Tested about 4 or 5 heroes while playing. Here is my review:
Terrain - 4/5 (looks great but there some areas that could use some work like the bottom side of the map on the third lane, if you move the camera a little bit more down, the cliff actually covers everything. Also some trees are penetrating some of the walls.)
Items - 5/5 (basic and advanced items, work well with the heroes)
Spells - 5/5 (beautiful effects used, good synergy between the spells of each hero and most importantly, no giant effect spamming as in any other anime map)
Heroes - 5/5 (Rem and Ram are my favorite, that duo hero thing; I like that you made their voice set based on the anime)
Gameplay - 5/5 (Neat and enjoyable, the AI seems good enough for singleplayer testing too; what should be changed a bit, are the towers's damage, in early game they look like one shot from them can instakill a hero but a creep not?)
-What needs to be improved : multiboard - the numbers are not aligned with the description of "kills" ; "deaths".
hero selection - It would be nice if the hero will be auto-selected after you pick him/her.
Overall, although you put the "beta" mark on this map, it doesn't look like that. My rating from me is 5/5 + 4 reputation points. Aside from all those anime maps, I enjoyed playing yours a lot. P.S. This AoS anime map is better than DON Battlestadium in my opinion