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[Strategy / Risk] 1 Player Map - Pillage v0.75d (Last version: 23/05/2021)

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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010

Hello every one ! I’m here to present you a map I’ve been working on during the last months.It's a one player map I started last year as a full French map and I decided to try to translate it as good as I can and present it here. For a French description of the map please go here


Last year I started a new map inspired by the Chaos Horde gameplay in Total War: Warhammer (based on Attila horde gameplay?). This one player map makes you control a little bandit group that will have to plunder several cities and castles in order to grow and become an unstoppable bandit horde. The gameplay take place in five phases:

The Campaign map:


Full View

First zone

Second Zone

Between Zone 2 - 3

Third Zone

Fourth Zone

This is where your make your horde move, you can choose your target or settle a camp. You can also go to a barbarian village where you’ll be able to trade prisoners, buy items and fight other chiefs. You can also use some interactions which will allow you to go farther on the map or to destroy some obstacles (trees, enemy’s stronghold…). The campaign map is composed of 4 different zones (from north to south)





East Mine:



West Mines:


In progress(Planned for 0.7)

In progress(Planned for 0.8)

The camp:


The Camp

This Is where you can build new buildings to train new units, do some research and check what you’ve got for your next move. Nothing else to do here for now.


Barbarian Village


First Zone Village

Second Zone Village

Third Zone Village

Your only friends on the map. In a barbarian village , you can trade your prisonners, trade some items, fight other horde chief to get more free soldiers and in the future you'll be able to recruit some of them (planned of 0.7).






Before attacking a place, you can choose to spy it so see its defence, create some traps or support tent, and make sure you’ll be able to attack it.

The fights:


1st Zone Villages overview

2nd Zone Villages overview

Third Zone Villages Overview

It’s the biggest part of the map. Wherever you are on the campaign map, you’ll be able to choose a target and attack it. Attacking a town or a fort will move your horde troops in the area of your target. When you’re attacking a city, you can choose to retreat any time using your hero’s ability (retreat). So the main point here is to gather resources and if possible destroy the town if possible. You also have to capture some prisoners. You can capture any civilian by using the ability of your bandits or you can destroy most of the buildings to have a chance to get some additional prisoners. An elite unit also allow you to catch military prisoners.

If you leave a town without destroying its center, the unit and resources in it will regenerate slowly to come back to their initial power. Destroying a city center will destroy the city so you won’t be able to go there after that.


















4 Heroes

There are 4 heroes: one in Cascade, one in Foress, one in Nortfal , one in Prairefeuille

Every time you destroy a town where the is a hero, he will move to an other village/camp/fort.

Each village can only have one Hero, each camp or fort can have 2. The last city (which will be released in 0.8) will be able to have the 4 heroes in it. The hero next city is random so make sure to spy towns to find out where they move. Heroes will first move in cities or cap that are in their area.

At the beginning, These heroes have 2 items that won’t drop. Each time a hero die one of his items will be improve, depending on how he died (if got killed by your hero or by a normal unit).

Every time a hero die, he will gain an extra level.

Every time you destroy a hero’s town, he will get an extra level.

As your own hero, Human heroes will learn new skills at every level. When they reach level 11, they’ll get a legendary item and all their skills will be improved.





The kingdom can count on various units to protect itselft. You'll have to fight against mercenaries, footmen, knights, catapult or even wizard to plunder every village you encounter.


Tech Tree



You don’t need to build every building to progress with your horde but some area will require you do have some units or buildings.





Almost all bandit units except the one trained in a Mercenary camp will cost prisoners to be trained so make sure to always have some. Also, all your bandit will have the ability “capture” to capture civilians and “Pillage” if you do the right research (to get resources just by attacking buildings)




Start Zone

At the beginning, you can choose the hero who will lead your horde among 4 different heroes. All heroes have 4 different skills and a level 11 skill that improve all there other skills:

Dark Herald:

Necromancer that can do area damages, discourage enemies by throwing corpses to them and create skeleton warriors.

Champion of the Horde:

Great warrior for 1v1 fight, can do great damages with critical hit, go into bloodlust, deal critical hit and load some big hit to do a lot of damage to a single target.

Leader of the Horde:
Fast hero that can support his allies by healing them, providing some speed aura and do some area damages.

Behemot of the Horde:

Big warrior with a lot of hp that can do some area melee damages and taunt the enemies.


Currently the map is still in alpha, many features (which are not presented here) are not implemented yet, (such as quests, custom items, Undead horde) and only 75% of the planed playable area is done (3/4 zones).

