armor value dicrease spell damage?

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Level 7
Apr 13, 2012
i thought "Spells ignore armor value. They're only reduced by spell damage reduction (from the Runed Bracers item or etc). By default, hero and divine armor types reduce spell damage."

i dont even use hero armor but for some reason every armor point reduce spell damage (i have only tested spell damage via trigger for now)... wtf this isnt suppose to be happening
Level 12
May 22, 2015
I had this problem at one point. Only found out when I implemented a "-stats" command that shows you your physical and magic damage reduction by dealing the damage and checking the amount done with damage detection.

I forget the exact solution, but I do know the problem. I'll have to check my map before I can figure out what I did though :( If no one figures it out, I will post back with what I found in my own map later tonight.
There's this nifty little resource I found recently called ArmorUtils thay allows you to catch the full damage done with function GetFullDamage takes real damage, real armor returns real. You can use it in conjunction with a DDS like Bribe's Damage Engine or PDD's to detect spell damage, and then catch the full damage from that function. I haven't tested if it does work with damage dealt from spells though, as ArmorUtils uses chaos damage to calculate the armor reduction.



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
Hmm i wonder if this is why spell damage wasnt showing the correct value in my map. Maybe setting it to universal will do the trick. Most spells in wc3 does ignore armor, except a few spells like "kaboom" ability which do spell damage but is being reduced by unit armor value like normal damage.
Level 13
Jan 2, 2016
You can also check my custom multishot (in my signature).
I'm using a little trick to find out the target's armor:

I Give the unit 30000 HP and heal it to max, then I damage it for 15000, with attack type = the unit's attack type. Then I check the difference between the unit's health and its max health. I divide that value by 15000 and I get one coef. When I multipy it by the damage dealt - I get the base damage.
Do have in mind that you need to use damage type "normal" for armor to reduce it.

~Some credit should go to Wietlol for helping me find a way to calculate that coef~
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