[Campaign] Arthas Campaign - Orcs (Prologue)

What do you want to see mostly in the campaign?

  • Lord Uther - Death Knight

  • King Arthas Menethill

  • Broxigar

  • Archimonde

  • Sargeras

  • Bloody

  • Kel'Thuzad

  • Thrall

  • Queen Jaina menethill

  • Prince Uther Menethill

  • Terenas Menethill

  • Grom

  • The Ashbriner

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Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Hey guys, it has been more then 1 year since I've uploaded the Undead campaign and it takes me some time to work on the Orcs campaign.(work, study and other stuffs ) Just to let you know that I didn't forget you I've uploaded a video with the Prologue of the campaign so you guys could watch it and comment your thoughts about where this campaign is heading. I'll just let you know guys that the progress so far is great, and I've finished most of the campaign so far can't say much, so watch the video and vote in the poll if you'd like :D

Arthas Campaign - Orcs Prologue

P.S does anyone know a good campaign menu model maker?
please priv me if so.
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Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
It looks really great the way it is and is very inspiring to see you're working on the campaign again, sagi. I'm just a bit surprised to see how small the heroes are. Why do they look so small? Why don't you make them look normal like they should be? Anyway, I am seriously looking forward to seeing the process of the campaign and more importantly to play it. Best of luck with the progress!
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
It looks really great the way it is and is very inspiring to see you're working on the campaign again, sagi. I'm just a bit surprised to see how small the heroes are. Why do they look so small? Why don't you make them look normal like they should be? Anyway, I am seriously looking forward to seeing the process of the campaign and more importantly to play it. Best of luck with the progress!

Doing my best^^
I didn't change their height or anything, I guess it looks that way maybe because of the camera's angles or something
Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
Doing my best^^
I didn't change their height or anything, I guess it looks that way maybe because of the camera's angles or something
Also, I'd say you could work a bit on the characters' dialogue. It seems kinda dull, especially in a part when Grom says he doesn't want to fight alongside Night Elves. Wouldn't it be more in Grom's style to say something like: "I'll be damned before fighting alongside those elfs. Those wretches killed many of our warriors and deserve death!", since Grom is more hot-tempered person and doesn't think rationally what's better for the Horde? He is more focused on revenge and is too proud to side with his enemies for the sake of all Azeroth (and all orcs). That's just my opinion :-D
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I will look forward to it!

So I guess Broxigar will be the main character of the campaign?

A true pity Thrall died. I wish he and Arthas would have come to an agreement...

My biggest question is. Where is Sylvanas Windrunner?!! Will she reappear somehow down the road?
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Also, I'd say you could work a bit on the characters' dialogue. It seems kinda dull, especially in a part when Grom says he doesn't want to fight alongside Night Elves. Wouldn't it be more in Grom's style to say something like: "I'll be damned before fighting alongside those elfs. Those wretches killed many of our warriors and deserve death!", since Grom is more hot-tempered person and doesn't think rationally what's better for the Horde? He is more focused on revenge and is too proud to side with his enemies for the sake of all Azeroth (and all orcs). That's just my opinion :-D

Hey hey, don't forget that this is alternative timeline :p due to time change anything can happen ^^
I'll be honest with you, with the direction I'm taking this campaign Grom will to change a bit but in the same time save his usual behavior.

I will look forward to it!

So I guess Broxigar will be the main character of the campaign?

A true pity Thrall died. I wish he and Arthas would have come to an agreement...

My biggest question is. Where is Sylvanas Windrunner?!! Will she reappear somehow down the road?

Let's just say there will be some surprises during this campaign for ya' :)
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
@Hyunrai just posted a model for Broxigar, maybe you will find it more suitable for your campaign

Broxigar Saurfang

Nice model, someone already offered it to me today but I've already edited and used the current model in the campaign too much. plus I'll be honest something about this model doesn't feel real, hard to say but he looks a bit too "modeled", and why does he need the alternate animation? might be useful though I guess.. I liked his axe though it looks really nice and his necklace. Though I'll be honest if I had found this model a year ago before making the undead campaign bonus I would defiantly consider using this model :D ^^ thanks for the help anyways.
P.S funny coincidence, I planned to use this model maker baron rivendare's model xD
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
I will look forward to it!

