• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • By the way, if you need any help with your project WW2: World in Flames. Feel free to ask us. (; Looking good so far.
    Hey man I moved to Tennessee for 4 months and am just getting home to my computer.

    If you're interested of need it, I'll send you the map again.

    WW2: WiF, that is.
    Let's say I have a fetish for (real) extraterrestrial planets and being on surface of them, so I was searching a game which has to do with solar system.
    Well, I tried Battlezone 1 mostly because it features Solar system, in Battlezone 2 it features some made up planets, that was the main reason I played the game, the gameplay isn't totally my style.
    obviously, I can even play it in 1600x900. I really like it because one of the few games where you go to other planets of solar system, however I kinda have a feeling they used other location to make crappy terrain, it's kinda boring, it looks like came tile over and over changing only height of terrain, no extra props etc. Maybe on Io is better, where Lava damages your tank, but Venus was extremely boring and depressing. Good effort fromt developers however, to set a story on other bodies of Solar system. Oh and I kinda disliked there are no wheeled/tracked tanks.

    We are talking about Battlezone 1 of course

    Now that you mention it, yeah, your WW2 map is realy awesome. The time and effort you've putten in models, instead of using those crappy marine and rifleman models >_> etc., is outstanding. Keep it up!! I definitely would like to see this map fiinshed.

    Hmm, about the vehicle fueling system, perhaps you should also add some Support Trucks, like fueling truck, it could have it's own additional bar, which would represent how much fuel it has(in cistern tank) for others. After completely fueling some vehicles, it would need to go, for example, to a town and refuel itself and it's cistern tank, so it could go to the battlefield and refuel more vehicles. Well that's my suggestion, though I think it would be complicated to make it. (It would probobly refuel units in X radius).
    I see, thank you or the help. Also I checked Amazon, ebay etc and couldn't find 3ds max 5 just books. Not sure if piracy discussion is allowed on THW but I checked that out too and no luck.
    Very well good sir, 5 it is! And for those blizzard art tools, are they like plugins for max or are they like the viewer or magos?
    Well I had max before I reformatted my computer and it worked pretty good. It was an older version I think 2008 or 2009. I managed to make a shield with the help of Skrab, it looked good but unfortunately I had no knowledge of what to do next when I finished the shield, and I lost it with the reformat :(
    Help from you would be great. I'm going to get the trial ASAP, it looks a whole lot different from what I used to make my shield lol. Looks dark :p
    Erm mate ..

    Fingolfin has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

    You inspire me sir. Hope to see more great LotR and Halo models from you. As well as WW2 models :D keep up the great work. I hope to get 3ds max soon and start modeling myself xD
    Hello there,
    You're project sounds really interesting, any chance of making a thread about it, any time soon?? :p
    I see, well as of now i'm basing the models in the map off the models in the movie/game. i get them from the wiki (that's how i did Episoth tree) so i can just send you the links.
    As for the unselectable trees, other people think that too, so i guess i'll give that a try.
    I can give it a try. Descript how icons must to be looks like. I dont know what is currency is (exacly). I have googeled it and I saw mass of images with different types of money. An oil icon is in my mind: a barrel filled up with black oil, and come of it is on the sides (dirty feel xD).
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