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Creation of a new Pro Map Making crew

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Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
Hi all! I'm currently looking for new members to join my map development team. It's called Urahara Workshop. I already made the team's logo, but I will post it on later. Requirements for joining up:
-Any MSN supportable email (so its easier to communicate or if you dont have any you will just have to use the forum)
-Good knowledge of Warcraft Editor
-Ability to work in a team
-Ability to stay active

Most needed jobs at the moment:
MODELER (at least 2)

The above requirments are to be met if you would like to join Urahara Workshop team. The available jobs are uncountable, as we will be doing more than one project, like people making little sub-teams and creating a new projects.
Well the team's first project that we started a while ago had to be delayed because my comp got graved... Anyway the terrain of the project is 99% done, it will just be modified after everything else is done and the unused models will be deleted from the memory. The triggers I would say are at 15% in general. The models are at 0% as well as items, but the abilities are at 1%.
If you want to find out about the progress of the team's first sub-team you will have to ask that on our website.

You can find a full list of members on our website:
Urahara Workshop

If you would like to join please PM me, post it here or on our website, but you should at least now a good deal at whatever job you are thinking of taking.
Thanks to all who read this...
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Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
Wouldn't mind being Terrain Maker, but I would want to know what kinda map we would be working on.
Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
Crap, I was hoping to join as a story line creator after I'm done with the cinematic mini contest 2. Cant we write a little story and see who's the best.
(if you agree to this, choose a theme for the story(serius, scary etc...)
Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
Crap, I was hoping to join as a story line creator after I'm done with the cinematic mini contest 2. Cant we write a little story and see who's the best.
(if you agree to this, choose a theme for the story(serius, scary etc...)

Sure Mechmap, but you do all the arangments and pm the other dude :D Then I will decide on the best one who will then join my team :wink:
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
1) how much does this pay?
2) You don't have a project in mind. 1 of the problems with recruiting people into a team without a "vision" is that you're recruiting people with different visions on what they want to make. I'm sorry if I sound negative, but I don't see how this is going to work.
3) Requirements:
-Hotmail ( so its easier to comunicate) ... eh, sorry? I can understand you want people to have an e-mail, but specifically hotmail?
-Good knowledge of Warcraft Editor ... stating the obvious?
-Ability to work in a team ... Well, stating the obvious again
4) What exactly are you going to do? I can't see yourself on the list anywhere, so I'm assuming you're trying to get people to make the map you wish to play, or what?
Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
1) how much does this pay?
2) You don't have a project in mind. 1 of the problems with recruiting people into a team without a "vision" is that you're recruiting people with different visions on what they want to make. I'm sorry if I sound negative, but I don't see how this is going to work.
3) Requirements:
-Hotmail ( so its easier to comunicate) ... eh, sorry? I can understand you want people to have an e-mail, but specifically hotmail?
-Good knowledge of Warcraft Editor ... stating the obvious?
-Ability to work in a team ... Well, stating the obvious again
4) What exactly are you going to do? I can't see yourself on the list anywhere, so I'm assuming you're trying to get people to make the map you wish to play, or what?

If you are so stupid then dont post anything here, go and try somewhere else. And to make a map that everyone will be able to play for free should I pay for such?? Just dont post anything else in here.
Level 14
Nov 25, 2004

a. Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession: lawyers, doctors, and other professional people.
b. Conforming to the standards of a profession: professional behavior.
2. Engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career: a professional writer.
3. Performed by persons receiving pay: professional football.
4. Having or showing great skill; expert: a professional repair job.
1. A person following a profession, especially a learned profession.
2. One who earns a living in a given or implied occupation: hired a professional to decorate the house.
3. A skilled practitioner; an expert.

check the third noun meaning
Level 7
May 23, 2007
Maaan, what is this?
Stop it!

When he meant pros , he meant people who are good at what they do, and who would like to do something good together should apply. Think about it?
Why shouldn't be a team where people actually can discuss what they want to make, and don't get only orders from one bighead. It's a good thing, and I really appreciate it.
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Level 12
Aug 19, 2007
Ok I will Pm the other guy when i get home from school but I must ask to what map are we aiming at when we got enough that wants to join?

Oh, screw me! Put the other guy who wanted the job to get. I got a little personal troubles at hand right now.
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Level 7
May 23, 2007
Well, I am the best with game logic, gameplay and story stuff...
To think out and design it to be more and more fun.
It's not that easy... everyone thinks it is. If it would be, there wouldn't be a school for it... I'm studying this lol ^^
Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
Well, Im not sure what you mean Revellion, but you are already taken into our team as a storyline writer! When we get 2 more members, then we will discuss what project to do, and you will be able to start writing the story line for our chosen project.
Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
I have asked CRAZYRUSSIAN to be an icon maker, but he said he got no time for that. Im not sure whether I should become an icon maker or not, Im pretty good with all the graphics work and computer knowledge(if not too good) and I know how to make icons and import them... What do you think guys( and girls :))?
Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
Well yes, obviously most of the students will chose games and this instead of school... I know I have to study hard to become a designer, so I only spend my school and study time on the important subjects, but after hehehe... I go on Hive Workshop or do some scripting and IT...
Level 6
Aug 15, 2007
Ok well I kinda skipped all 3 pages of posts, so if you already have too many JASSers, then that's ok. Otherwise, I'm somewhat of a skilled programmer. I know how stuff works, and I can do just about anything if you give me time. I match all of the requirements too. Let me know if you can use me.
Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
Ok well I kinda skipped all 3 pages of posts, so if you already have too many JASSers, then that's ok. Otherwise, I'm somewhat of a skilled programmer. I know how stuff works, and I can do just about anything if you give me time. I match all of the requirements too. Let me know if you can use me.

I think you will be quite usefull if you know how to make an AI script or like how to get who is the Host and those kind of usefull things... So can you?
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