Crazy Cow's Mercenary Roleplaying Game

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Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
The barkeep smiles.
"We've got the most potent drink on the planet here," he says. "There's a bet that no person can manage to drink three of them in a row and stay conscious; if you do, you get paid ten times what you spent. Interested?"

You soon come across a building with a sign that has a crossed hammer and sword, the universal symbol of a blacksmith.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: Well, I have been offline for a while... Some information: Notice, the emmissary (Which is not my charachter) of my guild sits upstairs in the tavern of Godspeak (Are there two floors inside) at a round table, which has tablecloth matching rest of the taverns'. He is a drunk Human and has some paper on table in front of him, ready to write down orders from people who wants to hire people from his guild...
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Alright, guys, I think making you explore the shops was a bad idea on my part. The only place anything unexpected will happen is the tavern. What I'm going to do is get a list of the items available in every store, along with a brief description of each. Then, whenever we return to Godspeak you can just list the items you buy.

You see a decent-looking mace lying on one of the many racks of weapons. This is a Well-Built Large Mace: it preforms slightly better than the default gear and requires two hands to use. It's available for 10g.

"So you'll do it?" the barkeep asks. He doesn't wait for an answer; he waves down the closest assistant, whispers something in his ear, and sends him off.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
The barkeep's assistant returns with three bubbling, evil-looking drinks. The barkeep takes one of them and passes it over. Everyone in the bar stopped their discussions, and the bar becomes eerily silent.

I'll get someone over to hire you in a moment.
Level 7
May 28, 2009
OOC: Is there going to be some dice toss if i make it? Also, if i do get really wasted. I could go up and hire amargaard. :D

IC: Ryxali quickly swept on of the drinks. It burned in her throat. She could already feel the effect of ''most potent drink on the planet.''
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
No thanks. I have the excuse that Jeerax needs one more person to make the caravan owners feel safe, so Xavhorn is going to come in and hire someone.
Yes, there is a dice toss, which I just made.
[(-) Elven strength penalty]
The drink sends a jolt through your system. You feel as if you just drank five beers instead of one mug; your vision is a bit blurry and you are slightly off-balance.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Oooh, rolling high.
[(-) Elven strength penalty]
The next drink doesn't have nearly as much of a punch as the first. Your eyes start watering, ruining your vision even more, but you can still stand on your own. The crowd is gaping at you; most people are out on the floor by this time.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
NAME: Dathos
RACE: Human
CLASS: Warrior/Necromancer (Death Knight)
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tall, built with a dark wisps around him. He has black eyes and some hair. He has a devilish beard and mustache. A cloak and armor that are black.
HISTORY: He had a brother who became a Paladin but they fought and he set off to defeat the holy light. To an old crypt where he trained with a necromancer and his warrior friend to become a fearsome warrior of darkness. The brothers meet again in a great duel that killed the paladin. His death seal a doom for Dathos, he must be a hero to those who need.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Critical Drink!
[(+)Critical Hit - All negative effects are disabled for this roll]
This time, the drink does nothing more than drinking a beer would do. When you fail to keel over, the entire bar breaks out into cheering and yelling. The barkeep looks stunned for a moment, then laughs.
"Must not have brewed it long enough," he said. "Well, I owe you a hundred and fifty gold now. Good drinking!"

At this point, Xavhorn enters the bar. He walks over to a man in the corner, who is too far gone into his drink to notice what's happening. The two get together, heads down, and the man writes something down on one of his papers. Xavhorn then joins the crowd of cheering people.
That would be your cue, amargaard. You can start with fifty gold; detail your purchases like everyone else, and then show up at the briefing.

Updating your character now.

Alright, everyone. I'll be updating the shop data soon. After that, I would like everyone to make a single post detailing their purchases, and then we will move on to mission one.