I’ve translated the map only for the v0.4 yet so please feel free to report here any English mistake or French word still in the map. Also, don’t hesitate to report any bug, crash, or idea here. I really need more feedback to progress, balance and improve the map (there's probably still a lot to do unfortunately).
Gameplay video of the last version available here :


Triggers, units, terrain & stuffs


Models, Textures & Icons

All the triggers as well as terrain , doodads, Passive icon conversions and personal units were made by Hoth (IE me)
French to english translation made by Hoth and improved by Ghost_of_past (thanks to him!!!)

Thanks to the previous testers who gave me some feedback (Wareditor, kaoss, purparisien, AramirRp, Ghost_of_Past…)

Thanks to all these people who made great models/textures: (TheHiveWorkshop for most of them)

Archer: HappyTauren

Executioner : tillinghast

Catapult : Kitabatake

Dark Warrior :Lord_T

Thieves Guild (Optimized) / Bandit Lumber Mill / Bandit Hut / Villager (Derivatives): Ujimasa Hojo

MountedBandit / MountedBanditSpearThrower / Bandit Crossbowman: Wandering Soul

Bandit Knight / Ranger / brigand / Captain: Direfury

HumanFelguard: Epsilon

Bandit AxeThrower / Bell Tower: HerrDave

Bandit Lord / Bandit Leader / Royal Knight: Stefan.K

BattleCry: Infrisios

Mine Wall:The_Silent

Tracks : Sephiroth_VII

Ice cliffs:Zwiebelchen

Frozen Cliff: Blood Raven

VillagerMan (archer) :eubz

Tent icon :genin32

Towers / Watermill: Mike

Halduron Brightwing: R.A.N.G.I.T. (i just removed the hears)

Stromgarde Footman: takakenji

Mammoth Rider : Sellenisko

Courtmage (icon) : stein123

Bandit Warrior (icon) : MrRious

Bandit Defend (icon) : bu3ny

Haradrim Rider (icon) : Sin'dorei300

Mage Hunter (icon) / Bandit Wizard (icon) : Marcos Dab

Chaplain (icon) : Pyraeus (+ Blizzard Entertainment)

Warrior: AnimE (XGM )

Draw Bridge: Tranquil

I made some of the doodads/building models, you can find these here (bandit building, tower doodads, wooden wall): Pillage Ressources | HIVE














Some fixes to make the map more playable:
Bug Fix
  • All the chief fight now bring the right reward
  • You can know fight Vil'Noth
  • Spy now works properly(won't remove itself if you use his abilities)
  • Explosive trap and supply tent won't prevent you from retreating anymore as the "Retreat" ability/killing a city center/loosing your hero will remove them
  • Some text corrections (morbid invocations, duel events texts, learn taunt...)
  • Adding some missing blockers
  • Volnir Wall archer can now be killed
  • You'll be able to fight horde chief again if you loose against them
  • Lowered Champion and black Knight price
  • Less archer captain ,more archer in Prissthrat
  • Spy movement speed improved
  • Sapper,Kidnapper and siege engine limitation is now in their description

Sorry if anyone got his game blocked with one the previous bugs ;(

  • War dogs and hunting dogs don't cost prisoners anymore
  • War cry cooldown is now 50 seconds
  • Some correction and improvements on the english translations (by Ghost_of_Past)
  • Some improvements on the blockers (by Ghost_of_Past)
  • When you're retreating your troops in a village (loosing your hero, destroying the village center or using your retreat ability), friendly units that are already in the extraction zone will be moved instantly to your camp.

  • Adding 4 Heroes for the human kingdom (explained in my post or in the map description)
  • Campaign map of the 3rd zone is completed (no villages available yet)
  • Adding some new tower doodad
  • Adding new items in the second Barbarian Village
  • Destroying a fort or a camp now bring a better reward
  • Raider damages lowered
  • Footment damages improved
  • Calgin's Center damages lowered
  • You can't see the beginning zone from the first barbarian village
  • Change name of the future leader to Raider
  • Some informations messages are corrected
  • Taunt and thick leather hotkey fixed
  • Prisonner cost text fixed
  • Parade and Mountain Description fixed
  • Many memory leaks created when attacking a village or when a village regenerate are now fixed
  • Destroyed villages regeneration fixed
  • Units stacks after village destruction fixed
  • Units are now stopped after entering in your camp
  • Bug that forced you to leave the second barbarian village by letting your hero in it after winning a duel is fixed
  • Both Horde chiefs in the second barbarian village can now be fought
  • Some units weren't regenerated after being killed fixed

