• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • I'm good. Still schooling and busy with doing a lot of other activities. I too didn't touch my project. Planning to be back on it maybe on June.
    The map was already rviewed by Flour. It can be seen on Youtube. I added the link in the map description. You can find the map in my recourses.
    I have just uploaded my RPG map in the map section. It was already reviewed on You-Tube. What must i do to make it approved?
    Nu dėl šito tai jau tu geriau žinai, aš tik neseniai prisijungiau, kaip matai :) Smagu girdėt, kad mapus dar vis kuri, tikiuosi pasieksi savo tikslo :)
    Na taip, bet žinant hive narius, juos ne taip ir lengva nurungt :D Ir dar director's cut turi, ką tu ką tu :D Na taip, tiesiog mėgstu kurt originalius spell'us arba dabar pradėjau įvairius mini mapus kurti :)
    Aš iš viso tik vieną, tiek ten kur lošiu, tiek čia:D O čia dar pasirodo senjoras, contestų laimėtojas, nu aš tavo fanas:D
    Oh my, a fellow Lithuanian! Sveikas, ne dažnai pasitaiko, smagu matyt hive bendruomenėje lietuvį :)
    I played your Iceborn map, I love your unbelieveably beautiful terrain, i will try to add some elements into my map.
    I see. So, do you have an idea about what is causing this ? I mean, I've played some big maps/campaign before, but they don't crash.
    I will test your Iceborn today evening. I love your terraining *<>* !! How do you find my item storage system? I have been thinking for a long time if it is really senseful because i am afraid the teleport system could be abused in any way.
    You've won two cinematic contests in a row, congratulations. Tough I noticed something that keeps repeating: slow animation speed (character walking, attacking ...). It feels like your cinematic's are in slow motion, you could fix those issues in your future submissions.

    Other than that, it was great. I really enjoyed the recent " The Struggle" .
    Ah, I see. I'm kind of in the same boat. I haven't used PayPal in years, and I have a Steam account I made within the last year but hardly ever use. I guess we both had our eye on the thrill of the contest and being motivated to create something instead of the prize.

    Well thank you. I'll work out the details with Ralle.
    Are they only giving the money out as Steam gift cards if not through Hive donations? I'm curious what game(s) you'll be getting, because then I'll know a bit of where you get your inspiration from for future contests :mwahaha:
    I really appreciate your offer, but I was just happy to participate. You should keep at least $50 for yourself as a pat on your back or donate the other $50 you mentioned to the Hive as well. But it's great you're sharing with DivineArms, because his voice acting truly is amazing and fit your cinematic so well.

    Watched The Struggle. Very well done. It really conveys a feeling of horror. It is as though something scary is going to show up suddenly at any moment :). Beginning to show the symptoms of a fatal disease always spooked me in every situation. Couldn't rep it says scatter some more to others first :D
    Hello APproject,
    iNfraNe & Anitarf, shall choose the winners from all entrants who have submitted an entry prior to the end of the Deadline. Winners shall be chosen by the panel of judges at its sole discretion. The decision of the contest judges is final. However, should the judges vote for diffrent cinematics each, there will be a poll amongst the Hive administration team. The reason we're not making a public poll, is that since there's money involved people could in theory invite their friends to join the Hive for the sole purpose of voting for them to win the cash prize.
    tnx. I'll see to it. I'm really a mess :(
    I went for changing the picture, but I ended up scratching my head for almost 15 minutes. I didn't figured it out how to do it. I'm really a noob, too :)
    Haha yea, meant the map preview! I didn't actually know about the HQ loading screen method, thanks! :) I also looked up how to change the map preview, was quite simple really hehe
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