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Which race would you like to see become playable in WoW?

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Level 35
May 22, 2007
or the naga could easily mutate legs and revert to a humanoid state (following blizzards love of lore) and then they would fit perfectly into the playable races lineup remember how people thought that the dranei would be the broken ones and not Eredar and on a side note Azshara could mutate the Naga males to be able to caste spells also.
Level 11
Jul 25, 2005
or the naga could easily mutate legs and revert to a humanoid state (following blizzards love of lore) and then they would fit perfectly into the playable races lineup remember how people thought that the dranei would be the broken ones and not Eredar and on a side note Azshara could mutate the Naga males to be able to caste spells also.

Read the previous pages I suggested this happening awhile ago -_-
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Read this post on the WoW suggestion forums, it is a suggestion for a brand new race to implement into WoW. He includes everything from lore of how they can be added in, to what classes and such they can play.


*Sorry for double post ><*

Yeah, I've invented my own races before. They're called the Raptus and they're owl-people who worship Al'Akir

Personally, I prefer them above Yet Another Race That Looks Like A Barely Different Human. Or, as I see them, fleshy Forsaken with knives stuck in their arms. Those races belong in DnD, WoW has the more freakish ones
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Pandaren would be nice, though. It'd be a real mystery as to what side a pandaren might partake in, however. They always seem to have good relations with both members of the alliance and the horde.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Personally I would love to see Worgen implemented for Alliance.

(I'll get some info when WoWwiki comes back up.
It IS up..
A large, wolf-like humanoid reminiscent of a werewolf that walks upright, but lopes on all fours to run. According to sources held by the undead, the worgen come from another dimension, and exist only to terrorize and destroy. That is proven wrong seeing as the worgen of Ashenvale helped protect the land from several demon attacks until they and their elven companion, Velinde Starsong went their separate ways. Velinde worked with the worgen, but when the demonic threat ended, she disappeared. Most worgen keep their wolf-like forms at all times, but experiments by the mage Arugal has resulted in human/worgen hybrids who only appear as worgen under the light of the moon. They carry with them a dark corrupting malaise that grows wherever they infest, making the surrounding area dark and gloomy.
Level 11
Jul 25, 2005
Eh its just really slow and doesn't want to load for me then today ><

Worgen in Gilneas

Due to the isolation and proximity to Silverpine of the human realm of Gilneas, it is felt by some that it is likely that the realm has been infested, or colonised, with Worgen. A post was made on the American forums concerning this, though this has been:


It was formerly rumored that the Worgen would be the the next playable race on the Alliance side. The basis of the rumor stemmed from postings on numerous gaming sites of information that was alleged to have come from the official Burning Crusade website and had since been removed. Even this, however, was not the original source, as it initially started as a "wouldn't it be cool if..." post on the forums, albeit a very well written one, and someone simply copied this and reposted it, claiming that it was leaked information.

The post is as follows:

"The people of Gilneas entombed themselves in their isolated peninsula at the outbreak of the Undead Scourge, erecting the Greymane Wall to keep out the demons and walking dead of the cursed army. To this day, refugees from the ravaged villages of Lordaeron gather at it, crying for safe haven from the Forsaken that now claim Silverpine Forest as their own.

Yet it is not much better behind the wall. For agents of the crazed wizard Arugal have infiltrated the once-prosperous land and spread a dark curse among the populace. As the first tainted moon climbed into the sky, screams rendered the countryside as the inhabitants of Gilneas changed forms and became the crazed Worgen. Few retained their minds. Many became wild and bloodthirsty.

Those who remained in control of their thoughts waged a war hidden from the eyes of the rest of the world, slaying former friends and family in an effort to preserve what little life still hoped for survival. Naming themselves the Nightcry after that first terrifying moonrise, they fought until they found themselves drained of resources and the will to continue the bloody battles alone.

