- Joined
- Feb 5, 2008
- Messages
- 228
Released July 23, 2017
- Minor unit/UI visual errors repaired.
- Units properly mount if Stables has 1 mana.
Mission 3:
- Alistra event properly fires and ends.
- AI repairs implemented.
- Intro cinematic can now be skipped again.
Patch 1.02.03
Released June 26, 2017
- Upgrades now properly reflect QWER command card.
- Mission difficulty can be changed on replays.
Mission 1:
- Strange Urn no longer drops.
- Scarlet Courier no longer despawns.
- AI repaired.
- Cull properly depletes Gothik's mana.
- Varimathras AI repaired.
If you encounter any UI issues, please notify me immediately. I recently had a war3mapSkins problem, and it appears to have "infected" Chasing the Dawn with UI elements from another project. I believe I've caught them all, but you never know.
Patch 1.02.02
Released June 21, 2017
- Divine Barrier tooltip displays correct duration.
- Divine Barrier no longer permanently slows enemy units.
Mission 5:
- Allied attack prevention no longer prevents completion of Chaff from the Wheat.
- Red Sun properly despawns.
- Red Sun-related dialogue properly progresses.
Patch 1.02.01
Released June 19, 2017
- QWER Command Card added.
- Removed shadows from ghosts.
- Landgren leveling will no longer grant Abbendis talent points.
Artillery Battery:
- Projectile launch properly correlates with attack animation.
- Now properly accepts Crusade upgrades.
- Damnation deals proper damage.
- Projectile launch properly correlates with attack animation.
- Increased turning speed.
- Major Whitemane AI revamp. (Credits to Nowow)
- Reduced Red Sun speed to 200.
Exploit Prevention:
- Reload/restart exploit patched.
- Hero level farming countermeasures added.
Patch 1.02:
Released June 16, 2017
- Minor UI update.
- Removed Call to Arms.
- Replay interactions will properly fire.
- Bonus mission can now be replayed if it is won after this patch.
- Added hint regarding how to call up the menu.
- Unit/talent changes now save upon exiting selection panel.
- AI targeting repaired.
- Mythic whispers no longer repeat.
- Mythic whispers no longer repeat.
- Reduced dialogue delay on timer expiration.
- Additional Landgren audio and quest update added upon timer expiration.
- Optimized Mograine audio.
- Additional Mograine audio added upon his entrance into the map.
- Added weather effect.
- Added weather effect.
- Varimathras can be given orders through the Obelisk of Command.
- Cinematics properly skippable.
- Whitemane will no longer wait outside Holy Site summoning areas.
- Fixed Red Sun sticking bug.
- Additional Part II dependency added.*
- Removed redundant GUI AI functions.
- Removed redundant ally attack alerts from Sylvanas's banshee form.
Patch 1.02b:
Released June 6, 2017
Hotfixed June 7, 2017
New Features:
- Bonus Forsaken mission "The Red Queen" now unlockable.
- New Cursed item system and related assets implemented.
- New model for Lightforged items added.
- Revamped experience lock system.
- Cinematic music volume reduced.
- Speech volume compensation implemented.
- Talents can no longer be acquired if no talent points are available.
- Repaired talent point holdover from previous playthroughs.
- Repaired talent point deficit from particular Tier 1 abilities.
- Part II dependencies added.
- Updated mission failure text.
- Updated upgrade tooltips to reflect unit customization.
- Corrected Divine Protection tooltip.
- Texture changed. (Credits to Heinvers)
- Ensnare can target heroes.
- Projectile properly matches attack animation.
- Mounted health reduced to 760.
- Death animation will now play in full.
- Armor type changed from Large to Medium.
- Updated mount system.
- Added new lighting effect for Soulburn. (Credits to Spellbound)
- Fixed Soulburn ability tooltip.
- Added new lighting effect for Unity. (Credits to Spellbound)
- Fixed Unity ability and buff tooltips.
- Health increased to 710.
- Cost increased to 230 gold, 30 lumber.
- Minor audio fix.
- Fury of the Heavens and Light of the Protector upgrade tooltips display proper colors.
- Retribution no longer strikes allies.
- Updated Retribution system to prevent leaks.
- Texture changed. (Credits to Heinvers)
- Now takes unit upgrades.
- Now takes unit upgrades.
- Now takes unit upgrades.
- Greater Heal mana cost reduced to 10.
- Modified automatic ability leveling system.
