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World of Sedonia RPG 2.9



Made By

Sedonia RPG is an open world roleplaying game located in the world of Sedonia. Since the last big war Sedonia has been a peaceful place, but things are about to change...

A world in need of heroes to keep the peace. This is the beginning of a great adventure. Are you up to the task?

A 2019 RPG production - A slow-pace progressive RPG, filled with stories, quests, dungeons and exploration...

Patch news: JohnnyBoy and Mr.Goblin have been working on a huge update, and it has finally arrived! The new World of Sedonia has come!



  • 5 Classes - Ranger, Warrior, Mage, Rogue and Paladin,
  • Learn Abilities - Learn abilities from trainers. Including more than 24 class-specific abilities each.
  • Items - Over 200 attachable items that change your appearance. Polished and customized in 6 categories in 8 rarities.
  • Crafting - Almost all items can be crafted using materials found in the world.
  • The World - Consist of islands which you reach as you progress.
  • World Bosses (Elites) - 8 Elites that respawn and drop nice loot.
  • Dungeons - 9 Dungeons with Bosses. Can be played in 4 different difficulties.
  • PvP - An arena with possibility to engage in battle against other players.
  • Quests - Over 50 unique quests.
  • Specializations (Elements) - Earth, Fire, Nature and Water. Determines effectiveness of spells and attacks against each other.
  • Save/Load - Characters can be saved and loaded at another time.
  • End Game - Max level is 80, but there is a lot to do if you reach this point.

I have not mentioned all the features of the map since there are so many of them that impact the gameplay and make Sedonia unique and exciting. So instead i leave the rest of the game for you to explore. If you have any questions or want to find other people to play with - head over to our the Sedonia RPG discord: Join the Sedonia Discord Server!. Here you can also leave feedback, give suggestions or just chat. Here you can also get answers from more experienced players, if you have any questions about the map.

Hope to see you in Sedonia real soon! Enjoy!


v 2.9

- Fixed Boss invul mechanic (hopefully).
- Fixed an issue where first door would not open.
- Fixed Boss mechainc for area calling so it now calls the thing it says.
- Fixed the ability Meteor so it deals damage everytime now.
- Reduced HP of mobs in the Royal Palace slightly.

v 2.8

- Fixed Commander Hitbox
- Fixed reset boss mechanic for Royal Palace boss

v 2.7

- Ascended potions can now be crafted inside the Royal Quarter.
- Fixed the charge bug.
- Fixed an issue where player controlled unit wouldnt attack.

v 2.6

- Hotfix for v 2.5

v 2.5

- New Dungeon added - The Royal Palace.
- There now exists ascended materials with same properties as lower tier. Meaning you can craft ascended gear.
- For a fee you can now summon player into the Royal Quarter without them needing a Royal Badge.

Classes and Items
-13 new class specific Godlike items.
- New Ascended potions added.
- Increased attribute cap by +50.
- Base movement speed increased by 20 for all classes.
- Added Item Spreadsheet for Ascended/Godlike items.

- 20 new abilities (for endgame).
- Tranquility cd reduced from 20 to 10 sec.
- Burning rupture duration increased from 4 to 6 sec.
- Bear Trap cd reduced 14 to 9 and stun from 3 to 4 sec.

- New Camera system.
- Decreased amount of summons spawned from The Core
- There is now a Tier 4 crafter inside the Royal Quarter.

v 2.4

- Dungeons now will reset themselves 30 minutes after completion (only bosses, not elite mobs).
- Elite mobs for dungeons lvl 10 and 80 have been nerfed slightly
- Adjusted some terrain features that got messed up in reforged compatibility update.
- Added a new HD loadingscreen.
- Fixed some minor quest bugs.

Older changelogs can be found in the discord server...


