World War One: ISH v3.3

World War One: ISH Version 3.3

A World War One strategy game made by me with testing and support from Clan WW1 (now dead) and Clan QUAM, World War One: ISH relives the Great War in its trench warfare, massive artillery usage, naval combat, deployment of chemical weapons, and much, much more from the strategic perspective. Following a historically accurate timeline, there is little deviation from the actual course of events that is not caused directly by the players' actions during the game. Will the war remain an Entente victory, or will the Centrals triumph?

  • Trench warfare.
  • Nation-specific infantry and trenches.
  • Historical timeline.
  • Artillery, mortars, and gas.
  • Naval combat, including submarines and torpedo boats, as well as more conventional warships.
  • Naval merchant trade for increased income.
  • Capturable cities and ports which provide income and trade.
  • Automatic wartime production of infantry, mortars, and materials to ease macromanagement and focus the game on the battlefields.
  • Ability and construction hotkeys mapped to QWER for ease of use.
  • An epic battle over Europe!

<3.0 screenshots coming soon seeing as the old ones were so outdated>

What does ISH stand for?
Insert Suffix Here. The name was originally a placeholder, but it became an in-joke with my friends and sounded good, so it stuck.

Possessions are not historically accurate - for example, Italy controls French West Africa. Why is this?
While the land held by the Entente and Central powers is historically accurate, it is to some extent distributed among the players so as to improve gameplay.

How many players should be in a game?
The game should ideally have at least 10 players - any less and it starts getting quite hard to control your team. 12 is ideal.

Why are there so few doodads and other terrain features?
There were more in the private betas, but I got fed up with them obstructing the camera and pathing, and deleted them all (later re-adding trees in strategic positions). I doubt I'll ever add more unless someone comes up with a feasible way to incorporate them.

<X> is imbalanced. Can you fix it?
We've done a lot of balance testing on this, but all this testing was with experienced players who know the game inside out. As such, there are likely imbalances in more conventional play, and feedback is appreciated. Please post a comment or send a private message!

Planes were important in World War One. Will they be added?
They actually weren't that important, outside of observation balloons for scouting and planes for shooting them down. Beyond that, I never really got around to adding them. They may show up in later versions, but I doubt it.

Many historical events are not included. Are there plans for their incorporation?
I tried to keep the timeline simple, mostly strictly sticking to countries joining the war. As such, it is likely no events other than the Russian Revolution and entry to the war will be included.

Why did you choose not to use a preview image?
I'm actually looking for a (legal) preview image, but as of yet haven't found one.

Why is North America where it is?
I had it shrunk to fit it on the map without extending the size beyond the already large 256x256, and the placement is to reflect the long travel time between it and the mainland while again not extending the map size.

<A commonly recurring question>
More to come! Feel free to post your questions as comments if you have any.

Warships - Destroyer.mdx - Illidan(Evil)X
Infantry - arquebus.mdx - Mechanical Man
Machine Gun (Unpacked) - germanMachinegunner.mdx - Pyramidhe@d
Artillery - artillery.mdx - Kofi_Banan
Artillery (Packed) - artipacked.mdx - Kofi_Banan
Transport - merchantship.mdx - Kofi_Banan
Submarines - UBoat.mdx - Illidan(Evil)X
Torpedo - rocket.mdx - WILLTHEALMIGHTY (modified by me)
Renault-17 - TankT34.mdx - Illidan(Evil)X
Mark Tank - Mark-V.mdx - Kofi_Banan
APC - M113 APC.mdx - Kofi_Banan
Town - basichouse.mdx - Ergius

Destroyer/Cruiser/Battleship Icons - BTNGaussRifle1.mdx (2 and 3 for cruiser and battleship) - The_Silent
Sonar - BTNRadar.blp - SantoRayo[iP]
Torpedo - BTNSharkMissile.blp - WILLTHEALMIGHTY

James7 - Europe (shape)
Trench] - City placement

TimerUtils by Vexorian at Wc3Campaigns.
JassNewGenPack by PitzerMike, SFilip, PipeDream and Vexorian at Wc3Campaigns.
LlamaNamedOsama - World War One: The Road to War. Without this map I would never have had the inspiration to make my own.
(Supremacy 1914) - for inspiration as to the design of some aspects of the map. A great browser game.

