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[Campaign] Xar'aysia: collapse of Kanarac

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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

[E]clipse Presents
Xar'aysia: Collapse of Kanarac
Created by [E]clipse


"Xar'aysia: Kanarc's Collapse" is an epic Single Player RPG campaign with its own lore, and a bunch of customizations added over vanilla WC3.
New gameplay systems include crafting, alchemy, professions, stealing, treasure-hunting, temperature, souls, combat points and a lot more.

# Lore

Kanarac was once revered as the mightiest of all dominions in the continent of Xar'aysia. Their people spoke of the coveted riches, lush green grasslands and bustling trade routes. The kingdom's foundation, like a spire, stood stalwart in the way of perilous times. Blessed with it's geographical location -- criss crossed by rivers and surrounded by rainforests -- Kanarac had a thriving economy. Not one citizen was bereft of grain or coin.

Kanarac's religion and devotaries were consecrated to the three elder gods - honor, wisdom and creation. The church of Honor -- the first of the elder gods -- formed the center for their military culture and philosophy. A footman's worth was never to be judged by physical might alone. The most honorable men were found not in the royal court, but in the Amberwatch - the King's honor guard and the strongest battalion in all of Xar'aysia. It housed masters of both the blade and the mind, and its edge was consigned to the king Xaras's life. Armed with cobalt blades and gleaming armor, their fables alone were enough to deter any rival kingdoms. When mired in war against hostile dominions, the Amberwatch was Kanarac's last line of defense. When called to arms, it swept across battlegrounds like a high tide.

It seemed as if the Kingdom had peaked in human ingenuity - pushing boundaries of science, scholarship, religion and strength.

Centuries of peaceful rule met a bitter end however, when the undead legion ravaged the Kanaraci lands. The scourge arrived with reanimated corpses, disembodied spirits and insidious acolytes. This sudden uprising of the undead caught the King's honor guard in a moment of shock. The Amberwatch found itself unable to fend off the death knights, eventually falling to the rampage. Following it's fall, Kanarac was but a land of blight - it's streets were burned, bazaars looted, men slaughtered and houses ransacked. The Kanarci throne was now usurped by the undead lich king.

Surviving members of the Amberwatch fled the kingdom, scuttling into rebel camps spread sparsely across unclaimed lands with harsh climate. One of these camps -- situated in the barrens -- holds a direct heir to the Kanaraci throne - the last of his bloodline, Valcois Tirith.


The campaign features the following treasures and a lot more ! :

[+] A vast and attaching story line for the players.
[+] Three unique heroes.
[+] Numerous secrets in every map, waiting to be uncovered.
[+] Challenging Bosses
[+] Hundreds of custom items
[+] A combat skills system
[+] A Stat manager system
[+] A profession system to earn gold and resources.
[+] Custom triggered spells.
[+] Custom Resource : Lives
[+] Custom Resource : Stat points
[+] Custom Resource : Honor.
[+] A wide variety custom skins, models, icons etc (thanks to the generous modding community on hive)



Indra'Niel , The Prime Watcher
Advisor to King Xaras, and a devout follower of the Xar'aysian school of philosophy. It was said reported that Indra'Niel had fled to Westkeep in the aftermath of the Siege of Kanarcac, but nothing was heard of him since. Presumed dead.
Epithet (Power Element): Light
Role : N/A
Player Controlled: False


Valcois, The Burning
Son of Xaras Tirith. His name means "hope" in Kanaraci. He trains alongside the King's old guard in a rebel camp set in the deep desert. He leads the old guard on expeditions to uncover the wilderness of the barren lands.

Epithet (Power Element) : Fire
Role: DPS/Tank
Player Controlled : True




These are a few screenshots. enjoy !

Image description : Chapter 1

Image description :Boss Fight Dareun StormAxe

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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

My is running low on battery and I'm tired.
I'll update the thread later this afternoon, after I'm done with school.

Feel free to leave feedback!

EDIT: Updated screenshots, fixed typos in View lore section. The lore will need several revisions however. English isn't my first language.
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Hey I already saw this in some profils :) good luck with this campaign, it's very interesting.

Thanks, the screens will be updated tomorrow though. I've changed a lot of props and updated the UI.

Zashara ≈ Azshara oO
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I tried your demo, you should change the name of the creep, as we are in another world
The map is only a terrain demo, not a gameplay alpha.
The centaurs are called "Horsemen" in my world :^)
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

The orcs call the centaurs like this in warcraft 3 :)

I mean change the name ;

mur'gul --> n'ralh , for exemple :)
Yes the Orcs do, but N'rahl is a good name! thanks !

I demand blanc lines and structure in general for the story plz. It's kinda a wall of text now.

