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Are They Among Us???

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Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
Firstly lets start by stating a fact. There are billions and trillions of stars and planets out in space. The probability of there being intelligent life out there must be certain.

There have been thousands of UFO sightings. Most of them have been false. And unfortunately I can't prove that any are real. However, my point is, the idea of aliens if a very known concept. Everybody knows about UFO's and aliens, whether it be movies or word of mouth.

I'd like everybody to take a look at this video here:

Sunrise is a TV program in Australia which airs every weekday morning. It has a laid back style of news. However, they never make up storeys (except exaggerate I suppose like every news station does). I watched this off TV myself. Millions of others did too. Now, what do you guys think of this? I'm just guessing they don't throw a lunatic on the television and promote his story by airing in on Sunrise. Nope...

Here are some videos I picked up recently. They seem like official representatives speaking here. I doubt they are fake. To be honest, it didn't take much research to find these videos.

The idea that aliens exist, yet alone living on our planet is shocking. The ramifications of this are absolutely massive. The world would not be the same if everybody had knew about and accepted this information. And that is possibly the very reason why we choose to ignore this information. I think if you tell your doctor you saw a UFO, he will prescribe you some medication. Despite the evidence, it is still not accepted that aliens exist...

What does everybody think. The videos are right in front of you. Let me hear your thoughts.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Not sure if aliens would be stupid enough to start working with US military of all entities on earth. And funny how all the descriptions of aliens fall into the same human-like category of "almost human, but weirder". Bullshit.
The universe is huge, sure, but the AGE of the universe is also huge.

We have only been aware of our position and existence among the stars for a few hundred years. Compared to the age of the universe, that amount of time is insignificant. Many alien civilizations have probably attained our level of technology or higher over the ages, and many probably will.

But the chance that such a civilization exists within practical distance at this point in time? I'd say about 0.

The idea that aliens are among us, I believe is ridiculous.

Some relevant reading: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
I have to agree, from the highest form of Supercluster that is the 'Observable Universe', the chances of encountering other sentient beings is time-based. Though we are too far away(I'm speaking light years+) from that kind technology and even so to those sentient beings, they still won't have enough sources to reach in such capabilities that we humans believe.

In my case, I believe all sentient beings start young and bold and not all sentient beings adapt quickly or has enough intelligence to boost out technology in such a dramatic way.

We humans has thrived for knowledge for the past years and we managed to build marvels. So maybe its just our imagination, a miscalculated beliefs that we really see 'UFO's are among us, or maybe, just maybe we are still too young to understand the real nature of the 'Earth' itself.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
But the chance that such a civilization exists within practical distance at this point in time? I'd say about 0.

The idea that aliens are among us, I believe is ridiculous.

Well, not at all. It isn't about possible aliens themselves interacting with us in real time, but their probes and other constructs that they might have sent to space, which might have travelled vast distances and even outlived the civilizations they were sent by.

It's also interesting to think that they might already be here, but we can't see them because they're too small or otherwise undetectable.

Near-lightspeed nanospacecraft might be possible within the near future built on existing microchip technology with a newly developed nanoscale thruster. Researchers at the University of Michigan are developing thrusters that use nanoparticles as propellant. Their technology is called “nanoparticle field extraction thruster”, or nanoFET. These devices act like small particle accelerators shooting conductive nanoparticles out into space.
Given the light weight of these probes, it would take much less energy to accelerate them. With on board solar cells they could continually accelerate using solar power. One can envision a day when a fleet of millions or even billions of these particles swarm to distant stars at nearly the speed of light, while relaying signals back to earth through a vast interstellar communication network.

Of course, it's all just fun speculation.




We are not alone in this Universe, There are billions and Gazillions of Lifeforms and Creatures living on this Universe. We might be watched by aliens using other technologies and Observing our behavior and our Motives.

Thus, VY Canis Majoris is the Gigantic and the Greater sun of all, 3000,000,000 Times larger than Any planet or sun. [Fact Time! :D]

Aliens are observing us, Beware~
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
Not sure if aliens would be stupid enough to start working with US military of all entities on earth.

Interesting. Why do you say this? Why would an alien be stupid for sharing technology with us? The only reason you say that is if your under the impression that aliens are hostile or shouldn't bother with us. Analogy. Or do you consider hostility to other countries in the world? Do you disbelieve in helping others, even if they may not give anything in return? So then, why should an alien NOT help us?

