Crazy Cow's Mercenary Roleplaying Game

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Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
After roleplaying here on the Hive, I think I am ready to give my own roleplay a shot. A warning, however: the speed of this roleplay will wax and wane from day to day. Sometimes, I will only post once or twice a day; others, I can spend the entire day monitoring the roleplay. The first will most probably be the norm, so don’t expect the roleplay to go very fast.

Please use common sense, the OOC/IC system, and follow the Unwritten Roleplaying Rules while in this thread.

This roleplay is going to center around action and adventure more than anything else. There will be some sort of overarching plot, but for the most part you will go and fight monsters, plain and simple.
Every character here is going to sign up to become one of Jeerax’s Mercenaries, a mercenary group that will hire out to do everything from protect some prince to slay a dragon. At the end of each mission, you will get paid and you can go get yourself some new trinkets and spells for the next mission.

Combat is, of course, the central idea for this roleplay. When in combat, you describe your character’s actions; what attack he uses, what spell he casts, or how he blocks the incoming attack. I will describe the result of your actions and then the actions of the NPC’s around you.
Most of the things you do will be based on dice rolls. The rolls will be hidden from you; the only thing you will know is the end result. I will, however, describe all positive and negative effects to your actions for your benefit.

When you make a character, you will first choose a race. Each of the races below has positive and negative aspects; Lycans, for example, tend to be better at punching stuff than casting spells. You will then choose a class, based on what you like; each class is, in some way, unique, so just choose one that sounds fun to you.

Humans are the most common race. Every other humanoid race in existence stems from humans in some way or another.
Humans have no positive or negative aspects.

Lycanthropes are humans with a touch of something else in their blood. Lycans are a hybrid of human and some kind of animal (such as a wolf or bear), but unlike lycans in other universes have no form other than their hybrid one. Your lycan can be any animal, but if it is something obscure (half-fish, for example) try to dig up a picture for the benefit of everyone else.
Lycans tend to be stronger than normal humans, and so succeed at things requiring physical strength more than other races. However, they also have a harder time grasping most magic than other races, due to their closer bond to nature. When something requires knowledge or use of magic, lycans tend to do worse than other races.

Elves are humans with a touch of godly blood in them. They are slimmer than humans, with pointed ears and oddly colored hair, skin, and eyes.
Elves are more agile than humans, succeeding more often at tasks requiring speed or grace, but aren’t as physically strong as the average human can be.

Chaostouched are humans whose blood has been given a considerable dose of magical energy. Their skin is dark and their faces are oddly flat, with no lips and slits instead of a nose. Their eyes are more catlike than anything else.
Chaostouched are exceedingly good at all kinds of magic, but their magical bodies have less grace than a normal human’s. As such, they exceed at tasks magical in nature but fail more often when speed or balance are needed.

An Archon is a human that has completely given him/herself over to one of the four elements. Their bodies are made partly of that pure element, and partly of armor made of said solidified element. The four elements are air, water, fire and earth.
Archons gain a slight bonus to all rolls when near their respective element; a water archon near a lake will receive this bonus. Any archon can also learn elemental spells of its element alongside its normal class abilities. However, an archon near its opposite element will receive negative penalties to its rolls. An air archon in a canyon, for example, would be penalized. No archon can use any kind of armor, although any weapon, shield or trinket can be used.

The classic run-up-and-bash-them-with-a-stick class is here. Warriors use melee weapons and can often use them in ways other classes cannot.

The Scout is the guy with the bow. He shoots things from afar, and when threatened he can use various tricks to get away.

Blood Priest
Blood magic is not for the weak of heart (quite literally, in fact). In order to cast their spells, they must use the power of living flesh or blood to do so, usually their own. No blood magic comes without a price, but the effects of their spells are more powerful than those of any other class

A combination of alchemy and blood magic, Necromancers are sworn to cheat death by whatever means necessary. The key component to any Necromancer’s spells is a substance known as pseudo-blood. This alchemic concoction mimics the properties of blood almost perfectly, and is used for both casting spells and creating undead minions.

