• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Hey I would never banish my friend!
In the end you'll make Jury of Awesomeness enemies (they never like Haosis) and maybe even combine story with frostwhispers comic where anime models try to conquer Warcraft by replacing everything with anime....
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
I'm thinking more so that if I were to go ahead and do the campaign myself, I would do it something like this:

You are MasterHaosis, attempting to enter the hiveworkshop to warn them of the memes (because he's just nice like that =D). However, you are permabanned and can't do anything about it. So, the only way into the hive when they won't let you is to hack. And the memes just happen to be good at that. So he joins them, and is able to use his Geomerging Abilities to combine himself with one of his units, morphing into that very same unit, but with a Big Grin on it (in other words, he just got the living shit Haosis'd out of him :p).
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
I reckon I will take this campaign under my festive wing and see what I can do. I'll need help thinking up internet memes, tho, the only ones I can think of are Sparta and Rickrolling. Even Rickrolling seems a little loose. I'll do some research on it and see what else I come up with.

BTW, you'll never guess what, but my English exam I just had included a Reading Comprehension, and the article I had to read was all about (wait for it...) memes! It was about one in particular that hit Britain rather harshly. It was all about an MMR Vaccination (vaccinates Measles, Mumps and some other thing that was mentioned once :p) being linked with children autism. Instigated by parents. Not scientists, parents. And everyone suddenly got paranoid. Led to a LOT of people getting quite sick.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
lol, well, I have some cool ideas for a demo campaign. Actually, it will just be a short campaign for shits and giggles as well as a great level of playability and strategy. I'm thinking the meme race should only have around about 4 units. Mind you, this is the project that I'd work on :p

So, I'd have the player play out as MasterHaosis and his army of memes to add more strategy to what the player does.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I will include Leeroy Jenkins in a mission, but I won't disclose how yet (although I know perfectly how I'd do it :p). It will be very lol. 'Nuff said.

Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssss!!! LEEEROY JENKINS!!!!

Okay, I've figured out the units for the race. Changes may be made to the caster unit:

Spartan: Basic melee unit, does... awesome stuff? Reference to '300'.

Ninja: Basic ranged unit, also stealthy, does some otha stuff, too. Reference to 'Real Ultimate Power'. Will have the class of 'mammal'.

Flying Spaghetti Monster: Flying assault unit, has disabling abilities and candid internet references. Reference to 'Flying Spaghetti Monster' of the 'Pastafarianism' religion.

Charlie The Unicorn: Fast moving caster unit, has abilities of grouchiness and kidney transplants. Reference to 'Charlie the Unicorn'.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
HERO: MasterHaosis: Hero abilities are simply 10 levels for increasing the different abilties he aquires from Geomerging to different internet memes by small amounts.

SpartanHaosis: Abilities will be basic self-beneficial abilities and demorilizing abilties with candid references to the '300' movie (somehow :p).

NinjaHaosis: Abilities will include ones the ninja already has (like stealth and whatever else it might have) in addition to some other ninja-esque abilities.

SpaghettiHaosis: Won't be a strong flying unit for balance, but will have disabling abilities as well as some awesome attacking ones, all involving Spaghetti. BTW, we need a model for Flying Spaghetti Monster. Misha plz? :p

CharlieHaosis: Has powers of Super Grouching and other crap :p
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
@Veljkom: Wtf? His original form IS Haosis master. *facepalm*

@Misha: The reason I'm doing a MasterHaosis race is because of the new ideas I can implement into it. It wouldn't make the race any more of a mockery than it already was with Noobs throwing spam at enemies and Trollers going beserk in the Forum Section.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Well, as MasterHaosis, you'd of course have to deal with numerous hive members.

If you try to include as many members as you can for the player to play as, now THAT'S a bad idea. Pick a story and stick to it! Don't try to cater for the numerous amounts of members that are renowned among the hive, they will be in the campaign but shouldn't all be playable for the player. That's just... lame -.-'
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Well, using an ability based off of the one that combines the Archer with the Hippogryph to make the Hippogryph Rider, MasterHaosis can 'geomerge' with his units, essentially combining them with himself. So, he starts off in his 'Master' form where he can geomerge with any one of his units, possibly with an ability of his own to balance him out, but when he combines with another unit, he gains abilities that help him in his new role. His own hero abilities will be based off of the Engineering Upgrade one that the Tinker has, which will benefit all his abilities as a whole. I will explain further if you need me to.

@Misha: Lighten up, mate :p
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Interceptor, can you ask Hakeem or someone to change group ownership to someone else. This group needs serious clean up.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
what about me? :(

Nah, I don't really want to have to clean all this shit up lol, no way am I getting my finger prints on that train wreck. But we can all help up by reducing our spam. Maybe even delete a few of our own posts that were spammy in the past. Just to help out.

I personally like to try and add more to my individual posts rather than 1 response posts, such as bringing up a new topic or answering more than 1 question at once (unless it's a really big question :p).
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
@tleno, don't forget Order of the Elders and Starcraft groups.

@Wazzz, Cleaning up spam isn't that hard. I do it monthly in Naga Fans. Just click the little box of all the useless posts and hit delete.

It's just me and Alagremm left. I can, but I will give Alagremm his chance first. If he wants it, it's all his.
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