Unable to conceal their horrid existence from the world any longer, a new sun rises over Gilneas. The Alliance has opened its gates to the refugees and an effort is now underway to restore humanity to the Nightcry Worgen. As one of their number, you must prove yourself a capable ally to the Alliance's cause and master the powers granted to you against your will in order to free your land...no matter how much blood you must shed.

Their zone is south of Silverpine, and it's called Gilneas. It's a level 1-10 zone and the general flow of the quests there focuses on fighting Worgen and agents of Arugal, as well as various enraged species of wildlife. There's also a threat from a renegade navy that disbanded from Kul Tiras and is ravaging the coasts with cannonfire.

The Greymane Wall is under lock and key and you are not allowed to pass through it until your mid-20s, when quests begin pointing you to Shadowfang Keep.

Their 10-20 zone is on Kul Tiras, an island south of Gilneas and west of Menethil. It serves as a sister city to Menethil. One boat transports you between Gilneas and Kul Tiras, the other between Kul Tiras and Menethil. Kul Tiras is an island with strong navy tones and mood to it, and there's lots of crab-bashing and pirate-killing on it.

After that, logically, you leave the protected areas and head to the contested zones. The closest, of course, is the Wetlands."

Although note that the information I have posted was pre-BC. I still believe though that Blizzard could later implement them.

Level 1-6: Gilneas
Level 6-10: Islands south of Gilneas (Name escapes me atm)
Level 10-20: Islands Cont. or possible quests in silverpine
Level 20-30: Hillsbrad Foothills
Level 30+: Wetlands
Level 10
Mar 31, 2007
Eh its just really slow and doesn't want to load for me then today ><

Worgen in Gilneas

Due to the isolation and proximity to Silverpine of the human realm of Gilneas, it is felt by some that it is likely that the realm has been infested, or colonised, with Worgen. A post was made on the American forums concerning this, though this has been:


It was formerly rumored that the Worgen would be the the next playable race on the Alliance side. The basis of the rumor stemmed from postings on numerous gaming sites of information that was alleged to have come from the official Burning Crusade website and had since been removed. Even this, however, was not the original source, as it initially started as a "wouldn't it be cool if..." post on the forums, albeit a very well written one, and someone simply copied this and reposted it, claiming that it was leaked information.

The post is as follows:

Although note that the information I have posted was pre-BC. I still believe though that Blizzard could later implement them.

Level 1-6: Gilneas
Level 6-10: Islands south of Gilneas (Name escapes me atm)
Level 10-20: Islands Cont. or possible quests in silverpine
Level 20-30: Hillsbrad Foothills
Level 30+: Wetlands

Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Gilneas does not have Worgen. Gilneas closed off because it didn't want to interact with the Alliance

Gilneas has humans. One of the humans leads a pirate group over near Ratchet I believe. He's perfectly human. The only Worgen/Human things are in Silverpine and not in Gilneas

Also, Worgen are savage, feral, downright dumb beasts which are not new race material. You can skin them for crying out loud
Level 11
Jul 25, 2005
I believe the large quote I have above was taken from one of the Warcraft books (Can't remember which one...I still need to find somewhere to buy those ><)

Also, Worgen are savage, feral, downright dumb beasts which are not new race material.

The Worgen of Silverpine actually have their own intelligence. They are just completely under the control of Arugal in Shadowfang Keep.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
I believe the large quote I have above was taken from one of the Warcraft books (Can't remember which one...I still need to find somewhere to buy those ><)

Nope, it's a made up comment. Gilneas closed off before the Third War even started, this is common lore knowledge. It closed off at the end of the Second War, which was at least 20 years before anyone even considered undead terrors

And Worgen are primal. They're pretty much wolves on two legs, aside from the ones at Silverpine Keep which are enhanced, but completely under Argual's control to the point where they call him their "father". Smart animals, but without a concept of culture or society or anything that seperates animals from humans. Even ogres have those ideas
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
silly one that logic is flawed. If that was true then the orcs of the LOTR books would not be able to make weapons either.

But that is up to debate.