Druids communicate with the natural world and work with it to protect the natural world. Druids cast their spells by asking favors of the world around them; unless the Druid intends to do something evil, the favors are usually granted. Druid spells usually disable or hinder opponents or summon temporary companions.

Priests focus on aiding allies more than anything else. While their spells aren't nearly as powerful as those of a Blood Priest, you don't need to chop off a finger to cast them. Priests will use mostly healing and supporting spells.

This person has studied one of the four natural elements to the point that they have complete mastery over said element. Each element has a different function:
Fire magic deals raw damage to multiple targets.
Air magic mostly hinders and disables opponents.
Earth magic supports allies with defensive spells.
Water magic does a mix of all three.
Elemental magic is strengthened by the presence of more of its element and weakened by the presence of its opposite. A water spell cast near or in a lake will have much greater effect than in a volcano.

To create your character, fill in the fields below.

NAME: What you are called (not those nasty street names, but your real one).
RACE: What subtype of humanity are you?
CLASS: How do you choose to smite your enemies?
GENDER: Male, Female, or Undefined?
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin color, hairstyle, any physical deformations (scars) and any other details about your character's appearance.
HISTORY: Where were you born? Why are you here? Why have you chosen your particular profession? Answer any of these questions or more to give your character a bit of life.

The Alchemist sells various poisons, potions and herbs.

Minor Health Potion: Stops most wounds from bleeding, preserving your health that much longer. Slightly heals you and stops any bleeding effects. 5g per potion

Lesser Poison: Coats your weapon with poison. Each time your attack hits, you have a chance of poisoning the target for light damage every few seconds. After six attempts are made, regardless of success, the poison wears off. 5g per potion

Lesser Stoneskin Potion: Turns your skin into stone. Opponents will have a harder time harming you while the potion is active. 5g per potion

The Blacksmith sells armor and weapons.

Well-Made Weapon: This weapon works slightly better than the default ones. It includes a bow for Scouts. 10g per weapon

Well-Made Leather Armor: A simple set of armor that decreases the chance an attack will hurt you. 35g for a set

Well-Made Chainmail Armor: A good set of armor that decreases the chance an attack will hurt you. 75g for a set

Magic Library
At the Magic Library, you can purchase magical items.

Wand of Air: When used, it casts a random starting Air spell. Contains three charges. 15g per wand

Wand of Light: When used, casts a random starting Priest spell. Contains three charges. 15g per wand

Mercenary Guild House
Jeerax provides all of his mercenaries with free weapons. Come here if you have lost or sold your weapons and want a default one.

Pawn Shop
The Pawn Shop is filled with random trinkets and doodads that have accumulated over the years, some even valuable. Anything that is sold by someone will go here.

Nothing of value

Pet Shop
A visit to this shop and a quick bonding ritual will give you your very own familiar.

Battle Wasp: A large (for a wasp), flying insect. It is fast but lacks offensive power. 40g

Guard Drake: A hybrid between dog and dragon, this creature is fairly balanced in attack and defense. It will sometimes cause Gaping Wounds (slows and deals light damage over time). 75g

The tavern is the place to get healed. Spend the night and eat a big meal; the bill is on Jeerax. You can also attempt a few challenges if you are feeling lucky.

Drinking Challenge: Drink three of the most potent drinks in the known world. If you stay on your feet, you earn ten times as much as you spent.

Reselling Policy: You can sell any object in your possession to a shopkeeper for two thirds of its original value. In other words, that wand that cost you thirty gold can be sold back for twenty. You can, however, trade objects between characters if you want. You cannot resell or trade pets.

There will no doubt be people wanting to join later on in the roleplay. You can join any time the adventuring group is not on a mission.

After your character has been accepted, you can begin playing by making an in-character post that has your character enter the city and enter the Jeerax's Mercenaries building looking for work.
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Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
This post will contain all character information, a brief overview of the events so far and any other information that will spring up as the roleplay continues.

NAME: Ryxali
CLASS: Scout
GENDER: Female
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: She is slightly taller than the average human (say 1.90m) and has a slim flexible body. Her skin is almost as pale as the snow and her hair that is put up as a ponytail is the colour of the sun. For now she wears the various hunter equipment that she manage to snatch with her.

