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What is the thing that we probably don't know from game development? Something huge or unexpected.

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what is your idea regarding this, remember to don't share your opinion or idea which can earn you money if you think not to comment or post so, we must respect such thing and then you may further the discussion with this title topic. Thanks in advance if you do, we all need money, or rather your own artworks. <<< inspired by this video
art = success, exactly




I think I post the thread in the wrong place, RIP may you if you are the moderator move it to Game Development forum page?
I think one aspect of game development that we can often forget is that all of the games are made from linear algebra.

Like this:

    // copied from ghostwolf and
    // https://www.blend4web.com/api_doc/libs_gl-matrix2.js.html
    public static void fromRotationTranslationScaleOrigin(final Quaternion q, final Vector3 v, final Vector3 s,
            final Matrix4 out, final Vector3 pivot) {
        final float x = q.x;
        final float y = q.y;
        final float z = q.z;
        final float w = q.w;
        final float x2 = x + x;
        final float y2 = y + y;
        final float z2 = z + z;
        final float xx = x * x2;
        final float xy = x * y2;
        final float xz = x * z2;
        final float yy = y * y2;
        final float yz = y * z2;
        final float zz = z * z2;
        final float wx = w * x2;
        final float wy = w * y2;
        final float wz = w * z2;
        final float sx = s.x;
        final float sy = s.y;
        final float sz = s.z;
        out.val[Matrix4.M00] = (1 - (yy + zz)) * sx;
        out.val[Matrix4.M10] = (xy + wz) * sx;
        out.val[Matrix4.M20] = (xz - wy) * sx;
        out.val[Matrix4.M30] = 0;
        out.val[Matrix4.M01] = (xy - wz) * sy;
        out.val[Matrix4.M11] = (1 - (xx + zz)) * sy;
        out.val[Matrix4.M21] = (yz + wx) * sy;
        out.val[Matrix4.M31] = 0;
        out.val[Matrix4.M02] = (xz + wy) * sz;
        out.val[Matrix4.M12] = (yz - wx) * sz;
        out.val[Matrix4.M22] = (1 - (xx + yy)) * sz;
        out.val[Matrix4.M32] = 0;
        out.val[Matrix4.M03] = (v.x + pivot.x) - ((out.val[Matrix4.M00] * pivot.x) + (out.val[Matrix4.M01] * pivot.y)
                + (out.val[Matrix4.M02] * pivot.z));
        out.val[Matrix4.M13] = (v.y + pivot.y) - ((out.val[Matrix4.M10] * pivot.x) + (out.val[Matrix4.M11] * pivot.y)
                + (out.val[Matrix4.M12] * pivot.z));
        out.val[Matrix4.M23] = (v.z + pivot.z) - ((out.val[Matrix4.M20] * pivot.x) + (out.val[Matrix4.M21] * pivot.y)
                + (out.val[Matrix4.M22] * pivot.z));
        out.val[Matrix4.M33] = 1;

If you understand how this is relevant, then it's like when that guy reads the matrix and just sees the girl in the red dress.
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