Wall of Shame (Special Thanks) (All @USEast)

  • Fixed all the rivers to prevent people from creating inland transports.
  • Fixed a bug which caused Russian capitals to revolt if captured by Pink after the revolution had occured.
  • Decreased the price of naval units.
  • Bulgaria gains 1 howitzer, 4 mortars, and 10 infantry when Rumania joins, and an additional 1 howitzer and 10 infantry when southern Greece joins.

  • Fixed the submarines for real this time.
  • Fixed a bug which could leave Germany in control of certain British infantry near the Netherlands if Britain declared war on the Netherlands.
  • Fixed a bug which could allow Russian dependency capitals to revolt multiple times.

  • Fixed the fact that Russia, not Austria, received the two submarines.
  • Nerfed machine gunners.

  • Massively reduced income from trade.
  • Reduced France's income.
  • Added two submarines for Austria at Sarajevo.
  • Gave Morocco to France.
  • Different types of gas should no longer stack.
  • Slightly reduced Machine Gun damage.
  • Increased the cost of shipping units to Greece.
  • Increased the build time of Russian Infantry.
  • Fixed some pathing problems in Portugal and the Alps.
  • Fixed some stone display problems in Berlin and Port Said.

  • Fixed a bug preventing players from constructing most structures introduced in 3.2.
  • Fixed a bug allowing gas to damage neutral units.

  • Slightly increased trench and fortified trench build times.
  • Slightly reduced trench damage.
  • Slightly reduced trade income.
  • Slightly reduced mortar area of effect.
  • Greatly increased machine gun attack speed.
  • Made the Egyptian-Ottoman border slightly better defended.
  • Added more mountains to the Ottoman coast.
  • Slightly reduced gas howitzer attack range and damage upgrade amount.
  • Increased UBoat move speed.
  • Added one cruiser to the London dock.
  • Removed one Destroyer from Germany.
  • Added two UBoats to Germany.
  • It is now impossible to drop Berlin by sea.
  • Sharing control now shares the ability to build units as well.
  • Repositioned some of green's units.
  • Increased the size of the Russian army at the Crimea.
  • Trenches can no longer attack cities, barracks, factories, research centres, shipyards, and trade docks.
  • Moved Sevastopol's factory to Riga.
  • Removed Surge.
  • Howitzers are now harder to snipe with infantry (more health and infantry do less damage to them).
  • Removed all British and French starting mortars due to historical inaccuracy and to give Germany a slightly larger starting advantage.
  • Removed the Belgian and Luxembourg trenches.
  • Gave another howitzer to Serbia.
  • Added a trench for Austria on the Russian border.
  • Repositioned the barracks at Sarajevo.
  • Added a trench for Hungary above Sarajevo.
  • Added a transport for the Ottomans.
  • Made the rivers to Berlin and Paris blocked from the sea to prevent transports.
  • Added a German trench near Belgium.
  • Gave Austria two more trenches in the Alps.
  • Added two mortars to Sevastopol.
  • Increased medic heal rate.
  • Increased the food production of Belgrade by 20.

  • Fixed a critical bug where debug mode somehow managed to stay enabled in 3.1b.

  • Reduced the value of merchant ships.
  • Fixed a pathing problem allowing players to enter Italy before it joined the war.
  • Fixed a bug causing Russian capitals to not revolt if taken by protesters after July 1917.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause supply ships to get stuck until a player manually resumed them.