Born in the mystical woods of Evendaal. Ryxali mastered the art of the bow and several ways to track beasts at an early age. This blissful living however, did not last for long. At the age of fourteen bandits raided their village. The men were killed, the women were raped and the children were enslaved. She was the bandit leader's love slave for four years until she finally managed to escape. She had lured one of the male guards using her ''female allure''. The moment she had escaped she swore never to speak of this to anyone, thus many of Jeerax's mercenarys are quite curious of this swift, yet silent scout.


-Deadeye Shot: This ability makes a powerful ranged attack with twice the chance to hit and three times the damage of a normal attack. The problem is that you have to aim the shot itself, which takes a bit of time.

-Examine Surroundings: Gives the caster a detailed description of everything that happened in the surrounding area over the past hour. This ability can be used to track creatures, determine the outcome of a battle, the general numbers of an army, or reveal hiding enemies.

Well-Made Bow (+ to attack)
Guard Drake (Named Ishokrin) (Pet)

NAME: Rolad Firehearth
RACE: Human
CLASS: Fighter

Rolad Firehearth grew up in one of the nearby mountain Villages at the bottom of the huge Mountain-chain which is the start of our story. Already from a young age his dad (Which was the leader of the Peasant-Militia) teached him how to fight the nearby Kobolds in the mines, and later it became easy killing those creatures and Rolads' dad showed him a camp of Goblins. He led the peasants to attack the Goblins, but died in the battle due to a powerful shaman-spell from the Goblin Chieftain. The almost-adult Rolad continued to lead the militia-force and then won, only the chieftain was left. Rolad challenged the Shaman in a 1vs1 duel, and found out that the Goblins' name was Greekaz. After a hard duel Rolad won by putting his rusty axe into Greekaz' back. The peasants cheered and they left for home, but Rolad could feel the spirit of Greekaz following him, bound to help Rolad in the axe and embrassed it with invisible fire energy. Afterwards when people heard of Rolads' skills he became a member of a guild which can be hired by talking to one of the other Guild Members in the tavern of Godspeak...


-Gouge: Makes an aimed strike at your target. Your attack is less likely to succeed, but if you hit you will do more than damage.
Legs: A hit will slow or cripple your target.
Arms/Natural Weapons: A hit will lessen or disable the target's attacks.
Head: A hit can blind or instantly kill your target.

-Gaping Wound: Your attacks have a chance to cause gaping wounds if they hit. An opponent with a gaping wound will be slowed and take light damage for almost an hour.


NAME: Nicanor
RACE: Human
CLASS: Elementalist
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He is a tall man, doesn't weight much, has green eyes, brown hair, and a notable fact is that he has burned hands.

When he was young, the house of his parents burned down. In this event he had his hands extremely painfully burned. His hand was almost amputated. His parents survived, but he swore from that day that he would control the element of fire no matter what. He left his old house and became an appretice of an other Elementalist.


-Flame Lash: Sends a stream of fire towards your target. It will damage any enemy it comes into contact with before hitting your target, and so the further away your target is the more damage you do.

-Heat Blast: Damages all enemies within a small distance of you. Depending on your success, you could deal light damage, stun an opponent or light them on fire.


NAME: Nadiir Soulhunter
RACE: Corrupted Earth Archon
CLASS: Corrupted Earth Elementalist
GENDER: Undefined
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Nadiir is covered in rotting roots, stones, and earth as his armor, most of his body is made up of flowing soil and rotting vegetation. ((flowing like water around on his his body)) His head is a cluster of pulsating vines wrapped around a massive, glowing green gemstone that is covered with protruding spikes.

Nadiir himself knows nothing about his ancient history, all he knows is that he woke up in the middle of a forest that had been chopped down by loggers. he was surrounded by their corpses. He discovered that he had slaughtered all of them... and that his earth essence had been corrupted and been made impure by their deaths, and his mad vengeance. While the forests shun him, if he sees anyone defile or harm them, he will kill them with no exceptions. He is insane, and his normally pure energies are dark and evil now. all of the magic he casts is corrupted also. he has a dark aura of corrupted magic... he has recently come to Godspeak, seeking to slaughter any who defile the forests around it...


