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Channeling healing spell + Pulse Model

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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
In need of a spell for a project, and it's "upgrade", and in need of a suitable model.

For spells:
-Pulsheal [E] - Rank 1/5
The Jade Maiden concentrates her healing powers, bursting them in waves around her every second of channel duration. Heals 50 x Level per pulse, affects 600 AoE, can be channeled for up to 5 seconds.

-Ripple Effect - Passive - Rank 1/5
Whenever the Jade Maiden casts Pulsheal, a ripple effect of the pulses will be created, causing three free of charge additional pulses, one per 0.8 seconds, and each having half the power of the one before.

Basically, first skill is a channeling tranquility-alike skill, which emits a pulse every second, healing nearby allies. With the passive skill, each original pulse will, after 0.8 seconds, emit another pulse with 50% of strength of original ones. So it goes: original pulse of 100% heal, then after 0.8s second pulse of 50%, after another 0.8s third pulse of 25%, and after last 0.8s, fourth pulse of 13%.
This does not proc itself, but if the Jade Maiden channels the spell for all five seconds, all five original pulses will have their own ripple pulses effect. If she stops channeling, the ripple pulses will still occur, pulsing from wherever she stands.
Optional: while you're making this, I had this idea in mind which I'd like to try. Her animation should start as Spell (model's Jaina, btw, my Jade Maiden skin), and when a pulse is released, her animation should reset quickly to stand, and then again Spell should be played (so she keeps doing new spell animation for every pulse).

For the model: - Done up!
Since the effects will stack on each other and it could look messy, I'm looking for a plain circle of green color that will spread out fast from her to cover 600 area. Something similar to selection circle, but a bit darker in green color. You could add some small particles or leaves (since her theme is nature and she's a full healer char, green theme btw), but do keep in mind that there's gonna be a lot of pulses if she keeps channeling, so it musn't look crowded. With triggers, I'm going to reduce opacity of pulses slightly for other ones, so that should help a bit.

Of course, full credits, permission to upload/share elsewhere, rep and other casualties to the makers.
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Alright, I managed to create a green pulse aura, please tell me what you think.

Now I have to find out how to add these leaves.


Here is what I managed, also another aura
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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
I like the one with leaves and I'm certainly going to use it for effect on her while she channels the spell.

However, take a look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDQ8g-j63Cg
At 17:11, the Jaina Boss does a spell with exactly the effect I'd like to have. Sharp quick pulses that cover a lot of AoE.

Now, what you made will serve fantastical, but if you got some time up your sleeve, that big pulse could be dandy too :)




Hm, alright, it is different. I am not sure how I can replicate it, I am pretty new to SFX, but I will try.

So the pulse should only be one ring, no the three as in the second I linked ?
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
No, this effect will work as what effect will play on her while she channels, but a pulse model, which is like in video, should have been a pulse per second, but feel free to experiment around and come up with something as neat as the effects you did already, and I'll be really happy with it :)
So to conclude, it should be sharp, not too wide, quick and cover about twice as much or a bit more of area as the original effect with leaves you did does.




Could you define sharp ? So not like the selection circle, but rather like a shockwave ( Textures\Shockwaves for examples) ?

About the leaves, I don't think I can make them as in the video, being left behind the hero, I don't know enough about SFX. Are you okay with keeping similar one like in the second example, for now ?
Wow thats a really complex heal... if I'm understanding this correctly:
  • Caster begins channel... every second of the channel will heal nearby friendly units.
  • Pulses will still heal friendly units even if caster gets interrupted or moves
  • If the caster has the passive... after every pulse, a second pulse will emit after 0.8 seconds healing for half of the heal amount.

I already have the layout done. I just need to understand the passive a little more. The passive heal will basically heal after 1 second, then after 0.8 seconds, then after 0.2 seconds, right?
1 second has passed -> big heal // 1.8 seconds has passed -> heal 50% of big heal // 2 seconds has passed -> big heal // 2.8 seconds has passed -> heal 50% of big heal

Also, what's the point of having them channel the spell if the spell will still continue? xP I also tried to do the optional animation you requested, but since the pulse is every second and jaina's spell animation is a full 2 seconds, it looks REALLY wonky when you reset them.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Spell is channeling. Instantly on cast, a healing pulse is emited. For every second spent in channel, another pulse occurs. If the channel is broken, MAIN only pulses break too.

