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Ascension Campaign 1.4A

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.
-----Ascension Campaign 1.4A -----

What sort of Campaign is this?

This is a Blizzard fashion Campaign.
Where you control custom heroes and custom races and engage in fights with computer controlled opponents.
Maps have dungeons, Dungeon Bosses and other cool stuff.

--------= Updated to version 1.4 =--------

A New version has been released! With it comes various changes and updates. The maps now have Raid Bosses, these powerful monsters can be encountered in many Acts, but some of them are harder to find than others. These Raid Bosses carry their own unique drops and combat strategies.


Numerous shops have been added to all maps along with hundreds of new items, recipes and item combinations. The shops Now sell all Enchantable items so you can choose what item(s) you want to enchant from the beginning.



All the changes are to numerous to list, you'll just have to play and see for yourself!

A better Hard Difficulty!
The veterans of this campaign might have it to easy now that they now their way around. The hard difficulty has been changed to provide a new challenge!

Other Changes:
- General Achievements have been removed, the reasoning for this being that they pushed the player to itemize and spec their hero in one way. Both Vareikos and Sarai can be build many different ways. From combat spellcasters, summoners or hardcore supports to rapid melee fighters, skill damage fighters or attack damage Fighters. I felt that the G.Achievements only supported one way.

- The heroes primary attribute no longer increases damage. Now all the heroes have their attack damage set to a certain amount. It still can be increased with items of course. The reasoning for this being that stat gain very quickly overpowered the heroes to certain points where they could take on whole squads of enemy units and defeat them with little difficulty.


1.How to start Quests/Interact with npc's?
- Heroes have 2 skills that let them Interact with various things. The normal Interact and Skip.
Using Interact will shows the cinematic and talk to npc's like normal where's the Skip will just skip all that and launch the quests instantly.

2.How do I swap my race?
- first off enter "-swapon" to turn in on, then enter the race you want to swap to.

What Is In The Maps.

+All heroes and a lot of units have custom skilla, some of them increase their power by the heroes attributes and other factors.

+All the items are custom, some of them have triggered effects.
+Some of the items can be enchanted, enchanting items increases there power and unlocks other (hidden) effects.
+Some items can be fused together to form stronger items.
+Item are bought with Rune Coins which are given for killing enemy heroes, units completing quests and can be found in hidden stashes. Rune Coins Travel with you from map to map.

Over 500 custom using imported models and skins.

Tired of playing with the Canids? now you can easily swap your race by entering a simple command.

The story is not set within the Warcraft 3 universe.

Player Videos.
"Lets Play" by YetAnotherYoutuber a.k.a Flour.
















Now when you play you can complete various achievements, each map has its own unique achievements as well as general achievements that can be completed in any map. When you finish the campaign a scoreboard will appear that will show your stats.
Show of what you achieved.

Hero Style

The heroes have skills that increase there power based on their stats, say on one hero Int increases the chance to land a successful blow.(Like Intelligence would be the chance(%) for Critical Strike) and say other skills increase the Damage Power, Heal Power, Restoration Power etc. And say there are Items have effects that Increase and Decrease AGI, STR and INT so you have to choose what items you have to carry with your hero, do you want it to be more like a healer or battle mage.
One of the heroes has a Magical Critical Rate, that if activated successfully will cause an extra effect.


  • All the items in the map are custom and have different sub-types.
  • There are items that decrease one attribute but increase the other more.
  • Items that have effects which I took from Diablo 2, Effects like "Attacker takes damage of 3" Which means every time your hero gets attacked it will inflict damage to the attacker.
  • Other Item effects to restore you when you cast a spell, get attacked, you attack.
  • Upgradeable Items are items that can enhanced twice for more power.
  • Enchantable Items are items that start of weak at +1 and can be Enchanted up to +10 with extra abilities being unlocked along the way.

CUSTOM PLAYABLE RACES(Can be activated only with "-swapon")
Demon units avaible to the player

Fallen units avaible to the player


These commands are not necessary, but will help you get around much more easily.