If aliens are so advanced as to travel light years to our planet, do you think they would spend their efforts to just kill us or enslave us? If they're so advance, I highly doubt they need slaves or our resources. Reality isn't a movie of evil aliens.

The idea that aliens are among us, I believe is ridiculous.

Well, my state of mind at the moment is that they could be among us. Look at the videos I posted above. To clarify, "Sunrise" (the TV show posted above) is a serious news program, just like channel 9 news or any other news station. Depending on the news, they may speak light hearted or seriously. I suppose the manner in which they interview the man about aliens is light hearted which may cause confusion whether they are serious or not.

But do you think a news station is going to formally interview a lunatic about aliens? Maybe the media is slowly revealing aliens to us, I really don't know. I'm not fully decided on the matter.

Yep, OT is the new MT.

I don't get it. I am basing my view on aliens by the videos I posted in the original post and some other sources. I'm not crazy. Perhaps you should open your eyes and watch the videos before accuse me of being crazy. Post again when you watch them, and base your comment on those videos.

So maybe its just our imagination, a miscalculated beliefs that we really see 'UFO's are among us, or maybe, just maybe we are still too young to understand the real nature of the 'Earth' itself.

This is a good point. But is seems clear that the probability of other "sentient" being existing on a planet somewhere are almost certain. Given how many planets exist with inhabitable features like Earth are uncomprehendable.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Being considered that in the "short" period of time after the universe was created and the fact that the creation of life on earth, or earth "itself" was handled with nearly the best and nearly perfect conditions, it's relativly impossible to have "higher"-developed living creatures out there.

I do not doubt though that there are other living organisms out there, just not these kind of what most people think, they are most likely lower developed in kind of technique.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Interesting. Why do you say this? Why would an alien be stupid for sharing technology with us? The only reason you say that is if your under the impression that aliens are hostile or shouldn't bother with us. Analogy. Or do you consider hostility to other countries in the world? Do you disbelieve in helping others, even if they may not give anything in return? So then, why should an alien NOT help us?

Because if they objectively observed us, they'd probably see US military as the worst "faction" to co-operate with. A faction that is part of the US military-industrial complex with its only interest being gaining more weapons to shoot more stuff and play world police. Why would they co-operate with any military? Their power would be superior to us, they wouldn't need support of any war machine, they could simply choose the faction with similar interest, or the one most people obey, such as the UN. If not that, the faction they'd contact would probably be scientific. But a military..? For what? They'd have nothing to gain from our military technology, and I doubt they'd like to contribute to it.

Also you bring up the "helping others" from the perspective of aliens... trust me, helping US military hardly helps anyone.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If intelligent aliens did come to earth, they would pronounce themselves and always come in peace. The Universe is such a massive place that they have no need of our planet as it truly is nothing special (if they can travel huge distances, there is no reason they cannot perform terraforming artificially to make their own Earth like planets). They would have no real reason to be here unless they wanted to meat other life, in which case they would have no reason to hide themselves.

Even with faster than light travel, they would need to be a lot faster than light to reach earth any time soon. Considering in the last 10,000 years humanity has gone from 0 to what it is today, they will only be seeing any form of civilization here in the next few million years or longer. The result is that if they leave their planet instantly, the moment they see anything human made from Earth and arrive at Earth near instantly after leaving, by the time they arrive Humanity would already possess an equal if not superior level of technology to them.

There is also the fact that just because you see a planet with intelligent life now does not mean that it will have intelligent life by the time you get there, even if you leave instantly. Many of the stars we see in the sky died millions of years ago, just the light they generated before they died is still traveling to us.

Also there is a false assumption that space is the only existence and way to get around. Some intelligent life forms might never make it to space but could still get to other worlds using teleporter like devices. Life might also come from another dimension. 99% of life will never become intelligent, like Earth where for millions of years animals were happy living in nature.

Remember that it is only Humans who decided that nature is not good enough so decided to mess with all life and construct strange living environments. If humans never existed, Animals would still have their complex social societies and survive.

The entire Alien invasion rubbish was made by writers to appeal to stupid people's fear of the world ending. Unfortunately this year Alien Invasions are out, Zombie invasions are in. A few years ago it was stupid natural disasters such as entire continents teleporting and weather that would strip the atmosphere from Earth in reality.