    • Thanks to the following community creators for creation of resources i have used to create the world of Sedonia:

      Taur, Mc!, Nasrudin, Callahan, NoobyStance, General Frank, Epion, acapulco, Lubbe, Hellish Hybrid, Kitabatake, JetFangInferno, gratheo, Sven, Dargoth, EciL_BuddhA, Daelin, Chriz, HappyTauren, .KC, Tenebrae, communist_orc, Tranquil, S4nji, perfjert, crill-myster, Thrikodius, NhazUI, Gottfrei, Aquis, Matarael, Fingolfin, EvilCrizpy, Shadow_Killer, Hellblazer, Sunchips, Quech, noypi, ikillforeyou, chilla_killa, Forgotten_Warlord, Cavman, Boneknight, Kuhneghetz, Mr. Bob, War_Golum, Teaspoon, PROXY, DTuGuR, SatX, Dionesiist, ZIR, MassiveMaster, Just_Spectating, Direfury, Paladinjst, -Peper-, darkdeathknight, maynhe, Tr!KzZ, Deolrin, -Grendel, Usedwell, Tarrasque, Graber, eubz, ratamahatta, Fingolfin, TheWhiteWolf, diosilva16, Sin'dorei300, Hexus, Sliph-M, InfernalTater, JesusHipster, bisnar13, UgoUgo, Astaroth Zion, Epimetheus, imforfun, KayS, Blizzard Entertainment, xyzier_24, Vortballat, Blood Raven, Lender, Mythic, HerrDave, Solu9, Grey Knight, Talavaj, Inhuman89, Zeatherann, Gollum_KoMe, bgcy_ro002, 0123456789, LoDown, Gwen Stefani, InfinityNexus, CRAZYRUSSIAN, FrIkY, KelThuzad, Goos, Huinipachutli, Deon, The D3ath, Darkmoon Hero, Stanakin, Mr.Goblin, bigapple90, kola, PeeKay, Big Dub, lelyanra, NFWar, The Panda, Hemske, 67Chrome, Hellx-Magnus, viiva, jaret, maxor_gan, Marcos DAB, Brombie, Chucky, Captain_Rufar, xDeathKnightx, JollyD, JusticeBringer, zbc, morbent, Hadeis, BlazeKraze, ~Nightmare, venger07, DEE-BOO, Darkfang, MiniMage, BloodSplintzy, Athur12A2, Uncle Fester, Wildfire, PrinceYaser, KILLCIDE, MisterApple, Karkul, Ujimasa Hojo, PrincePhoenix, KPC, Ceterai, Inkarnate, Mythic. Also thanks to Tabletop Audio - Premium Ambient Audio, "Nobuo Uematsu" and "David Fesliyan" for the music and ambient sounds.

    • Thanks to Daued for creating the discord
    • Thanks to DashRat, Lamaen, Makio and the other alpha testers on the discord, for testing the map during development and giving valuable feedback.
    • Thanks to all the people in the discord for showing interest in the project an participating in the release of the new world.
    • Of course a big extra thanks to Mr.Goblin for helping out a lot with the map. Not just the terrain and textures, but also giving me motivation to work even harder on the map.

World of Sedonia RPG 2.9 (Map)

Nice map and is one among the many maps in warcraft universe which could be fun to play. I love the gameplay, the terrain and overall the experience you will have as you play. This might have some flaws but some of them will never affect the overall...
1. There should be the possibility to craft higher tier corp, using 5 lower tier corps, like it is with the rest items. They were so interesting for me at the beginning. But when there was nothing to do with them instead of weak potions, I could only...
EDIT: EDIT 2: EDIT 3: You can't take the elite boss quest again if you fail it. Took me some time to figure out that the Huntress statue zone is the shrine. Summoned dragons run away from the zone from time to time and get back. You get many...
Level 6
Jun 1, 2014
The atmosphere is enchanting for an RPG. The terrain work is impressive, at least 4/5. Unfortunately, the rest of the map doesn't match in quality.

Almost all enemies faced are sandbags with perhaps 1 passive, all the way up to dungeon bosses who just have a stomp in addition to their passive. Each dungeon has a very simple mechanic that sometimes needs to be addressed but more often than not, doesn't do enough damage to be considered or can be ignored with an invulnerability potion. Other than that mechanic which is often disregarded, there's nothing you even need to look at the screen for, even up to the lvl70 ascended dungeon.