So I guess Broxigar will be the main character of the campaign?

A true pity Thrall died. I wish he and Arthas would have come to an agreement...

My biggest question is. Where is Sylvanas Windrunner?!! Will she reappear somehow down the road?

That's my question as well and come up with theories but not gonna share it with die hard fans or we going to be "divide we fall" instead "united as stand"

but the only two theories i came up with she ended up dying on silvermoon and raise as a mindless Undead or escaped run "Check yes Juliet run baby run mode" and ended up meeting survivors of silvermoon with kael Sunstrider

Hey hey, don't forget that this is alternative timeline :p due to time change anything can happen ^^
I'll be honest with you, with the direction I'm taking this campaign Grom will to change a bit but in the same time save his usual behavior.

Let's just say there will be some surprises during this campaign for ya' :)

hmmmm welp we going to wait for quiet sometimes no?

Nice model, someone already offered it to me today but I've already edited and used the current model in the campaign too much. plus I'll be honest something about this model doesn't feel real, hard to say but he looks a bit too "modeled", and why does he need the alternate animation? might be useful though I guess.. I liked his axe though it looks really nice and his necklace. Though I'll be honest if I had found this model a year ago before making the undead campaign bonus I would defiantly consider using this model :D ^^ thanks for the help anyways.
P.S funny coincidence, I planned to use this model maker baron rivendare's model xD

Umm i agree with ya and really funny coincidence?
Level 5
Sep 3, 2017
but the only two theories i came up with she ended up dying on silvermoon and raise as a mindless Undead or escaped run "Check yes Juliet run baby run mode" and ended up meeting survivors of silvermoon with kael Sunstrider

I'm hoping the latter, though I realize the living version of her doesn't have any acknowledgement messages in WC3. (She'll ask what you want when you click on her, but won't say anything when you give her an order.) Maybe she'll convince Kael not to rename their people, and find a way to retreat to Kalimdor instead of Outland. Or, maybe Arthas will somehow find out what's been happening to them under Garithos' leadership and put a stop to it. That'd be a nice twist, Arthas saving the high elves instead of genociding them. I guess (or at least hope) we'll find out soon.
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
you need to fix some bugs and maybe:cool: aid more thing in the map like this guy turnro he also make maps any way you did great job!

Who's Turnro? and which bugs are you reffering to?
Thanks anyways ^^

hmmmm welp we going to wait for quiet sometimes no?

Well, Progress has been going great lately. I might finish all the chapters and then there's left the "Polish em' up" part. so We'll see.
might get stuck with the custom campaign menu model so still searching for someone to help with that.

Umm i agree with ya and really funny coincidence?

Who knows :D

I'm hoping the latter, though I realize the living version of her doesn't have any acknowledgement messages in WC3. (She'll ask what you want when you click on her, but won't say anything when you give her an order.) Maybe she'll convince Kael not to rename their people, and find a way to retreat to Kalimdor instead of Outland. Or, maybe Arthas will somehow find out what's been happening to them under Garithos' leadership and put a stop to it. That'd be a nice twist, Arthas saving the high elves instead of genociding them. I guess (or at least hope) we'll find out soon.

Nice idea, Guess you will have to wait and find out ^^
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
Who's Turnro? and which bugs are you reffering to?
Thanks anyways ^^

[Campaign] - Malfurion's Quest
This is the main thread that people saying turno

and well
This is turno ;) hope it answer your curiosity if you know already

Well, Progress has been going great lately. I might finish all the chapters and then there's left the "Polish em' up" part. so We'll see.
might get stuck with the custom campaign menu model so still searching for someone to help with that.

