• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


  1. Jocker

    [General] JASS being "Clean"

    The title may be a bit off since I don't really know how to explain it in words so here is a picture. This is the base World Editor for WC3 Version 1.33. And this is the JassNewGen World Editor for version 1.26a. Is it possible to set up the base world editor of 1.33 to have custom colors...
  2. Lordliw


    Hello, one year ago I started using JassCraft to make my own AI scripts. But I've encountered a few problems that were easily fixed. During that time I learned (heard) that JassCraft has two types of programming. The easy one and the hard one. Now, I've learned the easy side of JassCraft, but...
  3. The Nightmare Book

    [Lua] Problem with spell

    Hey guys, I have next spell that does alot of things depending on targets global group (animals, humans, etc). But right now I don't know why it doesn't work - my spell simply doesn't call and I don't know why. I tried different approaches but currently I don't found the answer. Init 10 Spells...
  4. jaxfrost

    [Trigger] Custom Ability Level up Script

    Trying to get a typical custom hero ability sold in shop. using the item technique I have gotten the ability to add. but not upgrade. what am I missing or syntax mix-up. the intent was to create the nested loop for intB 1-30 ( ability level cap) and setting the var AbilityLevel (integer) to add...
  5. Nemesis DSGB

    [General] Rusty looking for help with AI Spawning

    Hi guys. im looking to make a defense mode that can go for long periods without crashes (little leaking) So im just starting to set up my variables, im using Ints and bools to keep it simple for now Recommendations on best framework for the system to be clean and smooth? plan so far: -Wave...
  6. lolreported

    [General] Protect against code injections

    Is it possible to mitigate code injections into the map script? Personally I tried using a MPQ editor on my (protected) map and then edited the code, but it fails to save. I'm not sure how it's done and what I can do to prevent the injections. I can add code that checks gold amount, etc, but...
  7. Bloodheaven_

    [Solved] How to assign each Player 1-8 a different value from 1-8?

    Hey there, I'm currently trying to work with the loop function and trying to assign every player a different value from each other. Actions Set VariableSet Temp_Integer = 0 Custom script: loop Set VariableSet Temp_Integer = (Temp_Integer + 1) Set VariableSet...
  8. Drulia

    cJass2Lua - Powerfull cJass converter

    Warcraft III Reforged brought us lua scripting, but still a lot of map makers for WC3 are using cJass. Just because C-style syntax rules. Unfortunately cJass extension is unsupported for Reforged and who knows how it will be. Lua is more efficient, useful and simple for game development. But a...
  9. AtheosTG

    Are LUA apis identical to Jass?

    I'm trying to run the following code: function SpawnerActions() print "I am a test string." CreateNUnitsAtLoc(1, "hfoo", Player(0), GetRectCenter(GetPlayableMapRect()), bj_UNIT_FACING ) end onTriggerInit(function () Spawner = CreateTrigger()...
  10. GryfonCZE

    Script not running on a specific map

    Greerings, sorry to bother you, but after a weekend of headache i finally decided to ask for help. I recently updated my WC3 to 1.31 and started working on a new campaign. However, my creation of first mission got stuck, when the game seemingly refused to accept my scripts. - AI players are...
  11. Peach Schnapps

    [General] Make NPC units attempt to position behind enemy units and Attack from behind to fire damage trigger

    Say we have a trigger set up that attacks from behind (a units attack/attack animation literally strikes/touchs the back of another units model) does bonus damage, would there a way to go about having units attempt to position well (attempt to move behind the units it is attacking) to get the...
  12. Cebi

    [Spell] Sacrifice System.