  • Adding human patrols (3 in the 3rd zone for now). Human patrols will attack your hero if you come too close from them. This will move all your units on a battlefield from where you can't retreat.
  • Camp change: no more slave for you buildings, every building is build by upgrading a basic hut
  • Camp terrain will change depending on where you are on the campaign map (snow, trees...)
  • New building will appear every time you upgrade your camp center.
  • Adding some new doodads in Calgin
  • Strongholds deal more damages
  • Slightly improve the campaign hero's hp
  • The stronghold effect that block your ability to set up a camp now works properly if the stronghold dies (generated by aura)
  • When you hero is killed by a stronghold, the text is now in english
  • You hero lose the "Retreat" ability when you destroy a city center
  • You hero is now automatically selected when you enter a barbarian village

Quick Fix
  • Fixed Morbid Invocation level 1 creating tent dummy instead of skeleton warrior
  • Fixed Pile of corpse description for level 2-3

  • Adding New Model for Champion of the Horde
  • Adding New Model for the Captain (human kingdom unit)
  • Adding a new city, Frosthearth (which can't be attacked for the moment), in the third zone
  • Adding a new control to change cam distance between 1000 and 3500
  • Adding New models for Hunter's Camp, horde houses, Hut of the Horde, Hut,Elite Hut, Training Hut...
  • Adding terrain and doodad for the 4th zone
  • Mercenaries (which can be found in some cities) have now a lighter armor and less armor than human footmen
  • Improving range of human archers and archers captains
  • You can now get the units of horde chieftains killed by your hero
  • You can build only one of every building

  • Adding New icons for bandit units to avoid duplicate
  • Adding new icons for Bandit's Defend ability
  • Adding 3 new units for human kingdoms : Royal Guarrd, wizard and executioner
  • Adding 3 new mercenary unit : ranger, deserter, mammoth rider
  • Adding a whole new zone with 1 new city, 2 new villages, 1 new camp, 1 new fort and a new Barbarian village
  • Adding a zone choice at the beginning of the game
  • Adding the War banner
  • 1 New spell for every hero
  • Kingdom heroes now join patrols near their village
  • Sold unit on recruited chieftains removed
  • Recruited heroes fixed (they now come back to the barbarian city)
  • Horde leaders come back when they loose a duel
  • All villages regeneration fixed
  • Abducator attack and skill fixed
  • Some description/items corrected

  • Attack on Frosthearth fixed
  • Defeat against Moglur Fixed
  • Irthil Retreat/attack fixed
  • Spying on Fort Foress Fixed
  • War banner added to the mines
  • Glynn's Bridge fixed
  • All "Pan Camera" actions replaced by a function with no leaks
  • Removed useless "Wait 1s" in some triggers
  • Some description corrected
  • Spying/retreat triggers optimization
  • Removed some group memory leaks which were still in the map
  • Units in regen zone are now removed after their village is destroyed

  • Heroes relocation trigger optimized
  • First Village (Calgin) is now weaker (less defender, less hp/Attack for the city center)
  • More starting ressources for zone 2 and 3

  • Your hero will be level if you choose zone 2 and level 8 if you choose zone 3 (which didn't work in the previous version)
  • Commander (kingdom hero) will now get his level 6 skill when he reaches level 6
  • Glynn's bridge now works correctly
  • Fixed floating text memory leaks
  • You don't need to kill critters in a patrol fight anymore

