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Zandalari Troll Pterrodax Rider

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Pretty basic stuff, but I tried to put some polish on it and it should satisfy some people.

The dino is 95% stolen from WOW, so I don't know if that makes it a "ported model" or whatever.
It worked out pretty well with the wyvern animations though!

Cast point for Spell animation is roughly 0.650 / 650ms
But I'm probably going to change that one anyway eventually.

The thread where the idea and dino model came from: Click Me

  • 4/6/24
    • Fixed green dino's teeth
  • 31/5/24
  • 14/5/24
    • Added 3 spell animations: Throw (acid), Spell and Spell Channel
    • Also added the collision boxes back in (Thanks Lefroit)

Grey Pterrordax Rider (Model)

Solo Green Pterrodax w/ Team Colour (Model)

Brown Pterrordax Rider (Model)

Zandalari Troll Pterrodax Rider (Model)

Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
A very beautiful model :)
I hasten to note that during the attack, the spear does not disappear on his hand...
Or is this model not a javelin thrower?

tbh I kinda already knew this :cute: but I didn't think it was noticeable in-game...
It is though.

I'm working on it.

EDIT - fix't hopefully

Also unkinked the tail in the walks
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Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
for spell will be better if dino split acid, that's my opinion.

I might wait a little longer to see if anyone else has opinions, but otherwise I'm thinking an acid one, and a troll doing red voodoo magic, like Big Bad Voodoo.

Great model! Can you upload the rider-less versions of it, please? :) I may well use it in my Warhammer mod. Thanks!

Yeah, okay. But I'll do the acid spell animation first.
If you're desperate you can get the WOW model from the link in the description.
Level 6
Aug 7, 2022
As I understand it, this was taken as the basis of the model:

Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
As I understand it, this was taken as the basis of the model:

No, just the standard wind rider from the game.

I copy-pasted the WOW dino model's geometry into the basic windrider.mdx and went from there.



Level 9
Dec 12, 2021
Brother, I repeat it again, this model looks very pretty on you. It would be great if you made one of a troll riding a triceratops including some drums on the sides. Maybe something like this: Zandalari Direhorn Rider image - Age of Warcraft mod for Warcraft III: Reforged

You could use the current kodo beast model of the orcs and make some edits, this way the troll race would be complete.

EDIT: You can get the triceratops model from here https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/direhorn-triceratops.303741/
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Always glad to see another (Jungle) Troll model. ^_^

Even though I'm good on Troll flyers (bats FTW), I gotta admit a big flying jungle lizard thing is a pretty schweet way to go. I think the golden mask is creative (even if it looks a bit weird). I think my biggest critique is the 'pterrodax' itself... It's unfortunately too obvious it came straight from WoW, especially in the texture (but to a lesser extent, the animations as well). The style is just all wrong & very clash-y; the WoW textures are smoother & duller than the bright, sharp contrasts of the Wc3 texture (on the rider & some of the accoutrements). You really ought to look into finding a way to wrap it in in-game textures (or perhaps getting a texture artist to help you with a skin).
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
I think the golden mask is creative (even if it looks a bit weird). I think my biggest critique is the 'pterrodax' itself... It's unfortunately too obvious it came straight from WoW, especially in the texture (but to a lesser extent, the animations as well). The style is just all wrong & very clash-y; the WoW textures are smoother & duller than the bright, sharp contrasts of the Wc3 texture (on the rider & some of the accoutrements).

Though I mostly agree with everything, the person who requested a dino rider gave the wow model to use for it. If I was making it from scratch for my own purposes it would be a lot different. Like if I make this triceratops someone asked for, I'll just use standard textures on a kit-bashed frame.
Personally I like the brown and grey ones better as colour schemes.

I tried to strike a balance with the 'accoutrements'; if you take the example dinorider from wow given in the request, it has a LOT of bling. And to me WC3 models usually have minimal bling (relatively speaking) and something I always try to be mindful of is how the thing is going to look in-game versus in the editor. Firstly so you don't waste your time on stuff that has almost no impact*, but also because Blizz did a fantastic job on making models easily readable to make gameplay easier. Or the bling makes it look muddied and busy in-game. That's something I remember Grubby criticizing about Reforged. Oh and the more bling you add, the more niche it becomes in usage, imo. etc. etc.

My final WeLl AcKxTuAlLy is the animations are almost entirely windrider, I only really animated the portraits. technically I also added a bone to make the dino's head frill clip less.

But the more I think about it and look at them, you're certainly right that wc3 textures usually have very strong highlights, like the troll's skin can go from near-black in shadows to white at raised spots. I admit I had that problem drawing for the geomancer.


* I've just been playing around with the priest/kotg/sorc missiles, and the animations change the scaling of the bird's wings on almost every keyframe. What a pointless waste!
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Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
Jeez, just raided Mogu'shan Vaults in Heroic in a recent Pandaria Remix and wondered: what steroids in the hell took Zandalari trolls and their pterodactyls?

look at timy ppl on background...

Wait wtf, is that a normal sized person between their legs?
Maybe shrunk by hex?

Excellent models, and thank you very much for fulfilling my request! After 13 years, I will finally have my Terradon that is not a vanilla-Naga flying serpent :peasant-grin:

BTW I just noticed I broke The dino's teeth in the solo version.

ED2- actually looks like green skin doesn't use Alpha layer....

ED3- fixed
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