-Spike: Calls a spike of earth to come forth from the ground. Enemies near the spike will get thrown back and stunned, and the occasional unlucky target will get impaled on the spike itself. The spike will stay where it is for several minutes, preventing any movement past it.

-Grasp of the Earth: Encases the target in stone, preventing it from moving and dealing damage over time.

Well-Made Large Mace (+ to attack)
Mysterious Amulet (Unknown Effect)

All Player Characters are hired by Jeerax. Nadiir purchases a strange amulet from the Pawn Shop.
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Level 7
May 28, 2009
OOC: Will make a shot at this. Seems like the progress speed you explained fits me. :)

NAME: Ryxali
CLASS: Scout
GENDER: Female
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: She is slightly taller than the average human (say 1.90m) and has a slim flexible body. Her skin is almost as pale as the snow and her hair that is put up as a ponytail is the colour of the sun. For now she wears the various hunter equipment that she manage to snatch with her (see below).
HISTORY: Born in the mystical woods of Evendaal. Ryxali mastered the art of the bow and several ways to track beasts at an early age. This blissful living however, did not last for long. At the age of fourteen bandits raided their village. The men were killed, the women were raped (im i allowed to write that?) and the children were enslaved. She was the bandit leader's love slave for four years until she finally managed to escape. She had lured one of the male guards using her ''female allure''. The moment she had escaped she swore never to speak of this to anyone, thus many of Jeerax's mercenarys are quite curious of this swift, yet silent scout.

Can i be counted in? :)
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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: Will try it out too... But this RP could sure use some more races or classes and there should be rules in which Race-class combinations will be accepted...

NAME: Rolad Firehearth
RACE: Human
CLASS: Fighter
HISTORY: Rolad Firehearth grew up in one of the nearby mountain Villages at the bottom of the huge Mountain-chain which is the start of our story. Already from a young age his dad (Which was the leader of the Peasant-Militia) teached him how to fight the nearby Kobolds in the mines, and later it became easy killing those creatures and Rolads' dad showed him a camp of Goblins. He led the peasants to attack the Goblins, but died in the battle due to a powerful shaman-spell from the Goblin Chieftain. The almost-adult Rolad continued to lead the militia-force and then won, only the chieftain was left. Rolad challenged the Shaman in a 1vs1 duel, and found out that the Goblins' name was Greekaz. After a hard duel Rolad won by putting his rusty axe into Greekaz' back. The peasants cheered and they left for home, but Rolad could feel the spirit of Greekaz following him, bound to help Rolad in the axe and embrassed it with invisible fire energy. Afterwards when people heard of Rolads' skills he became a member of a guild which can be hired by talking to one of the other Guild Members in the tavern of Godspeak...

Is this good enough? I had to make him quick, so I did...
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Both characters are accepted. If you want, I will give you your abilities. You will be given a list of four possible abilities, and you choose the two you like most. If you want to wait for the new classes and race before you do that, however, feel free to do so.
I'll put in another race and two more classes. One class will be a healing class, and the other will be a customizable class that can do multiple things. The race will tie in with the second class as well.

As to gristly content, Masken, you can feel free to have that if you want. However, if anyone does not want that kind of stuff in this roleplay, speak up and say so.
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Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
I'm adding a generic caster class as we speak. You can indeed be a corrupted archon, but try to give me a bit more detail on what that would mean. Is your element changed to poison or something, or is it different than that?

I know you aren't here, Masken, but here are the abilities you have available. Choose two to start with, and over the course of the roleplay you will get more.

-Deadeye Shot: This ability makes a powerful ranged attack with twice the chance to hit and three times the damage of a normal attack. The problem is that you have to aim the shot itself, which takes a bit of time.

-Multishot: Allows you to attack up to three enemies with one ranged attack, provided they are close together. Like Deadeye Shot, you need to aim first.

-Hamstring: Makes an immediate melee attack against your target. If you succeed, the target cannot move for a bit and then has half his normal speed for several minutes.

-Examine Surroundings: Gives the caster a detailed description of everything that happened in the surrounding area over the past hour. This ability can be used to track creatures, determine the outcome of a battle, the general numbers of an army, or reveal hiding enemies.