- Penance ability repaired.
- Blessing buffs show proper tooltips.
- Blessing buffs no longer visible.
- Blessings cast properly.
- Fixed blessing hotkeys.
- Reduced Blessings mana cost to 100.
- Updated icon to reflect model appearance.
- Updated scorescreen icon.
- Updated scorescreen icon.
- Added new lighting effect for Soul Drain. (Credits to Spellbound)
- Final tutorial dialogue fires properly.
- Added dialogue markers.
- Added interaction markers to exits.
- Revamped Void Herald incident.
- Major repairs to New Avalon interlude sets.
- Updated camera systems. (Special thanks to Magamdy)
- Prevented repeat dialogue.
- Missions can now be replayed.
- Added dialogue warnings at Andorhal.
- Abbendis's presence now prerequisite for final Forsaken ambush.
- Missing Whitemane dialogue removed.
- Removed Scourge Bone Chimes drop from Andorhal.
- Looped finale cinematic music.
- Reworked Plaguebringers update text.
- Replaced Dreadguard audio to match Forsaken audio update.
- Added item drops to Forsaken towns.
- Moderate gold increase in Forsaken-controlled mines.
- Added multiboard to track gold remaining on map.
- Missing Abbendis dialogue removed.
- Repaired AI Banshee Spires.
- Intro cinematic units now properly reflect unit choices.
- Stabilized starting income.
- Firing squad in ending cutscene now fires properly.
- Destroying the Halls of the Dead first will no longer prevent victory.
- AI resources now properly rejuvenate.
- Reduced gold mine capacity in main base to 3000.
- Player units disappear during final cinematic.
- Major AI revamp.
- Abbendis dialogue no longer fires twice.
- Properly implemented Alistra waves.
- AI resources now properly rejuvenate.
- Added additional AI waves.
- Minor base layout shift.
- Crusade ally will now properly utilize Priests.
- Defeat condition now only requires the destruction of player structures.
- Attacking western Scourge bases will activate their AI.
- Minor repairs to opening cinematic/cinematics throughout.
- Abbendis dialogue no longer fires endlessly.
- Reduced summon rate of Deathspeakers.
- Koltira cinematic will not prematurely fire.
- Abbendis's presence now prerequisite for rescuing Landgren.
- Paladin and Watchmen outside the cathedral now rescuable.
- Landgren no longer vulnerable before being rescued.
- Added dialogue related to bonus mission.
- Black mask enabled.
- Mission end conditions repaired.
- Final cinematic is now skippable.
- Added music to final cinematic.
- Units properly flee.
- Special units hint added.
- Chaff From the Wheat will properly complete.
- Chilled breath removed from Necromancers.
- Added bonus item drop Recovered Holy Water.
- Increased width of openings to allow more units passage.
Patch 1.01b:
Released February 4, 2017
Hotfixed February 5, 2017
- Added Talent Point counter to talent selection.
- Added Current Unit notification to unit selection.
- Opening Monastery selection cinematic now skippable.
- Portrait alpha repaired.
- Can properly mount.
- Reduced range of Horse ability.
- Book of Blessings properly implemented.
Mission 1:
- Corrected dialogue timing error.
- AI rally points updated.
- Increased income from Havenshire towns.
- Corrected dialogue timing error.
- AI rally points updated.
- Duplicate Landgren removed.
- Reduced introductory music volume.
- Landgren cinematic ends properly.
Known Issues:
- Landgren's Penance ability still dysfunctional.
- Camera in post-Mission 3 selection map still clipping.
Patch 1.00b:
- Unselected unit variants no longer available in Missions 3 and 4.
- Camera height corrected in Post 3/Replay Selection areas.
- Minor movement boost to Selection areas.
- Food cost reduced to 1.
- Brutality upgrade now properly implemented.
- Hound spawns properly.
- Mounted outriders can no longer garrison Holdfasts.
- Stables now properly mounts Outriders.
- Shield Wall ability no longer requires broken prerequisite upgrade.
- Stables now properly mounts Cavaliers.
- Icon fixed.
- Judgment of Light now heals properly.
- Talent tree color coding corrected on upgraded abilities.
Mission 1:
- Whitemane dialogue audio added.
- Removed Captain Shely.
- Landgren no longer despawns.
- AI functionality restored.
- Cinematic fade filters corrected.
Patch 1.00a: Initial Release
"Well, it seems the Elves do not fight alone after all."
