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Wilderness Survival 5.0 - PT

JaysProjex Presents

Wilderness Survival
Created by Jay

Map Info

Requires: Warcraft III The Frozen Throne or Reforged

This map originally started in 2005

Wilderness Survival features a 5 versus 5 player base cooperative PvP style game using your skills necessary to survive in this winter-like wilderness. The map also features items that can be gathered & crafted including hunting wild animals & taking down the opposing team before your time (days) run out. If your health drops to 0 you die. If your Heat drops to 0 then you'll start to freeze to death. Keeping your heat up is vital to so you'll need to stay warm. If you die it's not over, your team can still revive you so not all hope is lost.

Free for all & exploration modes included in dialog at the start of the game with many other options to customize your survival experience.


Special Thanks:
  • Kuulgryphun3


  • Hashblade
  • Thorhunter
  • Darkblade121
  • Keith22
  • Espatula
  • NeCrO_OwNeR
  • Putdeksel
  • Outlawz
  • Ilikepie
  • Jesse_James
  • DeadKeepIt
  • FML


  • Kitabake
  • Olofmoleman
  • Bisnar13
  • Fearstarter
  • DarkDeathKnight
  • Unclefester
  • Fingolfin
  • Sin'dorei300
  • Sunchips
  • HappyTauren
  • Hammerfist132
  • Ugougo
  • Sellenisko
  • Blood Raven
  • Chilla_Killa
  • WhiteDeath
  • Stonneash


  • Peekay
  • Kwah
  • Palaslayer
  • NFWar
  • Kimberley
  • Mr. Goblin
  • Lioness
  • OgeRfaces
  • The_Silent
  • L_Lawliet
  • Coinblin
  • D.ee
  • JollyD
  • Anachron

Map Thieves

Map Thieves

Note: These are players who ripped off my work & re-released un-official versions of this map which made them exploitable.

  • Jasmira
  • Dover19
  • Buggy123
  • BraveHeroo
  • Darkblade (adds cheats)
  • Fantasyvn (adds cheats)
  • Devoltz (adds cheats)
  • Tohsak132 (adds cheats)
The map Wilderness Survival WSL is a complete rip-off of one of my previous projects known as Wilderness Survival 4.7e which was broken into. A clan called Wilderness Survival League (WSL) is a community who stole my project without permission, they're notorious for harassing & banning players.


Wilderness Survival 5.0 - PT (Map)

19:30, 3rd Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 1
Jun 1, 2013
dude your map is great but it got some major problems in game saving. when i load my saved game it just stuck and i cant do nothing except quitting. please fix this. much appreciated if you would and thank you for creating such a great map.
Level 7
Nov 18, 2012
dude your map is great but it got some major problems in game saving. when i load my saved game it just stuck and i cant do nothing except quitting. please fix this. much appreciated if you would and thank you for creating such a great map.

There's -save? or you mean playing alone ..

Wow it got updated really fast though you said this is the only amount you can fix ;o
Level 1
Jun 30, 2013
I have a question:
What is with the secret weapon/weapons not the sword the you take from the caves, i played the game and one of my friends after killing a racoon it droped a scyte what is with it how do you can get it or it drops randomly?
and are other secret weapons?
Level 2
Feb 19, 2013
I was one of the players from China. Super like your map eh. Most Chinese people do not like this type. Good depressed ah. At present, only 4.5 Chinese version. Depressed ah. Hope to work with foreign friends to play this map. Where do you usually have to play this game?
Level 2
Feb 19, 2013
Brush SAP material can be found. Item 1 bone knife, inventory 2 Dual bone knife. Then the decomposition of item 1 items. Get bar items 1, 2 after the decomposition of materials. While the bone holding knife because of. Bone knife disappeared and natural items not decomposition. The circulating sap. The authors hope to repair. {20} can't shoot a bow. Otherwise can not synthesize crossbow. Hope to repair. This figure is very popular in china. The map is not finished. But the map also great. A lot of game player will not read. But good. Support the author.
Level 2
Jan 16, 2013
I was one of the players from China. Super like your map eh. Most Chinese people do not like this type. Good depressed ah. At present, only 4.5 Chinese version. Depressed ah. Hope to work with foreign friends to play this map. Where do you usually have to play this game?