There was a field missing from the character creation sheet: physical description. This field is optional, but feel free to complete some or all of the fields to give me a better idea of what your character looks like.

Masken, once you choose your abilities you can get the honor of the first in-character post of this roleplay. Start out with Ryxali entering Godspeak and finding Jeerax's Mercenaries. From there, you will get a bit of spending money and a few in-game days to explore the city while everyone else gets settled in, and then your first mission awaits you.
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Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: It was a typo... He put his axe into Greekaz' back, and Goblins ain't that strong, so he died... xD

By the Way, I kinda needs someone to go speak to our "emmissary" in the tavern, maybe Jeerax? Also, what race and class is Jeerax? And thanks for accepting Rolad! :D
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: Might as well be an elementalist.

NAME: Nicanor
RACE: Human
CLASS: Elementalist
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: He is a tall man, doesn't weight much, has green eyes, brown hair, and a notable fact is that he has burned hands.
HISTORY: When he was young, the house of his parents burned down. In this event he had his hands extremely painfully burned. His hand was almost amputated. His parents survived, but he swore from that day that he would control the element of fire no matter what. He left his old house and became an appretice of an other Elementalist.
Level 7
May 28, 2009
OOC: Right these are the abilities i belive fits the best (if not perfect) with Ryxali's background so they have been chosen:
-Deadeye Shot: This ability makes a powerful ranged attack with twice the chance to hit and three times the damage of a normal attack. The problem is that you have to aim the shot itself, which takes a bit of time.

-Examine Surroundings: Gives the caster a detailed description of everything that happened in the surrounding area over the past hour. This ability can be used to track creatures, determine the outcome of a battle, the general numbers of an army, or reveal hiding enemies.

Another small question. Are we allowed to make up details of the sorrounding (eg. the armory were full of incomplete armor sets) or is that your job oh benevilant cow of the crazy sort?

Simple post 'ere to get this started?

IC: Ryxali approaches the gates of Godspeak.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Just go ahead and make your character, and try to explain what a corrupted archon is in his history. I still don't know what you're trying to explain.

Fussiler: Your character is accepted. Here is your ability list:

-Fireball: A simple attack that damages the target and all enemies around that target. Can also burn away some obstacles and such.

-Flame Lash: Sends a stream of fire towards your target. It will damage any enemy it comes into contact with before hitting your target, and so the further away your target is the more damage you do.

-Heat Blast: Damages all enemies within a small distance of you. Depending on your success, you could deal light damage, stun an oponent or light them on fire.

-Firewall: Summons a wall of fire within a reasonable distance. Any opponent getting close to or walking into the firewall will take damage and burst into flames. The firewall cannot be moved, you can only have one firewall at a time and it will dissipate after a short amount of time.

I don't quite understand you. Whose emissary are you talking about?
Jeerax, however, is an Elf Warrior, although he won't be doing much of the fighting (that's why he has hired you guys). I'll add his character profile when one of you meets him for the first time.

Here are your fighter abilities, by the way.

-Gouge: Makes an aimed strike at your target. Your attack is less likely to succeed, but if you hit you will do more than damage.
Legs: A hit will slow or cripple your target.
Arms/Natural Weapons: A hit will lessen or disable the target's attacks.
Head: A hit can blind or instantly kill your target.

-Mighty Blow: Your attacks have a chance to overwhelm your opponent's defense, resulting in immediate success. Where an attack would have failed, it will then do damage, and a mighty swing that would have hit anyway will now crush your opponent easily.

-Gaping Wound: Your attacks have a chance to cause gaping wounds if they hit. An opponent with a gaping wound will be slowed and take light damage for almost an hour.

-Mocking Blow: A normal attack along with some kind of insult. If the mocking blow hits, your target will attack you instead of whatever target it had previously.