"-ac" - Will display Achievements that can be completed only in the current map.

"-eb" - Will display the Achievement Board.

"-nb" - Will display the Coin Board.(Appears by default)

"-swapon" - Turn race swaping on.

"-swapdemon" - Swaps your race to Demon.

"-swapfallen" - Swaps your race to Fallen.

My thanks to these people:
Xaran Alamas, General Frank, olofmoleman, Max666, EvilShade, Mc !,
WyrWuulfe, HappyTauren, Tenebrae, Daelin, Crazyrussian, BlackDoom, Hueter,
-=Emergenzy=-, EdwardSwolenToe, ChevronSeven, Horn, frostwolf, WILLTHEALMIGHTY, Chriz, donut3.5 , apaka
Kuegukecku, Paladon, BlackDoom, Freezer, LoDown, Krysis, lllLSDlll, Xelthyr, Callahan, Dionesiist
, Horn, IamMclovin, SkriK, dickxunder, levigeorge1617, sc_freek, xXm0rpH3usXx, Nasrudin, iNfraNe, Chriz. Burning_Dragoon5
shamanyouranus, communist_orc, Buster, olofmoleman, dickxunder, Celestea , Raid1000, Cavman, nbah, ziggen, Ignorance, Mr. Goblin.

wrote the names of those to credit in a notepad but a weird worm virus deleted all the text files on my pc. SO IF YOU SEE A MODEL OR ICON OF YOURS AND YOUR NAME IS NOT IN THE CREDITS PM ME.

Ascension , Campaign , Beta , Custom , Red , Rose .

Ascension Campaign 1.4A (Campaign)

Level 1
Mar 31, 2009
There were a few people that had this problem, the fact is i can't find what causes it and cannot replicate it myself. I'll prob add a failsafe with the next update.

well tried few more times and same thing happens so i will w8 for next version and hope it will work or i will seriously throw my computer through the window :D:goblin_boom:
Level 1
Mar 31, 2009
It's cool, I gave him a quick-fix version of the campaign. There will be no need for flying PCs :D

well now i am up all in work so i will tell u if it worked :D
if not fly baby fly :D
but to make it clear only monitor my whole computer is my preciosssss :D:ogre_love:
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
A great campain! I'm still at ch.3, trying to use the dynamite. I cant seem to be able to open/destroy those wooden walls in the crypt (the place where you get the explosives), to reach other areas. I still haven't destroyed the barricades in the town.
It's really fun to play totally new factions, and it doesn't take too long to wrap my head around the new stuff. Particulary love the item-hero ability synergies.

Oh and a quick question - in ch.1 I couldn't finish the side quest of the yellow soldiers; I couldn't find what I needed to kill, even with iseedeadpeople, the map had no enemies or buildings and I'm quite sure I traveled everywhere just to see if some trigger would activate and show me the quest. In quest description it is only said the location is somewhere near mountains, but when I checked the hill in upper left corner there was nothing..

Another question: does it make a difference in the story if in ch.1 I pick the blood contract or the nature? For now I took nature cause I thing vampire lords look ugly in the picture when selected lol.
Level 7
Jun 9, 2015
Check the videos I have, the answers are in there (unless you have a bug)

in case you dont want to : what you need to kill is a chest if im right (an invisible one that you have to reveal)
or you have to go with the nature spirit to all the shrines

you can only destroy barricades and walls that have healthbar
others just cannot be destroyed
aside from that, you can also destroy buildings with dynamite, and uncover
upgrading and enchanting manuals, items, and coins ( city buildings ofc)
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
A great campain! I'm still at ch.3, trying to use the dynamite. I cant seem to be able to open/destroy those wooden walls in the crypt (the place where you get the explosives), to reach other areas. I still haven't destroyed the barricades in the town.