I'm Chinese and my Chinese friends like this map but they suck at reading English though需要人做中文地图
Level 2
Jan 16, 2013
I host this game on ent host everyday, it's hosted on both garena and bnet which means its always full house and a lot of good players inside too. Add me on garena ID is chenmyster, or add me on Europe bnet ID is chenmyster
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
is there a daylight sword to counter moondlight? the guy kept using it was annoying and that frost axe isnt that good at all

Are you playing the latest version? It has a longer cool-down than other items. I don't provide much for countering, how to put this... to be clear I'm against the meaning of "counters" I like equal balance with proper mechanics and to keep it realistically as possible with a reasonable concept.
Level 4
Jan 17, 2012
Brush SAP material can be found. Item 1 bone knife, inventory 2 Dual bone knife. Then the decomposition of item 1 items. Get bar items 1, 2 after the decomposition of materials. While the bone holding knife because of. Bone knife disappeared and natural items not decomposition. The circulating sap. The authors hope to repair. {20} can't shoot a bow. Otherwise can not synthesize crossbow. Hope to repair. This figure is very popular in china. The map is not finished. But the map also great. A lot of game player will not read. But good. Support the author.

Is that you use google translate ?:ogre_haosis:
Level 2
Jan 16, 2013
Jay the map maker Please Please remove decapitate, it doesn't make the game any fun at all, whenever it is used it will just take the fun out of the game when rescuing isn't an option. No one in my clan likes it.

Btw join my Garena Clan Dedicated for WS Name = Wilder_Survival

We got 100 players noobs and pros for WS and we organise PROONLY daily games with high quality game play. e.g. we got across to the other side of the map in the first night with CoOp
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
Jay the map maker Please Please remove decapitate, it doesn't make the game any fun at all, whenever it is used it will just take the fun out of the game when rescuing isn't an option. No one in my clan likes it.

Btw join my Garena Clan Dedicated for WS Name = Wilder_Survival

We got 100 players noobs and pros for WS and we organise PROONLY daily games with high quality game play. e.g. we got across to the other side of the map in the first night with CoOp

I'm not sure if I will remove it, I might make an alternative option to permanently (kill or remove) a player from the game the Lumberjack Kit is fairly easy to make and since it's now carried with you it would be better off remove it from the Kit itself and move "Decapitate" elsewhere.

I'm already in a group with Kotsa we currently have 121 members with active players on Garena. Aside from that I don't really play Garena much mostly just to chat with players to see how things are going for them. I play on UsWest battle net (Retail) but thanks for sharing! ^_^
Level 2
Jan 16, 2013
yes I am in your clan on west u are suddenly the chieftain now, but I'm never on west though. East ,Europe or Garena. My feed back with many players is that decapitate isn't a good option to have, so we just play as if it doesn't exist. I got some more opinions too:
The Torch which cant be destroyed seems not realistic.
You can use backpack to travel so far is quite weird too.
I don't know why a player can't make more than one tent or Igloo.

anyway it's up to you to decide what changes to make with the game and my job is just to play :)
Level 2
Jan 16, 2013
I just got the most epic replay for wilderness ever, check this one
Soloing rush wolf cave killed all 5 enemies in second night

check for the rusher in group 2


  • 1v5 solo rush.w3g
    433.8 KB · Views: 79
Level 1
Aug 5, 2013
This game is a beautiful creation. It took a couple of tries (I play alone), but I have succeeded in getting quiet the advanced base. In order to create a barrel I need to carve a log. I have the carving knife and clothing making kit but I do not see any "carve" option. I have attempted to use the create button however I have made no progress. If I am doing anything wrong please reply.
This game is 5/5. Even with minuscule errors this is a creation of expertise. I thank you for this game and I shall share it with my brother.
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
This game is a beautiful creation. It took a couple of tries (I play alone), but I have succeeded in getting quiet the advanced base. In order to create a barrel I need to carve a log. I have the carving knife and clothing making kit but I do not see any "carve" option. I have attempted to use the create button however I have made no progress. If I am doing anything wrong please reply.
This game is 5/5. Even with minuscule errors this is a creation of expertise. I thank you for this game and I shall share it with my brother.