Your character has been added to the list. I will be doing all the describing of the scenery around you. And now, your response:

Before Ryxali towers a mighty gate. It is open now, with the portcullis raised, and you are free to walk in.
There are several guards standing just inside to greet newcomers. One waves you down.
"Hail, Elf!" he calls out. "Welcome to the city of God's Peak. If you are new here, feel free to take a map." he hands a parchment to you, which is obviously a map of the city.
On it is a roughly circular area, surrounded by mountains, which is the city. It is divided into quarters: Trade, Government, Residential, and Foreign Management.
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
OOC: Rolad Firehearth is part of a amateour-monster-hunting guild, consisting of only a few men, and the way to hire men from the guild is by talking to the guilds' emmissary in the tavern of Godspeak, which is just some random drunk guy...

I'm trying to say: if Jeerax wants to hire Rolad or others from the guild he may need to speak to that drunk Emmissary-guy in the tavern of Godspeak...

Also, I chose these ailities:

Gouge: Makes an aimed strike at your target. Your attack is less likely to succeed, but if you hit you will do more than damage.
Legs: A hit will slow or cripple your target.
Arms/Natural Weapons: A hit will lessen or disable the target's attacks.
Head: A hit can blind or instantly kill your target.

Gaping Wound: Your attacks have a chance to cause gaping wounds if they hit. An opponent with a gaping wound will be slowed and take light damage for almost an hour.
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NAME: Nadiir Soulhunter
RACE: Corrupted Earth Archon
CLASS: Corrupted Earth Elementalist
GENDER: Undefined
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Nadiir is covered in rotting roots, stones, and earth as his armor, most of his body is made up of flowing soil and rotting vegitation. ((flowing like water around on his his body)) His head is a cluster of pulsating vines wrapped around a massive, glowing green gemstone that is covered with protruding spikes.
HISTORY: Nadiir himself knows nothing about his ancient history, all he knows is that he woke up in the middle of a forest that had been chop ped down by loggers. he was surrounded by their corpses. He discovered that he had slaughtered all of them... and that his earth essence had been corrupted and been made impure by their deaths, and his mad vengeance. While the forests shun him, if he sees anyone defile or harm them, he will kill them with no exceptions. He is insane, and his normally pure energies are dark and evil now. all of the magic he casts is corrupted also. he has a dark aura of corruted magic... he has recently come to godspeak, seeking to slaughter any who defile the forests around it...

HOPE HE IS ACCEPTABLE. Do Archons have feet? or can he have legs of vines (kindof like a naga... but with vines...)
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
OOC: I chose these abilities.

-Flame Lash: Sends a stream of fire towards your target. It will damage any enemy it comes into contact with before hitting your target, and so the further away your target is the more damage you do.

-Heat Blast: Damages all enemies within a small distance of you. Depending on your success, you could deal light damage, stun an oponent or light them on fire.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Your character is accepted. Archons can have either legs or tails, so choose whichever one is your preference.
Here is your ability list:

-Spike: Calls a spike of earth to come forth from the ground. Enemies near the spike will get thrown back and stunned, and the occasional unlucky target will get impaled on the spike itself. The spike will stay where it is for several minutes, preventing any movement past it.

-Slam: Slams the earth, knocking down opponents and destabilizing nearby earth, perhaps causing avalanches or cave-ins.

-Presence of Earth: Enhances the defense of nearby allies and slows nearby enemies.

-Grasp of the Earth: Encases the target in stone, preventing it from moving and dealing damage over time.

Your character will be added shortly. Feel free to start roleplaying.

Your character will be added in a moment. I'll get someone in the tavern to recruit you; do you mind starting out there?

After wandering for several minutes, you come across the border between the trade and foreign management quarters. There you see, amongst the other buildings, a tavern with the customary mug of ale painted on the door. Across from this building is another, this one with a sign reading "Jeerax's Mercenaries - Always Hiring."
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Adding your character in a moment.

The tavern was very crowded at the moment; there were no unclaimed tables and very few empty seats. The barkeep and two assistants were going full speed to take and fill out everyone's orders, which were coming in at quite a rate.
"Sit or stand somewhere and I'll be with you in a moment," the barkeep says as he rushes by Nadiir, holding a tray of filled mugs.
Level 7
May 28, 2009
OOC: Could you name their form of currency?