I've broken it down into 3 paragraphs now. Also noticed some typos. Thanks for the heads up :)

Pending action items for the thread:
1. The credits.
2. The progress chart.
3. The characters list.

Just in: the thread was updated just to add some screenshots
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Can any of you folks help me out with a bug?

The player always gets a random race at the start of the game, even when the race is fixed to human in the map's scenario.
I have a solution that could work (in theory), but that would increase the map's size by 4 MBs.

Is there a simpler way to do this ?
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I played it and I have to say, I like it. It reminds me a bit of 'The Chosen Ones'.
I really love the systems, they are simple from the regards of the player but promising.
The UI is very well chosen and the gameplay is rather easy.

Some things:
  • An empty vial tooltip is wrong ( the one you can buy at the tavern)
  • I think the 'Interact' button does not work, as it overlaps with the 'Move Box'
  • 'Summoner's Wand' has no mana cost information

Suggestions ( based on personal impression):
  • Add more custom stats than only attributes, maybe change them to things like 'Dexterity', 'Hunting' or 'Survivability' and so on.
  • Coming along with the custom stats, what do you think about adding things like block chance, evasion or critical strike ? Natural stats, like a hero evading an attack or causing bleed due to critical hit and such
  • Reduce tooltip information and background text a bit
  • Add uniform tooltip information, that means that the ability level information is at the same place for every ability
  • Don't make the cinematic start immediately after the hero enters the area, but make the UI slowly fading into black and pausing hero and then start cinematic
The project is promising and I look forward to see more content!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
NOTE THAT I ONLY PLAYED HALF OF THE CHAPTER! some opinions might be slightly invalid because of that.

killed the orc with whosyourdaddy, key did not drop, could not continue

Map Name: Xar'aysia the fall of an Empire
Version: Chapter 1
Author: demon_slayer20

Bad overall, not exactly anything specific. Lack of decoration objects among others, I think you know how good terrain look without me trying to explain.

The usual slay everything that moves gameplay, abilities made it a tad more fun though. Possible that it would be different in other chapters though.

Hard to judge in one chapter but the story seemed confusing to me, mainly due the complicated faction names. I also felt like you threw a lot of key info at the same time. Basically there was no casual talk inbetween, only important stuff, gave me no time to 'melt' the information.

Seems like a campaign focused on survival, rather unique I'd say.

Decent potential, lacking as it stands right now though.

Rant Section[r]
-swap places with the "7 years after the fall of..." and "press esc to skip cinematic" I think it will look a little better.
-If you cancel the cinematic all text messages should be cleared.
-Rather than displaying *full quest description* in a message do something like "Main Quest: *quest name* - check the quest log for more info"
-The flamebird skillshot is way too quick, the flames are spawned before the bird has reached that point. The flames should be spawned under the bird if possible.
-You use a lot of custom words in the first chapter, this makes it hard to get a grasp on the story. For example, "This is an *race* camp!" > "This is one of our camps!"
-claiming to be 'just a traveler' is so stupid. I am just your average traveler with expensive clothes and a giant mace travelling though a barren waste land. Yeah, sure. Who would believe that?
-A paladin do not encourage vengeance, it's pure lore-rape unless he is a 'fallen' paladin meaning he has lost faith in the light and is a paladin no more. (more or less)

Reviewed by[r]
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Hey everyone, I'd like to mention that the current playable version is a preview, and not the actual gameplay.
I'd like to get everyone's review once I upload the actual map xD

Also, thanks to Chaosy and Ardenian for their review and ideas!

@Chaosy: Sorry for not mentioning it, but the version I uploaded was a map preview, not the current state of the game xD
Appreciate the review nonetheless! You can join the waitlist to get an actual playable demo of the game as soon as I release it :)
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

@ LordofChaos201, I already said that it is not the demo.
And the letterbox problem is fixed in the recent version, try to press “Esc” to skip the cinematic in the older version, that may help.
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Okay, So the thread was updated again with:

[+] Added a Characters section.
[+] Added two characters, Valcois and Indraniel.
[+] More screenshots
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Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
1.Phoenix fire moves tooo fast(flaming bird) you can't see that it's a bird, it looks more like his shooting lasers out of his hammer

2.When you interact with a anything Valcois personal chest is spawned

3.No difficulty setting provided, games too easy

4.fishing herbs orc tribe... they are all not yet implemented

I like the game, I would play it. I just think you need more ways of making gold and more ways to level up. Other then that, it's cool(maybe you can introduce a battle arena or a fighters guild)

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951


But I realise you were trying to help, so thanks, I really do appreciate it. :D:thumbs_up:
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I Agree with everything Chaosy and Ardenian said. They mentioned things that I Forgot to for you :)

I've implemented all of them except some terrain enhancements, which is currently under development.
New units added, Creeps.