Not really... with the excepetion of the Uruk Hai (whom in the movie we see forging weapons, but they really don't count since they consist of Man and Orc blood mixed together, so they would be inherently more intelligent) we never hear anything of the Orcs of Mordor ever forging weapons. I would think that since Sauron has such a vast army of slaves, he would use them to create weapons (since he uses them to grow food to feed his armies anyway) and let the orcs swell the numbers of his armies, rather than be wasted on creating logistics for said armies.

I could be wrong, though.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
If orcs forge weapons, there's no chance they could be ENTIRELY stupid. But the orcs of warcraft are definitely smart as to at least come close to par with the humans. While the dumb orcs of mordor have sauron and saruman and such to tell them what to do, the orcs of warcraft lead themselves with powerful leaders like Thrall and his daddy. Not to mention they are capable of gathering interracial allies to create what the horde is now. Oh, and stealthy samurai orcs with large swords and spinning cyclone blade attacks = cool.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
lol ^^ I actualy was just kidding, The orcs are, in some scence, smarter than most humans, humans are too selfish, But still, Orc's are savage, else they would forge nice armors and would make crafty weaponry.... wait a sec.... in one of those cinematics in WC III there are orc's fighting versus Humans, if I'm right that was on the eastern kingdom (if not my question is irellavant) How could the orc's get kodo's while they only live on Kalimdor?
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
o_O Hmm... Maby it's time for some new creatures for WoW, came from a new realm or something... or... Oh I just thougth of a cool plot, A highly advanced civilization goes on exploration and comes against Azeroth, they are landing.. and there comes it, Choose that it is a threat for azeroth and try to fight them, or think that the technology could help you and help them, or just be a bystander and do whatever you want...
Level 2
Jul 2, 2007
still they have the four legs and what would tthey ride that they wouldn't be to big to ride. What connection would they have in that expansion? Nerubians may have 6 legs but there are still some ideas for mounts like beetles and for flying they develop wings.
Level 2
Jul 2, 2007
they would have a connection to frozen throne since they were at war with The Lich King so that would be the expansion they had a connection to.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
(no dubble posting please)

Hmm.. a alternative to dragons, Half Dragons (as I stated earlier) a race that could be newly discovered, or emerged, well, blizzard will find something for lore ^^, Becouse, Half dragons can actualy sit, becouse they are humanoid and drakonoid at the same time, they have Possitives and negatives from dragons, and they have positives and negatives from human kind..
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Nerubians may have 6 legs but there are still some ideas for mounts like beetles and for flying they develop wings.
yeah? and what about equipment? they have claws, 6 feet, and an abnormal body shape that cannot utilize normal armor. i don't even think they can hold a weapon, nonetheless use one. Magnataur have a larger chance of coming in.

Ogres might be a probable addition to the Horde, for the stonemaul ogres have joined the horde side, however they will be yet another "brute" race.
Level 2
Jul 2, 2007
yeah? and what about equipment? they have claws, 6 feet, and an abnormal body shape that cannot utilize normal armor. i don't even think they can hold a weapon, nonetheless use one.

They have hands anyone who isn't blind can see 3 pairs of legs with hands in the front and they can wear hoods and top armor or they could do they they did with drakonids just mutate them to have 2 legs and with that i rest my case. :infl_thumbs_up: Half dragons = Drakonids they are a race in BWL.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
They have hands anyone who isn't blind can see 3 pairs of legs with hands in the front and they can wear hoods and top armor or they could do they they did with drakonids just mutate them to have 2 legs and with that i rest my case. :infl_thumbs_up: Half dragons = Drakonids they are a race in BWL.
Do they have awards for the longest fucking run on sentence?

1. Those aren't hands, they're two ugly spikes potruding from what's supposed to be "arms".
2. They have a bulbous abdomen. and an ugly, misshapen body. Pants? No fucking way.
3. If Nerubians mutated into another race as drakonids from dragonkin, they wouldn't be Nerubians anymore, would they?
4. Lol I love pie and Vin Diesel is cool who said pac man was old i love runon sentences i rest my case. :infl_thumbs_up:
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