Your character is accepted. Give me a moment to get your abilities in place.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
IC: The drunk emmissary was pretty surprised to get an order so he hurried up out of the tavern and rode on his horse down the small mountain-road and finally arrived at the small village in which the Guilds' house lied. He descended his horse and walked into the house with drunk movements. He told the Guild Leader about the order and after thinking the leader shouted "Rolad!"... "Follow our emmissary, you have been hired by a guy called... Xavhorn or Jeerax or something!". "Here... Take this bag with 50 gold coins with you" Rolad smiled, nodded and walked out to the stable together with the emmissary which was pretty sober now.

Soon they arrived at Godspeak and the emmissary told Rolad that Xavhorn wanted him to meet up in 'Jeerax Mercenaries'. Rolad said bye to the emmissary and his horse and opened up the door...
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Once SoL has been situated, the first mission will begin. Beforehand, everyone has a chance to go to the various shops in the city. On the first post, under the 'City' tag, is a list of shops and their available wares. Buying something from them is extremely simple; in your post, say 'I buy the Stoneskin potion from the Alchemist and a Well-Made Sword from the blacksmith.' I'll do the gold calculations and update your character's inventory. After every mission, new content is added to the stores, so keep an eye on them for anything that might be your cup of tea.

Choose two of these four abilities.

NOTE: Necromancers use something called pseudo-blood to cast their spells. Each day, you have six doses of pseudo-blood to use on spells, so use them wisely.

-Create Minion: Turns a dead creature into an undead minion that will follow your commands. The amount of pseudo-blood needed is based on the creature's size. Note that some creatures are too large for a single necromancer to raise.

-Blood to Acid: Use a pseudo-blood dose to attempt to turn your target's blood into acid. The creature will slowly take damage, based on the success of the spell, until it dies.

-Mighty Blow: Your attacks have a chance to overwhelm your opponent's defense, resulting in immediate success. Where an attack would have failed, it will then do damage, and a mighty swing that would have hit anyway will now crush your opponent easily.

-Death Blow: Your attacks have a higher chance of hitting your opponents the more damage the targets have. A lightly wounded creature will give you a small bonus, while a creature near death will almost guarantee success. Undead creatures are unaffected by this.

The barkeep points to a staircase.
"Go upstairs and pick a room. Just make sure nobody is in it before you go to sleep."
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009

The Alchemist sells various poisons, potions and herbs.

Minor Health Potion: Stops most wounds from bleeding, preserving your health that much longer. Slightly heals you and stops any bleeding effects. 5g per potion

Lesser Poison: Coats your weapon with poison. Each time your attack hits, you have a chance of poisoning the target for light damage every few seconds. After six attempts are made, regardless of success, the poison wears off. 5g per potion

Lesser Stoneskin Potion: Turns your skin into stone. Opponents will have a harder time harming you while the potion is active. 5g per potion

The Blacksmith sells armor and weapons.

Well-Made Weapon: This weapon works slightly better than the default ones. It includes a bow for Scouts. 10g per weapon

Well-Made Leather Armor: A simple set of armor that decreases the chance an attack will hurt you. 35g for a set

Well-Made Chainmail Armor: A good set of armor that decreases the chance an attack will hurt you. 75g for a set

Magic Library
At the Magic Library, you can purchase magical items.

Wand of Air: When used, it casts a random starting Air spell. Contains three charges. 15g per wand

Wand of Light: When used, casts a random starting Priest spell. Contains three charges. 15g per wand

Mercenary Guild House
Jeerax provides all of his mercenaries with free weapons. Come here if you have lost or sold your weapons and want a default one.

Pawn Shop
The Pawn Shop is filled with random trinkets and doodads that have accumulated over the years, some even valuable. Anything that is sold by someone will go here.

Mysterious Amulet: This amulet doesn’t look impressive, but even the most untrained in the schools of magic can sense something powerful about it. 35g

Pet Shop
A visit to this shop and a quick bonding ritual will give you your very own familiar.

Battle Wasp: A large (for a wasp), flying insect. It is fast but lacks offensive power. 40g

Guard Drake: A hybrid between dog and dragon, this creature is fairly balanced in attack and defense. It will sometimes cause Gaping Wounds (slows and deals light damage over time). 75g

The tavern is the place to get healed. Spend the night and eat a big meal; the bill is on Jeerax. You can also attempt a few challenges if you are feeling lucky.