"We fight with the Light shining upon our backs and ride with the wind at our heels. We are unstoppable."
Tired of fighting alone against the Scourge? Then grab a friend and join the Scarlet Crusade in its quest to retake Lordaeron in Chasing the Dawn's new CHAMPION MODE, now in development. Champion Mode will feature several unique independent missions throughout Lordaeron and the Eastern Kingdoms, battling for supremacy against the Scourge, the Forsaken, even the Worgen - any who would dare challenge the true sons of Lordaeron. Bring forth the righteous might of paladin Galvar Pureblood, unleash the unbridled fury of dwarven warrior Dorgar Stonebrow, or bask in the glorious power of cleric Ferren Marcus; if they do not appeal to you, unlock numerous other Crusade heroes such as Renault Mograine and Scarlet Commander Marjhan by completing bonus missions or achievements in the Chasing the Dawn single player campaign. With multiple difficulties, diverse gameplay, and unique objectives and environments, Chasing the Dawn's Champion Mode will provide you and a friend with the chance to confront interesting new challenges Abbendis will never get the chance to alone.
Status: Preliminary Development
Currently planned to be released with Patch 2.00 or the first major subsequent patch. Will require latest patch due to filesize limitations.
The voice whispered: "Come to me."
Considering that I have never seen a Scarlet Crusade campaign done before (at least not a finished one), I thought I might give it a shot, give back something to this community I've been a part of longer than I like to think about. I have done my best to keep the campaign as canon as possible, but as it turns out keeping it completely canon makes for a rather boring campaign, so I have taken some liberties, mostly regarding locations. The narration you will hear in the campaign comes straight from Abbendis's diary in World of Warcraft... almost.
(For anyone who's interested: The Diary of High General Abbendis)
Again, I have had to make some changes, especially early on, to condense some of the more boring parts and to expand its scope in some areas so I could make more missions out of it (originally, I would only have been able to make two or three missions in Lordaeron; the plan is five at the moment). I am aware that the file will probably be enormous, and once everything's finalized, I will try to create a lighter version for those of you who do not want to deal with this campaign's monstrous size, but for now it's better for me to work in the full version.
Story |
and child in their path on their quest for domination, and now the Forsaken, Sylvanas Windrunner's pet army, have risen out of the ashes
of the Tirisfal Glades. The plague has corrupted even the mightiest of heroes, the most noble of souls; death is everywhere. But one
small bastion of hope remains: the Scarlet Crusade. Considered fanatics by most, the Crusade has devoted itself to cleansing the wretched
undead from their homeland and restoring Lordaeron to its former glory. General Brigitte Abbendis, one of the Crusade's most fervent
paladins, has long lead the elite Crimson Legion at the forefront of this battle, but the Holy Light has begun to whisper to her in her
dreams, calling her north to confront the Lich King himself. So as the shadow of the Scourge once again falls over Lordaeron, Abbendis
must ready herself to leave everything she has known behind, to lead the most faithful to their true destiny and to chase the dawn deep
into the icy heart of Northrend...
Characters |
High General Brigitte Abbendis
Daughter of one of the Crusade's founding members, Brigitte Abbendis has rose to become one of the most important figures in the entire organization, commanding the most elite of the Light's zealots. While still somewhat young and naive in her command, her resolve is unwavering and her faith unquestionable. Abbendis's training as a paladin allows her to stand her ground against seemingly impossible odds, and if she sends her men into battle, she will certainly be fighting right beside them on the front lines, bringing the full strength of the Light to bear. Innately has Retribution, and can learn Holy Restoration, Divine Storm, Judgment, and Final Vindication.
High Abbot Landgren
One of the Crusade's foremost religious leaders, High Abbot Landgren often finds himself to be the sole mouthpiece remaining that the Light can speak through in these dark times. Acting as an advisor and chaplain for the Scarlet elite, soecifically for Abbendis's Crimson Legion, Landgren can, more often than not, be found at the rear of the army, blessing the foot soldiers before battle and guiding the hand of the officers, but when he does take to the battlefield, his command of the Holy Light can save dozens, even hundreds, of his compatriots from certain death, or worse. Landgren is one of Abbendis's most trusted aides, a confidence he does not take lightly. Can learn Book of Blessings, Penance, Divine Barrier, and Resurrection.