By the time an intelligent civilization is advanced enough to forcefully make contact with other civilizations (and not accidently do so) then they would be beyond war. They would probably sit at the edge of the solar system and pity us in our current state before leaving to find nicer places to be.
Level 16
Mar 27, 2011
Just for a further insight into Aliens since some of you are so sceptical of the idea of aliens. Here's some reading/watching that doesn't involve Aliens currently being among us, but rather they exist and have maybe visited us already.

You know, this is just pure speculation based on logic and evidence. It's a nice watch though. Let's see how many people claim all the facts are coincidences though or will somebody realise. "Hey wait a minute, what's going on here?"

Because if they objectively observed us, they'd probably see US military as the worst "faction" to co-operate with. A faction that is part of the US military-industrial complex with its only interest being gaining more weapons to shoot more stuff and play world police. Why would they co-operate with any military? Their power would be superior to us, they wouldn't need support of any war machine, they could simply choose the faction with similar interest, or the one most people obey, such as the UN. If not that, the faction they'd contact would probably be scientific. But a military..? For what? They'd have nothing to gain from our military technology, and I doubt they'd like to contribute to it.

Also you bring up the "helping others" from the perspective of aliens... trust me, helping US military hardly helps anyone.

Again, we have established Humanity and the Earth could not possibly offer Aliens anything of worth. However, Aliens can offer us something of worth. That's agreed. Lets remember "worth" does not mean necessarily mean weaponry.

The links I posted above show evidence that aliens probably came and assisted ancient cultures. Maybe they helped these cultures because their motives and objectives were far different from today. I think nations regularly test bombs, develop new weapons, etc. Were always trying to get the edge over neighbouring lands. Plenty of destruction is left in the wake of humanity. Maybe were not worth helping?

I don't see why Aliens would need to eliminate us for that cause either. Just like I don't think America should intervene with Egyptian riots. Let them sort out the mess themselves, wouldn't you agree? Who is America to dictate the leadership or government of Egypt? Hopefully that doesn't defer the thread from the topic, lol.
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Level 2
Jul 23, 2013
Hi, been a long time lurker here.

I've been into the subject for years now. I've gone through lots of credible cases (Cash and Landrum incident, Rendlesham forest incident, many others for which there is clearly technology involved).

That there are UFOs and they are made of technology in most cases is out of question. However, the public evidence is inconclusive. There is a lot of secrecy and a lot of hidden information still, nothing that they claim they have released is the good information.

It is possible that aliens are visiting but it is possible that governments don't even know what they are dealing with. As far as working with them - this is a little far-fetched but who knows? All is one big question mark.

I disagree with Dr Super Good 'The Universe is such a massive place that they have no need of our planet as it truly is nothing special' - this planet as you can see is rare with life, so there is what they would want here.

I agree that they could make their own planets full of life but perhaps they are interested in experimenting other species.

Even with faster than light travel, they would need to be a lot faster than light to reach earth any time soon.

And there can be a lot of other ways of travel we may not even imagine, this is not an argument when not knowing what they are like.

And there you are correct:
Also there is a false assumption that space is the only existence and way to get around. Some intelligent life forms might never make it to space but could still get to other worlds using teleporter like devices. Life might also come from another dimension. 99% of life will never become intelligent, like Earth where for millions of years animals were happy living in nature.

It is a lot more complex than you state below:
The entire Alien invasion rubbish was made by writers to appeal to stupid people's fear of the world ending.

In fact movies help ridicule the whole topic, as people see it more as a fiction than anything serious. It is clear that there is some human technology involved in lots of the cases but I can say there are still questions around Human Evolution, unexplained mysteries and even the UFO cases themselves question the man-made technology, as it is beyond that.

Also you are forgetting Panspermia, which means, there can be life out there, even intelligent one.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
there are still questions around Human Evolution
Go to your nearest high school and observe the male PE class. All questions are now answered as you will see that they behave exactly like prime apes in the wild.

This is not a joke, they seriously run around screaming and howling like they were from the jungle, expect afterwards they go home and play CoD on their PS2/3. The fact is humans are not that different from animals, most of the stuff humans do can be observed in animals with a high degree of accuracy, including basic behaviour.

UFO cases themselves question the man-made technology
Some "UFO" sightings were man made objects. Most famous of which was some alternative flying machine that used helicopter principles (round shape) but was deemed too energy inefficient and unsafe to be practical. Most UFO sightings are purely imagined, as a result of underlying medical conditions, drugs or even just the universe at work causing weird anomalies.

