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(8) The Ogre Crossroads

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
The Ogre Crossroads is an altered melee map built off of the crossroads melee map featuring difficult creep camps with custom ogre themed units and the opportunity to break your hero with incredible loot. There are mercenary camps associated with the ogres so that you can add these powerful warriors to your army.

The map is meant to be played as a 4v4, anything else and it will be too difficult to take on the center spire, as you'll need to work with your team to take down the creeps inside.

Crush the ogres and reap the rewards, or crush your opponents while they are busy with the ogres.

(Side note: Since you need to work closely with your team to take down the ogre spire, the melee AI isn't the best choice for this map, as they'll just run wherever they want until something good drops.)

Ogre Types -

Ogre Healer: Does exactly what you would think it would do, heals, and to keep a very large group of ogres alive, it heals very efficiently, using Healing Wave, healing wards (watch out for this on high health ogres) and minor heal. Has a ranged magic attack.

Ogre Diabolist: Ogre skilled in the ways of fire who trades defense for powerful fire abilities like Breath of Fire and the custom ogre bolt (0.5 second cooldown, 0 mana, 0 damage, 1 second stun, designed for stun locking), has permanent immolation, next to the ogre healer, this should be a priority target.

Ogre Cursetongue: An orge from the orge legion's past, these ogres can only be targeted by spells and count as undead units. They can cast a wide array of debuffs like Howl of Terror, Curse, Slow, and Cripple. They have low health so chucking a stormbolt at them should shoe these ghost away.

Ogre Hunter: While not very strong themselves, they can call two bronze whelpings to assist them in combat, their whelping ability has a short cooldown so take them out fast then deal with the whelpings (or just wait for them to despawn) They can also cast Ensnare and have ranged piercing attacks.

Ogre Spelleater: A very dangerous ogre who hard counters spell casters, they are more resilient than the other ogres and have spell immunity, along with Spellsteal, Control Magic, and Mana Burn. Unlike the other ogres, they do not have enhanced mana regen so their spells are very limited.

The greater ogres fit these same roles, but with enhanced abilities, more damage and health (and better loot).

You need to defeat the two named ogres in their camps before being able to progress through the spire, the name ogres drop very good items in order to assist you with this, or if your satisfied, to crush your enemies.

The Ogre Crossroads (Map)

Changing the neutral hostile units to Ogres and editing a blizz map doesn't really make it a good Altered Melee. What about racial changes? There are no custom abilities, basically just stronger neutral hostile camps which mostly look alike. You...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Changing the neutral hostile units to Ogres and editing a blizz map doesn't really make it a good Altered Melee.
What about racial changes? There are no custom abilities, basically just stronger neutral hostile camps which mostly look alike.
You should think of making the game interesting. Now, it's an easy and little time made edit.

Awaiting Update.


Always check/recheck the Map Submission Rules! (Map Submission Rules)

These will help make a better description:

Screenshots could attract more players to download your work. Make the best of them.

A credits list is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated.

A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.

To make your work run smoother, fix the so called leaks: Triggers - Memory Leaks and Custom Scripts

If you want more reviews, come here: