DragonElement said:
Also I think it is important to grow attatched to not only the main character(s) but also the baddie's and feel their pain as well. I really want the character to get to know the world around him/her and the people in it. What do you guys think?
yo, you should try to play one of the FF single player games to learn for yourself - they allways makes an interesting an cathing game, mainly because of the storyline - take VIII as an example - 5 ppl is studying at this millitary school - those are at the beginning the 5 main char. Then some stuff happens, and it appears one of them dies - but no, he has become the other fours enemy - along the way, the remnant 4 meets 2 new ppl - one of the new ppl explains some things around the use of GF which is an item/abillity summon thing - the GF is apparently stored in the ppls memory, for easy summon, but the result is, that ppl forget. So this new guy makes them all realize, except 1, the heroine, that they knew each other as kids - as with the one that is new thier enemy - furthermore, the one that turned the fallen one, was a sorceress, and they had fought her allready, but now discovers that she was once thier nanny, when they all lived in an orphanage.
and the story goes on with this kindda stuff, with no loose ends, which is why the game is so interesting, and so many played it - offcourse, the ones who played FFVII also had to get a new game, or shall I say, a new story
so, yeah! definetly do some serious background history of all main characters, good or evil. Optional, you could have cities and kingdoms and even forests have thier own history and trademarks as well