• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • 💡 We're thrilled to announce that our upcoming texturing contest is in the works, and we're eager to hear your suggestions! Please take this opportunity to share your ideas in this theme discussion thread for the Texturing Contest #34!
  • 🏆 Hive's 7th HD Modeling Contest: Icecrown Creature is now open! The frozen wastes of Icecrown are home to some of Azeroth’s most terrifying and resilient creatures. For this contest, your challenge is to design and model a HD 3D monster that embodies the cold, undead, and sinister essence of Icecrown! 📅 Submissions close on April 13, 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to let your creativity shine! Enter now and show us your frozen masterpiece! 🔗 Click here to enter!


  1. Jah'rakal

    Need an unprotected Dota Map

    Good Morning, I would like to make my own Dota Map and get myself abit into modding. The maps i downloaded and opend seem to be proteced and i cannot use them in the world editor. Is there any recent Dota Map i can use and open, so i dont have to start from 0?
  2. Impetus of Virga's Arc

    Impetus of Virga's Arc

    A rainbow spear missile which idea is based from an Immortal weapon in Dota 2.
  3. KitsuneTailsPrower

    [Solved] How to turn but not move while channeling?

    A the title says, what is the best way to make a spell that allows the hero to turn while channeling it but not move. Bonus points if it doesn't lock the unit's XY coordinate and interfere with Knockback. For an example of what I mean: Icarus's ability in Dota where he shoots a beam of fire.
  4. Intelligence tavern of Light Side on Dota map

    Intelligence tavern of Light Side on Dota map

    Heroes at first intelligence tavern of Light Side on Dota map.
  5. Dragonus Skywrath Mage (Dota map)

    Dragonus Skywrath Mage (Dota map)

    Dragonus Skywrath Mage model (rejected) for Dota map with some retextures. Original Winged Guardian by Sliph-M can be found here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/winged-guardian.249528/
  6. Priestess of the Moon for Dota map

    Priestess of the Moon for Dota map

    Priestess of the Moon in Dota 2 Style. Based on model kangyan's model: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/priestess-of-the-moon-version-whitehair.262865/
  7. Heroes at first tavern of Dark Side on Dota map

    Heroes at first tavern of Dark Side on Dota map

    Twelve new icons at first tavern of Dark Side on Dota map. Some of them you can find at my resource section.
  8. Wingless Pitlord for Dota Map

    Wingless Pitlord for Dota Map

    Mannoroth's pink skin without wings. Brand new Ghouls at the back
  9. Three Spirits of Brewmaster from my Dota project

    Three Spirits of Brewmaster from my Dota project

    Storm, Fire and Earth Spirits.
  10. Omniknight for my Dota map

    Omniknight for my Dota map

    Model by Ujimasa Hojo can be found here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/arthas-menethil-paladin-daelin-proudmoore-and-derivatives.165709/ Repainted Arthas hair by me :))) Icon can be found here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/arthas-omniknight-icon-dota-2-fantasy.340641/
  11. Bloodseeker for Dota map

    Bloodseeker for Dota map

    Model by Direfury: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/geist.292662/ Skeleton Archer skin used for Bloodseeker's mask: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/bone-fletcher-skeleton-burning-archer-dota.340612/
  12. Lycanthrope from Dota map

    Lycanthrope from Dota map

    Lycanthrope skin used: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/lycan-lycanthrope-kiljaeden-skin-dota-2-style.340135/ Icon can be found here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/lycan-lycanthrope-kiljaeden-icon.340639/
  13. Undying Zombie for Dota map.

    Undying Zombie for Dota map.

    Model by Ujimasa Hojo: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/dalaran-mutants-bundle-ujimasas-derivates.340291/ Acolyte skin by Bumhunter: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/acolyte-blp.276974/ Zombie skin from here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/colorful-dalaran-mutants-undead-zombie.340289/
  14. Brewmaster skin for Dota map

    Brewmaster skin for Dota map

    Based on Black_stan's Pandaren skin: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/pandarenbrewmaster.61118/ I do not have permission to share this skin, sorry... But you can find icon for it here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/brewmaster-icon-dota-2-style.340616/
  15. Centaur for Dota map

    Centaur for Dota map

    Centaur model by Rhapsodie: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/chaos-centaurs.339575/ "Lycanthrope Kil'jaeden" skin can be found here: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/lycan-lycanthrope-kiljaeden-skin-dota-2-style.340135/
  16. LuaPirate

    Help with dota's krobelus

    I love playing offline with bots, But, i want to edit my favorite hero krobelus (death Prophet) ultimate. If it possible? I want to make her heal for each spirit hit , instead of waiting for the duration Sorry for my bad language.
  17. Panda