What does someone need who already has everything? Aliens advanced enough to reach us and be a threat to us would likely already have everything they ever need and thus would gain nothing out of invading us. They would at most sit and observe us, or pity us but you can be sure that they will not be sending in intergalactic doom cruisers.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Warring? Last time I checked, since WWII, no significant wars have been had between industrialized countries. The battles that I'd hardly call wars are now fought between wealthy nations and insurgencies on foreign soil.

Besides, it's be stupid to say that even if there were significant wars going on, humanity isn't some creature that can only do one thing at the time.

Radicool said:
Again, we have established Humanity and the Earth could not possibly offer Aliens anything of worth. However, Aliens can offer us something of worth. That's agreed. Lets remember "worth" does not mean necessarily mean weaponry.

The links I posted above show evidence that aliens probably came and assisted ancient cultures. Maybe they helped these cultures because their motives and objectives were far different from today. I think nations regularly test bombs, develop new weapons, etc. Were always trying to get the edge over neighbouring lands. Plenty of destruction is left in the wake of humanity. Maybe were not worth helping?

I don't see why Aliens would need to eliminate us for that cause either. Just like I don't think America should intervene with Egyptian riots. Let them sort out the mess themselves, wouldn't you agree? Who is America to dictate the leadership or government of Egypt? Hopefully that doesn't defer the thread from the topic, lol.
Here's my response to the bullcrap you linked

It doesn't even make sense that a magnificent species capable of interstellar travel would come down to earth and build some pesky stone huts that will be gone in centuries. I'd make a monolith out of advanced alloy that'd last millions of years, if I was an alien.

Dr Super Good said:
If intelligent aliens did come to earth, they would pronounce themselves and always come in peace. The Universe is such a massive place that they have no need of our planet as it truly is nothing special (if they can travel huge distances, there is no reason they cannot perform terraforming artificially to make their own Earth like planets). They would have no real reason to be here unless they wanted to meat other life, in which case they would have no reason to hide themselves.

Even with faster than light travel, they would need to be a lot faster than light to reach earth any time soon. Considering in the last 10,000 years humanity has gone from 0 to what it is today, they will only be seeing any form of civilization here in the next few million years or longer. The result is that if they leave their planet instantly, the moment they see anything human made from Earth and arrive at Earth near instantly after leaving, by the time they arrive Humanity would already possess an equal if not superior level of technology to them.

There is also the fact that just because you see a planet with intelligent life now does not mean that it will have intelligent life by the time you get there, even if you leave instantly. Many of the stars we see in the sky died millions of years ago, just the light they generated before they died is still traveling to us.

Also there is a false assumption that space is the only existence and way to get around. Some intelligent life forms might never make it to space but could still get to other worlds using teleporter like devices. Life might also come from another dimension. 99% of life will never become intelligent, like Earth where for millions of years animals were happy living in nature.

Remember that it is only Humans who decided that nature is not good enough so decided to mess with all life and construct strange living environments. If humans never existed, Animals would still have their complex social societies and survive.

The entire Alien invasion rubbish was made by writers to appeal to stupid people's fear of the world ending. Unfortunately this year Alien Invasions are out, Zombie invasions are in. A few years ago it was stupid natural disasters such as entire continents teleporting and weather that would strip the atmosphere from Earth in reality.

By the time an intelligent civilization is advanced enough to forcefully make contact with other civilizations (and not accidently do so) then they would be beyond war. They would probably sit at the edge of the solar system and pity us in our current state before leaving to find nicer places to be.

I have to disagree with your idea of aliens coming in peace. If we assume that they think rationally in the same way as humans, they could still want to destroy us before our technology becomes great enough to rival theirs. They could see other intelligent species as dangerous parasites that must be exterminated before they can develop to challenge them. And what are the chances that they'd think about it rationally like that? There are countless reasons someone might want to destroy us, maybe they'd have developed a religion that promotes killing other species, etc. Since we don't actually know any alien species, I'd say that it's foolish to make any absolute statements about possible aliens.
Level 6
Aug 27, 2011
The distance to the nearest star system with an extrasolar planet which has environment required for life to appear is about 20 ly. I'm pretty sure that aliens could not create engines capable of transporting them with the speed of light, so traveling from that planet to ours must take centuries. And what if there's no intelligent life? Then the aliens will have to travel longer distances. The distance is too long and the way is too dangerous. It's also very hard to calculate the path of such length. So, if only anything comes to our planet, it'll be automatic starships with no aliens on board and maybe it'll send radiosignals to space around it.
Level 2
Jul 23, 2013
Go to your nearest high school and observe the male PE class. All questions are now answered as you will see that they behave exactly like prime apes in the wild.