Drinking Challenge: Drink three of the most potent drinks in the known world. If you stay on your feet, you earn ten times as much as you spent.

Reselling Policy: You can sell any object in your possession to a shopkeeper for two thirds of its original value. In other words, that wand that cost you thirty gold can be sold back for twenty. You can, however, trade objects between characters if you want. You cannot resell or trade pets.

This is on the first post, as well. Keep an eye on it, because after each mission the stores will get more items in.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
I'd appreciate it if you skip the details and just say exactly what you want. For example:

"Nadiir buys a Well-Made Mace from the Blacksmith, the Pawn Shop Amulet, and an Alchemist Stoneskin Potion."

It will make it easier for you to type, me to sort out, and anyone who visits to read.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
We shall now skip a few days in-game. What I would like is for the times we are in the city to be as short as possible; I am bored easily by long periods of action, as I think others are, and we are nearing seven pages with the most dramatic event being Ryxali critically drinking a mug of alcohol (which was exciting, but I doubt everyone enjoyed it as much as Masken or I). Everyone please make a post with your purchases at the store and (or, if you are saving up for something) your readiness to go into the first mission.

Once you pick your abilities, we can have you stumble in on the day of the mission and hire you on the spot.

You are now the proud owner of a plot device. As the roleplay goes on, the power in your amulet will slowly manifest itself, and eventually its purpose will become clear.
Level 7
May 28, 2009
OOC: Actually thought i would pass out and be robbed. :p
May i name my pet of purchase?

Would also like to say that Amargaard is offline for the weekend (should he be auto controlled or something?)

IC: Ryxali buys a Well-Made Weapon (a bow) and a guard drake. (85g total)
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Thanks for telling me. We'll just let SoL take amargaard's place as the last person for the caravan, and when he returns he can jump back in.
Feel free to name your drake. Its the size of a largish dog, but has draconic features: scales, claws, and a ridge of spikes on its back.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC: Death blow and create minons.

IC: Dathos enter the town for a job. His last job ended with his brothers death. Looking around he enters the tavern. Darkness fallowed him like a smoking trail. Where he choose to sat would surprise anyone, around the crowd. "Some of your darkest beer, please." The last word felt like a dagger to his throat. I hate my brother, Helmdal. He should have died earlier.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
I'm not going to be able to run the roleplay until this Monday. I have quite a bit of stuff to do today, and so short posts are all I can do. I will then be going to a friend's house this weekend for his birthday, and I won't take time out of that visit to run the roleplay. But once Monday rolls around, I'll set up the first mission so that everyone can go kill some stuff.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
and why exactly did you stop this RP?

I think that post about Chuck Norris was a joke maybe? And he just hasn't gotten around to adding missions or doing something

BTW crazy cow since I think you are GMing like 2 or 3 RPs maybe get a co GM for this RP. Also note i have not ready anything but the 1st and last page so if this has bin stated and I am just wasting time sorry.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
and why exactly did you stop this RP?

When I started this roleplay, I was thinking, "Hey, why not? I'll run a roleplay! How hard can it be?" However, I thought about it and realized that I wasn't the best choice for a DM. I can get bored with things fairly quickly (I don't think I have ever finished one of my dozen ideas for a Warcraft 3 map), I am hardly a consistent poster and I have other responsibilities that are more important than running a roleplay. The distraction of a roleplay of my own is something I can do without until school is over. My roleplay hadn't really started yet, and I figured I could wait until I had more time to spend to start it going.
When I saw World Is Flat couldn't DM Legacy of Legends, however, I went ahead and took up the mantle of DM. It would be a shame if that closed down, which had already gotten rolling and had a half-dozen people who were well into it. I now only have two classes, and with the spare time I figured I could at least hold the roleplay together until Flat had more time.

And yes, the Chuck Norris thing was a joke.
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