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Concept Art Contest #6 - Tribal Princess - Poll

Vote for your favourite entries (multiple choice)!

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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129





Tribal Princess
Design a princess of a tribal society. Be creative.
Tribal implies the materials and techniques used by your character has to be consistent with a society that lived before 1000BC, or an equivalent fantasy or alien society. Think hand-crafted tools, weapons and clothes. As you are making a princess, it will also need to be recognisable as a female member of the society with higher esteem than the average member of the society. A princess can have an additional role to being a princess, such as a shaman or a hunter. I will also require your character to be a humanoid or half-humanoid for practical reasons, no tribal princess tigers.


  • Judges may not participate.
  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • Art theft is absolutely not allowed and will be dealt with appropriately.
  • You may not utilise techniques such as photomanipulation, paintover or tracing in this contest.
  • Clearly deviating from the theme will result in disqualification. Ask if you don't understand the theme.
  • Your concept must be depicted in full body, and it is preferable to represent it from at least two different angles.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. There should be at least one image file in either .PNG, or .JPG format.
  • You must show at least one WIP of your final design before the deadline. It is strongly encouraged to do thumbnails as well.
  • Background are allowed as long as they do not detract from the concept, and the concept should not depend on the background.
  • Your submission may not be commenced on before the official launch of the contest, and you may not use previous work partially.
  • Teamwork is not allowed, but providing feedback to other contestants is strongly encouraged.
  • If you think there is any chance your submission will be rejected, clarify with the host.
  • Each user can only vote once in the poll.
  • You cannot vote for yourself. If a voter has the same IP as the author then the vote will not be counted and it may result in the disqualification of the entry.
  • You cannot create multiple accounts to vote for an entry in the poll. If a voter has been found to be using multiple accounts none of the voters votes will count in the final result.
  • You cannot bribe users for votes. Contestants who break this rule will be disqualified and lose reputation points.


  • First Place: 50 reputation points and your entry on the award icon
  • Second Place: 35 reputation points and an award icon
  • Third Place: 20 reputation points and an award icon


  • Pyramidhe@d


Does the artist take advantage of the theme, or is the vision unfitting?/10%

Does the artist display the design in an effective manner, or is it hard to tell what is what? Are artistic techniques used effectively to make the character interesting, or does the style deteriorate the concept? Is the appearance of the design objectively pleasing, or is it of low quality?/25%

Does the design offer a new creative approach, or is it generic and cliché? Does it have character, or is it just another boring design? Does the design make sense and fit the description, or is it necessary to read the title to understand?/40%

Does the design balance, or are the proportions impractical? Is the anatomy or construction correct, does it allow the character to move as it should, or is functionality disregarded entirely?/25%
  • 75 % of the points shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 25 % of the points shall be determined by the results of a public poll.

Inviting your friends to vote for you, bribing random members with reputation points and/or cheating otherwise with the vB Poll System will result in disqualification, black listing from future contests, deduction of reputation points and, in severe cases, an infraction.

This includes, but is not limited to, sending PMs out to various users, getting other people to send those PMs, advertising this contest on other sites with the intention to gain more votes (whether it is explicitly stated or not), and so on. If you are suspected of cheating, the staff will notify you and interrogate you (if necessary) over PMs.​

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I excluded Arowanna, as requested, as well as NFWar and myself. I couldn't find a full body recent WIP that complied with the theme, I hope you don't mind.

Also, sorry for the delay, I've been busy.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Multiple choice because it's easier to vote then. Instead of people being forced to pick one favourite, you can vote for all your favourites. The poll hardly matters in the end anyway.

There's no need to finish the wings when we know they are wings and there's nothing particular about the wings. This is concept art, if something is unnecessary to polish, then you don't spend time polishing it unless you really, really want to.
No, no. You're right :) He just said that he will made them if he find a time :> I was wondering see some finished concept by Goblin.

in due time.. mate, just couldn't do it before the end of the contest :\ school started, have to finish my portfolio, exams and what not :eek:
I had a hard time deciding between Mr.Goblin and PeeKay, but ended up going for PeeKay because I felt like Mr.Goblin's entry looked more like a priestess than a princess. Also, Mr.Goblin didn't finish the wings. :(

you.... bitch XD

Sadly didn't had time to write down the description, but yeah the princess are the ''priestess'' as well :D tum tum tish!
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
PeeKay's concept looks great. Besides the amazing detail and colors, the concept itself is pretty cool as well. It might not be the most original of them all, but I think it's definitely the best looking one.
Mr Goblin's concept looks really well done too. Both of these look pretty much on par with some professional video game concept art I've seen.

