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  • As of right now all factions are one and the same. I have yet to limit temple construction so you can have as may temples as you want in every city (1 per deity though). Might limit it to one temple per city, or one temple per tier (3 tiers).

    Currently the temples purpose are a bit ambiguous, they shall both give small upgrades to the city. (Increase farm production, stronger ships, units, etc. (depending on which god) but also have a global purpose.

    The global purpose is up in the air aswell, but I was thinking that you can use a priest to "worship/sacrifice" to that god, which will improve his/her happiness-o-meter to your faction, over time it goes down and if you forget about him he will punish you, but he can also bless you. Give you a monster to control or such things. (Like Pharaoh and Master of Olympus).

    Haven't yet started on the gods, this demo version is just to reveal some core mechanics and hopefully spur some interest.

    Funny you should mention Hegemony, it is named: Hegemony: Ancient Greece in the loading screen. ;)
    It's gonna be a Strategy map taking place in Ancient Greece, like Fluffs map "Greece". With the difference of it being based more on mythology, so Heroes and Gods will play a larger roll. As well as a new feature of hungry soldiers.

    So it has elements of Hegemony Gold and Age of Mythology mixed into the wc3-strategy genre.

    I have some ideas about city-development too, but not sure about that yet. Would need some feedback after I revealed this early demo-version to decide upon that. But what I can say about city development is that currently every city has its own local tech-tree and a predefined building area.
    Cheeky bastard posting in my albums! I am about to create a Map Project-thead of my own, but I'm not so good with map names... So I wait... ^^

    Have a very early Demo Version in the works.
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

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    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
    Sir Gollum, I have downloaded the JNGP from the link you have given to apcrabnightlive... I have that it is a tool. I'll try this one. Thanks by the way...
    Sir? normal editing only supports 256x256 map. So what should I use? I'm a fan of your maps. :D I really like them.
    I need ideas to make more. I haven't played any medieval themed rts games so it feels like I lack some form of idea or inspiration.
    I haven't played Total War so I have no idea how to remake my map if ever I will work on it.
    I'm asking if it inspired from the Total War?

    Your current template makes me want to redo my medieval Europe map. :) It is really awesome.
    Mind uploading more tiles on the skins section, they seem useful for me. :) How about the grass, dirt, etc

    Wow your Rome tw map looks great, so it will be single player map ?
    You should ask Fingolfin for the Roman and Greece units models ...
    Realy Epic !!! like all other your Maps are !
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

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    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
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