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  • dead-man-walking, only administrators can nullify reputation awards, god knows why. I, for example, do not have such power, even though it would come in handy, occasionally. I say «god knows why» because the administrators are not always available -- in fact, these are small tasks that, personally, I don't feel like bothering them about. Being a global moderator, I do not see why I should be unable to do this.
    Regardless, I believe Pyritie can do it.

    WherewolfTherewolf, you went to his profile and did what he said bothers him. The reputation penalty links to the message in question. I would have accepted what you said if you didn't type it out in colors.

    You really shouldn't complain about colored text in a discussion of colors as people will naturally add color to their post
    galactcus, if you are new, the first thing to do is read the Rules. Many newcomers don't and then complain when they're scolded by the moderators. Reading the rules avoids that exacerbation of user-moderator relationship.

    Misha, done and done!

    sPy, I don't quite get what you're asking, but if the question was: «are moderators the only ones able to give negative reputation?», then the answer is yes, they are.

    Evillizard, my apologies, then. I'll try to always look at people's profiles before giving negative reputation from now on.

    Pharaoh_, I have no idea which post you are referring to anymore. I visited your profile but the reputation penalty is too old.
    Insult? Seriously? There are loads of texts calling the "f" word 10 times in a row and that word of mine was insulting? But hey, it's because of the Report Post, the other ones don't drag your attention, right? If you do want to do the job, do it in a fair way.
    Sorry, I don't want to like reply to this from so long ago, but you gave me -3 reputation. Normally, I accept neg rep, but I was already given neg rep for the same thing. Now, you were giving me neg rep for a slightly different thing (The thing I was commenting about) But you gave me 3 neg rep. I wouldn't complain, but should it really be 3 if I was already punished for it?
    Hey I got question, only those have power can -rep people? Just asking.
    hey brow can i speak with you ? im new and i dont know so much
    about that site :D if you can help me i thanks you
    What's the current status in WEHZ with thread prefixes (solved/unsolved)?
    Do you wish do still have these prefixes?

    I don't really see much point of it, but if you still want it I will keep marking threads as solved. Though, I'm not going to gaurentee I will be doing much of it.
    Can you open back up the Warcraft RP Creations and Screenshots thread? It's closed for no reason and I've got more screenshots of my creations to upload.
    Reputation (+2):
    (Post) The only person in the thread thinking rationally and neutrally. The hive should have more moderators like you.
    I think my posts are only visible to me. The number of views stays the same and my friends can't see them. Is it really like that? If yes, why?
    May I get my map "Throne Assault" unlocked? It was rejected due to a mistake and I have now fixed it and need it unlocked once again.
    Can i ask you to re-open it?:D Because the only map development mod is you. (Pyritie doesn't respond and Hakeem doesn't even exist)
    Zpider, I don't see any albums regarding TKoK. But thanks, anyway.

    Vengeancekael, you should ask for it to be reopened.
    Do you remember when i told you to lock one of my map development threads? So if i'm going to revive that project, should i ask a mod to re-open it or make a new thread?
    I have added a picture in my album that includes useful information on TKoK's latest version (not yet released). Feel free to read if you are curious.
    (0) Would you please mention, whenever you do this, what the player needs to change exactly? Thank you!
    sry, i was in a hurry
    N.O, I'll take a look at the whole thread sometime. If I don't, you can always remind me through private messages.

    dead-man-walking, I think I got back to you on this? It is necropost after 15 days of thread inactivity. But you can always revive the thread if you are on-topic, reviving it for a valid reason and giving a contribution.

    ironinferno, if I gave you negative reputation for doing so, you must have.

    haxel96, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you did. DON'T do it!

    DarkHorse08, it seems CMarket let the Pastebin entry expire. Download it here.

    Sumallo2, kael46 deleted his post, it seems.
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