Thats a common mistake for people who use "iseedeadpeople", those areas can be accessed only with dynamite to stack up more of it. the real area where you can get dynamite is a giant chest at the end of the monastery catacombs.
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Thats a common mistake for people who use "iseedeadpeople", those areas can be accessed only with dynamite to stack up more of it. the real area where you can get dynamite is a giant chest at the end of the monastery catacombs.
Well I did get the explosives from the big chest, but the problem seems to be the dynamite doesn't destroy barrs/barricades/houses at the moment it is used. I needed to wait a minute or more, then the obstacle would suddenly crack out of nothing, lol. I'm not sure if that's intended...

At the dwarf chapter now, having so much fun with the new units and items! The only little thing that would make it perfect (for me personally), would be if the mage hero would look more badass and not like a frail blonde. I also don't really understand if she's supposed to be a sorceress or druid (like a dwarf guy called her once).
Love the many units, upgrades, everything :)

Oh and since this is the first campaign I've played that has a resource-generating building (ch.3), I'd like to ask you if there is some info or a guide on the net (if you ever used something lile that) to learn how to make such buildings in the World Editor? I know only the most basic things in WE, and apologise if it's inapropriate to ask this here.
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Well I did get the explosives from the big chest, but the problem seems to be the dynamite doesn't destroy barrs/barricades/houses at the moment it is used. I needed to wait a minute or more, then the obstacle would suddenly crack out of nothing, lol. I'm not sure if that's intended..

Thats really weird, if the object is dynamite destructible it should die or take damage as soon as the explosion appears.

At the dwarf chapter now, having so much fun with the new units and items! The only little thing that would make it perfect (for me personally), would be if the mage hero would look more badass and not like a frail blonde. I also don't really understand if she's supposed to be a sorceress or druid (like a dwarf guy called her once).
The appearance of the hero is lore-related. She is a Decu'rem, which by lore makes her a teacher-healer-general. the other factions refer to her as "Decu'rem" "Druid" "Druid-girl" "Canid-girl" while the enemies use "Bitch" "The Sealer" "Dog-Queen" etc.

Oh and since this is the first campaign I've played that has a resource-generating building (ch.3), I'd like to ask you if there is some info or a guide on the net (if you ever used something lile that) to learn how to make such buildings in the World Editor? I know only the most basic things in WE, and apologise if it's inapropriate to ask this here.
Its not that hard to make these triggers, I used the most basic one in chapter 3, it grants you recourses when you control it via triggers. The building itself doesn't do anything. It could be made although.

Oh, and if you love the custom stuff you could swap your race next time playing for a whole new custom experience. :)
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Thank you for the informative reply :)

Oh, and if you love the custom stuff you could swap your race next time playing for a whole new custom experience. :)
Sorry for bugging you again, what do you mean with this? There is a possibility to change as which race to play the campaign, or the nature/blood Canid choice? Well, I'm definitely going with the vampires through it as well!
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Thank you for the informative reply :)

Sorry for bugging you again, what do you mean with this? There is a possibility to change as which race to play the campaign, or the nature/blood Canid choice? Well, I'm definitely going with the vampires through it as well!

type "-swapon" when playing, it will display information on how to swap your race :)
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Wow this is crazy! I feel kinda bad for having nothing to offer in on Hive in return.. To think how much work must have been put into this and I'm just "leeching" it for free lol..
Thanks again and have fun playing and creating more of this wonderous stuff!
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Wow this is crazy! I feel kinda bad for having nothing to offer in on Hive in return.. To think how much work must have been put into this and I'm just "leeching" it for free lol..
Thanks again and have fun playing and creating more of this wonderous stuff!

The best you can do is just to enjoy the game and recommend it to your friends. :)

Hey man, it seems quite a few of screenshots in your description are gone, care to reupload them or at least clean up the description from old screenies you don't have?