Good job everyone. Looking forward to the next contest.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

This is very unusual theme. The title princess dates back to the middle ages not 10000 years ago.

Could've called it Daughter of the Tribe Chieftain, if that would've made it less unusual, but Princess has a connotation of wealth, which I wanted to come across. From when in history the term itself originated is irrelevant, we all know what it means now, and can make out the setting ourselves.
Well, I must admit I was highly dissapointed by this whole competition and for several reasons.

1# for the shit storm about the theme in the beginning of the contest (*cough* My jedi metaphore *cough*)

2# the entries in general.

We were given an incredible open theme, and most of you guys did is= draw a fucken HUMAN female in fur... Really? You could have gone for a Fish-woman wearing seaweed to a Yeti wearing dragon skull to a Butterfly-ish female wearing bugs parts... But nooooooo... you picked a human with fur and bones.. Good use of your imagination *cough* googling ''tribal princess'' *cough*. My point have been proven, I voted for Dionessis and Ike_pie because they are the two ones (with dizzt) that actually tryed to take the theme to an other level.

3# Note to the voters = read #2

4# Note to the voters = google "concept art" and understand it.

And by anymeans I'm not trying to flame any of the contestant, just trying to proove a point. With all due respect...
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
I don't really get your rant. It's ''vote for your favorite entries'', not ''vote for the most original entries''. Originality is a part of what makes a concept good, but there's more to it than that. Color, detail, pose; those things are that make me vote for a concept.

You complain about people drawing a human princess with bones and fur (obviously referring to PeeKay's concept), but then pick Ike_Ike's concept as one of your favorites, which is an anime-ish human with fur/feathers and bones! If that isn't contradicting, I don't know what is.

Also, the definition of concept art is ''A form of illustration where the main goal is to convey a visual representation of a design, idea, and/or mood for use in films, video games, animation, or comic books before it is put into the final product.''
So none of these drawings are technically concept art, because they will never be used for any product. Is that what your 4th complaint is about?
I don't really get your rant. It's ''vote for your favorite entries'', not ''vote for the most original entries''.

Yes and no.. the most original one to your eyes! that you believe represent the theme more closely and more accurately for you... so in a sense your favorite considering the theme and the purpose of this competition.

Originality is a part of what makes a concept good, but there's more to it than that. Color, detail, pose; those things are that make me vote for a concept.

Wrong, the Originality is EVERYTHING in a concept-art, you only need enough art skills to truly represent what you have in mind, but that's about it. Color? = yes, only if the colour are necessary to the concept-art. Details? = yes, only if the details are necessary to the concept-art. Pose? = ... not important at all, in fact there's concept art made with static pose... It is not a Illustration competition, but a CONCEPT-art competition... thus it's the originality and ideas that counts the most above ALL else.

You complain about people drawing a human princess with bones and fur (obviously referring to PeeKay's concept), but then pick Ike_Ike's concept as one of your favorites, which is an anime-ish human with fur/feathers and bones! If that isn't contradicting, I don't know what is.

You're making an assumption, that I never said or expressed... I truly respect Peekay as an artist, and truely believe he outstand himself with his submission: which made me really pleased. I do believe he made a cool concept, in fact I really ''dig'' those huge tusk... but as far as I'm concerned, he still did something quite conventional for a ''tribal princess''.

Concerning Ike_Ike, I voted for him because he didn't went for the conventional fur/bone human princess, he actually present a cooler concept: a princess with a unusual helmet design that could be made from a mystic creature, same thing for most of his concept really,(he did won over Dizzt because Dizzt made a quite simple concept (cloth wise)).

Also, the definition of concept art is ''A form of illustration where the main goal is to convey a visual representation of a design, idea, and/or mood for use in films, video games, animation, or comic books before it is put into the final product.''

(no need to comment)

So none of these drawings are technically concept art, because they will never be used for any product. Is that what your 4th complaint is about?

you are formally right, and no I wasn't referring about that in the 4th complaint, I was referring to the fact that: voters should vote for the most ORIGINAL IDEA, not the most PRETTY ILLUSTRATION.

and yes I believe I've made myself clear enough with this post...

NOW, I'm aware someone would have made the assumption that I was ''jealous'' of peekay having more votes then me, which is a wrong assumption.. but I can understand that with the way I presented my opinion in the previous post.