IC: Ryxali looked inside her leather bag. She only had enough money to buy maggot water. She decided to check in at Jeerax's Mercanaries and see if she could earn some ''easy cash''.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
As you enter the building, you are greeted with an impressive sight. All over the walls of this building are trophies of previous conquests; huge sets of horns, fancy weapons, and decorated sets of armor. At the back of the room is an Elf sitting at a desk, nibbling on his lower lip nervously. He has slightly reddish skin, with brighter red hair and green eyes. His hair is mostly tied back in a ponytail, although several strands of hair are free of it. He looks up at you, and the slightly worried face immediately brightens up.
The Elf literally jumps up out of his seat.
"Welcome, madam," he says, giving you a quick bow. "Have you come to join my mercenary group?"

"Nasty temper," says the unknown person from behind Nadiir. "Say," the person says a little louder, "What's an Archon doing, hanging out here? We don't see many of you these days."
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
The Elf laughed.
"Yes, there is gold. As a matter of fact, in a few days we will be taking up the defense of a caravan, with enough pay to sell out a hundred and fifty gold to all my two employees... or three, if you are interested."

Standing before you are two lycans: one, a female were-hyena (a gnoll) and the other a lizard. Both are regarding you curiously.
"You can put that back in," the hyena said, holding up her empty hands. "I'm just making small talk."
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Nicanor had been wandering the streets, bored.
He had been searching for a job.. since he was in a dear money need.
He was in the debt of a lot of people, and he would be possibly thrown in jail!
He had to find a job, quickly. And get out of here...
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
"They are Honicora and Xevhorn, two Lycans. They just left; you might have seen them. A big female hyena and a were-lizard?" the Elf asks. "I, as you might have guessed, am Jeerax. You are?" He extends a hand for you to shake.

"I'm Honicora, and this is Xevhorn. We're the only employees of Jeerax at the moment," the hyena said, gesturing at the building opposite the tavern. She whispered something to Xevhorn, who turned around and entered the tavern.
Now that you've had a good look at her, you see she would be quite impressive to a normal human. She towers over the humans passing by, and what isn't covered in heavy armor is well-muscled and heavily scarred. She isn't hostile, however; she seems, in fact, quite friendly.
"May I ask who you are, and why you are here?" she asks. "I would think that earth elementals wouldn't exactly like heights."

As you walk towards the border between foreign management and trade, you see a building with the sign: "Jeerax's Mercenaries - Always Hiring!"
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
As Nicanor enters, Jeerax laughs again.
"It seems my prayers have been answered! I was afraid I would be too undermanned to take on the job. Welcome, newcomer, to my mercenary guild, as you might call it. I assume that you are here to join?"

"He is the master of the mercenary guild you see right across from us. He's a bit undermanned right now, and if you feel up to it he would be glad to take you on," Honicora says. At that point, Xavhorn exits the tavern with a half-dozen drinks on a small platter.
"Want to come join us?" the were-lizard offers. He, too, is heavily armored, and has plenty of scars that add to his tall frame and golden scales to make him an imposing sight.
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
"An Archon!" Jeerax exclaimed, quite surprised. "It looks like we have enough people for three caravans now!" Jeerax then started a speech that he obviously knew backwards and forwards.
"Welcome to my mercenary guild, newcomers," he said. "In a nutshell, I get jobs for you to do, and then pay you after all is said and done. Each mission will be described to you in full, along with any special conditions and bonuses available for the taking. At the end of a successful mission, each of you receives your pay, plus any bonuses and minus any penalties, as well as any loot you come across on the mission."
"As a member of my guild, you will receive free armament from the guild's armory and free food and lodging at the tavern across the street, paid out by the guild."
Jeerax pulls out several sacks of coins from his desk, tossing one to each newcomer.
"And here is a welcome present: fifty gold coins each. Explore the city, have some fun, and then, if you are still interested, come back in three days for your first mission. If you take that one up, each of you will receive a hundred and fifty gold coins."
Level 10
Dec 26, 2009
Inside, you find a horribly crowded bar, with few open seats in the place. The barkeep has three servants helping him take everyone's orders.
"Hang on a moment," the barkeep says as he rushes by with several plates of food.
A minute later, he comes back empty-handed.
"How can I help you, madam?" he asks.
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