The inventory is clunky. There is some cast time to check your additional bag and while you're there, you're unequipped. You're essentially switching inventory. Considering the focus put on gathering materials and quest items, it's extremely inconvenient.

The save system is like something from 2008. You can only save 6 items, your level and stats. Your build and second inventory is tossed. You have to write down the code manually, but I'm sure that can be fixed in short order.

The idea of building and rebuilding your hero is cool but the way you have to run across the map for trainers (until you grind to max honor and they can be accessed in the royal quarter) just makes it too inconvenient to bother with in almost all cases. You're only allowed a certain amount of points to distribute which can't be reset unless you load the map again, this makes absolutely no sense.

Moving around the map is painful. If you don't stack movement speed potions from the start, you'll feel like you're running through waist-deep mud. It's often faster to kill your hero to get back to the last town, but unfortunately there's no suicide command and there's no enemies after completing a dungeon so you'll have to trek.. slowly.

This map is very pretty but it's a pain to play, and doesn't offer any engaging encounters until perhaps the last 2 bosses. If more focus is put on quality of life updates and creating actual boss fights, this will be a really great RPG. As it stands, there's little if any reason to keep playing after you've walked through all the terrain.

"Slow-pace progressive RPG" Cough-cough. I feel sick today. From people who bother to write a wall of text, but not to read a few words.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Venkolm what is your point? SaikiDeMoN validly points out that the general gameplay of the map is not very interesting because it is so repetitive with no tactical requirements of the players for most of the game for instance. What is wrong with pointing that out?
Level 3
Jul 21, 2013
I really enjoyed playing this map since I really like the slow paced progressive type of RPG's.
I'm not sure if it's been suggested already but would it be possible to add a mule or storage npcs? Buy different tier of mules with more storage or pay storage npc a deposit to store items.
Unless you have nice allies people could just steal your materials or gear so you have to stash it somewhere and always be on the lookout.

Few other things I'd like to point out:

- Some things appear counterintuitive such as item splitter, at first glance as a new player I thought that was a doodad and if someone didn't tell me I'd be lost.
- Tips for beginners such as not to pick their element right away until they craft their first weapon or obtain ability since there is no option to re-spec element/abilities.
- More info about how crafting works, element orbs,again as a new player I was quite lost without any guidance.

This is it for now, just a few things I could think of from my 2 hour of playthrough, overally it's a quite original map with high replayability and fun to play but there's always more room for improvement of course.
Level 12
Sep 28, 2012
Just fired up this game and it's really inspiring. How do you craft things though? It says to put thing on "the crafting table," but the crafting table's literally a table of listed crafting recipes, not an actual table you can put things on. "Acquire craft"? Where is that? Is there a literal table for crafting things on somewhere in the game?
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
Just fired up this game and it's really inspiring. How do you craft things though? It says to put thing on "the crafting table," but the crafting table's literally a table of listed crafting recipes, not an actual table you can put things on. "Acquire craft"? Where is that? Is there a literal table for crafting things on somewhere in the game?

There is ag uy called "Crafter" that stands behind a "Crafting Table" in each mayor city. Il repost the newbie guide to crafting from the discord channel here below:

"Where can I craft? How do I craft? What can I craft? Since crafting is a big deal in Sedonia i will quickly break down the way you craft correctly and efficiently.

Firstly: Where can I craft? Inside most larger towns there is a crafter, a crafting table and an item splitter close to eachother. This is where the crafting takes place.

Secondly: How can I craft? You can craft by putting the exact materias needed, of the same rarity, inside the crafting table. Then you press [Aquire craft] on the crafter to recieve what is inside the crafting table. If you have more materials than you need you can put the stack of items in the Item Splitter to make individual items of that stack.