  • Fixed a bug limiting accessibility of the Italian-Serbian ferry point.
  • Weakened Surge.
  • Increased Surge cooldown.
  • Fixed some blocked ferry points.
  • The Balkans are now more mountainous.
  • Removed 4 infantry and an armoured car from Port Said.
  • Added a system allowing Britain and the Commonwealth to send supplies to Greece once it enters the war.
  • Slightly reduced the Commonwealth's income.
  • Slightly weakened Russian infantry.

  • Damage per second of all ships reduced by roughly 50%.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Romanian howitzers to start owned by yellow.
  • Fixed a pathing problem in northern Romania.

  • Increased Torpedo Boat build time by 30 seconds.
  • Decreased Torpedo Boat health by 100.
  • Submarines now kill merchant ships in a single attack.
  • Sonar must be researched once again.
  • A timer will let players know whether their surge ability is at full power.
  • New terrain.
  • Orange now gets Iceland if Denmark enters the war on the Entente's side.
  • Renamed Jerusalem to Beirut to reflect its geographic location.

  • Infantry now automatically load into trenches bordering enemy nations upon the game start (or when the country joins in the case of late joiners).
  • Surge is now on a per player timer rather than per city. If used within that time, its effect is severely limited.
  • Returned the battleship to Germany's navy.
  • Removed a factory from London.
  • Added a barracks to Paris.
  • Added a barracks to Hamburg.
  • Machine Gunners now cost 150 gold rather than 200.
  • Reduced the damage, cost, and health of trenches.
  • Locked the time of day at noon.
  • Added new Fortified Trenches which cost more and take much longer to build, but are much tougher than regular trenches.

  • Research system reverted by popular request.

  • Now 1.24 compatible.
  • Trenches are now weakened for five seconds after being bombarded by artillery or ten seconds after being last struck by gas.
  • Gas is far weaker, and more intended for suppression fire.
  • Gas is far cheaper.
  • Howitzers and Heavy Artillery now do less damage.
  • Fixed several pathing and placement issues.
  • Removed a battleship from Germany's navy.
  • Gave the Ottoman Empire a special cavalry unit which replaces the default one.
  • The Ottoman Empire now starts with a small cavalry division.
  • The Russian Revolution should work flawlessly.
  • Russian Revolutionaries spawned in July 1917 are now owned by Bulgaria.
  • Researches are now given randomly when you invest in the "Research" upgrade.
  • Sonar no longer requires an upgrade.

  • Removed one howitzer from Serbia.
  • The victory trigger is now functional.
  • Added a path between Sarajevo and Montenegro.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented Germany from properly using troops they gained if Britain declared war on the Netherlands or Denmark.
  • Lowered gas research time.
  • Dramatically increased the slots used by tanks and armoured cars in transports.
  • Reduced the area which revolts during the Arab Revolt.
  • Reduced the amount of men and howitzers acquired by the Commonwealth during the Arab Revolt.

  • Fixed a bug preventing movement in the Arab area after the 1916 revolt.

  • Fixed a bug which caused the factory at Copenhagen to be hostile.
  • Added the Arab Revolt in the Middle East.
  • Mortars now correctly increase their damage when upgraded.
  • Fixed a bug causing torpedoes do extremely low damage.
  • Reduced Serbia's income.

  • Strengthened Mustard Gas.
  • Made all gas Unique Cast.
  • Revamped the Russian Revolution.
  • Added a timeline to the info tab.
  • Reduced the Commonwealth's income.
  • Increased the Ottoman Empire's income.
  • Fixed a bug which caused some barrackses and factories to not start automatically producing units.
  • Added peasants to country capitals and a few major cities.
  • Added some towns to islands.
  • Fixed the Surge tooltip.