  • Adding new minimap in the selection area, the camp and every village/cities
  • Improvement on some doodads models
  • Some pier and walls are now walkable
  • Adding a temporary end to the map teasing what's coming next when you reach the third zone
  • Removing the ability to kill your own units with a skill in the camp (maybe need feedback if anyone thought this was usefull)
  • Items dropped during patrol attack are moved to your camp
  • Mercenaries are now coming to the Bell towers when they ring in Greencott and Frosthearth
  • Improved some terraining with optimized doodad model or new models.
  • Adding Upgrade to improve night vision for dogs, hunters, spies and map hero
  • Adding Upgrade to improve Siege machines range
  • Changed the whole Village retreat to make it more efficient (also included in the performance fix)
  • Improved model for specialist hut, barrack, elite hut and bandit great hall
  • You can now reach 50 of food (30 with house, 20 with hearth of the horde)
  • Behemot default skill (rejuvenation) now heals for 350 HP , costs 75 mana and has a cooldown of 15 seconds
  • Knight (mercenary) and Black Knight now cost only 2 food
  • Increased Mammoth Rider damages
  • Changed Village regeneration to 8 seconds per unit for each village
  • Adding missing blockers (Edor, Prissthrat, Volnir, Mines, Nortfal and more)
  • Gate between zone 3 and 4 is now destroyed after killing the Glynn center
  • Fixing issue where Mammoth Riders would kill themselves when using their skill
  • Fixing issue with the tunnels between zone 2 and 3 when you infiltrate de mine
  • Fixing issue where the patrol fight would end instantly
  • Fixing issue where kingdom hero dying in patrol wouldn't be resurected
  • Fixing issue where a kingdom hero would be relocated in the same place after dying in Prissthrat/Edor
  • Fixing issue where hero wouldn't be relocated after dying before the village in Crevass
  • Fixing issue where kingdom hero would be relocated to first zone village if you start in zone 2 or 3
  • All kingdom hero elite items are now dropped correctly
  • Fixing issue with the Glynn's Drawbridge
  • Fixing Issue where Retreat ability wouldn't work in Volnir
  • Fixing text when you kill the barbarian chieftains in the third zone
  • Fixing Various unit name/description
  • Fixed Horde leaders collision size
  • Remove hotkeys in name to use the one provided by the game (since reforged?)
  • Reduced the performance issue that occured after (~) 30 minutes of playing the map
  • Recruited Heroes in barbarian villages will now stay in your camp if you reenter a barbarian village before attacking
  • Capturing civilians won't generate body for the Dark Herald anymore
Version 0.8 preparation
  • Modified the multiboard to display the progress for the new path feature
  • Added point counts for the new path feature when doing specific actions (killing/capturing civilians)

  • Additional players changed to computer
  • Fixing Retreat issue in the first zone
  • Fixing issue that would prevent coming back to the campaign map after loosing all your units during an attack
  • Fixing issue where only your hero would be moved to Irthil when attacking after spying
  • Fixing issue where you units would be moved to the wrong village when spy attacking Frosthearth
  • Fixing issue where a wrong war banner would spawn in Frosthearth when spy attacking Edor
  • Added item drop to Frosthearh

  • Fixing fps drop issue caused by dead blocker in Forsthearth
  • Removing Debugging text in Prairefeuille
  • Fixing issue where capture skills didn't work as expected
Thanks for reading ! I hope you'll enjoy the map !


  • PillageAlpha0.75d.w3x
    7.6 MB · Views: 61
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Thanks @Leo Akastenix for suscribing :D . Yes i really loved the chaos hordes gameplay in Total War : Warhammer . I also like chaos in the warhammer universe (even if i've stopped warhammers for a long time now)

Also I've edited my first post to add the 0.4e version which bring some improvement on the english texts of the map (made by Ghost_of_Past) and some other changes !
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
New Version ! 0.5

This version fixs many bugs and balance some units. But the main point is the introduction of the 4 Human Kingdom heroes that you'll have to fight until you destroy every village.

Here is a quick description of what the heroes are like (can be found the map description too):


4 heroes

There are 4 heroes: one in Cascade, one in Foress, one in Nortfal , one in Prairefeuille

Every time you destroy a town where the is a hero, he will move to an other village/camp/fort.

Each village can only have one Hero, each camp or fort can have 2. The last city (which will be released in 0.8) will be able to have the 4 heroes in it. The hero next city is random so make sure to spy towns to find out where they move. Heroes will first move in cities or camp that are in their area.

At the beginning, these heroes have 2 items that won’t drop . Each time a hero die one of his items will be improve, depending on how he died (if got killed by your hero or by a normal unit).

Every time a hero die, he will gain an extra level.

Every time you destroy a hero’s town, he will get an extra level.

As your own hero, Human heroes will learn new skills at every level. When they reach level 11, they’ll get a legendary item and all their skills will be improved.


The point is too improve the map difficulty a little bit without spamming units in every villages.