An In game panel has been implemented to keep track of the player's stats, souls, location etc. and replaces the game codes with abilities.

Like a Healer ability that uses a healing bottle to restore hp. When a healing bottle is picked up, the item automatically transfers to the Game Panel.
It has several other abilities and a rewards section :D

Any thoughts about this new system?
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Thanks Arad MNK, I'll fix it.

Indra'niel is an NPC (in this campaign, at least).
He is the father to one of the Player Controlled heroes called "Fen".
You only get to see him in prologue and epilogue, though I intend to sprinkle information about him in some places all over the game.

EDIT : Typo Fixed !
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Okay so I was looking forward 2 make another stat for valcois called dexterity which helps him evade attacks and fast attack + action. Thanks 2 ardenian for the idea. Can anyone give some basic ideas and tips 2 do this ? I mean I cannnot think of a base trigger idea for it. Evasion using triggers and stuff....




Okay so I was looking forward 2 make another stat for valcois called dexterity which helps him evade attacks and fast attack + action. Thanks 2 ardenian for the idea. Can anyone give some basic ideas and tips 2 do this ? I mean I cannnot think of a base trigger idea for it. Evasion using triggers and stuff....

Hm, I think the best solution would be to add a hidden spellbook containing these abilities.

There is another way to add custom stats, like block chance, counter chance, evasion, spell power and such. It is much more complicated tho as it requires to trigger the whole damage dealt.

As I said before (VM), it might be a better idea to first finish other issues before thinking of custom stats. It might be too complicated to add custom stats to a campaign, as it is rather useful for RPG's like Gaia or TKOK.

I would suggest you wait for other opinions before go for it.
In my opinion, a simple stat system with Str, Ago and Int is too simple, but, well, it is only a personal feeling.
I am glad if you like the idea, but please don't jump the gun on it.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I would suggest you wait for other opinions before go for it.
In my opinion, a simple stat system with Str, Ago and Int is too simple, but, well, it is only a personal feeling.
I am glad if you like the idea, but please don't jump the gun on it.
It's been on my mind for a quite a while, actually. So I don't think I'm jumping the gun. :)
I'll give it a second thought still.
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Well, in personal opinion, there are basically two different kinds of stats per attribute:

Active Attribute Passive Attribute

As active, you deal heavy damage, you are slow, but your damage output is high.

Stat increase: +Damage, +Lesser HP, +Lesser Critical Chance

Role: Off-Tank

As passive, you are at the very front taking back damage and protecting allies.

Stat increase: +HP Regen, +HP, +Lesser Block Chance, +Armor

Role: Main Tank


As active, you deal high damage with a fast rate, you are specialized in killing enemies and being a bounty hunter.

Stat increase: +Greater Damage, +Attack Speed, +Critical Strike

Role: Damage Dealer

As passive, you are able to trick your enemies, dealing damage but also confusing enemies, being able to withstand some damage.

Stat increase: +Evasion, +Block Chance, +Armor, +Lesser Damage

Role: Off-Tank, Off-Damage Dealer, Support


As active caster, you deal damage based on your magical powers.

Stat increase: +Spell Damage, +Spell Critical Chance, +Lesser Mana, +Lesser Mana Regen, +Lesser Damage

Role: Damage Caster

As passive, you stay behind you allies, supporting them with powerful buffs and healing

Stat increase: +Healing Power, +Mana, +Regeneration

Role: Off-Caster, Support, Healer

That's how I see this.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Whoa, thanks! I'll save that table, it's really useful.
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Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Going with the version you sent me, don't know if it's been updated.

* First loading screen is blank.
* Valcois' fireball should be set higher, he looks like he's kicking a burning soccer ball around.
* Dialogue has some strange random capitalizations and grammar errors. You should also avoid putting ellipses everywhere, it makes them read like they're trying to make everything dramatic.
* This Odin guy is referred to as Odin Neil, Odin'Neil, and Odin.
* ... Waterbender? Really?
* The end of the first cutscene goes on for too long with no one doing anything after the final sentence.

And bug: After the cutscene, the game was stuck between the cutscene and the game, with the menu accessible and the screen moving around, but no response from the units. I was able to restart it and skip the cutscene, that worked.