The doubts in evolution are not in the phisological evolution but in the mind, iin the ability to turn from animals to a farily advanced civilization. How come not a single other species evolved into a being that can create their own civlization, start building temples, monuments. If you are telling me that they can htink and make their own nests, lairs, that hardly goes under the idea of evolution - from apes to civlization. Not a single one, sure lots of evidence of brain changing, bones, skulls changing over time but there is no explanation for the development of the mind, for learning what no other species did.

Even some apes remained apes, you are listening to those kinds of community that give explanation for the sake of giving an explanation. There is no proper answer how that happened with humans just like the Big bang is a theory that can turn false with more discoveries made.

Some "UFO" sightings were man made objects. Most famous of which was some alternative flying machine that used helicopter principles (round shape) but was deemed too energy inefficient and unsafe to be practical.

I suggest getting familiar with the cases because saying things like that without touching the subject is like me trying to do a surgery to a patient in the emergency room.

Yes, there are true cases of experimental objects, probably even drones, secret black projects (do you know that such exist at all?) or other machinery. That's why I am saying, the evidence that there are aliens and some technology is theirs is inconclusive, however it's worth giving it a possibility and people who know more than me have said many times about some specific cases - this is not any technology recognized.

Most UFO sightings are purely imagined, as a result of underlying medical conditions, drugs or even just the universe at work causing weird anomalies.

Hallucinations - this is a cheap explanation that the worst skeptics can give. I can rather say the most UFO cases are real but explainable - parachutists with lights, laser kites, flares, but we are talking about the small per cent of real cases, not the obvious ones.

Like explain with hallucination radiation exposure, hair loss:



And calling people liars without a base is not even credible skepticism. These are not the skeptics you need to listen, these are scoffers. So I am sure people who experienced and got injured would be offended if someoen called them 'liars'.

Of course there comes those 'researchers' who decide to make money on a true events happening, but it's all mixed- truth with disinformation and fabrication.

Whether there are aliens or not, I don't know but some cases are dead real, and it doesn't speak well to say these are drugged people, or hallucinations...
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
I believe Einstein said that if aliens would find and come to Earth, they would come only to colonize this planet and war with us.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
When europeans went to america, then what did they do to indians? They took their wives and land, they killed their prey, they killed them. The biggest known genocide, that history barely mentions.

Now, why should we expect that earth contains nothing of value to aliens? We can't know that. Just like the indians had no idea why white men would want some weird rocks and how they turn it into glittery metal.
I didn't read comments before me, so sorry if I repeat something someone already said. Anyway, this is what I think.

We are one of eight planets in our solar system. Our sun is just one of billion stars in our galaxy, and our Milky Way is only one of billions and billions of galaxies out there. There has got to be another planet with an atmosphere and conditions for life to evolve on it. It is naive to think otherwise.
Now, if there is an other planet with intelligent life form, and I am sure there is, we can only guess how far did they evolve. We can only guess who will reach the phase of inter-stellar traveling first: us or them.
There are two sides to this story. On one hand, I am sure there are some civilizations which are below us in terms of development and science. On the other hand, for sure there are some higher than us. Once again, it is naive to think otherwise.

The question is not whether they will come, the question is what will they do when they come. There are two general directions where our visitors could go.
First one is demolishing and enslaving mankind. If we assume they are exactly the same like us, Our history speaks for itself., hence I guess they will do this.
Second one is diplomacy. Trading and working together with us.

What do I think?

I am convinced they have been here before throughout the history.
The Ancient Egyptians built those pyramids all by themselves? And what about the perfect Nazca lines? Palpa flat mountains? And most of all, the Puma Punka? A 450 tons heavy rocks fitting together perfectly on a, on a 13,000 foot mountain, with perfect carvings in them, some not more than a centimeter deep, cut in the one of the worlds hardest rocks, diorite, which was used for shaping, cutting and breaking other rocks in ancient times when this structure was built? Sure, that was man-made. Not to mention a jump in civilization, when after millions of years living with stone spears and stone axes, we suddenly started developing? That wasn't us. That were aliens.