Please fill free to report here any bug/crash if you tried the map it would be very helpful. Also if you've got any idea to improve the map don't hesitate !
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
New Version ! 0.6
This version is focuse on 3 points:
- The camp: 2 things about the camp. First, you don't have slaves to build your buildings anymore, you'll have 4 huts that you'll be abel to upgrade to any building (6 after first upgrade, 8 after the secondà.Alos, the camp is now evolving while you're upgrading you center:
The camp will also adapt on where you are on the map
- Recruiting horde chiefs: You can now recruit any horde chief instead of fighting them (you can still fight them). When you recruit a horde chief he will join you with his men for your next attack. After this attack he will come back to his barbarian village. IF he dies you won't be able to recruit or fight him again. You can recruit only one horde chief you each attack. Recruiting a horde chief cost 3/4 of the cost of his units
-Human patrols : On the third zone (wich doesn't have any village that can be attacked) you'll find 3 patrols that will attack you on sight on the campaign map. If you come to close from them your hero will be slowed down. You can't escape a patrol fight so you'll be forced to kill them all or loose all your units.
You can find the full patchnote on my first post. Don't hesitate to give your ideas or to report any bug/balance/translation issue. Thanks !
Level 5
Jul 27, 2017
the map looks quite interesting and i think you can spent some time playing it but there´s one Problem:
it appeared 2 times now. when you save during an assault it´s possible that the game crashes when you try to load it. I´m not sure if this is planned but it´s quite annoying.
I also tested if this happens on the "worldmap" but it happens only with assault saves. Maybe it´s also a Problem with the game itself because you Play on an "extra map".
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
the map looks quite interesting and i think you can spent some time playing it but there´s one Problem:
it appeared 2 times now. when you save during an assault it´s possible that the game crashes when you try to load it. I´m not sure if this is planned but it´s quite annoying.
I also tested if this happens on the "worldmap" but it happens only with assault saves. Maybe it´s also a Problem with the game itself because you Play on an "extra map".
Hey, that's an interesting bug you got there. What town were you attacking? Because I saved several times during assault and I never noticed any crash caused by loading it. In fact i just did it like 2 or 3 times so I can't be sure i won't have this bug.
Also have you got the last version of warcraft 3 ?

Thanks for testing anyway, It's the best way to find unexpected bugs :D
Level 5
Jul 27, 2017
I´m playing on v1.28.2.7395 and concerning towns were on the upper part: the fortress on northwest and i think the town at the very North east. I can also try to test it the next days on other cities and give you one screenshot of the error if it appears another time.
Level 5
Jul 27, 2017
Hi it tried to reproduce the Problem.
First i loaded it and the game crashed saying that a sudden Problem appeared.
Then i started again and saved several times via Quicksave and no Problem appeared. I tested the follogwing regions: The own camp, calgin, cascade, Nortfalcamp and Fort Fortress. It worked every time so i´m not sure about the reason.

There´s one more bug i found so far: Morbid Invocation summons no Skeleton but an orc burrow (you can´t select the burrow and no unit interacts with it).
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Wow , I've got no idea how that tent dummy replaced the skeleton warrior (level 1 only), my bad xD. I just uploaded a quick fix for that.
Well i don't see anythign I can do for that loading crash unfortunately :/
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
For the patrols...

no seige weaponary? :
Anyways on a later point, perhaps you could add Unit Variations?(In other words, the composition of units will be randomly spawned?)
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
For the patrols...

no seige weaponary? :
Anyways on a later point, perhaps you could add Unit Variations?(In other words, the composition of units will be randomly spawned?)
Well siege weapons in a patrol is a bit strange.
Yes I think adding some random unit variations would be nice for the patrols. One thing that is sure is that human kingdom's heroes will join patrols that are near their current village.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
How abt something like this....

When a city gets destroyed: bandits and renegades will soon populate it. You can hire them into your horde or raid the bandits there for some cash.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
I don't have much time to work on the map but i decided to release a little update before the 0.7. So here is the 0.61 with some bug fix(chieftains fights now work properly) and the addition of new models.

There is also the addition of a new city which can't be attacked at the moment
You can find all my personnal ressources for the map here:
Pillage Ressources | HIVE

Full patchnote and new version in the first post.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Hello Everyone, it's been almost a year since the last version was published. I've been trying to work on a new version during my free time and I can now release a new version of "Pillage" .
This version feature some improvement and bug correction and also the addition of a whole new zone to plunder !

Version 0.7 :
New Zone :
You can now attack all the villages in the third zone, which include 1 new city, 2 new villages, 1 new camp and 1 new fort. This also reinforce the patrols as heroes who are in theses villages will join the patrols near their villages.

Zone Choice :
You can now chose your starting zone between the first 3 zone. Each zone will give you a different amount of prisoners and ressources and will also improve the level of both bandits and kingdom heroes.
Zone choice area

New Mercenaries :

You'll now be able to train new mercenary units in your Mercenary Camp. Each zone has its own mercenary unit : ranger for the 1st zone, deserter for the 2nd one and mammoth rider for the third zone.