* Valcois doesn't have an Attack command. In fact, all units seem to be limited to Move and Hold Position.
* Summoner's wand description is the Heart of Aszune.
* Wrath ability also silences enemies.
* There's an invisible tree (only the shadow is there) between a group of quillboars and owlbears, not long after you get the combat points tip.
* Units killed via Immolation don't seem to give combat points.
* Zorath doesn't give his name during the cutscene. He also ends up staring at a tree to the side of the gate after the cutscene. I can't say I really like the way he gives the quest, why doesn't he know where the portal is but knows where the keys are?
* The portal message is too low, it's half hidden by the minimap. Same for the alchemy message.
* City houses in the Barrens looks off.
* The Empty Vial item for sale is called Ring of Protection +5.
* Typing "-fishing" does nothing. The fishing cooldown needs to be a lot shorter.
* Big empty terrain south of the pond.
* "Xar'aysian Camp" is enough for the location, you don't ", the" after.
* The music (Arthas' theme) doesn't stop looping after the cutscene, it gets very repetitive. Put some different music in the campaign.
* Why is the orc just outside the village?
* Using Interact on Zorath teleports your box to you.
* After killing the orc, he doesn't drop anything, and you can't leave his arena. The runes continue appearing and disappearing as well.

That's pretty much it for now, I'm stuck behind the boss.
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

You played the wrong version and I admit it's my mistake for uploading a preview without a demo.
Bugs you've mentioned are already fixed, and the summoners wand is now a one use item.
The game is slightly harder, but I doubt it'll be much of a challenge if you found the current preview a cakewalk.

The new one uses a custom tileset from wcunderground, and valcois has 6 spells.

Thanks for taking the time to review, and sorry for the confusion.
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Thanks, Disasthorm.
And yeah, the LotR reference is intentional (primarily because I can't come up with names :()
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I've some tests to deal with at school, so progress has been fairly. I'm on a mobile phone right now so excuse the grammar.
Anyway, onto the updates.

The new version includes :
1. All bugs fixed.
2. Leakfree combat skill system with negative CP when killing an innocent.
3. Critical stat.
4. Boss AI improved.
5. Epithet fire spell deals more damage and has a separate special effect.
6. Wildfire spell (created bt daffa the mage on request)
7. All new terrain tiles from wcunderground.
8. Custom and powerful creeps.
9. more !
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Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
1. All bugs fixed.
2. Leakfree combat skill system with negative CP when killed a innocent.
3. Critical stat.
4. Boss AI improved.
5. Epithet fire spell deals more damage and has a separate special effect.
6. Wildfire spell (created bt daffa the mage on request)
7. All new terrain tiles from wcunderground.
8. Custom and powerful creeps.

1. Yay!
2. That's better!
3. What's That?
4. Yeah, the Boss was Stupid!
5. Better and Bettter!
6. As an Ultimate right?
7. Better Terrain = Better Rating! (Add more doodads too IMO)
8. Now we are Talking!

9. more !

More Specific Please!

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I'm planning an update on 18th of this month, I have some exams I'd like to do well in. :)
(Mother doesn't let me use my laptop during exams, so I'm on my phone :()

@ AradMNK, Thanks and the wildfire is not ultimate, Each hero has 6 basic upgradable spells and some spellbook spells. All of em are custom
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

There are >6 spells, and 6 level-able primary skills.
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

@Remixer, Well, that's an old and outdated screenshot. Now I am using wcunderground terrain tiles.

But I think removing pathing for placement is a good idea. Thanks!
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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Okay... the development will be on hold until 17th July.
Currently, I need everyone's help for something.

What do you guys think of ultimate abilities?
I'm thinking about experimenting with a no-util skillset for all heroes.
They'll just have 6 regular spells. Personally, I feel like ultimates, while good to have, take too long to obtain and level-up.

I need you people to vote on it, and also give me an idea for a spell.
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Level 17
Dec 11, 2014
Ultimate is needed.

What kind of spell? Ultimate? Fire? Thunder? Passive? Active? For Valcois:

Ultimate Fire Active:
"Wrath of Xara'aysian flame"
Mana cost: 200
Damage: 200 x Ability level
Healing: Number of units affected (excluding Valcois)x 10 x Ability level
Range: 1000
Valcois releases the bonds of nature, Creating a blast, burning all enemies near Valcois. The wrath also Heals Valcois, taking the life from units affected. The Units under the effect also gain a Buff that deals 100 damage Over 100 seconds.


Map Reviewer
Level 33
Feb 19, 2011
Ultimate is needed.

What kind of spell? Ultimate? Fire? Thunder? Passive? Active? For Valcois:

Ultimate Fire Active:
"Wrath of Xara'aysian flame"
Mana cost: 200
Damage: 200 x Ability level
Healing: Number of units affected (excluding Valcois)x 10 x Ability level
Range: 1000
Valcois releases the bonds of nature, Creating a blast, burning all enemies near Valcois. The wrath also Heals Valcois, taking the life from units affected. The Units under the effect also gain a Buff that deals 100 damage Over 100 seconds.

Always place the description on top, never below the stats.
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