Grand Admiral Barean Westwind
A legendary Crusade commander, Admiral Barean Westwind was thought to be dead after his Scarlet Fleet was lost on a failed expedition to Northrend. However, despite the Scourge's best efforts, it appears that Westwind has survived his ordeal with his faith unbroken, and now he has returned to help the Onslaught battle its way to the icy heart of the Northrend, bringing with him his brilliant tactical ability and masterful cunning, not to mention his familiarity with the region. While rather cold at times, Westwind is a testament to the Onslaught's resolve, and can cause devastation to even the hardiest of its foes. Can learn Radiating Terror, Crippling Blows, Vampiric Aura, and Second Life.
The Lich King
Once a great paladin and crown prince of the kingdom of Lordaeron, long ago Arthas Menethil embraced a far darker calling, and his kingdom paid the price in blood for his betrayal before he vanished into the icy heart of Northrend. Now he has returned, calling himself the Lich King and believing himself the god of death, and from his unholy fortress come forth seemingly endless waves of the wretched undead, slaughtering all in their path. Until his destructive reign is ended, the safety of humanity and the world itself is at stake. Innately has Inspire Dread and the ability to raise his victims as slaves to Frostmourne, and can learn Army of the Dead, Soul Drain, Dominion, and Harvest.
And more...
Features |
• Three unique, original techtrees - Scarlet Crusade, Forsaken, and Vrykul
• Updated Alliance, Horde, and Scourge techtrees
• Fully voice-acted
Progress |
Chapter One: The Road to Tirisfal - 100% complete
Chapter Two: Taking Our Due - 100% complete
Chapter Three: Havenshire - 100% complete
Chapter Four: The Ebon Blade - 100% complete
Chapter Five: Chasing the Dawn - 100% Complete
Interlude: Silence - 100% Complete
Plaguelands Bonus Mission: 80% Complete
Chapter Six: Landfall - Planning
Chapter Seven: The Wicked Coil - Planning
Chapter Eight: The Enemy of My Enemy - Planning
Chapter Nine: Forgotten Places - Planning
Chapter Ten: Vengeance Pass - Planning
Chapter Eleven: Do Unto Others - Planning
Chapter Twelve: Hammerfall - Planning
Interlude: Secrets - Planning
I can't guarantee quick progress, but I'm trusting that, if anyone is interested in this at all, you'll keep me from dropping the ball completely.
Screenshots |
Campaign Screen
Prologue - The Calling
Chapter One - The Road to Tirisfal
Chapter Two - Taking Our Due
Chapter Three - Havenshire
More to come with later chapters!
Prologue - The Calling
Chapter One - The Road to Tirisfal
Chapter Two - Taking Our Due
Chapter Three - Havenshire
Credits |
Elf_Lord: Creator
Original Voice Acting (in order of appearance):
Katrien Van Riel: Brigitte Abbendis
Elf_Lord: Dreadguard - Scarlet Courier - Herod
Ethan Guthrie: Renault Mograine - Galvar Pureblood
Alex Riggs: Velonara - Sally Whitemane
Jakob Walsh: Landgren
Meredith Denney: Areiel
Graphics and Music:
Blizzard Entertainment: Music/Sound Effects (WoW) - Region Maps (WoW) - Ability Icons (WoW) - Beta Lumbermill,
War-Golum: Blightwalker Aura,
Kitabatake: Mansion Walls & Gate - Ballista (Scorpion),
Korija2029: Black Garden (Wraithforge),
Sellenisko: Draenei Huntress (Exarch) - Val'kyr - Undead Vrykul (Vargul) - Dragon's Reach - Vrykul House - Vrykul Units,
