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Creation of a new Pro Map Making crew

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Level 17
Sep 2, 2005
Are you guys releasing a project soon?

I'm curious as to what you're making. Can't really join your team as I've got a couple other wc3 projects im in at the moment, but I still want to see what you guys are doing.

I'm working on models for EntSeed, maybe some other stuff for it, working on a skin for Texturing comp 7, and maybe some more skins for The_End's Burning Legion Pack.
Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
could you guys edit the first post on what you are up to and in what direction your first project is heading? I'd like to know if I would be able to help (I am becoming quite good at making custom doodads like walk-in buildings) but its so hard to find out what is going on with how many posts are already in this thread :)
Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
Alright... I got the latest version of our project in my comp(atm my parents comp because they didnt have the comp in the shop so I will use this one for some time). I guess what we should do now is discuss the name for the map... My suggestions:

  • The Dawn of the Angels

  • Toire wa doko desu ka (Where is the toilet?(for a joke only ^^))

  • Innocence

  • World of Blossoms

  • Dark Sorrow

  • Blood & Thirst

  • Hell Cross

  • Hell & Heaven or H & H

  • The Angel's Claws

  • The Rising Emptyness

  • Rise & Fall

  • The Creators of Blood
I really want this map to have a meaningful name which will sound cool and be easy to remember..
Level 5
Jan 21, 2008
Hey guys I'm a gonna go away for a wile and help do the CGI for a halo machinima so if you need some thing your gonna have to send me an email OKAY?
Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
.... I've read most of the posts before, there is hardly anything about a map in there :p mostly about recruiting and computer problems lol.

What are you guys really planning to do? I've been checking this thread regularly in anticipation but I'm still coming up clueless

EDIT: nvm that I read all the posts again and it seems I missed a couple of pages in the middle. Sounds like a interesting idea but are you up to it? I can't see how the different game genres would work together at this point, and you have a hell of alot of work ahead of you...
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Level 5
Jan 3, 2008
Volvox, me and Rev are currently working on abilities for the first hero. We already got the ideas but we need some skilled Jasser for those because Rev likes to make them hell hard.. or maybe I just imagine them so hard?
Terrain is actually 95% so we currently need to pump on everything else.
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