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Concept Art Mini-Contest #1 - An Epic Battle Scene

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Level 35
May 22, 2007


Contest Theme: An Epic Battle Scene

Each contestant must create a hand made battle scene of EPIC proportions. It must contain multiple combatants and put forth the feeling of epic warfare.

Contest Rules And Conditions
  1. No submission may violate any Hive Workshop site rules.

  2. All submissions must be hand made.
    • Filters are allowed, but overuse is not encouraged.
    • Patterns or "picture tube" brushes are forbidden.
    • Copy and Paste is forbidden.
    • Artistic nudity is allowed..but only tasteful nudity. IE: No sex, no erotic scenes, no innuendos. Pieces containing artistic nudity will be judged on a case by case basis.
    • Blood and Gore of any level is encouraged. This is a battle scene afterall.

  3. Any stolen work WILL be disqualified and the rep award amount given in negative-reputation form. IE: you steal and submit art piece 'A' you get awarded 10 negative reputation points.
    • You are NOT allowed to use any work previous to the contest. You must submit a new and original piece for the contest.
    • You must post atleast 2 WIP pics of your work before final submission.
  4. You may use any medium you wish for your battle scene (for example, paint, pencil, 3dmodeling programs, flash, paintshop, ect). Except the following.
    • Machinima: you may not set up a battle scene by taking screenshots of an ingame scene.
    • Animated art is allowed.
    • Your entry should be submitted in .jpeg, .png, .tga form for digital art and scanned/pictures of traditional mediums. For animated pieces, use files such as; avi, .flv, .swf, .png, .wmv, .mov, .gif.

  5. Your battle scene may consist of any sort of physical battle you can think of. As long as it is Epic! and is a battle scene through the use of military through force of arms (literal arms, magic, weapons, ect) then it is allowed.

  6. Completed submissions must be physically attached to this thread.

Prizes And Winnings
  • First Place: 25 reputation points
  • Second Place: 20 reputation points
  • Third Place: 10 reputation points

Contest Judging And Voting
  • 50 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).

  • 50 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

  • Judging Criteria
    • Originality
    • Imaginative use of the theme
    • Imaginative use of mediums
    • Imaginative use of Technique, such as ;pencil, mouse, tablet, paint; techniques.
    • Quality of work

Contest Dates And Deadline

All submissions must be complete and submitted 2 weeks after the contest begins.

The contest shall begin on March/26th 2008 and conclude on

April/9th 2008 0:00 AM, GMT

Final Notes said:
-All forms of Machinima (use of existing models, replays, movies, pictures, or ect) to create an artpiece is forbidden.

-In order to create an animated piece (within two weeks) you must hand draw, or model an animated scene with multiple combatants from scratch with (100% hand made/scratch) textures applied to the models, and the final submission released in one of the said animation formats.

-Static art is encouraged, and must be hand drawn or hand made. This includes digital art pieces, or physical mediums such as paint, pencil, even clay.

-Any use of Machinima will result in disqualification, and any use of pre-existing models, model parts, or textures, or pre-existing material in general, will result in disqualification.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Start on the contest, and I'll see to an extension.

If no one starts, no extension will be necessary, no?

I am not an unreasonable elf, ^^ begin the contest and I'll see to the time like a proper host. :)

Of course you're not an unreasonable elf. You're not an elf

I'll consider joining this


Nevermind, I have other stuff to do xD
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Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
Clashing Titans

A rough sketch. I really doubt I will finnish or even do any more for that matter. But I have been restless and wanting to do some art. There are several screwy things I want to fix.


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Level 35
May 22, 2007
1v1 is allowed, though multiple combat is perfered and encouraged over 1v1.

Essentially, I will allow 1v1, but I want to see more Epic scale warfare, as the theme suggests ^^.

A 1v1 I can manage in a fortnight. But a battle of EPIC scale would require muuuuch longer. Unless you want a smaller picture.

Worry not about the time limit, I will deal with the time, dont even heed the time! I will see to its purpose and extensions, just create the best artpiece you can....stick figures do not count, please create a serious piece.

I will also provide various bits of inspiration through out the contest, my contests will be interactive, and dont forget to be creative.

Creative use of the different mediums is essential to the scoring.

Inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_KlINBUYc4
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
Instead of going for a giant battle I wanted to go for battling giants. And indeed they do look like ogres. I didnt mean they were titans. I used that term more figuratively than anything else. I intend to make it look like two massive behemoths are duking it out and the epic battle shakes the earth and all of the puny humans that might be lurking about in their pathetic little cities.