    The Last Ancients

    Hello, Ive been working on this DoTa (League of Legends) spin off hero defense for a couple years now and im gonna throw it out for the community to check out and be there with my progress! Adding photos to this thread and will add a changelog with everything i need to accomplish if anyone...
  18. Kishikume

    New here - Need help on how to swap a model

    I would like to know how to swap the Lord Garithos model in the gamefiles with this custom model: https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/the-legion-commander-wc3version.270200/ To play this version of the Legion Commander in the DotA map. If as well, anybody can help me on how to swap the...
  19. Steezy-

    Seeking help in opening protected maps (Dota Map)

    You can also contact me here via PM in the forums. Many thanks, Steezy
  20. rkemsley

    [Trigger] Magic Stick (Energy Charge) - MUI Item Ability

    I am trying to create an item, like magic stick from Dota, which restores 15 health and mana based on the number of charges the item has. When the item is bought, it starts with 0 charges. The number of charges increases by +1 every time an enemy or neutral unit casts an ability within 800 of...
  21. ComeWithMe

    Warcraft 1.27b + Dota 6.83d AntiCheat Detector

    Greetings to all. Perhaps I created a topic in the wrong section, if anything, I apologize. I am looking for someone who could do some work in JASS language (paid). Warcraft 3 is a very old game and many people know that there is a separate Dota Allstars map (from IceFrog), the latest version...
  22. Millegz

    Buy Item Fast

    Hi, have any idea to make buy item fast like DotA RGC map or IiCup map ? I see it's useful, anyone can help me? thank!
  23. Millegz


    How can I make Observer can view more than default, I want observer can see skill of hero instead of only see item I want obsever can see skill of player like that : not like that :
  24. HerlySQR

    [Spell] I wanna create an ability similar to Reactive Armor (Shreder) of dota

    I tried this to myself, but is too complicated, how can I do that?
  25. HerlySQR

    I need a beta testers

    I made a multiplayer map that it has things like in Dota but have missions and "levels", but I need people to look for bugs, balance and add ideas.
  26. sonphamthe11H

    DotA - New Standalone Remake

    Hi, I dont know if I post here is against the hive's rule or not ( I'm really sorry if it does ). I'm finding someone who could help me to remake DotA, since Icefrog stopped developing it, and I have poor jass scripting skill TT. My idea is not gonna follow Dota 2 but the community ideas (...
  27. HerlySQR

    [Solved] How I make this spell?

    I wanna do the ability "Shukuchi" of the nerubian weaver in DOTA, can you tell me how to do that?
  28. bruunk

    [Solved] Want input on how to do a stacking spell

    Hi, I'm trying to make a spell that essentially will add +1 to a stack every time the unit is attacked by the Hero. What I'm looking to make is almost like Shadow Demon's shadow poison spell from Dota, though it will not be added through a spell but rather an auto attack. It will be able to be...
  29. Cheshire

    looking for map

    hey, I feel extremely stupid posting this, but for some reason I can't find a version of DOTA allstars compatible with patch 1.31.1 in the maps section. so yeah, I can't find the most popular map ever created. would appreciate any help... thanks!
  30. bruunk

    [Trigger] Need help inverting Backstab Trigger

    Hi, I want to make a skill like Rikis Backstab from dota 2, but instead of the back it would do the effect if the attacking unit is striking from the front. What I know so far is to have a damage detection trigger, condition "if unit has buff", then I have this Then - Actions Set...
  31. Cheshire

    [Solved] how to recreate song of the siren?

    hey all, can I make an ability that casts sleep on every unit in the area (like "song of the siren in dota") and still base it off of an existing ability, or will this have to be triggered from scratch? thanks!
  32. Vulqan

    Where to find Dota icons?

    Please let me know if this is the wrong forum. I've found a whole lot of icons here: Warcraft III Icons and here: Category:Warcraft III Icons But I can't seem to find for example Phase Boots, Berserker's Call, Blade Mail and Battle Fury. This leads me to believe that these icons (and...
  33. Eduardas

    Ambitious AoS with PvE aspects project

    Greetings! With an upcoming of Reforged, my passion for Warcraft 3 was rekindled! And with that I thought of what I would think is really a neat idea for a map. Basically, it is somewhat of AoS your average DotA like map, but a bit larger and has a story and dramatic map changes as Burning...
  34. sonphamthe11H

    Looking For Someone To Work With

    I asked Dracol1ch for the right to make this project and he allow me to use his stuffs We will update it as Dota2 nowadays since Dracol1ch make his version be another branch ( not follow Dota2 updates) I have made the terrain,recoved lots of functions from Draco's map Here is a screen shot of...
  35. Mechanic

    I have questions for good world editors about my map.

