to maximum, both of which up the power to the component but usually are very difficult to change without a bootsector virus (which runs before the OS loads and adds access restrictions). I believe most Motherboards do not support these (only ones intended for overclockers do).

What has happened is he is confusing programming with being smart. Programming is just the ability to write code in some form, whether that code is good or you understand how to write efficient code is a much much more difficult and complex problem.

Yes I can write C code prety well, but that does not mean I know how to write C for the x86/64 architecture, only the sort of architectures used by micro controlers (with no OS).

Additionally one has to know about how to design efficient programs. What sort of data structures are most efficient for a task. Example - itterating through 20 MB of data 2 times to do something is slower in a normal computer than itterating through a 1MB subset twice 20 times due to chache (assuming below 20 MB cache size as is common with processers at the time of writing).

I am sure he could become a great programmer. Just he must not think he knows everything quite yet. There is a reason people go to University and study Software Engineering for 4 years. Out of those, only a small part is actually spent teaching how to program, the rest is maths and background knowledge.
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