I personally don't think I really did something truly original with my entry, and that I shouldn't have as many post as I have right now... I was only trying to point out that THIS is NOT a ART COMPETITION but a CONCEPT-art COMPETITION
Mr.Goblin said:
voters should vote for the most ORIGINAL IDEA, not the most PRETTY ILLUSTRATION.
Well, most people who don't have a more "professional" background will automatically vote for what appeals to them the most, out of various reasons.
While I totally agree that for this kind of contest, the concept should receive most attention, it's the "complete" image that influences choices here (esp. in a PUBLIC poll).
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
So to sum up your post: You think originality matters more than everything else. I simply disagree. You start with multiple static, often black and white drawings (close-ups, different angles, etc). But then you still have to pick one (or a couple) of them, and finish that chosen concept (which is what you'll be showing to the art director). Look up any video game, check the final concept art, and you'll see everything of it will be fully colored and highly detailed. The black and white images, sketches, close-ups, etc. are all in progress drawings of the final concepts.
The only difference between ''normal'' artwork and concept artwork is the fact that concept artwork will be used in other products. How much originality matters is entirely subjective (and it does matter to me, just not as much as the overall quality and style of the drawings).
Level 31
Sep 11, 2009
Yes and no.. the most original one to your eyes! that you believe represent the theme more closely and more accurately for you... so in a sense your favorite considering the theme and the purpose of this competition.

Your entry, to my eyes, wasn't representing a tribal princesse in any ways. It's more like a mage or something like this.
Everyone is capable of being original without representing the theme.

We were given an incredible open theme, and most of you guys did is= draw a fucken HUMAN female in fur... Really? You could have gone for a Fish-woman wearing seaweed to a Yeti wearing dragon skull to a Butterfly-ish female wearing bugs parts... But nooooooo... you picked a human with fur and bones.. Good use of your imagination *cough* googling ''tribal princess'' *cough*. My point have been proven, I voted for Dionessis and Ike_pie because they are the two ones (with dizzt) that actually tryed to take the theme to an other level.

I just can't agree with this... How is making an animal Humanoid better than an human? What makes the character original isn't his race but what you make him wear and all this shit
Level 50
Jan 12, 2010
Well, after i tryied make my first concept (you able check it in contest theme), there was a lot of discussion about a silk, metals and else, after that you, Goblin, added silk and metal on your concept. I'm not even sure if it's right. After my other concept (start one) was rejected i was wondering for explain theme, not a some great originality. Overall, originality is everything. Some popular exploration adds originality, when it original, elsewhere is enough to just change race and concentrate a little about a anatomy, and, voiala, you got a original concept art.

Also, as i pointed, concept-art there, on hive, is something more like a art competition, not a concept-art that, for example, was requested at devianart for a LoL pleasure.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Yes and no.. the most original one to your eyes! that you believe represent the theme more closely and more accurately for you... so in a sense your favorite considering the theme and the purpose of this competition.

But... The poll's question clearly states, "Vote for your favorite entries!". I voted for my favorite entries; But that is a lot more than just 'originality'. For example, I think Dionesiist's concept is very original, and I would have voted for it; But I just don't really like the style, and there's too much stuff going on in the picture, especially on her face area and hands(sorry Dio D:).

Wrong, the Originality is EVERYTHING in a concept-art, you only need enough art skills to truly represent what you have in mind, but that's about it. Color? = yes, only if the colour are necessary to the concept-art. Details? = yes, only if the details are necessary to the concept-art. Pose? = ... not important at all, in fact there's concept art made with static pose... It is not a Illustration competition, but a CONCEPT-art competition... thus it's the originality and ideas that counts the most above ALL else.

Here is a link to some concept art made for Skyrim.
Some of those are rough, but that's because they're meant to portray an environment, a mood, a feeling. Anything that has armor, characters or items in it is quite detailed. And EVERYTHING has color. Look at this, for example. It even has a background! And it serves perfectly as concept art. You can clearly see the details in the armor, the general look of the Troll monster, and even the cave environment that it lives in. If it was just a boring, static picture of the troll, it wouldn't be nearly as interesting or helpful for the developers. (In Skyrim, you can even see the trolls performing this pose in one of their animations, as they roar to scare you away.)

voters should vote for the most ORIGINAL IDEA, not the most PRETTY ILLUSTRATION.
...Why can't they vote for both? I think your concept is not only very original, but also looks great. Peekay's concept may be less original(not really though, the equipment and the dragon are very cool, and I can think of some interesting stories for the character), but it is just as well drawn, and is a bit more 'finished' than yours(wings). That is why I voted for both of you.