67chrome: Lieutenant Commander (Paladin) - Draenei Huntress (Exarch) - Sylvanas Windrunner - Scarlet Crusader (Soldier/Huntsman) - Returned - Thrust,
skrab: Joan of Arc (Abbendis Portrait),
Blood Raven: Liberator Sword, Scarlet Archbishop (Street), Scarlet Crusader (Jordan)
Sunchips: Lordaeron Crest Shield,
Gottfrei: Plague Doctor (Apothecary),
Ujimasa Hojo: Forsaken Footman (Baelric) - Ujimasa Hojo: Forsaken Structures - Forsaken Peasant,
Mr.Goblin: Poison Potion - Lordaeron Crest Floor/Stairs,
Champara Bros: Judgment - Divine Storm - Penance - Dark Execution,
MassiveMaster: Stable,
skrab: Barracks (Armory) - Garrison (Garrison),
Mike: Chapel (Consecrated Chapel) - Siege Workshop (War Mill) - Pier - Scorpion Ballista,
CloudWolf: Gilneas structures - Sir Valiant (Barean) - Scarlet Crusader (Myrmidon/Ranger) - Alliance/Horde Banners - Sylvanas (Ymirjar Hunter),
Graber: Depot (Storehouse),
Ket: WCII Church (Chapel),
JetFangInferno: Holy Aurora (Consecration) - Black Cloud (Transcendence) - Light Strike Array (Final Vindication) - Soul Armor,
takakenji: Team Color Cathedral (Library) - Ogre Arena (Battle Pit),
Caged_Angelic: Abbendis Art,
Gabriel: Whitemane Art,
Tranquil: Holy Smite - Window & Window Rays, Royal Captain (Jordan)
paladinjst: Silverhand Paladin (Galvar),
Direfury: Arcanist Hero (Whitemane), Death Knight (Thassarian), Proudmoore (Shely)
JesusHipster: Divine Barrier,
ILH: Holy Awakening (Resurrection),
Direfury: Blood Mage (Inquisitor) - Court Mage,
Mephestrial: Mounted Swordsman (Cavalryman) - Gnoll Elemental Grove (Altar of Runes),
Hayate: Gryphon Knight (Wind Lancer),
Nichita_00: Peasant (Stonemason),
Wandering Soul: Crossbow Footman (Ranger),
AhhFreshWeeD: Black Legion Priest (Raven Priest),
Justicebringer: Holy Paladin,
GooS: Armor Upgrades (Crusade),
Elenai: Sword Upgrades (Crusade),
CRAZYRUSSIAN: Black Book (Raven Priest Training) - Red Book - Hand Break - CRPaladin - Apothecary Icon,
lelyanra: Defensive - Fly Claw,
Big Dub: Eyes (Shadowform),
Ginufe: Fire Destruction,
PeeKay: Fire-Horned Helmet (Herod's Helm) - Holy Fist - Holy Regeneration - Inner Fire - Pray - Sphere of Divine - Wing Protection - Abyss Knight (Koltira Deathweaver),
4eNNightmare: Fire Sorrow,
Dalharukn: Heal Cannon,
CreatorD3292: Holy,
cyprigen: Orc Sorcerer,
zbc: Holy Maul,
The_Silent: Howl of Terror,
JollyD: Lion Shield of Courage,
stonneash: Necropedia,
Heinvers: Power Fist,
KelThuzad: Shackle - Cold of the Damned (Dread),
NFWar: Warrior's Blessing,
l0w_kwaliti: Lich King,
Hawkwing: Darion,
MatiS: Nerubian Vizier,
Sin'dorei300: Dragonmaw Banner - Dark Soldier - Crusader Icon - Val'kyr Icon - Ragnar Icon,
xXm0RpH3usXx: Church and Library Doodad Pack,
LordT: Footman Corpse,
MassiveMaster: Fortification Walls,
dansaDisco: Undead Banner,
-=Emergenzy=-: Campaign Walls,
SkriK: Lordaeron Signet,
Ampharos_222: Assailant Spire (Proto-Drake Spire),
Freddyk: Dark Soldier,
TheReaper: Undead Footman,
AndrewOverload519: Forsaken Archer,
Cavman: Dreadguard - Skeletal Peasant,
Edge45: Forsaken Catapult,
Rao Dao Zao: Tosc (Plague Beast),
AnemicRoyalty: Tosc (Plague Beast) - Grand Apothecary,
UgoUgo: Toxic Field,
Tirlititi: Soul Basin,
Power: Dark Harvest,
Marcos DAB: Critical Strike,
Apheraz Lucent: Knight of the Ebon Blade (Darion),
chilla_killa: Argent Banner,
I3lackDeath: Frostmourne,
Stefan.K: Tirion Fordring - Rodrick
~Nightmare: Stop (Aura),