Well that's good and i'm very new here even though i stay in this website for 2 years already :D

Who knows :D

hahaha really now :eek:o_O

Nice idea, Guess you will have to wait and find out ^^

[Campaign] - Malfurion's Quest
This is the main thread that people saying turno

and well
This is turno ;) hope it answer your curiosity if you know already

Well that's good and i'm very new here even though i stay in this website for 2 years already :D

hahaha really now :eek:o_O

:eek::eek::eek: really now?! nice idea as well but i would like to add something to make sylvanas and keal a thing :D
ik is your version but it would be an interesting
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
[Campaign] - Malfurion's Quest
This is the main thread that people saying turno

and well
This is turno ;) hope it answer your curiosity if you know already

Well that's good and i'm very new here even though i stay in this website for 2 years already :D

hahaha really now :eek:o_O

:eek::eek::eek: really now?! nice idea as well but i would like to add something to make sylvanas and keal a thing :D
ik is your version but it would be an interesting

Ah I know him :p
However I'm trying to keep my campaigns look as much as possible as warcraft 3 campaigns, so trying to avoid all the custom stuffs. though I need some help with custom campaign menu screen, do you know anyone who's good at making them? xP
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
Ah I know him :p
However I'm trying to keep my campaigns look as much as possible as warcraft 3 campaigns, so trying to avoid all the custom stuffs. though I need some help with custom campaign menu screen, do you know anyone who's good at making them? xP

Sorry no can't do pal did you ask from Sveti or torminator or forsaken of helping with custom campaign menu?
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
looks very well done and I hope we get to live til this campaign's release. It's been too long since we last heard of you
No rushing, take your time, take a deep breath and release it when you feel ready. Good luck!
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I'm not a fanboy per se, but I still like Jaina as a character, though I wish Blizzard would finally decide on some sort of story direction with her - be it Horde-neutral or anti-Horde.

Given Varimathras' speech before his boss fight, I am afraid that Jaina might become an enemy on the next expansion...
Level 8
Apr 14, 2011
Given Varimathras' speech before his boss fight, I am afraid that Jaina might become an enemy on the next expansion...
In the Blizzcon they said that Jaina won't be an enemy, they said that we're going to "help" her to overcome her past lol.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
In the Blizzcon they said that Jaina won't be an enemy, they said that we're going to "help" her to overcome her past lol.

I didn't know that.

I noticed something. On the poll above, Thrall is one of the characters that might appear. How can this happen, will he appear as some sort of spirit or as undead?
Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
Jaina - Thrall - Arthas - P. Uther Menethill, would be good :)
I don't want to spoil the human/undead campaign, but I think we've seen Jaina, Thrall, Arthas and Uther the Lightbringer (not Menethil) enough in previous campaigns. I'd agree we could see Arthas couple more times through the orc campaign, since it's called "Arthas - Orc Campaign" like we've seen him in interlude of the undead campaign, but seeing the same characters over again is kinda repeatative. In my opinion, other characters' role of the campaign should have a chance to give a go and the campaign's plot itself should be different than the previous campaigns. Seeing the same plot and characters again wouldn't be as interesting as seeing the new characters and it would also be a bit lame. Since we're discussing about the orcish campaign, the focus should be on the orcish characters, not human or undead characters.
But that's just my opinion. It's sagi5533's decision about what direction the campaign's plot will take and I'm sure it's going to be great! :)
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
i wish thrall will be revived in the arthas campaign orc in future and ally with the human and night elf and fight the undead and burning legion.thanks i hope that happen

is case you didn't know that he explain in his either human or undead campaign why he kill off thrall
but put it simply his"Too important and major character" of warcraft universe and fill the gap for the new comers