I think what I'm trying to convey is... For the general public, 'concept art' would mean the same as 'drawing' or any other form of art. While I DID try to vote for the most original concepts, I just didn't feel 'attached' to some of them because I think the art wasn't as good as some others(like yours). And your point about concept art is wrong, because most games' concept art looks finished and detailed(see Skyrim concept art above). If you just scribble something completely undetailed, the character has no 'life', and it's a lot harder for the modelers to work with it, not to mention the story-writers and designers.

So yeah, concept art = 60% idea\originality\concept, 40% aesthetics and detail.



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
I like how dizzt's is drawn, but I'll go for PeeKay since it's just plain more interesting. Not fond of Pee's style though, kinda lacks depth...except for the dragon thingy, that's awesome.

And lol nice quote in your sig, Dionesiist :p

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

most games' concept art looks finished and detailed(see Skyrim concept art above)
I won't go as far as to say this is wrong, but I'll explain why it seems to be this way while it in reality often is a different story. You see, a lot of concept art is achieved through use of short-cuts, such as painting over pictures or stitching together different pieces of art, and the source material is not necessarily yours, or the team's, and may well be copyrighted material. Quite the dirty affair, you could say, but as copyright only applies if you actually publicise the product, it's not really illegal. What you're doing is producing art for "personal" use, and the final artwork, such as a model, in the game will be created legally, so it does not matter that the concept art, or preliminary concept art, is illegal. However, this prevents the artists from uploading their concept art that is created through questionable methods, and thus you, as the public, never see them. Only the presentable concept art is presented.

Of course, this isn't absolute truth and there are many exceptions.

Anyway, 'Vote for your favourite entries' is the title of the poll for one reason; it's my favourite solution for avoiding 'vote for the best entries', because it is psychologically more challenging to point out the best entries rather than your favourite entries, due to the best being interpreted as an objective opinion while your favourite is very much subjective. It is not made as such to make the concept less important in the public poll. Either way, the public poll is not the decisive jury in THW contests, the judges are, and as such I urge people to stop discussing what should be voted for and rather enjoy the occasional feedback and praise until the judge's results are in.
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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

67chrome and Dionesiist both have at least two views. Moreover, it wasn't required as much as you were all encouraged to do so. :3
People should stop making up their own definitions of concept art.

you say? from my perspective: you are the one making up your own definition of concept-art.

with all due respect..

and to answer Ramza = That is called Alphabetic or Rubic concept-art, and it's mostly used to help 3D modelers, and again there's diffrent state and types of concept-art.
Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
you say? from my perspective: you are the one making up your own definition of concept-art.

with all due respect..

I took the definition from Wikipedia. :I

and to answer Ramza = That is called Alphabetic or Rubic concept-art, and it's mostly used to help 3D modelers, and again there's diffrent state and types of concept-art.

But these concepts will not be used for 3D models, so it's all good. Why are you even agreeing with NFWar? According to him your concept is wrong as well (this is also the second time you're actually telling people not to vote for you).
I took the definition from Wikipedia. :I

But these concepts will not be used for 3D models, so it's all good. Why are you even agreeing with NFWar? According to him your concept is wrong as well (this is also the second time you're actually telling people not to vote for you).

you're assuming I agree with NFWar... the only thing I admitted about his statement is that such form of concept-art exist, and that's it, didn't say it was REQUIRED by this competition.

My point was to basically prove you wrong, because even though wikipedia gave you the ''right description'' that doesn't mean you have the ''right understanding'' (and no, I'm not saying you're stupid, even doctor inteprete wrongly medical facts)

and yeah, I'm not going to explain again... read my previews post and agree to it or not. And of course, you can assume I'M the one with the wrong interpretation..

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Closing the poll earlier won't change anything. Might as well keep it open while we wait for the judging.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

As far as I know, Pyramidhe@d is still working on his judging. Not sure if Goblin is working on his or if we're just taking Pyra's judging.
As far as I know, Pyramidhe@d is still working on his judging. Not sure if Goblin is working on his or if we're just taking Pyra's judging.

oh fuck, thanks for LETTING ME KNOW, I was judging after all..

/facepalm, I'll work on it right away

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Contest entries may judge?
I'm covering his entry and making sure it's neutral, so don't worry about it. Better than only having one judge.

Goblin, could you send the judging in a PM, I lost the pastebin link. :v
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