Yeah, I will look into it with the next update. Good to see you.
Level 5
Apr 19, 2016
Canids and Zombies are my favorite! Just tried the races on the first mission, but I think Zombies are bad on the defense.. Idk how I'd finish the timed defense mission as them :eek:
Canid seem to be made to crush Zombies though with potent archers and the AoE melee unit (the nature beast). We will see... :D

Finished it, it truly is enjoyable as I've said before and whoever likes campaigns should definitely try Ascension :)
Last edited:
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Canids and Zombies are my favorite! Just tried the races on the first mission, but I think Zombies are bad on the defense.. Idk how I'd finish the timed defense mission as them :eek:
Canid seem to be made to crush Zombies though with potent archers and the AoE melee unit (the nature beast). We will see... :D

Finished it, it truly is enjoyable as I've said before and whoever likes campaigns should definitely try Ascension :)

Well the races were never intended to go against each other in a normal melee :).Thanks for playing!
Level 5
Jun 21, 2016
Hello ^^ I know this is pretty old and stuff but I just registered for the sake of a proper response to that campaign.

So I finished your campaign at Chapter 6 and was really surprised, that this is the end. I just stored a few enchantment books and orbs for Sarai and now it'll be in vain x) But its okay. Because this campaign is freakin' awesome! I really enjoyed it much and know what? I spent hours gambling (save and reload if its not what I want) :D

The only "bug" I so far encountered was, that if I kill questmonsters before I actually got the quests for it, the quest wasn't able to be finished. That caused me like 2 times to completely restart a map. Speaking about chapter 1 "Hounds of War" and Ghoultown (Chapter 3 I think). Besides of a few spelling issues that didn't bother me much, it all went great and if I was able to create a campaign myself (mostly because I don't know how the hell you all did all this crazy shit and stuff) I would definitely would use the interacting system, the gambling system and the item-mixing system because they are just genius!

While I write this I checked your signature-link and I just noticed that I had no voices in cutscenes, didn't you got it finished or did I get the wrong version? I guess u kept the hive-file updated, right?

Anyways thank you very much for a campaign I enjoyed and a king I can hate once more.
Finished all sidequests, found all hidden treasures and solved any possible puzzles. Wasn't all that easy sometimes, but I guess its different to each person.

My regards, LibraExAnima

ps: Btw in that szene in the demon world... that boobs... jeez.

edit1: I loved the pacts! Elves pact was great, I loved the manaphoenixes. Their rejuvenation and style just amazed me! Then I choose uhm... that one with Arcane Towers. Unfortunately since it only has 6 chapters, I didnt have the chance to use them much.

edit2: Also great job with the terrain. Very great. Altough sometimes it seems a bit overloaded (Ch6, 3rd Thieves Guild-Boss-Location)
Level 1
Apr 24, 2016
Hi there !
amazing work ! One of the best I ever play since it is very original one, very different from a warcraft game and with a truly spirit within !
I was just wondering, in the chapter 3, is there any chance to get to the gerar zombie inside the cavern? The one with the basement entrance...

Edit :
o_O , I found it , very nice reward !
Last edited:
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Hi there !
amazing work ! One of the best I ever play since it is very original one, very different from a warcraft game and with a truly spirit within !
I was just wondering, in the chapter 3, is there any chance to get to the gerar zombie inside the cavern? The one with the basement entrance...

Edit :
o_O , I found it , very nice reward !

Hey there, I'm glad you like it. Stay tuned for the update ;)
Level 9
Oct 1, 2015
I really loved this campaign
the story the terrain the gameplay the customized abilities, races, models and everything is just incredible
I just finished it and it was awesome but I couldn't open the door in the last Act which has some chests in it
I hope you finish the campaign sooon
Good Jon ArenXis!
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
I really loved this campaign
the story the terrain the gameplay the customized abilities, races, models and everything is just incredible
I just finished it and it was awesome but I couldn't open the door in the last Act which has some chests in it
I hope you finish the campaign sooon
Good Jon ArenXis!

