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Pterodactyl Troll Model Request

Level 9
Dec 12, 2021
I come to ask for help in case someone who is an expert and could make it easy for me could make me a model based on a pterodactyl without a mount and another with a headhunter troll mount.

I leave you more or less what an image of a pterrodax with a troll mount would look like.

It will be very useful for my troll race map, please someone with a good heart
Pterrordax Mount Troll
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023

Level 18
Jun 4, 2023

So I'm finally have a go at this...

But there seems to be a weird artifact in the linked/original pterodax model.
Most of the planes or vertices.. I think they've been copied over themselves about 4 times.

If you use the plane select tool in RMS and select what appears to be a single triangle, then swap to vertex tool, if you try to create a new plane from the selection, it will say you have 12 vertexes selected. (note it shouldn't create a new plane anyway, as one exists already, but this is giving the game away.)

I noticed the file size became very bloated when I added the dino, but I didn't twig as to why that was. It looks to me like there is a ton of redundancy, so you have the equivalent of 4 dinos without getting any benefit.

More importantly it makes it way harder to add new geometry connected to the old dino stuff.


If anyone sees this, is there a way to cull redundant geometry that is pasted exactly over itself?
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Level 18
Jun 4, 2023

Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
Hopefully this link works?

I always forget how small things will become in-game... you spend all this time fussing over some detail then in the actual game environment you can barely even see it.

Anyway, I think the dino and troll bodies could become a bit bigger, but leave the wings as they are, or slightly smaller. That would show off some details more.
Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
hmm well why does it work on my end then?

I'll see what I can do. Thanks for letting me know.

The model's not opening. Not in the game and neither in model editors. There must be some problem with materials and textures.

I think it was actually a format problem.
I've updated the pastebin with a new model with older format, this one actually loaded into model checker (tho with many issues lol, it's not finished after all).
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Level 14
Jun 11, 2022
It's great, amazing how you adapted pterrodax to wyvern. Although, since there is no portrait, perhaps you could use troll's face rig from Wind Rider and Derivatives to make portrait animations. What are geosets 10 and 11 supposed to be? (picture 1). I also extracted new textures for the bird with color variants because old ones were of low quality, comparison is on picture 2 (old/new).


  • 1011.png
    108 KB · Views: 22
  • textures.png
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  • PterrordaxSkins.zip
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Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
those other bits are leftovers from trying to make some armour.
I want to make a gold/bronze mask for both the bird and the troll.
maybe a breast plate on the bird, and chains holding it to the saddle. Or holding them both on the bird!
lastly maybe bronze claw attachments like in the reference pics.

I don't want to go overboard with the details and fluff, but zandalari stuff is a bit like that right?

Also, we could come up with a new different spell animation but it would probably depend on what sort of spells you were going to give it. e.g. do the spells come from the troll or the bird? Current one is implied to come from the bird's tail because of the scorpion stinger on wyverns.
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Level 18
Jun 4, 2023
I'll do a couple of talk animations tomorrow then dump it here as a beta, see what people think.
btw that new wing skin is a lot better :thumbs_up:

-edit- Bat Rider's portrait is so damn animated. Then you have garbage like dragonhawk. I think this is better than dragonhawk but still needs a bit of polish :/
I never noticed before that gryphons don't even have talk portraits.


Here's the "beta", pterodax_057.

2 portraits, 1 talk. Haven't done all the extents or checked the other little fiddly bits.
I'm not happy with the saddle but also need a break -_- lol


  • alphadax.PNG
    290.8 KB · Views: 18
  • troll_pterodax_057.mdx
    443.5 KB · Views: 7
  • betadax.PNG
    176.2 KB · Views: 13
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