Thirdly: What can I craft? You can craft a lot of items, such as equipment (weapons, armor, offhand/boots and head), crafting materials, potions, tomes and enchantments. Use "-craft" to see a spreadsheet in the top right, showing you the exact combinations of items you need for a particular item. For example you need 4 metal and 1 wood to craft a sword, or 5 of a common wood to make 1 uncommon wood (upgrading). When upgrading flowers, berries and crops you only need 3 of each. So the rarity of the crafting materials needs to be the same, and the rarity determines the rarity of item being crafted. For example "rare" crafting materials will turn into a "rare" weapon or armor etc.

[Metals] - Stone, Copper, Iron, Steel, Thorium an Eternium.
[Leather] - Leather, Polished Leather, Fine Leather, Worked Leather, Quality Leather and Worked Quality Leather.
[Cloth] - Wool, Yarn, Linen, Silk, Silk Thread and Kashmir."

Level 1
Nov 22, 2017
How come the error seems always like this in World of Sedonia RPG 1.8, every time I save the game


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    (6)World of Sedonia RPG 1.8.jpg
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    (6)World of Sedonia RPG 1.8 - Saving.jpg
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    (6)World of Sedonia RPG 1.8 - Error.jpg
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Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
I think it is hard to take any feedback seriously from someone who gave this map a 2/5. Sedonia is probably one of the best multiplayer rpg maps released in the past 2-3 years. Really hope more immersive experiences like Johnnyboy made can appear on hiveworkshop.

Edit: Lancar, from your screenshot, you are playing the map on pre-1.29. The author made this map on the current Wc3 version.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
tulee, this is your personal opinion. In my opinion the map is quite boring and the (in my opinion only) redeeming feature is Mr. Goblin's brilliant terrain whereas the gameplay is just too simplistic to be considered "one of the best multiplayer rpg maps released in the past 2-3 years". Look at the complexity of TKoK and Gaias Retaliation where you actually have to know how to play bosses to defeat them. Then look at this map where most encounters are simply tank/spank and perhaps some simple mechanic once in a while.

The point of this criticism is that I - and others who don't play the map anymore - think JohnyBoy surrounds himself with too many yes-men such as yourself to see that the map - which really has a strong foundation for further development - instead of being improved upon simply stays with the current, simplistic formular. I'm sorry for this apparent "ad-hominem" attack but I've seen how you handle any criticism in the map's Discord channel so this is not light ad-hominem for nothing, but actually has a very substantial reason. You exclude people from your Discord who provide constructive feedback instead of listening to them.
Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
tulee, this is your personal opinion.
And that is your personal opinion.

In my opinion the map is quite boring and the (in my opinion only) redeeming feature is Mr. Goblin's brilliant terrain
I played it before any terrain stuff had been included by Mr.goblin, so my opinion is not related to any recent terrain enhancements.

s just too simplistic to be considered "one of the best multiplayer rpg maps released in the past 2-3 years". Look at the complexity of TKoK and Gaias Retaliation where you actually have to know how to play bosses to defeat them.
Yes, 2-3 years. Have you checked when Gaias/Tkok were made? They have been developed for countless years.

The point of this criticism is that I - and others who don't play the map anymore
So you know why other people who don't play the map chose to not play it?

think JohnyBoy surrounds himself with too many yes-men such as yourself to see that the map
My criticism was the 2 stars, I have no issue with constructive feedback. Also, the fact that you were saying "the devs should listen to him carefully as he is a veteran RPG player" showed some bias on your part. Why should anyone listen to anyone? It is just feedback. Let him decide if he wants to implement it.

I'm sorry for this apparent "ad-hominem" attack but I've seen how you handle any criticism in the map's Discord channel so this is not light ad-hominem for nothing, but actually has a very substantial reason. You exclude people from your Discord who provide constructive feedback instead of listening to them.
I am guessing you just cannot express yourself correctly, since the way you write it sounds like I am a person who uses discord and exclude people who do not listen to feedback? I am quite sure I do not use discord for any purpose except to annoy people, and am not a server owner in any capacity.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
The "You" about the Discord channel was not aimed at you specificially but at the small fanclub of WoS on its Discord channel.

