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Zephyr Challenge #2 - Divine

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Level 8
Dec 1, 2006

Yeah, that's what I thought, never mind. I was trying to find a solution to make my spell MUI, but then I thought of an simpler, yet more interesting spell and I started JASSing. Sooner than I knew, I'm finished, so here's a WIP, I just need some more testing and I'll submit it.


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Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
As for information, voters:

You will all need a reason to vote, rating the spell on these items:
- Spell idea
Your spell should be original, not yet another edited Divine Shield.
- Interest
Is the spell attractive, either because of the gameplay, eye candy or fun?
- Leaks
It is important that the code of your spell is clean. For example a JASS spell should be multiinstanceable as locals are accessible.

giving serious arguments will make your vote count, otherwise, not.

(This is information for the future poll @ Zephyr Challenge #2 )
Level 6
Jun 23, 2005
As for information, voters:

You will all need a reason to vote, rating the spell on these items:
- Spell idea
Your spell should be original, not yet another edited Divine Shield.
- Interest
Is the spell attractive, either because of the gameplay, eye candy or fun?
- Leaks
It is important that the code of your spell is clean. For example a JASS spell should be multiinstanceable as locals are accessible.

giving serious arguments will make your vote count, otherwise, not.

(This is information for the future poll @ Zephyr Challenge #2 )

Another important thing should be how usefull the spell is...
Level 14
Nov 25, 2004
As for information, voters:

You will all need a reason to vote, rating the spell on these items:
- Spell idea
Your spell should be original, not yet another edited Divine Shield.
- Interest
Is the spell attractive, either because of the gameplay, eye candy or fun?
- Leaks
It is important that the code of your spell is clean. For example a JASS spell should be multiinstanceable as locals are accessible.

giving serious arguments will make your vote count, otherwise, not.

(This is information for the future poll @ Zephyr Challenge #2 )
what if a voter has NO IDEA about jass, and for example gives me 0 point in coding because he can't understand a shit
Level 8
Dec 1, 2006

Here's my submission.I've also made 2 sweet models to match the theme. Please if you find any bugs, leeks, ect., PM me.

Heavenly Impact
Creates 2 spheres behind himself, one left, and one right which move to the target point slowly healing ground non-undead allied units they touch. Once they reach the target point, they will collide creating a holy blast that will heal all allied units within 450 aoe 5 times more than normally.
Level 1: Heals 15 hp per touch, 75 upon the blast.
Level 2: Heals 30 hp per touch, 150 upon the blast.
Level 3: Heals 45 hp per touch, 225 upon the blast.


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Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
MUI can also stand for Multiple User Interface- A combination of both GUI and JASS. Custom JASS codes helps with cleaning up leaks
from GUI triggers.

Here is a preview of my spell, Holy Conversion, so far:


The spell is finished, but I will not be telling what this spell does, or submitting it until the last day of the competition. This way no one steals my idea!
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Level 16
Oct 30, 2004
Darknite, if you announce your spell here, then nobody will steal it, its yours. By leaving it a secret, you risk someone else accidentally coming up the same idea :). Your choise though. I might enter if I come up with a good idea. I have one idea already, but it wouldnt be MUI :p.
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
My Spell :
Name : Pending
Target : Allied unit, not caster.
Description :
The hero realeases a wave of holy energy that bounces to the nearest allied unit. If the unit is dead it will be revived and healed for the amount of damage the previous unit had has taken before being healed ( Aka if the last unit had 500 max hp and was on 300hp and the ability was on level 3 (100% of lost health is heale) this unit would be healed for 200 damage ). If the unit is alive it will be healed. The healing force lifts up the spirit of a struck unit and increases his health regeneration as well as giving him a chance to dodge attacks.
This is the basic idea so far...
Level 14
Nov 25, 2004
MUI can also stand for Multiple User Interface- A combination of both GUI and JASS. Custom JASS codes helps with cleaning up leaks
from GUI triggers.

Here is a preview of my spell, Holy Conversion, so far:


The spell is finished, but I will not be telling what this spell does, or submitting it until the last day of the competition. This way no one steals my idea!
is your spell damaging undeads? :S if yes, then you know its not allowed
Level 9
Jul 27, 2006
You should submit your idea/spell early, just incase it doesnt get approved.
Btw |)ark the spell looks realy good, cant wait to see it...
Here's my contest spell:

The user starts regenerating life.Then he chooses 25 random units and heals them to 100%.Then the caster gets +20 to all stats for 10 seconds.Then he randomly regenerates life up or down and finally his life goes to the rate of his experience.


