• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Hey. Ugh, now I get notifications if I set one of my posts as a review. Sometimes I do that if I forget to write it directly in Moderate.
    What did he update? The last update was in 2022.

    Why did he bump to top of listings? Is it because of Artemin's' Blackhand the Destroyer '?

    Their title names are the same.

    I guess this may be a Bug.

    Any weird updates today? My account's acting funny. See report please.
    Thanks. It seems to be working fine now. Awkward. Apparently others encountered this issue today as well.
    A particular harddrive on the server was out of space for a moment there. My mistake.
    I've been out of space. Wow! That's really something and I didn't even know it xD
    Hello. Would it be possible to automate the adding of the dummy user Blizzard Entertainment to all Ported resources that have the tag or mention they've been ripped from Blizzard games?
    Hey man. Can we have a bit of a tweak/toggle for the resource search? For instance if I search Medivh it will show some models which have that word in their description but which have nothing to do with a Medivh inspired/related model. So, could the search just filter out the description besides the part where its related to keywords and also consider the model and the resource thread name?
    Hello Ralle, can "hidden" buttons be centered? I tried many things to center them but it doesn't work. I remember they could be centered before HIVE got update but now they just scoot all the way to the left of the screen. They don't work under center BB code either.
    All deleted maps appear in the deleted maps list again, rather than the newest ones. Since the update.
    Isn't that a good thing though? :)
    It is in a way yes. It would be neat if I could actually filter them by last month or so since sorting by date and stuff doesn't quite work well as some might have been uploaded years back but deleted recently.
    Hi. We can't see anyone's resources anymore. And I can't see any of my resources on the homepage either. What happened here? Currently. No one in our China region can see the resources. I don't know what the situation is in other regions.
    Is it because of this update "Make user resources show stacking resources by default."??
    Shar Dundred
    Shar Dundred
    I cannot see any resources on my profile as well (with the exception of one tutorial).
    Thank you for your repair. However, the pending resources are still not displayed.
    Additionally, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were nearly a thousand additional pages of resources (It turned out to be less than a hundred pages). It seems that many hidden works have been restored. However, it is currently unclear which resources can be displayed. I tried to open the resource panel of Murlocologist. I couldn't find the icon he deleted.
    Hey. I might have asked this but don't quite remember.
    Is it possible to make it so that you can see the other users who reacted? Now, it's currently only possible to see the ones that appear in the first part of the list.
    • Like
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    Last I talked to someone about this it seemed like the page had been open for a while and some Ajax-y thing loaded a new message or something. As if page time is old because it's long ago it was reloaded but some content is newer than that. Does that seem to make sense?
    Hey. I am not sure but from what I saw, resources like those from Sounds don't show in View in Use Resources. Is there any possibility for these to appear there?
    Hello. Would it be possible to add a feature for conversations to show that there are still other unviewed messages above the last one as in threads? Currently, you can miss some posts above in convos if you don't scroll each time.
    Hi Ralle, I'd like to request an account deletion.
    I don't actively use hive anymore, and wouldn't want people on the internet to trace my identity back to a website I used when I was 13.
    (There is some personally identifiable information scattered across old posts. I really would want to avoid being doxxed).

    I know Hive doesn't allow user's to delete their accounts, but it should be well within a user's right to take their content off the internet.
    I would've sent you a PM, but with the new UI, IDK how to do that.
    • Wow
    Reactions: deepstrasz
    I'm pretty sure you can set your profile to private, under the privacy tab. Set who can view your account details to "nobody".
    Deleted member 242951
    Yes, but the comments I've made ~10 years ago will still be visible on the forums.
    I'd prefer if my account was deleted TBH.
    Hey. Also Ticking Awaiting Update in Models leaves me with 79 search pages instead of 81 without Awaiting Update also checked. It's weird.
    Did you change it for good?

    Tried downloading InsaneMonster's Undead Campaign Act I and it did say it was downloading then "FAILED!!!"

    Was kinda really annoyed by that, and it's slightly a problem too...
    I changed some technical things to be simpler and thus more transparent. Where are you located and how fast is your download speed?
    Good thing it worked again...

    Thank you Ralle...
    Wow, could you please reduce the posting time for new conversations? It's like 140s before each new one. I wanted to send some messages so not to clutter the "new profile messages" tab but damn...
    hey Chieftain, how have you been? :)
    been alright. i'm just not really active on hive these days, ever since blizz messed up warcraft. now all my tools and knowledge feel old :xxd: now i just do easy vtuber models
    what's vtuber models?
    a digital character that some streamer people use instead of their camera. the amount of movement they can do varies with programs, but they are nifty. the particular format i've chosen to edit is rather easy with just Blender and Unity editor
    Is there a way to save/favorite/bookmark stuff for future use? I know its possible to bookmark threads but i dont see a way for maps / models etc. would be nice
    Oh yeah... Didn't think of that.
    How about reply directly to description of bundle? It's basically first post in a thread.
    • Sad
    Reactions: deepstrasz
    You can already bookmark resources.

