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🏆HD Modeling Contest #6 - Mechanical 🤖

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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006




Design and model a mechanical creature using your favorite 3D modeling software for the Warcraft III Reforged HD graphics. Your creation could be a mechanized animal, a futuristic robotic being, or anything else your imagination can tinker with! Your mechanical masterpiece should be of a fully mechanical creature i.e. no living organic matter, muscles, no beating heart at it's core. Only heat, magic or steam etc. should power your mechanical creation.


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme (see the theme description above). If any model does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • You must post at least one unfinished preview of your submission in this thread, before the deadline, as proof that it's yours.
  • Your submission may not be started/made before the official launch of the contest.
  • Judges may not participate.
  • Your final submission must work in-game and be bug-free.
  • Teamwork is not allowed.
  • Model entries are allowed as long as there is a certain amount of effort put into them, and must include a Dissipate animation and Hero Glow or Decay Flesh and Decay Bone animations.
  • WoW ports or models that use external material must have working ORMs and normals, and should not account for more than 10% of the model (a weapon, a piece of armor, a distinctive small geoset...). Models that are heavily influenced by external assets should be avoided, and the judges are entitled to disqualify the model if they deem it necessary.
  • In order to enter the contest and be eligible to win a prize, contestants must submit their final entry to the HD Model Resource section. Remember to write in the description: "Entry for the 6th HD Modeling Contest".
  • You should post a link to your entry in the contest thread along with a short description.
Breaking any of these rules may lead to punishment in the judgement score, up to disqualification from the contest, depending on the weight of the issue. In case of doubts towards a certain rule you are very encouraged to discuss it in the contest thread so others and judges may help with sorting it out.


  • 1st place: 750 experience points
  • 2nd place: 600 experience points
  • 3rd place: 450 experience points
  • Entry: 150 experience points
  • Judge: 25 experience points per entry
The three winners will receive an Award Icon representing the winning entry.​
Winning a contest also unlocks Demon Rank icons (at least two wins is required).​


  • If no judges are found (at least two is required) before the deadline, the winners will be decided by the votes of a public poll. The poll results will be hidden until a person has voted. Changing your vote afterwards will not be possible.
  • Want to be a judge? Read this.


MeshHow does the mesh look? How are the balance and scale? How coherent is polygon distribution? Do the shapes complement the model's theme?/15
SkinDoes the model have custom diffuses, ORMs and/or Normals? How good is the wrap? Are the textures appealing, or do they look blurry/stretched from the default game camera and portrait? Do the tones go well together? Is there sufficient contrast? Do the Normals and ORMs create proper lighting for the model?/15
AnimationsDoes the model have custom animations? How natural, smooth, and appropriate are the animations? Do they have character/personality? How well are they executed? Does the model have enough animations to function properly?/15
How well does the model work in-game? Does it feature the necessary attachments, footprints, sounds, and collisions? Does it have a working FaceFX? Is it optimised for minimal disk usage? Does it have enough Team Colour?/15
ThemeHow well does the model follow the contest theme?/15
EffectsDoes the model make use of emmissives, effects, ribbons, or additional custom models (i.e. projectiles/spells)? How well are they implemented? Does the model make use of fresnel, visibility or other .mdl edits?/5
CreativityHow original is the general idea? How inventive is the execution? How distinct is the model from the original assets?/20


The contest shall begin on May 1, 2024 and conclude on June 30, 2024 GMT (day is included).


(Last updated June 30, 2024)



WIP 1 | WIP 2







WIP 1 | WIP 2

Mr. Paupiette


Assigned Staff: @Archian

Previous Contest | Poll | Results
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I am constantly complaining that I have too much tasks for projects and irl... yet a MECHANICAL contest hmmm, irresistible!
A fully mechanical being though, I was almost tempted to make some horror flesh amalgamation, but let's stick to rules.
Maybe some iconic Warcraft hero as a cyber bot?
Level 12
May 7, 2008
Don't limit yourself thinking about Warcraft universe! :)

I think something inspired by Starcraft II or Warhammmer 40k could be a great shot at the contest.

That's right!

When you say other universes, I think of Mecha Uther with 2x 50 cal machine guns equipped in each of his hands.
On top of his back he carries a futuristic Mortar weapon shaped in Crest of Arthas, and each time it fires he says a specific line in his mecha voice: ''You are not my King yet boy!'' :peasant-popcorn:
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HD Model Reviewer
Level 33
Jun 22, 2013
Don't limit yourself thinking about Warcraft universe! :)

I think something inspired by Starcraft II or Warhammmer 40k could be a great shot at the contest.
I'd like something like dwarven viking, gnomish science lab, dwarven battlecruiser, goblin galleon, and goblin banshee


Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
I am constantly complaining that I have too much tasks for projects and irl... yet a MECHANICAL contest hmmm, irresistible!
A fully mechanical being though, I was almost tempted to make some horror flesh amalgamation, but let's stick to rules.
Maybe some iconic Warcraft hero as a cyber bot?
I suppose you could incorporate some flesh, bone, claws etc. as if a robot took something from it's victims and used it to improve itself ;)
Terminator's had skin ;)

The main point is that the robot is not "alive".

Updated the theme description:

"Design and model a mechanical creature using your favorite 3D modeling software for the Warcraft III Reforged HD graphics. Your creation could be a mechanized animal, a futuristic robotic being, or anything else your imagination can tinker with! Your mechanical masterpiece should be of a fully mechanical creature i.e. no living organic matter, muscles, no beating heart at it's core. Only heat, magic or steam etc. should power your mechanical creation."
I suppose you could incorporate some flesh, bone, claws etc. as if a robot took something from it's victims and used it to improve itself ;)
Terminator's had skin ;)

The main point is that the robot is not "alive".

Updated the theme description:

"Design and model a mechanical creature using your favorite 3D modeling software for the Warcraft III Reforged HD graphics. Your creation could be a mechanized animal, a futuristic robotic being, or anything else your imagination can tinker with! Your mechanical masterpiece should be of a fully mechanical creature i.e. no living organic matter, muscles, no beating heart at it's core. Only heat, magic or steam etc. should power your mechanical creation."
Slight problem with your example, Terminator's skin was living organic matter and evidently they age too with possibilities of discovering and unlocking emotion alongside sentience without skynet. Androids and cyborgs would be excluded according to this quote.
Level 6
Apr 8, 2006
I've never done mechanical stuff before, but this time I decided to make more advanced siege vehicles for the Orcs, because they have very few siege weapons and are very backward (at least in appearance:xxd:) compared to humans.
Lots of Iron Horde stuff you could reference for that, no doubt.
Only a few days left. What is your progress guys?

Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to submit the artwork on time, an Orc self-propelled gun, although most of the model is finished, but there is still some work to be done on the texture, maybe the competition can be extended by a week?
Level 14
Mar 17, 2021
Finished and posted.



Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
View attachment 477501
Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to submit the artwork on time, an Orc self-propelled gun, although most of the model is finished, but there is still some work to be done on the texture, maybe the competition can be extended by a week?
If the other conteststants agree? Then an extension can be granted.
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