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Level 8
Dec 29, 2006
Well heres my spell, no screenies cuz atm my internet takes like 20 min to load a web page :*(. Anyways

Resonating Purity: Two waves of holy energy emit from the caster, healing any units they touch. When the waves have pulsed (10 pulses @ lvl 1, 15 @ lvl 2 and 20 @ lvl 3) Times, they release a discharge of holy energy, healing any unit within the circle. The circle will get larger with each lvl and will pulse once at lvl 1 twice at lvl 2 and 3 times at lvl 3. One last thing, plz don't PM me cuz of leaks. I know alot of them are there but when i try to fix them the spell stops working.
If anybody knows how to fix this then plz pm me. Any feedback appreciated.


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Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
is your spell damaging undeads? :S if yes, then you know its not allowed

It is yes. Also, you can go back and re-read the rules--they never stated that a spell cannot damage any units--simply that they tend to be less destructive. :emote_laugh:

So yes, part of my spell will heal up to 16 allied non-Undead units and damage up to 16 enemy Undead units. This is not all of the spell though :emote_dribble:.

I will release it here within today or tomorrow.
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
@darknite: I had a talk about the damage thingie in the chat earlier today, and unfortunately the spell can not do any damage :p. Yep, that sucks, but thats how this contest goes.

This cannot be true. The rules of the Zephyr contest clearly state that Divine spells usually "tend to be less flashy, destructive or disruptive."

So they are less destructive, but it is not state in the rules, which I assume have been well thought out and are now set in stone, that the spell cannot do harm to units. To be fair, the rules must not be changed once users (like us) have already begun work on these spells. So then if the rules do not state that they spell cannot do damage, I am petitioning that spells must be allowed to do damage.
Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
I'm Sorry 1)ark_NiTe,
Like I mentioned before :
Divine spells tend to focus on healing and protection. They tend to be less flashy, destructive or disruptive.
-> This includes no offensive spells, since this is not reffering to any holy spell that could possibly damage an undead.

The way of less destructive would be pushing back units, freezing them, slowing them, and so on ...
Level 2
Apr 6, 2006
Here's my spell

"Holy Redemption"
With a lot of struggling I managed to get this spell done after 3 hours.

In a nooby nutshell it creates 4 swirling waves of holy energy and heals you for all the allies those waves hit by the damage those allies have taken. Hence "Redemption"
So if it hits 2 targets
A footman with 300/500 hp
A knight with 700/800 hp
You heal the difference of 300 hp.


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Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
Holy Conversion

Holy Conversion
Leakless, Multi-Instanceable (MUI) spell created within Multi-User Interface (GUI+JASS)
This spell as standing is meant to be implemented into melee-like games, but its properties can be freely modified to fit your own game.

MassTeleport.jpgHoly Conversion - Ultimate

Enlightens the spirit of a target allied unit, converting the unit into a powerful Divine Knight that will soon ascend to heaven. While alive, the Divine Knight has 1200 hitpoints, Spell Immunity, and Devotion Aura. Upon the Knight's passage into heaven, a burst of pure light will heal up to 16 nearby allied non-Undead units for 350 hitpoints each. The light is so intense, that it also blinds up to 16 nearby enemy Undead units, giving them a chance to miss on attacks.

Divine Knight lasts 45 seconds.
Undead units are blinded for 10 seconds.



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Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
*Spell completed, unless i think of something else*
Heres my spell:

Holy Plague
The Cleric concentrates his inner most thoughts into a powerful blast of light. The target unit and up to 4 allied units around it gain a bonus to attack speed and are healed every 3 seconds. This plague affects enemy units but decreases there attack speed and doesnt affect there life. The plague is spread through attacks.

This spell can get very interesting and chaotic in maps with multiple teams.

Goodluck to the rest of the contestants!


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Level 1
May 2, 2007
this is entry for Zephyr Challenge #2

My entry for Zephyr Challenge #2



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Level 2
Apr 27, 2004
doh, well my spell was gonna be called redemption, but I see we have plenty of those, I'll re-do my tool tips and submit in a bit.
Level 2
Apr 27, 2004
Convert Faith

Ok, here is my entry.

Zephyr Challenge 2

Convert Faith
AoE: 450
Targets: Non-Hero, Enemy

When cast, Convert Faith transfers ownership of all non-hero enemy units within a 450 AoE to the caster for 30 seconds.

For every 6 seconds the caster continues to channel, two friendly corpses will be revived. Any unit that enters the AoE
during channeling will be converted as well.

Converted units gain the Righteous Zeal ability, which increases their attack speed by 100%. Caster may choose to stop
channeling at any time, and keep the currently converted units until the 30 seconds is up, but will no longer continue
converting units or reviving.

When the conversion timer expires, control of converted units will return to their previous owner.