    And selecting part of a description to reply to / quote is a cool idea!
    I'm aware of bookmarking since I quoted your and Sleepless' posts. 😆
    Anyway I'm pleased that you like my idea. 🙂
    Hey Ralle, I didn't want to hijack the thread in site discussion for the "oops-- problem" issue since I wasn't sure if it is the same issue. Had another of those messages pop up when trying to access someone's profile: YYY
    This person was unable to upload maps (not a size related issue) to paste because they kept getting an error saying they didn't have permission to do that. And when I try adding their name to a map as author, it won't allow me to select them.
    Was just was curious if this was related to the thread in site discussion or not. It doesn't appear to be a privacy issue.
    Hey, I've been getting some site errors trying to access the site since yesterday: Buggy self portrait
    It also happened after your last login and update post, like hours after that.
    Hmmm. You're not the only one.
    How's Ralle doing?
    Pretty good. You? :)
    50% drunk
    50% concerned

    How is warcraft 3 modding doing these days?
    Things feel a little bit quiet as of the last few months, but generally things have been alright. Reforged gave modding a boost but it was not a silver bullet.
    Mustang is now Aldeia
    Hey. Is there a way to tick with one click all the pre-1.32 map filter tags? I can't seem to find something like that. I'm asking because simply searching by SD or not including the Reforged tag doesn't mean said maps aren't saved on 1.32+ versions and many users consider 1.32+ Reforged even if on SD/Classic mode/graphics.
    Since there's an AI generated section for icons, maybe for models as well?
    That user has been uploading a few such models.
    Hey man, for some reason I can't see deleted maps in Maps by ticking show exclusively. It's hard to follow reuploads and stuff like that without seeing the deleted ones, to check for such rule breaking.
    May I suggest enabling editing of opening posts for threads that get autolocked to avoid spammy posts/bumps to keep them opened to then be able to edit the first post? Also not to bug the mods every time I forget to bump or I have a knack for adding something.
    You may :). But let's see if we get annoyed with reporting first. Or become a mod :)
    I have a question. Will the icons and banners obtained be retained after Hero expires?
    Unfortunately not. But if you become hero again, you will keep the duration you have saved up. For example if you have been a hero for 4 months, you will resume the 4 months when you are hero again.
    Hey again! I guess you must be post-tired of me.
    Anyways, here it goes. Could you please make it so that we could add more tags to map development threads? Since tags in general can't really cover all that a map or even campaign would include gamewise. For instance, an RPG campaign, only a campaign because one map cannot contain everything due to the game's engine limitations.
    Hey chief. I definitely think there should be some map uploading and updating tutorial as plenty users have no idea what they're doing.
    Hey, could you make it so when someone wants to delete their resources it first asks if they are sure and if they don't instead intend/want to update said resource and that reuploading the same after deletion is breaking the rules?
    Yeah... Makes sense. Putting it on the list.
    Hello boss. Can we have mass map upload option, pleeease? 😬
    It can be frustrating to add 10+ maps in one thread by hand after each update.
    Hey again. What about those no thread Hosted Project that instead use Discord? What's the point?
    They link to HIVE, Hive links to them. It's establishing HIVE far and wide :)
    Theoretically, I guess, since those people will use Discord more than HIVE, posting becoming relevant there, not here.
    Hey man. I don't remember if you guys planned more mapper-resource maker interaction experience gain but could/would you make it so that resource makers get some experience if they're stuff is used in maps (like each time their stuff is used they get XP)? I know it won't be too fair for the mappers since nobody is using their maps like that but still.
    But then you have to wonder, how long will it be before we upgrade Retera Model Studio to embed a tag in every single MDX to note if the MDX was made using Retera Model Studio, and then I might start asking since we have this fancy technology then should I get experience every time that a model is uploaded that has the "Made with Retera Model Studio" binary tag inside the MDX?

    What I am describing is a pretty silly idea, though. I already didn't embed anything like that, so it's already too late. But it's funny to imagine diplomatically whether something like that would or wouldn't make sense. I guess I would lean towards thinking it doesn't make sense. But, when I think about it more, maybe I'm not sure why. Just a feeling.

    Well. The thing is. Automatically when people appreciate a resource, they like/rate/etc on it, giving the author exp. So by also giving exp for a use would add even more. But then again. It's all about how much. I think it'd be really cool.
    I also want to show on a resource how many uses it has. It could even be a sort order / filter.
    Footman16 probably set Shido's post as review and thus Shido's post is now seen as Footman16's post in his info about posts: Sluggish turtle
    Back in the day the review was stored in the database without keeping track of who posted it. So some reviews are legacy guest posts.
    OK. But should a moderator's activity show as a post if the moderator mingled with some other user's post?
    Ideally the moderator should post a new review.
    Weird stuff. Users appeared as banned on their activity/reaction giving info around the time (I guess?) they were banned: Sensitive wizard
    Or does it mean he was banned for that?
    Shar Dundred
    Shar Dundred
    The user apparently deleted the resource in question hence the other user's reaction is struck through.
    You can only see it due to being a map reviewer and having access to these maps in the first place.
    It being struck through means it is no longer publically viewable normally.
    Thanks. Did not realize it was a deleted map.
    Oh smart man :D
    "This bundle is marked as approved. It works and satisfies the submission rules."
    Is what it says on Approved resources even though Simple and/or at least Lacking definitely don't fit that statement.
    Although calling something Lacking approved is a bit weird. Oh well.
    Similar to what you said. "This bundle is marked as approved. Refer to the review state for more information."
    Perfect. Just so you get the "go ahead" this time :p
    • Love
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    Sorry for another bother.
    Any particular reason why this thread (page) loads slow like heck?
    The page loads pretty fast for me, but has a lot of assets in one of Draco's threads.
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