    I have questions for good world editors about my new Battleships map. Any good world editors still out there? Somebody who knows how to build Battleships Crossfire, DOTA, Angel Arena, Line War Towers, Capture the Flag, Battle Tanks, Broken Alliances, or Horde vs Alliance. I need help with tigger...
  36. sonphamthe11H

    Idk if I post this in the right place or not but I need some one to help me develope DotA Project

    I recovered lots of those function in DotA,just need someone to make it works,to keep it up to date I can share my script who has well pure jass coding ability and understand what and how I edit the script U can watch this to know how Edit: this video made by Dracol1ch,not me
  37. jj84

    Dota Allstars effect

    Someone can find this effect for me, Lucent Beam effect model on the dota allstars.
  38. GSecurity

    edit map dota 6.88x2

    Hello everyone ! I am completely new to World Editor of WarCraft, however I have extensive experience in programming so I understand the logic of software development. I have these doubts: 1- I would like to know if it is possible to edit the DotA maps as the last one that came out dotA All...
  39. xknight9x

    Duel of Fury (Digimon Aos)

    Hi guys, Decided to post my current project here. It's all about Digimon. Thanks for the abundant resources here and I will give credits accordingly. Do checkout my video pertaining the project: and please subscribe tooo ;). One of the heroes p/s: I think there is no...
  40. DropTheGhouls

    [Aeon of Strife] Suggestions for a Dota/AoS Map

    Hello!, I'm a random 15-16 years old newb. I'm trying to make an AOS-DotA map So, i need your suggestions :D
  41. Krakenn99

    [Miscellanous / Other] Natural Selection

    Natural Selection Created by Krakena with the help of Persuasive and Soylent Download: Natural Selection v0.5b - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com Map Info: Natural Selection is a map inspired by the game "Natural Selection". You have 2 teams: The Force(Humans) and The Plague(Aliens). Player...
  42. Pebble

    [Aeon of Strife] Stones of Magic (BETA)

    Stones of Magic by Pebble Stones of Magic is a 3-Player Custom Map for Warcraft III that I've been working on for a few months now. It's finally at a point where I feel I can release it and hopefully get some feedback. Up until now, only myself and a few of my friends have played the map...
  43. Shaeam

    [Solved] Weird Trigger Issue?

    Essentially I've created a creep system much like DotA's where it spawns a single random group per creep camp. For example; for an easy camp it'll create 3 Centaurs, 3 Satyrs, or 3 Bandits. A hard camp will spawn 3 Demons, 3 Naga, or 3 Tauren. It works fine; if every creep camp is set to...
  44. 2xbon

    WC3 DOTA1

    is the old Warcraft version of the DOTA, otherwise known as DOTA 1 still active/updated? if yes, who does it and link please?? if no... AWwwwwwwww.
  45. Keiu

    [Trigger] False Promise in DOTA

    Hello, guys I tried to make an ability that similar to 'False Promise' in DOTA, the ability can add a shield(with limited hit-point) to a target unit, reduces damage to the unit, if the shield broke, the unit die. So I create a new ability, based on Anti-magic Shell, set the duration time to...
  46. Kakorin(KvS)

    GUI [MUI] Invoker QWER

    So, i was playing with hashtables and i tried to make a invoker qwer system, but it wasn't mui, now i have one, but MUI! Comment your opinion about this subscribe to my channel to see the progress :)
  47. tolist85

    My Lol Videos

    Hi there, I have videos about Lol. I hope you like. The new ones will be coming. Good looking! Have fun!
  48. Alex_mmm0334

    jass programmer Needed

    I am searching for a jass programmer. :cexc: To do a small project in Dota 6.85K Map. I'm paying a good price , [VIA PAYPAL ]:cwink: I would be grateful if you could suggest me some one. looking forward to receiving your comment.
  49. Wardota2 Gamer

    [Aeon of Strife] The Last Defend of the Ancients

    Wardota2 Gamer presents The last defend of the ancients is an AoS-defence surival map.You will be defending the World Tree by using 8 heroes there is no creeps spawning in your team you are only going to defend the World Tree using 8 hereos.The only way to win is by surviving 15 waves of the...
  50. plazma019

    How to make an ability become auto cast?

    I want my hurl boulder become ac. Also I want my hurl boulder targets many enemy. The important thing is to become auto cast