** Updates:

Added a condition that allows you to toggle the max number of units converted. See notes in "Range Check"

Original Model Credits go to Blizzard
Edits were made by me for this challenge using magos model editor 1.5


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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Gah, Ive got a few ideas but need a real winner>

Spirit Essence - (Aura)
A portion of all damage recieved by units under the aura is shared amongst/distributed amongst each other.
(Spirit Link Aura - sort of

Brilliant Halo - (Buff)
- Increases target unit's hitpoint regeneration
- Reduces the amount of damage recieved by a %
- If the target dies, with buff, the buff is transferred to a nearby friendly unit.
(The buff's duration carries on with the next target, e.g. 60 second buff duration, if a unit dies after 30 seconds, the next unit will have a 30 second buff).
Holy Redemption

There, my Spell's ready, Holy Redemption (Yes, I could have come up whith something more original :emote_razz: ).

While this spell is beeing casted, your Hero can't move or cancel the spell effect,
hovever he isn't invulnurable either, so watch out for enemies before casting.
This spell first heals every unit whithin 100 range of your Hero for their current health + half the mana to your Hero.
Next the same happens, but now whith a range of 250. Then 500 Range and the last; 900 range.

Formula: (Units current Health) + (Units current Health) + ((Heros Mana) \ (2)) = Health after Spell.
*Cough, about that "Less flashy thing"... Will this spell be accepted, last stage tend to be very flashy... Easily fixed, though..

EDIT: Added Map


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Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
Ok, here is my entry.

"Convert Faith"


This is quite a stacked ability, my friend! But it also has major faults:

-You get control of a mass amount of enemy units, severely unbalancing a game.

-Further throwing off the balance, these new units can attack 2 times as fast, mowing down any remaining enemy units.

-In game, you would get control of these units and ALSO get control of how much food they cost--meaning if it was too much your upkeep would go up, and you may not be able to make any more units if you max it out until the spell was over.

-The special effect of Conversion appears over enemy Heroes as well, though it does not convert them (thank God or this would be unbelievably stacked :emote_razz: )

This is a neat looking and super powerful ability, but I think it definitely needs some work.


Calls the power of God to resurrect fallen warriors and heal living ones.

This is a very flashy ability to submit, Jac. It is a really cool looking one too, though. I really like how the effects make a cross, but I am wondering (I tested it but still cannot tell because too much is going on in the map) does the ability only heal/revive within the cross? Or a circular area of effect? If it is only in the cross that is a somewhat awkward AoE. Good job though.

There, my Spell's ready, Holy Redemption (Yes, I could have come up whith something more original :emote_razz: ).

This isn't actually that flashy, Mephisto, aside from the very end. I don't see a problem with it being accepted. The thing is though, it's not the most well thought out spell here (for a few reasons).

1. It heals EVERY unit in the map owned by the casting Player for each level. (The spell says that the distance varies of the units that get healed)
2. I also notice that you create a "4 Dummy" unit which I'm assuming is a standard Dummy unit, but it never does anything and is never used- unless I am missing something- so these dummy units are POINTLESS and just taking up triggers.
3. I do not think that your special effects are properly destroyed. When you create 4 effects, and then destroy (last created special effect) four times, I think that it is only destroying the very last created special effect, and not the other 3 before it. If true, this spells leaks bad.

Continue to work on it? That's all I can say.
This isn't actually that flashy, Mephisto, aside from the very end. I don't see a problem with it being accepted. The thing is though, it's not the most well thought out spell here (for a few reasons).

1. It heals EVERY unit in the map owned by the casting Player for each level. (The spell says that the distance varies of the units that get healed)
2. I also notice that you create a "4 Dummy" unit which I'm assuming is a standard Dummy unit, but it never does anything and is never used- unless I am missing something- so these dummy units are POINTLESS and just taking up triggers.
3. I do not think that your special effects are properly destroyed. When you create 4 effects, and then destroy (last created special effect) four times, I think that it is only destroying the very last created special effect, and not the other 3 before it. If true, this spells leaks bad.

Continue to work on it? That's all I can say.

KK, will fix it Right awy, about the Dummy unitss, their just some special effects, if you see at the model they use, you can see that. Will correct the destroy special effect thingy...
Level 18
Nov 1, 2006
KK, will fix it Right awy, about the Dummy unitss, their just some special effects, if you see at the model they use, you can see that. Will correct the destroy special effect thingy...

Oh OK, yes I didn't take a look at the dummy units. That explains that issue then. So they aren't pointless after all--good! But you are still healing every unit owned by the casting player in the map for each of the 4 levels. Perhaps when this is fixed, you should also make it heal allies.
But you are still healing every unit owned by the casting player in the map for each of the 4 levels. Perhaps when this is fixed, you should also make it heal allies.

Good idea whith the allies! But I can't figure out how to make it only heal units owned by the player casting spell whithin range, it's one or the other, as far as I can see. Either range or owner. You couldn't help me out here, if it's not against the rules, or something... :emote_sad:
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