• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • hello buddy :)

    I wanna to know, possible detect if the non-hero unit uses reincarnation?

    Or possible detect if the non-hero unit revives by reincarnation?

    For example:
    - Footman uses reincarnation
    so i wanna to move Footman automatically if he revived
    So possible? :/
    Dunno, it's a just-for-fun after all. I didn't seriously coded it (deleted).
    Well I didn't read that.

    - One global dummy could be used for freezing affected units. Creating/removing is not needed.
    I had this several days past, on a different spell test. Just like you said, only one dummy used to cast dummy spell on units in circle. As result, sometimes some unit doesn't get targeted by the spell.
    A bit delay, but here we go.

    Concept: 3/5

    Idea is not unique.
    The idea is to mimic the "Blizzard" default ability in warcraft III, which succeeded.
    It's an AoE spell with falling shards that damage and freezes affected units for certain duration.

    Code: 3.5/5

    The code is a mix of GUI and JASS.
    The user has possibility to config most of the spell in GUI, which is positive for most beginners.
    Core system is written in plain JASS.

    - One global dummy could be used for freezing affected units. Creating/removing is not needed.
    - I find your scan trees functions okay with loc, as well, but here too one global could be used.
    - Imo "IsYInMap" and "IsXInMap" don't have to be seperated here.

    (rating is tending to 4 for me here atm)

    Visuals: 4/5

    I like visuals actually, but for my personal taste the second effect looks to spammy with such a big appearance rate.

    Conclusion: 3.5 -> 4/5

    (Code: 3/5) :ogre_rage:
    Hey how do I get more code rating from you? I know it's quite unreadable, but is there any other?
    I'll see what I'll do. The Spell Submission Rules then make me so unsure of myself and, after all, spells were never my speciality.
    Just a question on the spell I'm making. Is it possible when the missile hits the ground, it damages enemy units withing AOE and another missile will be spawned on the AOE going straight from allied units healing them?

    Its kinda complicated, I just wanna make sure if its possible....
    Hello IcemanBo. I'm messaging you because I need to ask you a question regarding spells.
    Currently, I have a hero spell I'd like to upload which should be leakless but it can only be cast by one unit by each player (at the same time of course without bugs). However, if multiple units cast it by multiple players, it bugs and I don't think there's any way to fix this.
    So the question is: Can I upload the spell without it being rejected/set to needs fix? The Spell Submission Rules don't seem to agree with me but since this is supposed to be a "hero-only" spell, I'm asking anyway.
    Thanks in advance.
    It worked now! I had the stuff in the wrong order.. lamest problem ever.. thank you very much!
    Nope, it does not. No, only cinematic mode.

    Cinematic - Turn cinematic mode On for (All players)
    Cinematic - Enable user control for (All players)
    Cinematic - Turn on letterbox mode (hide interface) for (All players): fade out over 0.00 seconds
    Hello, driving by with a quick question.

    How can http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/spells-569/conversation-system-210776/?prev=search%3Dconversation%26d%3Dlist%26r%3D20 detect key presses while in cinematic mode. It simply doesn't work for me, but there is no special triggers in that system. I don't get it.

    Player - Player 1 (Red) Presses the Up Arrow key
    Game - Display to (All players) the text: g
    Set current_option = (current_option - 1)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    current_option Less than 1
    Then - Actions
    Set current_option = total_messages[(Player number of (Triggering player))]
    Else - Actions
    Sorry! Just participation..
    And btw! Do u think that my post is nothing, I am really played there map and sometimes I forget my suggestion to there map. Again Sorry!
    I think I have to remove the part [initializer init] from the scope name because it runs the function init on the initialisation of the map
    And I want to limit the number of function like that that are runned on initialization
    Hey it's very interesting what you put in my treads

    So can I run a function with an action in an other trigger? (that is not in the scope)
    Just my observation: you have a typo on your signature, it's have to be ScreenShots but you type Screenhots
    Don't worry, I try to not waste anyone's time anyway, I was joking on wasting your time, hope you don't take it too serious :)

    Well, how bout a Blink System? :p
    Currently, sadly I lack ideas for assassin spells, maybe I will go to Idea Factory for some fresh ones.
    Yeah, I will consider that. Some simple assassin style spells would be nice.
    Though all I have in mind is blink, blink and blink xD
    Maybe I'll get recover myself from this bad mood illness soon, can't wait to make another frigging great system to waste your precious time give good quality systems (like Disarm) for the community :)
    Is it possible that a pack of simple spells to get approved?
    I know it's kinda ridiculous to ask this but since I'm making some simple spells into one pack compilation, I thought it's better to ask :)
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