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Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Instead of going for a giant battle I wanted to go for battling giants. And indeed they do look like ogres. I didnt mean they were titans. I used that term more figuratively than anything else. I intend to make it look like two massive behemoths are duking it out and the epic battle shakes the earth and all of the puny humans that might be lurking about in their pathetic little cities.

nice use of words, lol
Level 35
May 22, 2007
The picture can be as large as you want, just dont get too ridiculous with it.

This is a heavily free contest, hardly any bounds aside from the limits I have set and wolver, archian, and wulfy has approved.

Do as you will, let your imagination drag you down into the lowest pits of your violent natures.


As some amongst thee would say.
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
Almost finnished. I am just gonna do some vague stuff in the background. All tiny so as to make the giant dudes look colosal. Since this is a mini contest I dont see much need to go extreme detail and whatnot. My concept will convey the theme well enough.


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Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
I am not done. And its a mini contest. I can pretty much gaurantee no one is going to do a full blown piece of art. It is about the concept. Thats why it is concept art. I have seen alot of concept art and I will be modling mine after others. When I am done it will look like most other concept art pieces out there. As for the two days... I am kind of rushing it. Cramming 2 weeks into the couple of days. I wont have much time after this. I got maybe 2 more days to work.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Rocker742, and future others please do not spam this contest.

To the rest of the serious competitors, I will extend the contest at the end of the two weeks, just work on the artwork...and I would perfer to see full blown artwork, as this is an EPIC warfare contest, do the best you can!

Just because mini is in the name doesnt mean you should'nt make it as awesome as possible.

Please..just do your best and treat this as an oppurtunity for more art contests to flourish in the future.
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007

[*]Copy and Paste is forbidden.


I have a question about this. Firstly, I can't draw using a computer, so my stuff is being done on paper. However, I will have to upload it onto my computer to put it here. Unfortunately, being so epic, it doesn't fit on one piece of scannable 8.5 by 11 paper. Does "no copy and paste" mean that I can't scan in the individual parts (about four) and piece them together on my paint program on my computer, then upload them? Or is that "creative use of mediums?"
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Sorry, what does ytmnd mean? (yes I know these look like stupid questions but I am the EPIC NOOB!!!!)
Level 26
Nov 19, 2007
I have made a little scribble. I shall upload it later once I cram it into the scanner

EDIT: Eh. Here it is. It looked like a mess so I fiddled with it and a filter for a little while. I can't do anymore to it because I have some sort of school thingmo for the next week or so

EDIT #2: It is supposed to be the Fall of Silvermoon. I even made a little backstory for it >_>

After the outer city was demolished, Sylvannas Windrunner called a dozen of her most loyal Blood Knights to the heart of Silvermoon. By the light of the dying Sunwell, all thirteen of the Quel'Dorei fell to the Scourge. As dark fell, a dozen new Death Knights walked the land...


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Level 18
Sep 2, 2005
I'd like to get involved too, but I don't see it happening before the ninth, I'm crazy busy until the 10th as that's the last day of university class and I have like 4 major assignments to do that I should be working on right now..

Also, does the battle have to be warcraft world themed or can any fantasy (or non fantasy) Idea work? I kindof like D&D better and would likely do a D&D themed piece with D&D creatures.
Level 7
Sep 23, 2007
Well, there goes my idea.....really though, can it be a scene we've seen before (e.g. Arthas vs Illidan) just redone by me? (no, I'm not planning on that)
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
Well I dont have all that much time to work on this but I started a quick paint of it. I may or may not finnish the paint in which case my submission will be the pencil version.


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Level 4
Jul 11, 2007
to say it with intelligent words :I would like to get involved too.
Im lazy as hell though.. Ima start drawing idea's right away :]
Level 35
May 22, 2007
multiple combatants are perfered, 1v1 is allowed...but only limited entries of that please..I think I will allow the titans to pass, but the rest I would perfer to see actual "battles".

As for corpses littered about...that is fine, but I also want to see some live combatants please ^^
Level 4
Jul 11, 2007
multiple combatants are perfered, 1v1 is allowed...but only limited entries of that please..I think I will allow the titans to pass, but the rest I would perfer to see actual "battles".

As for corpses littered about...that is fine, but I also want to see some live combatants please ^^
I have a dude trying to rip the enemy apart and the enemy dodges. Well im not trying to win this contest, making a nice drawing and learning is my priority. ^_^
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