- It is odd not to acknowledge the weight of an rpg champion's words compared to the words of random people who surely didn't play RPGs as much as SaikoDemon.

-Yes, I know a lot of RPG players because I am in other RPG Discord channels and a lot of people are complaining about this map for the mentioned reasons.

-2-3 years: Well, you may be right here if we forget the fact that Gaias got its latest update in 2017 - still fine if you think I got this one wrong, the point still stands that this is not a good map at the moment.

-My personal - and the mentioned people's - opinions carry some weight because we played RPGs as die-hard players in WC3 for more than 10 years. Of course new players will not be able to judge quality as well as us. This is not arrogance, just pure logic. I'm sure I couldn't decide whether a Melee map is good or not since I'm not good at melee and don't know how such maps should be.
Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
I have no issue with the criticism you and the others made. I am sure Sedonia will continue to improve over time, with the help of constructive criticism from players like you and the others. My main issue was that this map was given a 2/5. But yes, I might be biased, since I thought this map was very immersive~~
Level 1
Nov 22, 2017
tulee, I've dowaloaded a patch of 1.31 not 1.29, I'm playing with windows 64 bit.
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Level 6
Jun 1, 2014
The "You" about the Discord channel was not aimed at you specificially but at the small fanclub of WoS on its Discord channel.

- It is odd not to acknowledge the weight of an rpg champion's words compared to the words of random people who surely didn't play RPGs as much as SaikoDemon.

-Yes, I know a lot of RPG players because I am in other RPG Discord channels and a lot of people are complaining about this map for the mentioned reasons.

-2-3 years: Well, you may be right here if we forget the fact that Gaias got its latest update in 2017 - still fine if you think I got this one wrong, the point still stands that this is not a good map at the moment.

-My personal - and the mentioned people's - opinions carry some weight because we played RPGs as die-hard players in WC3 for more than 10 years. Of course new players will not be able to judge quality as well as us. This is not arrogance, just pure logic. I'm sure I couldn't decide whether a Melee map is good or not since I'm not good at melee and don't know how such maps should be.

No need to explain my point it seems. Comments after mine were the opposite of yours. But that's just my opinion, about the opinions, opposite of yours.
Damn, so many opinions. How about one truth?
- In one month, the guy improved his RPG map immensely.
That's not my opinion, for those who paid attention, he was updating and upgrading his map 2-3 times per week. But maybe, when it shows there is an update, it's just Hiveworkshop's opinion...
Level 6
Jun 1, 2014
Okay, here is my Review:
Map's good, kinda simply made, but feels good nonetheless. You level up fast if you know what you're doing. Keys for chest should drop less frequently and the gold awarded from them should not be so much. As well as so many orbs, becauce you can be level 10 noob, who crafted a Legendary item already. Not that i complained when i did... Its just not right. Why Intel. increases mana by just 1? And then you changed Strg increasing Hp from 2 to 3? This is kinda discouraging for Mages, they will never have mana as much as health. You could increase it to 2 now, along with the increased HP from STRG. Or if you think it will pump up stats too much, you could revert Health back to 2 from STRg. That way, when i actually had mage in the 0.87 version, he had as much as mana as health, ever a lil' more. Paladin deals more dmg than Warrior, which is bullshit, because Paladin is able to heal, while the Warrior barely heals himself, but it is in his right to deal more damage than Paladin, in order for the Warrior to be able to stand up against a Paladin in PvP. Now, here is why Paladin deals more damage - Blade Justice deals 3x Strg as damage. Warrior's Frost Strike deals only 2x. WHich is more, Blade's Justice stuns for 1s. Frost strike for half a second, come on man. And why is the Paladin able to wear only 3 pieces of gear? If that was your idea for balancing it out, don't. You can balance the damage compared from/to Paladin-Warrior, i mean
reduce Paladin's damage, increase Warrior's and add appropriate Boots (or even Shield, in many games, Paladins can wear Shields) for the Paladin. But as far as i can see, your idea is that only Warrior should be used as a main tank. But even if you allow shield for the Paladins, you can still balance it out somehow.