  • Hopefully fixed the [very buggy] victory trigger.
  • Renamed Antwerp to Brussels (blah).
  • Changed Surge to sell with 60 second cooldown.
  • Increased the price of Surge to 800.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented infantry trained via Surge from building trenches.
  • Added a factory to Sevastopol.
  • Bolstered the Commonwealth's army at Port Said.
  • Added two mortars to Moscow.
  • Increased the food provided by Belgrade to 40.
  • Increased the Entente Balkans' income.
  • Decreased the Ottoman Empire's income.
  • Increased Great Britain's income.
  • Slightly increased Torpedo damage.
  • Added a Destroyer and a Torpedo Boat to Gibraltar.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented movement between southern Hungary and southern Romania.

  • Adjusted the Greek and Bulgarian borders.
  • Added Thessalkoni.
  • Added Glasgow.
  • Added Hamburg.
  • Reduced the size of major cities.
  • Reduced gas strength against artillery.

  • Fixed a bug which prevented Bulgaria from getting their transport in 1915 (for real this time).
  • Fixed some pathing issues near the Dardanelles.
  • Added four troops to Sevastopol.
  • Increased the Entente Balkans' income.
  • Added Copenhagen.
  • Added Reykjavik.
  • Added Palermo
  • Added a ferry point between Copenhagen and Aalborg.
  • Added a ferry point between Reggio (Italy) and Palermo (Sicily).
  • Added ferry points east and west of Sevastopol.
  • Added a ferry point north of Berlin.
  • Added a ferry point between Serbia and Brindisi (Italy).
  • Adjusted the food provided by less important major cities.
  • The minimap now updates when Denmark or the Netherlands are declared war upon.
  • Fixed a bug where a few cities in the Ottoman Empire were not updated on the minimap when they declared war.
  • Gave the remainder of the French navy to Italy.
  • Added a destroyer to Cyprus.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the Ottoman Empire from receiving the trade dock at Smyrna.

  • Added more German infantry to the Russian border.
  • Fixed a bug where some Ottoman infantry and trenches were not given to the Ottoman Empire.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the paths in the alps from becoming pathable in May 1915.
  • Renamed Brussels to Antwerp.
  • Added Amsterdam.
  • Added Aalborg.
  • Added Riga.
  • Added Sevastopol.
  • Added Tripoli.
  • Added Tunis.
  • Added Rabat.
  • Greatly strengthened Denmark and the Netherlands.
  • Changed the town by Luxembourg to a city.
  • Added a town to Adrianople.
  • Added a victory trigger; capturing all the continental major cities in the war (excluding neutral ones and Lisbon) will win the controlling team the game.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Ottoman Empire to receive a city in Bulgaria.
  • Added "Surge", allowing players to quickly call support infantry to the battlefield from major cities for a high cost.
  • Added "Automatic Ferrying Points" at Ireland-Great Britain, Great Britain-Belgium, and Constantinople-Scutari, allowing instant pathing and transporting of units between the two sides if a transport is set to ferry them.
  • Added the option to only call a single unit to man a selected trench.
  • Out of the beta stage!

  • Fixed a bug where Bulgaria did not gain control of the transport south of their shipyard in October 1915.
  • Fixed a bug where Bulgaria did not gain one of the trenches defending Constantinople until October 1915.
  • Added 6 infantry to Constantinople.
  • Added Russian trenches in Georgia.
  • Added Ottoman trenches and infantry to Armenia.
  • Gave Italy more of France's Mediterranean navy.
  • Reduced the life of Armoured Cars.
  • Added buildable tile to the Sevastopol and Riga regions.
  • Halved the call for help radius of units.
  • Fixed some abuses in the pathing blocking people from entering neutral nations.
  • Added the ability to retire regiments and mortars.
  • Added a factory to Scutari.

  • Fixed the position of the Trade Docks at Copenhagen.
  • Increased the cost of Armoured Cars.
  • Fixed the fact that the Commonwealth gained control of an Ottoman trench at the start.
  • Fixed a potential crash.

  • Fixed a rare bug which could make some trenches unusable by some players.
  • Fixed a bug which could cause ships built by the port at Smyrna to get stuck.
  • Reduced torpedo damage and range.
  • Increased the buildable area at Scutari.
  • Reduced the Ottoman Empire's income.

