20:45, 21st Apr 2013
Misha: works well ingame, approved
Misha: works well ingame, approved
Ujimasa Hojo Presents
Ziggurat (Ancient, Nerubian) and Derivatives
Edited by Ujimasa Hojo
Ancient Ziggurat (Optimized) Info:
- Transformed into a functional Building based on the Alpha/Beta. Now Has 3 Tiers.
- The original size is comparable to that of the Undead Ziggurat model.
- Added more details on the first level.
- Fixed some of the minor holes.
- Reworked some of the texture wrapping. Changed the Team Colors.
Ancient Vault (Illidari) Info:
- Created a Vault for the Illidari.
- Uploaded.
- Fixed some of the minor holes.
- Reworked some of the texture wrapping.
Ancient Vault (Zul'Drak) Info:
- Created a snowy version of the Nerubian Ziggurat.
- Uploaded.
- Fixed some of the minor holes.
- Reworked some of the texture wrapping.
Ancient Ziggurat (Zul'Drak) Info:
- Created a snowy 3-tiered Ancient Ziggurat.
- Uploaded.
- Fixed some of the minor holes.
- Reworked some of the texture wrapping.