Also, the real problems now, why did the map jump'd from 40mb to 150mb in size? What did you do? Nothing that much in ur Changelog.
Now, the real problem with this map is, that my RAM usage spiked to 89% once i started the map. Then it went to 99% at some point, when i was level 26. Crash, error. I played till Level 27 by saving and loading frequently, but after some time, it was of no use, for it is saying that i don't have enough memory. Mind you, this game req. 512RAM, as far as i remember. I have 4GB. How is this even possible? There is something wrong with your map, leaks or dunno, but the more i played, i noticed, the bigger in size my save file became. It's always like that, in many maps, i know. But it grew few times it's size after some point. Now i can't even load that save of mine.

Waiting for a fix to those. (Hopefully)

P.S. Was going to rate it 4, accidentally clicked 5 :D But its ok tho.
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Level 3
Jul 21, 2013
Size jumped because of music author added and he didn't want to compress it more to retain best sound quality.
As for fatal error, I've been experiencing that same error as well frequently in latest version, albeit after long playthrough sessions only.
My game crashed only once in 1.8 but it was just a normal crash I get from other maps as well sometimes, however never this memory error, so there's definitely something wrong in 1.9.
Level 6
Jun 1, 2014
Yea, i saw. He added music. Few months of 35 to 40mb RPG map. Now, 110mb music is added in 1.9. :D The music is three times the size of the map itself.
Level 1
Jan 9, 2020
I have also noticed that the Warrior is buggy.
  • Frost Strike - water (Q) does 0 damage
  • Taunt - nature (T) does 0 damage
  • Rage - fire (R) does 0 heals
Basically everything stat based is broken. He's still playable with a buff build but having this working would be nice.
Level 7
Mar 10, 2012
I have also noticed that the Warrior is buggy.
  • Frost Strike - water (Q) does 0 damage
  • Taunt - nature (T) does 0 damage
  • Rage - fire (R) does 0 heals
Basically everything stat based is broken. He's still playable with a buff build but having this working would be nice.

Known bug with last patch, will be fixed for next. Fix in current patch: If you use "defensive stance" once, you should be fine for the rest of the game.
Level 1
Jul 3, 2015
I can’t go through the Fake miners quests - I used dust in the whole village of miners, near each unit - then I ran around the island and used it there. It found absolutely nothing. Also, I can not pass the quest Lost Crates. These damn boxes are simply nowhere to be found.
And finally - the same problem with RAM - it eats up just 95-99% of my memory and starts to lag. Just as bro wrote above. You can play a little only with saves
Level 6
Aug 4, 2012
I can’t go through the Fake miners quests - I used dust in the whole village of miners, near each unit - then I ran around the island and used it there. It found absolutely nothing. Also, I can not pass the quest Lost Crates. These damn boxes are simply nowhere to be found.
And finally - the same problem with RAM - it eats up just 95-99% of my memory and starts to lag. Just as bro wrote above. You can play a little only with saves

For the Fake Miners quests, you need to use it near the entrance of level 10 dungeon. Forgot about the Lost Crates, maybe more details so that I could remember.
Level 1
Jul 3, 2015
For the Fake Miners quests, you need to use it near the entrance of level 10 dungeon. Forgot about the Lost Crates, maybe more details so that I could remember.
I used dust both there and throughout the village in general. And Lost Crates is a lost cargo, which should be written in the forest, but it is not there.
Level 6
Aug 4, 2012
I used dust both there and throughout the village in general. And Lost Crates is a lost cargo, which should be written in the forest, but it is not there.
Strange, I do not have problem with the quests. The crucifix you mean? It is in front of the golem NPC and trader sven at the miner village too.
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
On the credit: "Nobuo Uematsu" not "Nobue Uematsu". Unless you are referring to someone else o.o
edit: xd you changed it right away
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Level 7
Mar 10, 2012