Kuhneghetz: Death Knight on Foot (Koltira Deathweaver) - Barbarian,
JollyD: Horror Soul (Whisper),
Godslayer: Alternate Sacrifice,
Hans Zimmer: Hold the Ice (The Fall of New Avalon),
-Grendel: Diseased One (Sapper),
Fuzzyfury: Geist,
Paladon: Jump Spell,
Tauer: Blackhand, Anduin Lothar
BLazeKraze: Blackhand Icon - Sylvanas Icon (Alt),
PROXY: Crusader,
kangyun: Priestess of the Moon (Lynore) - Phantom Blade, Saidan Dathrohan (Mograine),
zbc: Stoned Ring, Shield Bash
Deathclaw24: Arrow Storm,
ikillforeyou: War Zeppelin,
Daenar7: Runic Skins,
skymarshall: Goblin Tower,
Mephestrial: Gilneas Gunship,
WILL THE ALMIGHTY: Ground Explosion
xXm0RpH3usXx: Pavement
Illidan(Evil)X: Replaceable Banner
Really Slow Motion: Scarlet Victory Theme
Peacegetter: Argent Footman
Dmitry Rommel, Xaran Alamas, Defender of the Crown (Abbendis)
Mr.Goblin: Juggernaught
HerrDave: Questioner (LeCraft) - Man of God (Landgren)
Serbianbeast: Wooden Elevator
L_Lawliet: Dungeon Cliff
LongbowMan/Blizzard: Chapel Banner
stein123/HoS: Scarlet Ram - Scourge Necromancer
This list is still incomplete, as I am only a third of the way through the campaign (though I have tried to anticipate). If I forgot to mention someone (which I may have, since several of my models I borrowed from an earlier project), please let me know and I will update the list.
Original Voice Acting (in order of appearance):
Katrien Van Riel: Brigitte Abbendis
Elf_Lord: Dreadguard - Scarlet Courier - Herod
Ethan Guthrie: Renault Mograine - Galvar Pureblood
Alex Riggs: Velonara - Sally Whitemane
Jakob Walsh: Landgren
Meredith Denney: Areiel
Graphics and Music:
Blizzard Entertainment: Music/Sound Effects (WoW) - Region Maps (WoW) - Ability Icons (WoW) - Beta Lumbermill,
War-Golum: Blightwalker Aura,
Kitabatake: Mansion Walls & Gate - Ballista (Scorpion),
Korija2029: Black Garden (Wraithforge),
Sellenisko: Draenei Huntress (Exarch) - Val'kyr - Undead Vrykul (Vargul) - Dragon's Reach - Vrykul House - Vrykul Units,
67chrome: Lieutenant Commander (Paladin) - Draenei Huntress (Exarch) - Sylvanas Windrunner - Scarlet Crusader (Soldier/Huntsman) - Returned - Thrust,
skrab: Joan of Arc (Abbendis Portrait),
Blood Raven: Liberator Sword, Scarlet Archbishop (Street), Scarlet Crusader (Jordan)
Sunchips: Lordaeron Crest Shield,
Gottfrei: Plague Doctor (Apothecary),
Ujimasa Hojo: Forsaken Footman (Baelric) - Ujimasa Hojo: Forsaken Structures - Forsaken Peasant,
Mr.Goblin: Poison Potion - Lordaeron Crest Floor/Stairs,
Champara Bros: Judgment - Divine Storm - Penance - Dark Execution,
MassiveMaster: Stable,
skrab: Barracks (Armory) - Garrison (Garrison),
Mike: Chapel (Consecrated Chapel) - Siege Workshop (War Mill) - Pier - Scorpion Ballista,
CloudWolf: Gilneas structures - Sir Valiant (Barean) - Scarlet Crusader (Myrmidon/Ranger) - Alliance/Horde Banners - Sylvanas (Ymirjar Hunter),
Graber: Depot (Storehouse),
Ket: WCII Church (Chapel),
JetFangInferno: Holy Aurora (Consecration) - Black Cloud (Transcendence) - Light Strike Array (Final Vindication) - Soul Armor,
takakenji: Team Color Cathedral (Library) - Ogre Arena (Battle Pit),
Caged_Angelic: Abbendis Art,
Gabriel: Whitemane Art,
Tranquil: Holy Smite - Window & Window Rays, Royal Captain (Jordan)
paladinjst: Silverhand Paladin (Galvar),
Direfury: Arcanist Hero (Whitemane), Death Knight (Thassarian), Proudmoore (Shely)
JesusHipster: Divine Barrier,
