• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • About that, It seem my Anti-virus doesn't want me to download it, due to the file may contain virus.

    I currently using Windows 7, I can't remember if it has an OpenGL, The graphics, hmmm, just about to be standard Windows 7 graphics. I also got this problem from the last version. It shows those 4 Debug thingies, then I can't see the model texture in perspective view. In the new version, the perspective is completely not visible.
    (If it involves, sometimes I use AnimTransfer, Vertex Editor, Yobguls model converter or those tools that come from Wc3c.net, Its model view is also not visible, only the vertices)
    Thank you, Retera, for your interest, but the event's over (I will have it closed, tomorrow most likely). There were not enough entries and it was not well-received.

    Good luck with your project ;)
    Hey Retera
    I'm getting used to Matrix Eater, I keep watching your Tutorials, but there is something I been wondering, in this image, It doesn't show the Perspective view, and what model I open, its the same as this. Why?

    for the hero glow adder maybe you can make it like this
    when the button is clicked let the user type the size of the hero glow
    and then create 4 point with the right wrapping with the texture scaled to the requested size using origin as the centre and attach it to bone_root
    or maybe add the hero glow model inside the program and when the button is clicked just basicly import the hero glow and attacth to bone root... (this is nice if it is in matrix eater)

    anyway... im just giving suggestion as i know how to add hero glow manually :p but some people don't (just like the disarm) so just make a nice button for them xd

    all your works are great :D keep up
    looking forward to Heaven Fall and Matrix eater :D
    [PS: I have no coding knowledge so if my idea sounds ridiculous and not logic.. im sorry about that]
    thanks, really appreciate it. i was successful at one time though, combining grunt and beastmaster anims. but i guess its because they have pretty much the same bone and mesh structure and i don't have to change anything that much.
    Actually, the only two problems I have are the modification crashing almost everytime, and I cannot access Warcraft III.
    Do you also happen to know how to un-install it?
    (You can also be a big help if you help me with the modification problem, the mod is amazing, I have to admit)
    How do I un-install your modification?
    Unfortunately, I've installed your modification thousands of times, but it still gets tons of errors.
    Like these ones:

    In order to reduce my anger, I tried to play the original Warcraft. It did not work. It said it couldn't find the Warcraft itself.
    So how do I un-install it, mr? (Yes, I've already clicked both the help buttons, I also ran it by administrator.)
    since you make a weapon remover, why not an hero glow adder? just giving idea :)

    edit: i see you make good tools... (they are awesome)
    well if you can... i am hoping someone make an bbcode gui program generater to make editing
    post/thread easier...

    just a request... (because i think this won't be as hard as matrix eater?)
    Could you tell me the most prominent features of the tool/program/cupcakedestroyer that thou art working on is?
    This : Justin Orlbrantz's MPQDraft
    I intend to make my mod similar to old Heaven's Fall version, which runs an executable.

    Is there any guide with the said tool? As I need to get a good grab with it.
    I'm not really good at hacking MPQ editors, so I can't use those well.
    At last, I have found you, mighty Retera! Might I trouble you for information on your Model Creator/Geoset Merger/ Incredible tool who's name slips my mind for I type this message 11 hours after reading of your creations.
    Retera, I lost the tools for making a mod for Melee Maps, did you still have the tools?
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Really awesome modified Victory/Defeat. This should become a standard for people making custom races. =)
    I was wondering if you could somehow turn the phoenix's head and wings into attachments for the villager?
    I know it's exam time but if you have time for those two model edits before the weekend I'd appreciate it.
    Thanks, got it working.
    Try adding archmages weapon to the paladin then removing its head and adding the head of the bloodmage to that paladin, it just doesn't like work.

    Cool program however it seems a bit messy and better off just doing the parts yourself.
    Thanks for sharing it as well making it though.
    So, yeah, nevermind. XD After like... 10 minutes of tweaking around, I managed to figure out what I did wrong...
    Pretty stupid honestly, I forgot to import the melee initialization trigger. .-.

    Thanks So much Man! Works like a charm! :D Nice work ;)
    I'm having issues with your program Disarm, does it even install on the PC?

    It can't locate my data files which I think is the MPQ files right?
    I used your tool to import a grunt into a bear model. I wanted to make a mounted unit.
    But sequences remain different. I want them to play at the same time. Eg: bear and grunt to attack together. How do I do that?

    Edit: you made a BE Ranger for someone as a request, can I use it to?
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