  • Fixed a bug that caused Italy to lose their gold (and gain 1500) when they joined, rather than just gaining 1500.
  • Increased pack and unpack time of Machine Gunners.
  • Increased cost of Machine Gunners.
  • Adjusted Ottoman and Commonwealth borders in the Middle East.
  • Removed the area of effect damage on ships.

  • Fixed a display bug on trenches owned by teal and orange.
  • Dramatically increased trench repair cost.
  • Increased repair times.
  • Increased barracks and factory cost to what they were supposed to be in 1.1.
  • Minor city position readjustments.
  • Gave Iceland to Denmark
  • Added a trading dock to Copenhagen.
  • Reduced the damage upgrade amount for howitzers and heavy artillery.
  • Fixed the fact that East Germany got West Germany's intro message and vice-versa.
  • Fixed a bug where West Germany and Great Britain could continuously declare war on Denmark or the Netherlands, spawning additional troops for their opponent and spamming the screen with text messages.

  • Fixed some minor bugs and some debug stuff left in.
  • Reduced damage point on artillery.

  • Made Artillery Gas Launchers require the Chlorine Gas research to be built.
  • Decreased Italy's income.
  • Decreased Bulgaria's income.
  • Decreased the Commonwealth's income.
  • Decreased the Entente Balkans' income.
  • Increased the Ottoman Empire's income.
  • Added an East German shipyard north of Berlin.

  • Fixed some text in the forces.
  • Increased cost of barracks and factory.
  • Decreased income of Great Britain.
  • Fixed a pathing bug which allowed Bulgaria to enter northern Greece before Greece declared war.
  • Increased income of West Germany.
  • Added four infantry to Sarajevo.
  • Decreased cost of medics.
  • Fixed a ship owned by green which was supposed to be owned by pink.

  • Reduced the frequency trade ships spawned at.

  • Reduced French income.
  • Fixed Italy controlling French troops in Algiers (now Italian).

  • Tweaked Italian and French income.
  • Tweaked terrain in Scandinavia and Iceland (for looks).
  • Fixed a few typos.

  • Initial release.

I hope you enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed making it!

World War One, WW1, WWI, The Great War, World War 1

World War One: ISH v3.3 (Map)

11:50, 26th Sep 2009 Linaze: Entertaining map with decent terrain (for this kind of map anyways), but the true charm of this map lies in its gameplay, there are several different units ranging from infantry regiments to naval ships. I did miss...




11:50, 26th Sep 2009
Linaze: Entertaining map with decent terrain (for this kind of map anyways), but the true charm of this map lies in its gameplay, there are several different units ranging from infantry regiments to naval ships. I did miss aircraft though, but that's nothing major. Anyways, there are many tactics one can deploy making the map worth replaying several times. As expected from the author, the English is amazing and while testing, I was unable to locate any grammar/spelling error. Finally, the description is good enough, but it wouldn't hurt to add a bit more information and some screenshots.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Hey, it's our English Master! Just one question:

I already played some maps about WW1, alone, as I'm a lone guy, but is very bad to play against enemies that are standing all the time. So, this map have AI or will gonna have in the future?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Hey, it's our English Master! Just one question:

I already played some maps about WW1, alone, as I'm a lone guy, but is very bad to play against enemies that are standing all the time. So, this map have AI or will gonna have in the future?
No, that would be far too laggy and time-consuming to be worth it. It also could not work particularly well on a team, etc, etc.

Just play on BNet with a full house is my suggestion.