I also believe extraterrestrials are working with the US Government for over 60 years now, ever since the Roswell incident, if not longer than that.
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
I also didnt read most of the stuff here :D

Actually Titan or Europe moon(cant remember which) has a several kilometers thick and scientists believe there could be some basic life in there(they believe there is liquid water under the thick ice)

Also very theoretically if universe was infinitly big(we cant say for sure, we only know the size of our visible universe), there would be infinitly many planets with aliens, there would even be identical planet to ours where there is copy of me writing this to hiveworkshop

If universe is not infinit, the chaces drop rapidly, because yes there are billions(milliards) of galaxies, and there are billions of stars in them, but most of the stars are too hostile for any planet to even form, + you must guarantee life conditions(I believe that how people think of life is wrong, there may be some race in universe that doesnt have DNA as we do, and doesnt need oxygen and water and shit like that)

conclusion: even if they were amongs us already, I wouldnt care that much, Im too much of stoic

sorry for my terrible english, Im getting worse and worse every day of summer holidays
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
When europeans went to america, then what did they do to indians? They took their wives and land, they killed their prey, they killed them. The biggest known genocide, that history barely mentions. .

This comparison doesn't really apply to aliens and humanity meeting each other. Let's just say that back then when Europeans and Indians met, people were "less civilized", racist and all around different. If modern Europeans met a civilization comparable to Indians, the outcome would be much different, they would probably be left in peace if they didn't want to interact with the more advanced civilization.

But I bet they'd kill us just to make sure we'll never try to rival them in the future.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Na, nowadays they wouldn't just kill them.
They'd give them governments(with euro-friendly rulers), they'd also use their money and power to make every possible resource travel to them, not the indians and in the end, they'd spread consumerism there, so they could earn even more money. It's basically enslavement under the banner of democracy, like has been done in so many countries already.

What's done nowadays is less bloody, but not better in comparison imo.
This comparison doesn't really apply to aliens and humanity meeting each other. Let's just say that back then when Europeans and Indians met, people were "less civilized", racist and all around different. If modern Europeans met a civilization comparable to Indians, the outcome would be much different, they would probably be left in peace if they didn't want to interact with the more advanced civilization.

But I bet they'd kill us just to make sure we'll never try to rival them in the future.

I don't know, but I have to give Xonok hudos for what he said.
Earlier people would just kill foreign people. Be it either by military, unknown diseases (Aztecs and Spanish) or by simply taking away their basic ways of living. Land and kettle for instance.

Today people would just build a wall around them to 'protect' them.

But coming back to the Aliens now.
I don't think we will ever met aliens as of now. We have to settle the massive shit that is going on on Earth first. If the aliens are clever enough they would simply make a big turn and never come back.
So, yeah, the question is not really about aliens. It is how we treat ourselves.
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
Na, nowadays they wouldn't just kill them.
They'd give them governments(with euro-friendly rulers), they'd also use their money and power to make every possible resource travel to them, not the indians and in the end, they'd spread consumerism there, so they could earn even more money. It's basically enslavement under the banner of democracy, like has been done in so many countries already.

What's done nowadays is less bloody, but not better in comparison imo.

yea sure look what USA is doing in Iraq, Iran and Afganistan

I agree that they could make them their slaves
Level 14
Jan 2, 2007
This comparison doesn't really apply to aliens and humanity meeting each other. Let's just say that back then when Europeans and Indians met, people were "less civilized", racist and all around different. If modern Europeans met a civilization comparable to Indians, the outcome would be much different, they would probably be left in peace if they didn't want to interact with the more advanced civilization.

But I bet they'd kill us just to make sure we'll never try to rival them in the future.

The only reason they wouldn't wage war to one another would be because both parties had weapons of mass destruction (aka Nukes).

Na, nowadays they wouldn't just kill them.
They'd give them governments(with euro-friendly rulers), they'd also use their money and power to make every possible resource travel to them, not the indians and in the end, they'd spread consumerism there, so they could earn even more money. It's basically enslavement under the banner of democracy, like has been done in so many countries already.

What's done nowadays is less bloody, but not better in comparison imo.

That's USA you are talking about. They are obsessed with consumerism.
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