Hello! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy it. The carve option is in the Lumberjack Kit, it can be quite confusing I know.
Level 1
Aug 5, 2013
Thank you. I am unable to create an water barrel. I had many hot waters, a barrel and salt. Crushing the salt did not help either.
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
Thank you. I am unable to create an water barrel. I had many hot waters, a barrel and salt. Crushing the salt did not help either.

The correct recipe for Water Barrel is the following:
+ Barrel
+ Salt Crystal
+ 1 Hot Water (Any Charges/Stack)
+ 1 Hot Water (Any Charges/Stack)
+ 1 Hot Water (Any Charges/Stack)
+ 1 Hot Water (Any Charges/Stack)

This confuses alot of people but 1 hot water DOES NOT count as 3 simply by the amount of charges/stacks it has.
Level 2
Aug 7, 2013
Hi I love your map! it was fun.. But one problem i am having with people.. I host it and people come in and downloading
I told them to use their common sense.. and to make sure they must work together.. build campfire.. be near campfire when night is coming.. They were like oh yeah i have great common sense.. SO i started game.. People started dying, screaming for help.. it made me laugh a lot.. it was funny but it suks.. I could not keep them under control and pay attention.. they could not.. 5 mins later, game ended because of them died.. So i had to host again.. picked easy mode.. they died rapidly.... i keep explaining them about surviving.. they still keep dying.. i keep hosting.. again, again.. i gave up. i stopped playing your map :(.

Do you have garena account? maybe we can play sometimes :) i know pretty well about survival maps
Level 1
Aug 16, 2013
Nice map!

Maybe remove the ability to carry enemy players? Because it gets kinda lame when people do that.

And a question: Some players use entangle sometimes. Basically they entangle you and kill you easily after that.
Where is that skill? I have played some games and can't seem to find it.

I apologize if this is trivial and thanks for any info.
Level 1
Aug 16, 2010
When i have barrel, salt crystal (taken from a ground), and 2 stacks (so 6 units) of hot water made of molten ice or snow, I just can't craft water barell. Why?
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
Fix them interface disabled icons

I chose not to so I can save additional space "when you're in the game menu" so therefor everything is visible while playing so it's fine.

Why cant i make a lumberjack kit recipe?
I used a Log and a double sided axe then i click craft ..
why does nothing happens?

Are you playing the latest version? Otherwise it works just fine from here.
Level 2
Nov 28, 2006
the map doesn't show

i'm using wc3:tft version
the map doesn't show in my map list @.@
is this a general bug? anyone knows if there's a general fix patch to this? not just for this map but for wc3 in general
no idea why, not just your maps, some other maps doesn't show either
i placed it in the \maps folder btw

and the older version of this maps shows, just not this one....
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
i'm using wc3:tft version
the map doesn't show in my map list @.@
is this a general bug? anyone knows if there's a general fix patch to this? not just for this map but for wc3 in general
no idea why, not just your maps, some other maps doesn't show either
i placed it in the \maps folder btw

and the older version of this maps shows, just not this one....

Try \Maps\Download

If the folder "Download" does not exist then create one and paste the map there, seems to be working fine from here.
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
The map is really awesome the terrain, the lighting & the other stuff like animals & the items that you can craft. But the icons appear as green boxes when you pause the game try using the DISBTN...

I've said this numerous times already, I don't use most DISBTN because it saves space, if it's visible while playing then it works right? because you simply pause the game it shouldn't & doesn't need to be visible.
Level 2
Jan 11, 2013
I was planing to make a Tent, however, It require any type of Hide, so I hunt some Deer to get it Hide, but after I pick it up, it said I still need to clean It using a Bucket of Hot Water. I already got the Curved Log and other requirement, except 4xHot Water. How and Where can I get Hot Water?
Level 1
Oct 4, 2013
Great map 10/10

But I'm having a problem with the bonfire. The first time I make it (I used the fire u get at the beginning) it works, but if I make it from scratch the 2nd time around it bugs. It builds, gives a bit of heat while building and stops heating when it finishes building. It just sits there as an item again.

Am I doing something wrong?
Level 12
Mar 17, 2007
Great map 10/10

But I'm having a problem with the bonfire. The first time I make it (I used the fire u get at the beginning) it works, but if I make it from scratch the 2nd time around it bugs. It builds, gives a bit of heat while building and stops heating when it finishes building. It just sits there as an item again.

Am I doing something wrong?

You can only have 1 bonfire built at a time