    So I looked at the Sacrifice ability and realized that it has huge potential yet limited by stiff un-editable outcomes. What I need from it at first was simple, sacrifice 1 custom unit for another. But then once I tested it though the Object Editor thinking it would be simple... it wasn't...
  13. Bombriick

    [JASS] Help with AOE Spell Trigger

    I'm working on a spell based on flame strike , but it doesn't work for some reason , as you can tell the spell is supposed to do damage to units in target area ONCE, I chose flame strike as a base because of the spell aoe effect since I tried it with channel and it didn't work. Please Help...
  14. Uncle

    How to disable the old Syntax checker (error compiler)

    As the title says, I'm having trouble importing systems because my editor (the default world editor with the most recent patch) is running both the old syntax checker in addition to JassHelper/PJASS. I've attached a picture for example. I was informed that I need to disable the old "Script...
  15. starter_e

    Unit_DropItems function script error

    Trying to get an old 1.26 JNGP map to save in the 1.30 WE. Replaced the common.j in the map(using MPQ master) with the 1.30 one (obtained using CASC viewer). Fixed some globals errors, disabled triggers containing SharpMake functions(to be replaced with the new 1.30 natives). Now I get only one...
  16. olvenmage

    Code compile errors.

    Hey there everyone, I've been away for 2.5 years or so, and finally found my map back that I had started then. I made a custom race, using a custom build animation, which, at some point in time worked, I remember. But when I loaded up the map and tried it out, I got tons of "Unknown compile...
  17. D

    [JASS] AI script won't run

    Something in this script causes the map not to be able to run it. I've been trying different undead scripts and they seem to be working. I also copied each function from the broken script to the working script one by one, and it worked until I copied the attack waves (possibly looping waves), so...
  18. halk6000

    I will map VWH i am looking for people

    I am looking ang speaker or pl contact - skype live:v60_14 who need ? 1 teach me skript income how make would work algorytm 0+1 when 1 animal end production and algorytm 1-1 when animal die and 2 script every 50 seconds get gold use this algorytm and generator when build this bank so mp use...
  19. Retera

    129ifier Automated Script

    I have this idea that you could write a program where you choose a map (even if it is optimized and protected) and then it ports the map to 1.29, fixing any compatibility issues automatically. What is any reason not to do this? I did not make it yet, but I believe it could be done. DrSuperGood...
  20. UUcounterspell

    Question hashtables and arrays

    Hello all script writers sorry I'm noob on this topic. I think that hashtables look similar to arrays of arrays (2d arrays) because 2 indexes are used to recover one value, just like column and row number in a paper table, but they have different names and people write that hashtables hold a...
  21. Dragonofsilva

    I wanna make a bonus round for a map.

    Hello, i've been trying to improve Darwins Island, the custom map, and i really wanna add a bonus round at the end. My idea is that after everyone has died, and insted of victory screen, a bonus round would pop up, and you would spawn at locations around the map, as the ''Endings'' or ''lvl...
  22. izaiphovias

    Help with learning JASS

    So, I was reading a bunch of tutorials for JASS scripting here and also Vexorian's and am trying to get the hang of things. In my new project I have a simple GUI spell based on Entangling Roots that hides the caster, creates 4 visible dummies around the target and damage the area, then it shows...
  23. Azsure

    [Solved] Trigger Loop not meeting condition goes endlessly, causing CTD

    Hi, I needed some assitance with a code I just made up now, not only does it not do what I intended it to, but it seems that the conditions are never met and thus causing an endless loop that cause a imminent CTD. The trigger is as follows: There are 6 regions in the map, a RNG will determine...
  24. Phill Aburto

    !NEED HELP! Shooting system

    Hello guys pls i need help.I want to make weapon ( Item ) ,that give the spell (which shooting system) to hero and when i use abillity it takes ammo too. All weapons will have different damage and ammo. Shooting system: ( if it isnt to hard to make it will be good when missiles will have...
  25. userid907

    [vJASS] Why my script not working?

    hello, hive. i here want to ask why my script not working, i've try to search the problem, and i change the script that i think is wrong, and when i test it the script still not working, after repeat it about 10 times, i give up because i'm new on vJass. and i've try to debug the script and only...
  26. Cokemonkey11

    Generate a signature from your projects on git

    Hi, I just made this today. In short, it: * fetches the map preview image from a supplied list of git repositories which have your maps * resizes the previews to 128x128 and overlays a BTN or PAS border around it, depending which projects are active * uploads the results to imgur * writes a...