Aircraft was not particularly important outside of observation balloons, which is one of the main reasons I never got around to implementing it (at least yet).
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
This is my review of World War One: ISH v1.0b

-Gameplay is varied, and requires much teamwork to play effectively
-The info section and the loading screen were both well made; containing credits, commands, etc...
-Good use of imported materials
-Great replayability between different nations
-Scripting is done in JASS

-The game has to end at some point

Rating: 5.0 and recommended for directors cut
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
-The game has to end at some point
Haha, are you suggesting that I speed it up a bit? I've actually had a lot of trouble here, as half the people want it to be faster and half want it to be slower. It's a taste thing I guess.


Thanks for trying out the map!

Poot still maps?! D:
Apparently :p
Level 7
Apr 16, 2008
Purple you should Not have upped the allies income, make them all even, it matters if they get their factories working for recourses or not is how they get stuff, and uh, why does england control belgium?it makes england protect it more and uh, yeah.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Purple you should Not have upped the allies income, make them all even, it matters if they get their factories working for recourses or not is how they get stuff,
Hmm? The Entente income is rather low at the moment.

and uh, why does england control belgium?
To give them a foothold on the continent. It was them or France, and France has plenty of continental space already (evidently).

it makes england protect it more and uh, yeah.
Level 2
Jul 5, 2008
Poot, could you give Belgium to Italy (it would go to GB when Italy enters the war), so that Italy actually does something at the beginning, and that France can get French Africa back?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Bah, can't say I like that idea.

  • Giving French Africa to Italy means less Entente powers have to pay attention to Africa.
  • Trading stuff around later game is always a bad idea, since it's incredibly annoying (except in the case of the Russian Revolution which is meant to be annoying).
  • Belgium would likely be overrun quickly.
Level 2
Jul 5, 2008
Bah, can't say I like that idea.

  • Giving French Africa to Italy means less Entente powers have to pay attention to Africa.
  • Trading stuff around later game is always a bad idea, since it's incredibly annoying (except in the case of the Russian Revolution which is meant to be annoying).
  • Belgium would likely be overrun quickly.
1.Well, dont you have commonwealth for that reason?
2. Hm, i guess, but if Beligum is over run easily it wont matter will it?
3. True, but it still gives him something to do, unlike french africa where he just lulzes around
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
1.Well, dont you have commonwealth for that reason?
2. Hm, i guess, but if Beligum is over run easily it wont matter will it?
3. True, but it still gives him something to do, unlike french africa where he just lulzes around
  1. Yes. I also have Italy own French West Africa for that reason.
  2. But then Italy has nothing to do.
  3. Hmm? Sea raids? Bulgaria is on a tiny peninsula for the first while and they can still wreak havoc with their navy and some transports.
Level 2
Jul 5, 2008
  1. Yes. I also have Italy own French West Africa for that reason.
  2. But then Italy has nothing to do.
  3. Hmm? Sea raids? Bulgaria is on a tiny peninsula for the first while and they can still wreak havoc with their navy and some transports.

1. <.<
2. That would force him to try his hardest instead of going "oo well i always have GB"
3. Yeah, but Bulgaria starts off with a huge navy and theres a large amount of free islands and Russia to take over
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
1. <.<
2. That would force him to try his hardest instead of going "oo well i always have GB"
3. Yeah, but Bulgaria starts off with a huge navy and theres a large amount of free islands and Russia to take over
There's a lot of free peninsulæ owned by the centrals, and Italy actually has a huge income.

However, I'll give them some more of the French mediterranean fleet.
Level 11
May 11, 2008
HFR my only question is why do you even come to this site if you have Dial Up? Seriously you can't play with Dial Up, and about 95% of all these maps don't have AI now stop telling everyone to put AI in it and sit in your corner and drink some dam tea already!



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
No! I'll never stop (until I got an broadband...) Maps with AI have better rates than no AI maps. AI is useful in all kind of maps but cinematics. Ask people with broadband if they like an good AI, and you'll be answered by a big Yes!

Having trouble in finding more people for your game? Use the AI! The map is full of noobs? Kick them and go for the AI!Have an dial up? AI!

Not everyone lives in rich countries, if you want to know.