War Banner :

This new version introduce a new feature : the War banner. The war banner is a special "hero" which spawn with your troops when you attack a village. For now it just has the ability to use "Retreat" but it will be used for more things in future versions. Also you don't need your hero now to retreat for a zone and losing your hero doesn't activate the retreat anymore. This also give a slot for a new skill for every hero. So now each hero has a new basic ability. (Fan of knives for the champion, pet wolves for the Leader, Mana regeneration based on death for the dark herald and healing for the Behemot).

This version also correct a lot of bugs and add new units for the human kingdom. You can read the full patchnote in the first post and the link is also available there.

So now what's next ?
Well I've been planning many things for the future of the map.
  • For the 0.8 the whole campaign map will be playable which will introduce a new zone, victory conditions and also some quests to help you go through all this. This version will start the beta phase of the map.
  • The 0.9 version will focus on a new choice you'll have : playing as an undead horde or a bandit horde. Undead Horde will have a new gameplay based on corpses. This will also introduce 3 new heroes, new quests based on undeads (you'll probably have to fight some zombies and skeleton if you play as a bandit horde) and also new legendary items often linked to quests.
  • Finally, to go out of beta, the 1.0 will introduce some new feature : villages will all be part of a faction and you'll have the choice to fight for one of them or stay as outlaws/undead horde. These factions will also introduce a threat level which will make factions react to your action when you focus on one of them.
I'm not sure yet if i'll be able to end all this as I'm now working as an engineer and I don't have the time to focus on this but I'll do my best.
Don't hesitate to give feedback, suggestion, and report any bug/translation/french text you can see.
Thanks for reading !
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
I just uploaded a new version 0.7c (also available in the first post) that focuses on the optimization of the map gameplay. Mainly by removing camera and group memory leaks and useless waits in trigger. After some tests I find the map much more pleasant to play in late game. I also corrected some bugs that would totally block the player in a village (spying bugs, retreating bugs and attack on Frosthearth. I'm sorry if people tryed the last version and were stuck with some bug like that. Full patchnote for v0.7c is availabe in the first post.

Don't hesitate to report any bug or performance issue you encounter if you try the map.
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Hello Everyone,

A new version (0.7e) is now availaible on the first post (or here). This version focus on fixing some last blocking bugs and improving the "late game" performance of the map. It is also easier now as you get more starting ressources if you begin in the zone 2 or 3. The first village is also easier to destroy with a weaker city center and less army to defend it.

Patchnote (also available in the first post):
  • Heroes relocation trigger optimized, their next location is not randomized anymore
  • First Village (Calgin) is now weaker (less defender, less hp/Attack for the city center)
  • More starting ressources for zone 2 and 3

  • Your hero will be level 5 if you choose zone 2 and level 8 if you choose zone 3 (which didn't work in the previous version)
  • Commander (kingdom hero) will now get his level 6 skill when he reaches level 6
  • Glynn's bridge now works correctly
  • Fixed floating text memory leaks
  • You don't need to kill critters in a patrol fight anymore
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Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Hey everybody, it took me probably longer than I thought but here is a little update for the map. I have to admit that the release of Warcraft 3 Reforged made me stop mapping and playing the game for a little while but coming back to my map last summer made me realize how broken the last version was so I decided to fix it and continue the map Yes it took me almost a year and this new version doesn't have many new thing unfortunately. The last version is now available on my first post or HERE . The map is still designed for the classic warcraft 3 graphics and it will probably look very ugly in reforged as it includes lots of custom models based on the classic warcraft 3 for doodads, units and building.

I also recorded a gameplay of the whole first zone with the last version available here:

So, what's new, and what's coming next?

Version 0.75

So this new version focuses fixing "game breaking" bugs , performance issue and some texts. It also adds some improvement to the models I made 2-3 years ago, some terrain improvement and a custom minimap that adapt to the village you're attacking (still in test, some are not really accurate).
It also prepares the coming of the next "major" version 0.8 with a temporary ending when you reach the 4th zone and some part of the future "Path" feature.