Thanks for your kind words and i'm glad you've enjoyed it. A new update is coming this December, be sure to check it out ;)
Level 9
Oct 1, 2015
Glad to hear that!
I'll be waiting for that update
I loved the idea that the heroes main attribute don't affect their damage in case of increase or decrease
makes it more challenging
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Glad to hear that!
I'll be waiting for that update
I loved the idea that the heroes main attribute don't affect their damage in case of increase or decrease
makes it more challenging
Yeah, it was kinda hard to make the heroes balanced when attributes increased/decreased damage. They would scale out of hand very quickly and would be able to solo whole opponent armies.
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
So, new version in a month? Well that is exciting, quite a bunch of mods and other projects coming out by the end of year. Pretty hyped even though I'm sure I didn't play much since reaching that defense mission...

Oh, hey, Haven't seen you in a while, how are things? On the subject of the defense mission, I've toned it down a bit from the original. Now it takes 30 min to complete instead of 45. The cannons can be directed where to fire and the enemy waves are easier. However it still keeps you busy, you can't just sit back and watch the enemy units crash against yours. :)
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
--------= Updated to version 1.4 =--------

A New version has been released! With it comes various changes and updates. The maps now have Raid Bosses, these powerful monsters can be encountered in many Acts, but some of them are harder to find than others. These Raid Bosses carry their own unique drops and combat strategies.


Numerous shops have been added to all maps along with hundreds of new items, recipes and item combinations. The shops Now sell all Enchantable items so you can choose what item(s) you want to enchant from the beginning.



All the changes are to numerous to list, you'll just have to play and see for yourself!
Level 1
Jan 23, 2011
I may have found a bug. In act 3, after defeating the mosnter inside mayor's house and taking the key, I can't open the iron gate.
Level 1
Jan 23, 2011
Since I'm playing the game just when I have time, the feedback will come in parts. Two things I got so far:
1- In Interlude between act 4 & 5, there is a mistake in the speech ( something like: "they comited to comited to...")
2- In Act 5 when playing with the robot, if you make some mistake on the second part, you can't put conductor far enough to get to the area with runes, then to the red conductor.

About number 2 : Maybe it's not a bug, but I tried it every way and I could not (I shot the conductor before analyzing the situation). I had to start over to the last saved point.(The conductor power has a very limited range)


HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
About number 2 : Maybe it's not a bug, but I tried it every way and I could not (I shot the conductor before analyzing the situation). I had to start over to the last saved point.(The conductor power has a very limited range)

Not a bug, you just have to inch the conductor and the orb to the "right place".

Not bad map I guess, though i have some problems:

How do you open the two graveyard gates? I tried every means to do so but I couldn't.
The Magi scroll that dispels debuffs, doesn't heal as said in the tooltip.
Some grammar errors

I rate it 4/5.
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
About number 2 : Maybe it's not a bug, but I tried it every way and I could not (I shot the conductor before analyzing the situation). I had to start over to the last saved point.(The conductor power has a very limited range)

Are you using cheats? Particularly "whosyourdaddy", using that cheat can brake that area because it kills the conductors.

Not a bug, you just have to inch the conductor and the orb to the "right place".

Not bad map I guess, though i have some problems:

How do you open the two graveyard gates? I tried every means to do so but I couldn't.
The Magi scroll that dispels debuffs, doesn't heal as said in the tooltip.
Some grammar errors

I rate it 4/5.

What graveyard gates in what map are you having problems with?
And the magic scroll works fine, its not the debuffing that heals units but when your hero casts a certain spell.
Level 1
Jan 23, 2011
Are you using cheats? Particularly "whosyourdaddy", using that cheat can brake that area because it kills the conductors.

Actually I was doing it wrongly. Since the range of the conduit power is limited, I though it was a bug. But I was just doing the wrong way.

It was kind of disappointing when finished that map: So many achievements I couldn't get....:(
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Actually I was doing it wrongly. Since the range of the conduit power is limited, I though it was a bug. But I was just doing the wrong way.

It was kind of disappointing when finished that map: So many achievements I couldn't get....:(

Did you take a screen shot? :) Also, there's replay value, you could switch your race, play on hard etc. :)