• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Good day!
    I'm here to notify you because I created an icon for your Hero_Archon model.
    Here's the icon :) I hope you will allow me :)
    Hey man, lovin' the Avatar avatar. :p

    Also, heard you were in the hospital. You doing alright? :<
    Hey I know you are busy with Modeling Contest #28 but whenever you have time could you let me know whats the word on the space human paladin model, if you still have it of course : )
    Me and FrIkY found some old MSN chat logs and we discussed you there, apparently. :p
    Nothing much. I was just curious.
    Hey I'm doing a map about Warcraft 40,000 years after the events of the frozen throne and I would like your Space Human Paladin hero to be featured in my map as a one of the Alliance's main heroes. I will be posting screenshot updates in my album if your interested.
    Here it is. Of course you could do changes for better looks, perhaps something more dog-like. Also dismiss cinematic animations, later I may need few custom ones. Thanks. :)
    Hey. If you are still stuck with Cerberus, you could go ahead with the new Fel Stalker model and making it with 3 heads, also animated. You could also add some stuff you deem fitting if you wish to. Offering this to ease things up.
    No worries.
    Know anyone who has a model expertise and not in the model request loop?
    I do need a Steel Golem edited with team colour on its shoulders and then probably a Dwarven Flag on its chest.
    Hey. No worries, all of this is not urgent by any means, take your time. :) And let me know if you want that mesh for Cerberus, unless you already have your own and a better one.
    You haven't respond yet about the models, but I was looking through some 3D art and I came across this Cerberus model mesh. I think you could use this mesh, it would only need animations and skin. Despite not logging in for a while, if you are still into that request and if you are interested in this mesh, let me know.
    Hmm... I've been in and out of the Hive for a while, and was looking through old visitor messages and stumbled upon one where you were asking about the import menu failing entirely for the Matrix Eater. It looks like I passed over your message and never stopped by to help get it resolved!

    Did you ever solve that issue? I've had some computer failure recently, and the Matrix Eater does not work on my new machine setup. It's not entirely clear to me why -- it says that the JStormLib.dll library it is using for opening up MPQ files requires some Windows-specific dependencies that my new computer (With a dying install of Windows 10) apparently lacks.

    I've started researching alternate methods, such as a pure-java MPQ reader so that if Java works the Matrix Eater will be more likely to just work. But, I have a ways to go before I finish learning enough about MPQs to make a pure-java MPQ library -- and I haven't found any online. (There was one written to parse SC2 replay files, but apparently it was unable to process the encryption used in WC3 MPQ files.)
    PROXY, have you considered doing something for the Colossus modeling contest? You have until the beginning of June. :)
    I'm sure you could give the contestants there a run for their money. ^^
    Tauer seems to be participating too, which is pretty cool.
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

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    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
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