With upgrade, it's still all the same, but with the addition that every main, and only main pulse will proc three extra pulses, which will occur at 0.8, 1.6, and 2.4 seconds after that specific main pulse. These mini pulses are independant of channel, when channel is broken, they still fire off. So, if she channels all five seconds, which is with the one done instantly on cast a total of 6 pulses, this will happen:
-A pulse at cast, mini pulses after 0,8 1,6 and 2,4 seconds. If the channel reaches another pulse, another same mini pulses go.

I hope I explained good enough now.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Here's a situation with three pulses.

0s - Spell is cast, first main pulse fires off
0.8s - First mini pulse of first main pulse
1s - Second main pulse
1.6s - Second mini pulse of first main pulse
1.8s - First mini pulse of second main pulse
2s - Third main pulse, the hero moves and breaks channel
2.4s - Third mini pulse of first main pulse
2.6s - Second mini pulse of second main pulse
2.8s - First mini pulse of third main pulse
3.4s - Third mini pulse of second main pulse
3.6s - Second mini pulse of third main pulse
4.4s - Third mini pulse of third main pulse
Here's a situation with three pulses.

0s - Spell is cast, first main pulse fires off
0.8s - First mini pulse of first main pulse
1s - Second main pulse
1.6s - Second mini pulse of first main pulse
1.8s - First mini pulse of second main pulse
2s - Third main pulse, the hero moves and breaks channel
2.4s - Third mini pulse of first main pulse
2.6s - Second mini pulse of second main pulse
2.8s - First mini pulse of third main pulse
3.4s - Third mini pulse of second main pulse
3.6s - Second mini pulse of third main pulse
4.4s - Third mini pulse of third main pulse

Ahh okay I get you :) I can probably get started on it in the evening.
Here you go! Do not worry about the effects, I just chose obvious looking ones so I know the spell works the way it should. Let me know if you run into any problems. Should have an easy-to-read config section :) I also made some things multi-level by making them arrays. You can of course use the other method.


  • Apheraz Request.w3x
    21.7 KB · Views: 49
Everything except special effects from Ripple.

Did you level the spell up? I currently only put down values for 1 level, you need to manually add all the other levels xP I also made it so that it doesn't heal units that are already full HP. If none of those are the case, then get into chat!

  • -------- --------
  • -------- Radius Per Level --------
  • Set PH_Radius[1] = 500.00
  • -------- --------
  • -------- Duration of Ability Per Level --------
  • -------- NOTE: Make sure to match duration values to PH_Ability --------
  • Set PH_Duration[1] = 5.00
  • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    • If - Conditions
      • PH_tempReal Less than (Max life of PH_tempUnit)
    • Then - Actions
      • Unit - Set life of PH_tempUnit to (PH_tempReal + PH_healAmount[PH_abiLevel[PH_iCurrent]])
      • Special Effect - Create a special effect attached to the PH_sfxPulseHeal_AP of PH_tempUnit using PH_sfxPulseHeal
      • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
    • Else - Actions


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
I talked a bit with Killcide over skype regarding the spell and if he/I understood it correctly.

Basically if I were to heal all units within X of caster instantly, and the amount of healing done was.. let's say 50 + (distance between units / 3)
The outcome would more or less be the same but less trigger work. The only difference would be that there is a slight interval between the ripples rather than instantly healing.

Just a thought.

edit: Nvm, it was the heal that got reduced not the area. But still, you could heal for:
100 + (100 / 2) + (100 / 4) + (100 / 8)
and get the same effect every 1 second.
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Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
I don't mind lengthy GUI triggers as long as I can modify them easily and they don't cause lag :)

On a side note, I need one more thing modified. The pulses should follow the caster when the spell has ended or is interrupted. Currently, ripple effects stay where the spell was initially casted.
I don't mind lengthy GUI triggers as long as I can modify them easily and they don't cause lag :)

On a side note, I need one more thing modified. The pulses should follow the caster when the spell has ended or is interrupted. Currently, ripple effects stay where the spell was initially casted.

So you just want mini pulses to be followed? Send me your version!
I still haven't implemented it in my map so you can use the one you uploaded here.

Yeah, pulses currently do not follow the caster when the spell has ended.

Here you go! It's not that they don't correctly follow the caster, I just didn't know you wanted it that way (;


  • Apheraz Request.w3x
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