  • Adding new minimap in the selection area, the camp and every village/cities
  • Improvement on some doodads models
  • Some pier and walls are now walkable
  • Adding a temporary end to the map teasing what's coming next when you reach the third zone
  • Removing the ability to kill your own units with a skill in the camp (maybe need feedback if anyone thought this was usefull)
  • Items dropped during patrol attack are moved to your camp
  • Mercenaries are now coming to the Bell towers when they ring in Greencott and Frosthearth
  • Improved some terraining with optimized doodad model or new models.
  • Adding Upgrade to improve night vision for dogs, hunters, spies and map hero
  • Adding Upgrade to improve Siege machines range
  • Changed the whole Village retreat to make it more efficient (also included in the performance fix)
  • Improved model for specialist hut, barrack, elite hut and bandit great hall
  • You can now reach 50 of food (30 with house, 20 with hearth of the horde)
  • Behemot default skill (rejuvenation) now heals for 350 HP , costs 75 mana and has a cooldown of 15 seconds
  • Knight (mercenary) and Black Knight now cost only 2 food
  • Increased Mammoth Rider damages
  • Changed Village regeneration to 8 seconds per unit for each village
  • Adding missing blockers (Edor, Prissthrat, Volnir, Mines, Nortfal and more)
  • Gate between zone 3 and 4 is now destroyed after killing the Glynn center
  • Fixing issue where Mammoth Riders would kill themselves when using their skill
  • Fixing issue with the tunnels between zone 2 and 3 when you infiltrate de mine
  • Fixing issue where the patrol fight would end instantly
  • Fixing issue where kingdom hero dying in patrol wouldn't be resurected
  • Fixing issue where a kingdom hero would be relocated in the same place after dying in Prissthrat/Edor
  • Fixing issue where hero wouldn't be relocated after dying before the village in Crevass
  • Fixing issue where kingdom hero would be relocated to first zone village if you start in zone 2 or 3
  • All kingdom hero elite items are now dropped correctly
  • Fixing issue with the Glynn's Drawbridge
  • Fixing Issue where Retreat ability wouldn't work in Volnir
  • Fixing text when you kill the barbarian chieftains in the third zone
  • Fixing Various unit name/description
  • Fixed Horde leaders collision size
  • Remove hotkeys in name to use the one provided by the game (since reforged?)
  • Reduced the performance issue that occured after (~) 30 minutes of playing the map
  • Recruited Heroes in barbarian villages will now stay in your camp if you reenter a barbarian village before attacking
  • Capturing civilians won't generate body for the Dark Herald anymore
Version 0.8 preparation
  • Modified the multiboard to display the progress for the new path feature
  • Added point counts for the new path feature when doing specific actions (killing/capturing civilians)

Version 0.8 (in developpment)

This next version will include the 4th zone with at least 5 new cities which are already designed on paper (just need time and motivation now :) ) and of course a realt ending. I also planned a whole new feature called the paths that will add some variations to the gameplay and also you'll be able to choose what happens to the villages after you destroy them (give them to the civilians, give them to the barbarians or destroy them).

So i'll just give a little summary here for the path feature: You've got 3 paths that will be affected by the way you play. Once you've reached the first step of a path (~150 points) you'll be able to choose this path for the whole game. The 3 paths are :
Slavers : pretty close to the current gameplay but with extra bonus with the barbarians , you earn points by capturing prisonners or giving villages to barbarians.
Free Folks : you earn points by letting civilian units/buildings alive and giving the villages to the civilians. You don't have prisonners anymore, only people from the villages you've freed that will fight for you. Get bonus with mercenary units , new militia units and a new building that replaceds the Elite Barrack
Dark Gods: you earn points by killing civilians, destroying villages and sacrificing prisonners to the dark gods. Dark gods will provide you a shrine that allow you to get new demonic units and perform rituals but you'll loose your bound with the barbarians and you won't be able to recruit mercenary units anymore.

There is a lot more planned for theses paths, specific technologies and special quests but I don't want to write too much before I'm sure I can actually release all of that.

As always if you've got any feedback don't hesitate to send me message or reply here.
Thanks for reading.
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Hi, i played your map and i absolutely loved it! Such a great concept, i was impressed.
I played the map on the latest War3 version with classic graphics. The map version i played was 0.75

I think i got the map from Epicwar.com, just downloaded some maps at random and it was quite a pleasant surprise to find this map :gg: usually most maps either don't work or are just meh, but this one was great!


- Loved the gameplay, it was very easy to understand, the tips at the start were very helpful.
This kind of gameplay reminds me of some old games i used to play on the internet, i don't remember their names but it was similar in the fact that we were on this world map going from city to city attacking them and sometimes getting attacked ourselves while walking, i got some nostalgia vibes by playing this, reminding me of those old games which was quite nice.:thumbs_up:

- The terrain looks amazing both in the world map and inside each city. The cities were especially beautiful, they had such a splendid layout, it really felt like i was playing on a real life medieval battlefields, the way some of the cities were done was just great.