and sorry to get your hopes up that his choice and his own warcraft 3 au version so you have to "SUCK IT UP" and deal with it
Level 5
Sep 3, 2017
Initially, my one problem with it was that it seemed like a plot hole because Thrall hadn't been in Ashenvale in the official story. But after a while, I realized that Thrall sending Grom there was only after they defeated Jaina's forces. In this version, however, Jaina and Arthas do a good job pushing back against the orcs and so Thrall and Grom probably had to retreat to Ashenvale. Grom probably then managed to regroup his forces, while Thrall wasn't so lucky.
Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
Initially, my one problem with it was that it seemed like a plot hole because Thrall hadn't been in Ashenvale in the official story. But after a while, I realized that Thrall sending Grom there was only after they defeated Jaina's forces. In this version, however, Jaina and Arthas do a good job pushing back against the orcs and so Thrall and Grom probably had to retreat to Ashenvale. Grom probably then managed to regroup his forces, while Thrall wasn't so lucky.
No, I don't think you're right about that one. If Thrall and Grom were defeated and driven back by humans, they would have retreated to the shores of Barens, since they came in Kalimdor by sea, remember? So, in my opinion, I think Thrall went to Ashenvale instead of Grom and got killed by humans.
Level 67
Feb 14, 2018
is case you didn't know that he explain in his either human or undead campaign why he kill off thrall
but put it simply his"Too important and major character" of warcraft universe and fill the gap for the new comers

and sorry to get your hopes up that his choice and his own warcraft 3 au version so you have to "SUCK IT UP" and deal with it
ok oblivion deadra. waiting for the arthas campaign orc
Level 5
Sep 3, 2017
No, I don't think you're right about that one. If Thrall and Grom were defeated and driven back by humans, they would have retreated to the shores of Barens, since they came in Kalimdor by sea, remember? So, in my opinion, I think Thrall went to Ashenvale instead of Grom and got killed by humans.

Eh, whatever. My point is: I thought Thrall's death was a plot hole at first, but I eventually realized it wasn't after all.
Level 1
Sep 8, 2016
I vote for jaina, dk uther and grom and maybe some new NE who would be more funny than is malfu/Tyrande, might be illidan but he's too popular... I like jaina as a character and I do think that she never got to her full potential. In w3 she is always one who does everything right. Maybe put her in difficult situation and we'll see how she will manage. She can even stay against all other humans to protect elfs/undeads
Level 3
Mar 17, 2018
I'll vote KAM and QJM (you know that acronym.:cool:), but I never include PUM (acronym again.:cool:) well he still young. Imagine these Ruler of Lordaeron include this Orc Story I will satisfying:oops::eek:o_O:oops:about it (classic).:)
Level 6
Jul 15, 2017
I'll vote KAM and QJM (you know that acronym.:cool:), but I never include PUM (acronym again.:cool:) well he still young. Imagine these Ruler of Lordaeron include this Orc Story I will satisfying:oops::eek:o_O:oops:about it (classic).:)

The KQMs my god. But hey let's hope he will complete this project sooner or later :)
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Well guys there has been some progress lately, however I need your help. I could use some people to test the campaign before uploading it, if possible experienced people with also some knowledge about race making.(not right away, I got 1 more chapter to finish, and the bouns chapter. and then I'll send you guys a copy of the uncompleted campaign) You can priv me or ask questions here anyways:)
Level 12
Jul 29, 2014
Wow, this is very encouraging! If only I have had more time, I would love to try out the campaign. But I have a lot to study lately, so until the end of Jun, I will not be able to help. Anyway, I am very happy to hear that the campaign progress is going well. Keep up the great work, sagi5533! ;)
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Well guys there has been some progress lately, however I need your help. I could use some people to test the campaign before uploading it, if possible experienced people with also some knowledge about race making.(not right away, I got 1 more chapter to finish, and the bouns chapter. and then I'll send you guys a copy of the uncompleted campaign) You can priv me or ask questions here anyways:)

I will gladly serve as a tester.

Question: Should we use PTR 2.9.2 or can we use patch 2.6?
Level 16
Oct 6, 2008
Wow, this is very encouraging! If only I have had more time, I would love to try out the campaign. But I have a lot to study lately, so until the end of Jun, I will not be able to help. Anyway, I am very happy to hear that the campaign progress is going well. Keep up the great work, sagi5533! ;)
I will gladly serve as a tester.

Question: Should we use PTR 2.9.2 or can we use patch 2.6?
I sure wish I could, but I'm glad to hear that you've made progress.

I'll priv you guys hopefully this month with more info. Thanks guys, just saying after I'll send you the campaign I'll need a arranged reviews with all of your thoughts and bugs found about each chapter of course:)
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