ILH: Holy Awakening (Resurrection),
Direfury: Blood Mage (Inquisitor) - Court Mage,
Mephestrial: Mounted Swordsman (Cavalryman) - Gnoll Elemental Grove (Altar of Runes),
Hayate: Gryphon Knight (Wind Lancer),
Nichita_00: Peasant (Stonemason),
Wandering Soul: Crossbow Footman (Ranger),
AhhFreshWeeD: Black Legion Priest (Raven Priest),
Justicebringer: Holy Paladin,
GooS: Armor Upgrades (Crusade),
Elenai: Sword Upgrades (Crusade),
CRAZYRUSSIAN: Black Book (Raven Priest Training) - Red Book - Hand Break - CRPaladin - Apothecary Icon,
lelyanra: Defensive - Fly Claw,
Big Dub: Eyes (Shadowform),
Ginufe: Fire Destruction,
PeeKay: Fire-Horned Helmet (Herod's Helm) - Holy Fist - Holy Regeneration - Inner Fire - Pray - Sphere of Divine - Wing Protection - Abyss Knight (Koltira Deathweaver),
4eNNightmare: Fire Sorrow,
Dalharukn: Heal Cannon,
CreatorD3292: Holy,
cyprigen: Orc Sorcerer,
zbc: Holy Maul,
The_Silent: Howl of Terror,
JollyD: Lion Shield of Courage,
stonneash: Necropedia,
Heinvers: Power Fist,
KelThuzad: Shackle - Cold of the Damned (Dread),
NFWar: Warrior's Blessing,
l0w_kwaliti: Lich King,
Hawkwing: Darion,
MatiS: Nerubian Vizier,
Sin'dorei300: Dragonmaw Banner - Dark Soldier - Crusader Icon - Val'kyr Icon - Ragnar Icon,
xXm0RpH3usXx: Church and Library Doodad Pack,
LordT: Footman Corpse,
MassiveMaster: Fortification Walls,
dansaDisco: Undead Banner,
-=Emergenzy=-: Campaign Walls,
SkriK: Lordaeron Signet,
Ampharos_222: Assailant Spire (Proto-Drake Spire),
Freddyk: Dark Soldier,
TheReaper: Undead Footman,
AndrewOverload519: Forsaken Archer,
Cavman: Dreadguard - Skeletal Peasant,
Edge45: Forsaken Catapult,
Rao Dao Zao: Tosc (Plague Beast),
AnemicRoyalty: Tosc (Plague Beast) - Grand Apothecary,
UgoUgo: Toxic Field,
Tirlititi: Soul Basin,
Power: Dark Harvest,
Marcos DAB: Critical Strike,
Apheraz Lucent: Knight of the Ebon Blade (Darion),
chilla_killa: Argent Banner,
I3lackDeath: Frostmourne,
Stefan.K: Tirion Fordring - Rodrick
~Nightmare: Stop (Aura),
Kuhneghetz: Death Knight on Foot (Koltira Deathweaver) - Barbarian,
JollyD: Horror Soul (Whisper),
Godslayer: Alternate Sacrifice,
Hans Zimmer: Hold the Ice (The Fall of New Avalon),
-Grendel: Diseased One (Sapper),
Fuzzyfury: Geist,
Paladon: Jump Spell,
Tauer: Blackhand, Anduin Lothar
BLazeKraze: Blackhand Icon - Sylvanas Icon (Alt),
PROXY: Crusader,
kangyun: Priestess of the Moon (Lynore) - Phantom Blade, Saidan Dathrohan (Mograine),
zbc: Stoned Ring, Shield Bash
Deathclaw24: Arrow Storm,
ikillforeyou: War Zeppelin,
Daenar7: Runic Skins,
skymarshall: Goblin Tower,
Mephestrial: Gilneas Gunship,
WILL THE ALMIGHTY: Ground Explosion
xXm0RpH3usXx: Pavement
Illidan(Evil)X: Replaceable Banner
Really Slow Motion: Scarlet Victory Theme
Peacegetter: Argent Footman
Dmitry Rommel, Xaran Alamas, Defender of the Crown (Abbendis)
Mr.Goblin: Juggernaught
HerrDave: Questioner (LeCraft) - Man of God (Landgren)
Serbianbeast: Wooden Elevator
L_Lawliet: Dungeon Cliff
LongbowMan/Blizzard: Chapel Banner
stein123/HoS: Scarlet Ram - Scourge Necromancer
This list is still incomplete, as I am only a third of the way through the campaign (though I have tried to anticipate). If I forgot to mention someone (which I may have, since several of my models I borrowed from an earlier project), please let me know and I will update the list.
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