- The heroes were nice as well, they do have normal war3 spells but they felt great playing with and fighting against the enemy heroes as well.

- I also liked how we can challenge some horde heroes to a fight and if we win, we get some of their army, that was cool, even tho most of the fights were pretty easy.

- I liked how the main buildings, other random buildings and even some crates drop items and stat tomes when they are destroyed!


- I fought this horde leader that summons wolves and i died the first time, but when i fought him again he seemed to not cast any spells anymore, i think it glitched a bit, so whenever you fight a horde leader the second time they don't seem to cast spells anymore.

- One time when i used the spy ability on a enemy city and after i used all the spells from the spy i went for the attack but when i clicked the attack button only my hero spawned, the rest of my army didn't for some reason, i still managed to destroy most of the city with my hero alone but yea, it was much slower.

- It seems that the more i kept playing the more i noticed that my fps was slowly going down, by the end of the map most fights were kinda hard to watch and micro cuz of my low fps, i had like 5 fps one time in a fight, so yea, there is something wrong with the map in this regard, fps keeps going down.

- I think the path thing is not working, i had the dark gods path completed but i didn't get anything from it.


- More items from the shops would be nice, each barbarian allied city should have improved items and new items in them maybe.

- There should be way more random encounters on the world map similar how you did those patrols in the last stage of the map, would be cool to see more patrols in all stages, for example with creeps, monsters, other races, etc
Starting with small groups and getting bigger the more the Hero levels up or the more the player destroyed human cities.

- Also there should be more human armies and other armies that sometimes attack your main base, the way that large undead army did at the end of the game.

- Most of the horde heroes and the human heroes seemed a bit underwhelming in my opinion, i think the only time i actually took some serious damage was from the ranger hero with his starfall, but that's it, all the other heroes did like no damage, they should be slightly buffed in terms of stats and levels since i only saw 1 enemy hero use a ultimate (starfall).

- Also you should upload the map on hive by now, this alpha looks pretty good as it is right now, i am sure people will love to play your map and this way you will get more feedback and more popularity to the map as well.

Final verdict for the map

Ignoring the negatives (assuming they will be fixed in the future) My tier rating for this map will be an S :goblin_yeah:
Level 8
Jun 28, 2010
Wow thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you liked it ! That's funny that you downloaded it from epicwar as the minimap doesn't make it really attractive.

- I fought this horde leader that summons wolves and i died the first time, but when i fought him again he seemed to not cast any spells anymore, i think it glitched a bit, so whenever you fight a horde leader the second time they don't seem to cast spells anymore.

- One time when i used the spy ability on a enemy city and after i used all the spells from the spy i went for the attack but when i clicked the attack button only my hero spawned, the rest of my army didn't for some reason, i still managed to destroy most of the city with my hero alone but yea, it was much slower.
Thanks for reporting these bugs I missed them during my tests :)

- It seems that the more i kept playing the more i noticed that my fps was slowly going down, by the end of the map most fights were kinda hard to watch and micro cuz of my low fps, i had like 5 fps one time in a fight, so yea, there is something wrong with the map in this regard, fps keeps going down.
I'm still working on this performance issue. I'm working with triggers I made some years ago so I'm trying to remake some of them without breaking everything. Unfortunately I didn't manage to go bellow 60 fps during my own tests (while playing the whole map) so I thought it would be okay but looks like I still have work to do.

- I think the path thing is not working, i had the dark gods path completed but i didn't get anything from it.
The path feature (described in the post just above yours) is not implemented yet, I just added theses counters for informations. I'm currently working on it and it's coming for the next "major" version (0.8)

Most of your suggestions are already planned :)
The path system will change what type of units you have to fight on the map (Dark gods will make barbarians attack you, slavers will make humansattack you and free folks will make undead attack you) and will come with a slight rework of barbarian villages which will aslo change shops and buildings in it. The camp attacks will happened more rarely and won't be a surprise like the undead one as they can actually be a defeat condition.
I'll also be reworking some parts of the kingdom heroes to make them more dangerous.
About posting the map in the Hive Map Section, "work in progress" isn't allowed and I think it's better if I wait for version 0.8 that will be more complete.

I just fixed the bugs you reported in your negatives (and some more) and uploaded the new version in my first post with the updated patchnote.

Thanks again for playing and giving such a detailed feedback !
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